- The law of diminishing marginal utility as law of mental order-ness
- Free market, blackmail, and Austro-libertarianism
- A praxeology of the value of life. A critique of Rothbard’s argument
- Model uncertainty: When modeling risk leads to a pretense of knowledge
- Demonstrated preference in the Austrian economic analysis
- Rejoinder to Block on indifference
- Response to Wysocki’s Rejoinder to Block on indifference
- A defense of Austrian welfare economics
- What Rothbard could have done but did not do: The merits of Austrian economics without extreme apriorism
- Monarchy as private property government. A chiefly methodological critique
- Are there really any errors in the Austrian theory of welfare?
- On the philosophy and logic of human action: A Neo-Austrian contribution to the methodology of the social sciences
- Ludwig Lachmann: A subjectivist institutionalist, but not a nihilist
- Taxation and the philosophy of Frédéric Bastiat
- Social welfare, interventionism, and indeterminacy: In defense of Rothbard
- The role of phronesis in Knowledge-Based Economy
- From a nitty-gritty debate within economics into the deep waters of philosophy of science. Introduction to the special issue of ZFN
- Ontic or epistemic conception of explanation: A misleading distinction?
- Explanation, representation and information
- Dimensions of explanation
- The ontic-epistemic debates of explanation revisited: The three-dimensional approach
- A conventionalist account of distinctively mathematical explanation
- Can fiction and veritism go hand in hand?
- The nature and norms of scientific explanation: Some preliminaries
- How science tracks understanding
- Mechanisms ‘all the way down’?
- Exploring the epistemic and ontic conceptions of Models and Idealizations in Science
- Andrzej Fuliński as a representative of the concept of philosophy in science
- The applicability of the concept of the field of rationality in the explanation of the fundamental role of symmetries in physics
- Theology of science: Its collocation and critical role for understanding of limits of theological and scientific investigations
- For the sake of simplicity: Applying software design parsimony to the content of information system ontologies
- The concept of structural information and possible applications
- From philosophy in science to information in nature: Michael Heller’s ideas
- New experimentalism and computer-aided experiments
- Philosophy in technology: A research program
- Realism, irrationality, and spinor spaces
- At the interface of theory and experience
- Introduction to topo-philosophy
- The interdisciplinary profile of theology—fashion or necessity?
- Perspective on Turing paradigm
- Analysis of the implications of the Moral Machine project as an implementation of the concept of coherent extrapolated volition for building clustered trust in autonomous machines
- Will a human always outsmart a computer?
- Machine learning and essentialism
- The meta-ontology of AI systems with human-level intelligence
- Shannon-inspired information in the clinical use of neural signals concerning post-comatose patients
- Is information something ontological, or physical or perhaps something else? Some remarks on R. Krzanowski approach to concept of information
- But seriously: what do algorithms want? Implying collective intentionalities in algorithmic relays. A distributed cognition approach
- Modelling Interactive Computing Systems: Do We Have a Good Theory of What Computers Are?
- In search of common, information-processing, agency-based framework for anthropogenic, biogenic, and abiotic cognition and intelligence
- Is AI case that is explainable, intelligible or hopeless?
- Why is neuron modeling of particular philosophical interest?
- Beyond Epistemic Concepts of Information
- Ideals and ideats
- Science and its social grounding
- A companion to Kazimierz Twardowski
- Edwin Hutchins: In defense of interdisciplinary research on cognition
- Quantum mechanics of identical particles
- Joseph Życiński’s struggle with the language about God
- A critical analysis of the philosophical motivations and development of the concept of the field of rationality as a representation of the fundamental ontology of the physical reality
- Stanisław Dunin–Borkowski and his views on Einstein’s special theory of relativity
- Response to Wysocki on indifference
- Past of a quantum particle: old problem with recent controversies
- Can we remain rational in the large world? On some unexpected consequences of ecological rationality.
- Conceptions of paternity and evolutionary psychology
- The problem of indifference and homogeneity in Austrian economics: Nozick’s challenge revisited
- Mathematics and metaphysics: The history of the Polish philosophy of mathematics from the Romantic era
- Spirituality without spirit
- Report from the philosophical workshop organized by The Lvov–Warsaw School Research Center and Kazimierz Twardowski Philosophical Society of Lviv
- Homo (not really) sapiens
- Non-human emotions
- Why is Popper’s critical method fascinating?
- The little book about the large universe
- Novacene: The coming age of hyperintelligence—James Lovelock’s vision of posthumanism
- Imagination, geniuses and thought collectives
- Putting analysis and construction of concepts into its righteous position
- Internet clothes of the philosophy in the information technology era
- Theology of science – doomed to success?
- A cage for thinking people
- Between tradition and modernity
- An important step towards an understanding of the type of the philosophy at the Center of Interdisciplinary Studies
- The road to conscious machines: AI through failed ideas
- Geometric cognition from a cognitive point of view
- New literary worlds. Contemporary literature studies and science
- Cognitive aspects of the philosophical and theological coherence of the concept of a miracle within the contemporary scientific world view
- Galileo’s paradox and numerosities
- Information and brain
- The role of biosemiosis and semiotic scaffolding in the processes of developing intelligent behaviour
- “Is logic a physical variable?” Introduction to the Special Issue
- Contemporary Polish ontology. Where it is and where it is going
- Category Theory in the hands of physicists, mathematicians, and philosophers
- The homunculus brain and categorical logic
- Information and physics
- Quantum geometry, logic and probability
- Quantum contextuality as a topological property, and the ontology of potentiality
- No-signaling in topos formulation and a common ontological basis for classical and non-classical physical theories
- On the validity of the definition of a complement-classifier
- Abstract logical structuralism
- Creating new concepts in mathematics: freedom and limitations. The case of Category Theory
- Mathematics as a love of wisdom: Saunders Mac Lane as philosopher
- Virtual entities – a part of our reality
- The Hidden theological and philosophical presuppositions motivating the modern cosmological discussion
- Around Józef Życiński’s thoughts
- How much truth is in stereotypes?
- Epistemological remarks on the first image of a black hole
- Ether, the old quantum theory, philosophy of nature and the problem of continuity as defined by Bogdan Szyszkowski
- The process of microRNAs discovery
- Joseph Życiński’s understanding of temperate rationalism: epistemological and doxalogical role of subjective commitment
- Are physical effective theories the reliable strategy for achieving certain knowledge?
- Formal reconstruction of notions of belief, utterance and trust
- Why can information not be defined as being purely epistemic?
- Maxime Bôcher’s concept of complementary philosophy of mathematics
- Empathy in the service of humanity
- Believable world of economic models
- Metareflections on macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy
- Value-free economics’ road towar Value-free economics’ road towards epistemological hubris. The use and abuse of mathematics by economists
- The problem of the essence and measurement of well-being
- The role of state and law in the system of Adam Smith
- In search of the assumption of economic rationality in Adam Smith’s thought
- Do social constructivists tell us something real about economics?
- Microfoundations: true and false
- Philosophy of economics – a school of pluralism and humility
- Leaving ‘Sarmatian salt-mines’ or theology of science in action
- Ehrenfest’s Theorem revisited
- For the sake of logical culture in philosophical and theological research
- How many kingdoms of life? Eukaryotic phylogeny and philosophy of systematics
- Can one serve two masters?
- Science as a rational doxa. J. Życiński’s understanding of science and philosophy of science – beyond internalism and externalism
- Towards renovated Newton’s image
- Points. Lack thereof
- Independent quantum systems and the associativity of the product of quantum observables
- Does the quantum mechanical wave function exist?
- Science in the eyes of erudite
- The theory of ideas and Plato’s philosophy of mathematics
- Parallel worlds of faith and science in the Russian intellectual milieu
- Where are Sunspots? The Practical Method of Galileo as an example of Mental Model
- How is philosophy in science possible?
- Topology and models of ZFC at early Universe
- The origin and development of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. A historical outline by 1993
- Philosophy in science: A name with a long intellectual tradition
- 40 years of ZFN – the flexibility of youth and the experience of age
- Followers of Plato
- To be or not to be Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus
- Amazing tales from the world of ravens
- A philosophically provoking category theory
- Biology is not hand-waving
- The otherness of animal intelligence
- Contemporary problems in medicine – technique or ethics?
- Postnaturalism in the narratives of two cultures, or why the crisis of the civilization is inevitable
- Can we prove the existence of completely random events?
- Human evolution as a series of positive feedbacks
- Negation in the language of theology – some issues
- On the adequacy of qualifying Roger Penrose as a complex Pythagorean
- Black holes: do they exist?
- On the observability of the early universe
- What does it mean ‘to exist’ in physics?
- The Daniel Dennett’s New Mind: Darwin, Turing but no Bach
- Bernhard Bolzano: the first (historically) mathematical approach to the concept of continuum
- Catholic theology in confrontation with neurosciences: a starting point for dialogue
- Philosophy of cosmology – an open project
- Biopsychological foundations of geometric cognition
- Structure of the digital scientific revolution
- Joint detection of gravitational waves from binary black hole and binary neutron star mergers by LIGO and Virgo
- Long-distance thinking
- Philosophy of drama as a philosophical research tradition
- Category theory and some of its logical aspects
- Jeszcze raz o ucieleśnionej sztucznej inteligencji
- Świat pod lupą fenomenologa
- On the relativity of inertia. Remarks concerning Einstein’s latest hypothesis
- Czy można nie być naturalistą?
- The centenary of Einstein’s and de Sitter’s cosmological works
- Cosmological considerations on the general theory of relativity
- The transparency of the universe and diffuse interstellar bands as a challenge for the development of science
- Current perspectives on the development of the philosophy of informatics (with a special regard to some Polish philosophers)
- How do we know that physical spacetime in cosmology is smooth and 4-dimensional?
- Minimal Information Structural Realism
- Universality of functional systems and totality of their elements – the limits of conflict and mutual influence
- All the Mathematics in the World: Logical Validity and Classical Set Theory
- Przestrzeń, filozofia i Wszechświat
- Roger Sperry’s theory of consciousness
- Dwa języki, jeden świat
- O dwóch takich, co o nauce i wierze rozmawiali
- Panorama inna niż wszystkie
- Komu ma służyć wznowienie monografii Barbary Skargi o pozytywizmie?
- O metodach fizyki doświadczalnej
- Uwagi o roli przypadku we fizyce
- O teoryach elektryczności
- O elektronach
- Marian Smoluchowski’s manuscripts – important source for philosophy in science
- Vortrag im Philosophischen Seminar 1893/1894
- Marian Smoluchowski’s approach to the causality principle in the Brownian motion research
- Fluctuating world of Marian Smoluchowski
- Indeterministic worlds of Franz-Serafin Exner and Marian Smoluchowski
- The issue of hypotheses and scientific theories in the philosophical thoughts of Marian Smoluchowski
- Od Redakcji
- Table of contents