- Livability and a Framework for Climate Mobilities Justice
- In Defence of Reasonable Cosmopolitanism
- The Wrong of Removing the Long-Settled
- An Inadequate Human Rights Regime: On Gillian Brock’s Unjustified Optimism
- The “Generic” Unauthorized
- Citizens in Action Against Immigration Injustice
- Temporary Migration and Children’s Rights
- Migration, State Legitimacy and International Order on Liberal and Republican Internationalism
- Brock on Open Borders
- Justice for People on the Move. A Précis
- Does Partisanship Contribute to Stability?
- Partisanship Beyond Civic Friendship
- Beyond Unreasonableness and Factionalism. Notes on Bonotti’s Theory of Partisanship
- Partisanship and Political Liberalism: Further Thoughts on Political Obligation, Public Reason and Democratic Linkage
- Public Reason Alone Won’t Save the Parties
- Partisanship and Political Obligations
- Partisanship and the Boundaries of the Political Liberal Project
- Partisanship as Loyal Antagonism not Reasonableness
- Of Parties and Factions
- Accessibility, Science, and Political Parties
- Partisanship and Political Liberalism in Diverse Societies. A Précis
- Capitalism and the Far Right. Revisiting the Pollock-Neumann Debate in the Era of Authoritarian Ethnonationalism
- Immediacy, Mediation, and Feminist Logistics. Rethinking the Question of “Functional Sustainability”
- Within the Shell of the Old. On Critical Theory and Prefigurative Politics
- Capitalism, Socialism, Populism: Continuing the Conversation
- Is “State-managed Capitalism” only a Phase in a Succession of “Regimes of Accumulation”?
- Capitalism, Critical Theory, and Migration
- Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
- Capitalism in Neoliberal Times: Rethinking the Left
- Capitalism and Critique. In dialogue with Nancy Fraser
- Capitalism. A Conversation in Critical Theory. A Précis
- Identity as Theatre? Appiah, Goffman, and the Dramaturgy of Self
- Personal Identity and Its Properties
- Identity, Identification and the “Invention” of Nation
- Meaning, Identity, and Ethnonationalism
- The Bullshit that Binds. Reflections on Kwame Anthony Appiah’s The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity
- Essentialism or Threat Perception. On Kwame Anthony Appiah’s The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity
- Autonomy, Identity, and Social Justice. Appiah’s The Lies that Bind. A Review
- The Lies That Bind. Rethinking Identity. A Précis
- Polysemy in the Public Square. Racist Monuments in Diverse Societies
- Appiah on Collective Identities and Liberalism
- Psychedelic Relationship Enhancement. Love Drugs. A Précis
- Love in the Posthuman World: How Neurointerventions Could Impact on Our Societal Values
- A Plea for Follow-Through
- The Non-Individualistic and Social Dimension of Love Drugs
- No Love Drugs Today
- Love by (Someone Else’s) Choice
- Enhancing Maternal Love?
- Chemical Dehumanisation of Love vs Authentic Evolution of Love
- Chemical Love: Bioengineering Emotions in Contemporary Fiction
- What Is Love? Can It be Chemically Modified? Should It Be? Reply to Commentaries
- The Choice of a Social System: Reflections on a “property-owning democracy and the difference principle”
- Freeman on Property-Owning Democracy
- Liberalism and Distributive Justice. A Précis
- The Rawlsian Mirror of Justice
- Reasoning About Distributive Justice. Justice as Fairness and Basic Social Institutions
- Work in Property-Owning Democracy: Freeman, Rawls, and the Welfare State
- The Shpolitics Question to Political Realism and Practice-Dependent Theory
- Rawlsian Anti-Capitalism and Left Solidarity
- CFP, 2021, vol. 11: “Migration and Justice for People on the Move”
- What is Orientation in Global Thinking? A Précis
- Whose (Global) Thinking?
- Lost in Orientation
- Leaving the State of Nature
- Conceptual Formation in Global Thinking: Desk-bounds, Globetrotters, and Pathfinders. Editor’s Introduction
- Responses to Critics
- On Kant’s Duty of State Entrance
- Is There a Universal Grammar of Justice?
- CFP PPI, vol. 11, 2021, “Capitalism and Critical Theory”
- CFP. PPI, vol. 11, 2021 Special Issue: Partisanship and Public Reason
- Call for Papers_ PPI, vol. 10, 2020, 3 “Enhancing Love: Killing Romance or Defending Autonomy?”
- Call for Papers_ PPI, vol. 10, 2020, 2 “Identity and Liberal Politics
- Fichte on Democracy and Revolution. Sketches for a Normative Account
- Ancient and Modern Democracy. A Short Reappraisal
- The Foundations of Democracy: Citizenship, Equality and the Common Good
- Democracy: A Life. Response
- Democracy’s Unfulfilled Promise: Response to Paul Cartledge, Democracy: A Life
- What Did ‘Democracy’ Mean to Greek Democrats?
- “People Power” & Its Discontents: Paul Cartledge on Democracy Ancient & Modern
- Reply to Paul Cartledge’s Democracy: A Life
- Why Democracy?
- Models of Inclusion and Exclusion in Democracy Ancient and Modern: A Response to Paul Cartledge’s Democracy: A Life
- Democracy and Its Implications. An Introduction
- Democracy: A Life. Statement
- The Emperor’s Alter Ego. Frederick’s II Augustale and Gérard Bouchard’s Studies on Social Myths
- The Reality of Myth and the Myth of Reality
- Social Identity between Narrative and Storytelling
- Myths of American Exceptionalism
- Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries. New Directions
- Mythologies of Politcs, History and Current Events
- Social Myths as Normative Frames
- The Collective Imaginary of Modern Civilization
- Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries. Some Afterthoughts
- Law, Moral Law and Politics in Eric Weil
- Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy
- Penser la Loi. A Response
- Legislation after the Fall
- The Spirit of Legislation
- Law and Metaphysics. A Note on Denis Baranger’s Penser la Loi
- Penser la Loi. A Précis
- The Problems with the Burdens of Judgement
- Freedom and Justice in a Diverse Polity
- Dignity and Human Dignity
- Sangiovanni on Human Rights and Equal Moral Status
- Humanity without Equality?
- Dignity, Autonomy and Integrity of Self
- How We Are Morally Equal and How We Ought to Respect Each Other. A Discussion of Andrea Sangiovanni’s Humanity without Dignity
- Humanity and Moral Equality. Editor’s Introduction
- Humanity without Dignity, A Précis
- Political Liberalism as a Political Theology? A Postcolonial Appendix to Paul Weithman’s Rawls, Political Liberalism and Reasonable Faith
- Does Liberal Theory Need Religion? Some Considerations on the “Religious Aspects” of Liberal Theory
- A Précis of Rawls, Political Liberalism and Reasonable Faith
- A ‘Religious’ Reading of Rawls’s Works. Paul Weithman’s Rawls, Political Liberalism and Reasonable Faith
- Some Remarks on Paul Weithman’s Idea of Citizenship and Public Reason
- Rawls’s Inclusivism and the Case of “Religious Militants for Peace”: A Reply to Weithman’s Restrictive Inclusivism
- If Data Is The New Oil, When Is The Extraction of Value From Data Unjust?
- Citadels. Crisis of Representation as Authoritarian. The Ruling Class in Adorno and Rosanvallon
- The Presidentialisation of the French System in the Crisis of Political Representation
- Good government and participatory democracy. The model of social partnership
- On “parler vrai”. Reflections on the political languages of the (mis)trust in Le bon gouvernement by Pierre Rosanvallon
- A Discussion on the Future of Democracy with Pierre Rosanvallon
- Observations on Pierre Rosanvallon’s Le Bon gouvernement
- Legibility and Transparency in Contemporary Democracy
- Good government, liberalism and democracy
- Le Bon Gouvernement. A Précis
- A Reply to Comments
- Clean Trade, Anti-Paternalism, and Resources’ Entitlement
- Is “The People” the Best Way to Make the World Just?
- Of Blood, Oil, and Engaged Political Philosophy
- Towards Less Dirty Trade, More Human Rights Protection, and More Public Accountability over Resources
- Blood Oil. A Précis
- The Moral Basis of Political Meritocracy
- In Favor of Meritocracy, not Against Democracy
- A Hybrid Model of Democracy with Political Meritocracy in Rural China
- Modelling Meritocracy Democratic Transferences and Confucian Assumptions in The China Model
- Assessing China’s Political System. A Response to Comments
- The China Model. Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy
- Meritocratic Elitism, Authoritarian Libertarianism, and the Limits of the China Model, Or: What are We Talking about When We Talk about Alternatives?
- More Than a China Model. Bell’s Book Might Be Even More Consequential Than Its Author Thinks
- From Democratic Meritocracy to Meritocratic Democracy: Why Political Meritocracy Matters
- Debates on Political Meritocracy in China: A Historical Perspective
- Debating Daniel A. Bell: On Political Meritocracy and Democracy in China and Beyond
- The China Model: A Précis
- The Reactive Sentiments and the Justification of Punishment
- Criminal Law and the Internal Logic of Punishmen
- Kantian Republicanism and the Internal Relation between Justice and Legitimacy
- Republicanism, Democratic Participation, and Unelected Authority
- Republicanism and Stability
- When the European Court of Human Right Speaks What Should It Say?
- The Limits of Democratic Persuasion
- A Précis of A Political Theory of Territory
- Territory, Rights, and Historical injustice
- Territory, Self-Determination, and Individual Autonomy
- Rethinking Land and Natural Resources, and Rights Over Them
- Rights of Residence
- Re-stating Statist Theories of Territory
- Self-determination and Territorial Rights
- Territorial Jurisdiction as an Internationally Recognized Right
- A Précis of When the State Speaks, What Should It Say?
- Religious Freedom and the Reasons for Rights
- In Defense of the (Somewhat More) Invasive State Discussion of Brettschneider’s When the State Speaks, What Should It Say?
- Inducing Democracy in the Age of Eric Garner