- Sentient dignity and the plausible inclusion of animals
- Striking and the means principle
- Which emissions belong to us? The case for contributory value-chain emissions accounting
- What could justify a prohibition on the luxury emissions of the very rich?
- Capital flight and domination by diffuse collectives
- Abolition, scholar-activism, and deterrence: Reflections on Tommie Shelby’s The Idea of Abolition
- Thinking about prisons: A response to O’Flaherty, Sethi, and Murphy
- The expressive injustice of being rich
- Structural inequality and the protectorate of discrimination law
- On prison systems
- Limiting lifetime inheritances and gifts
- A minimal standard of democratic competence
- On associating (politically) with the unreasonable
- Social complexity and the emergent state
- Why intergenerational sufficientarianism is not enough
- Get old or die trying: Longevity justice in social insurance
- Equal and ashamed? Egalitarianism, anti-discrimination, and redistribution
- Learning from diversity: Public reason and the benefits of pluralism
- The distinctiveness of relational equality
- Positive and negative affirmative action
- Why you shouldn’t serve meat at your next catered event
- Is culture essential to race?
- Behavioral economics and the evidential defense of welfare economics
- The Demos of the democratic firm
- Interpersonal comparisons of well-being: Increasing convergence
- Enfranchising all subjected: A reconstruction and problematization