- 80,000 Hours for the Common Good – A Thomistic Appraisal of Effective Altruism
- Philosophy as Teacher and Pupil – Wisdom from Two Nineteenth-Century Philosophers
- Reflections on Re-Presentation and Symbolon – Philosophical Diakonia for Art
- Reasons of the Heart – The “Evidence” of Love in Pascal’s Pensées
- Aquinas on Animal Cognitive Action in Light of the Texts of Aristotle
- Is Nicanor Austriaco’s Reformulation of Hylomorphism in Terms of Systems Biology Successful?
- Four Objections to a Broad Scope Theory of Intention
- The Problem of Enframing for Natural Law
- Hildebrandian Importance as a Scale of Forms – Why Value is Properly a Philosophical Concept
- American Catholic Philosophical Association Treasurer’s Report (2020)
- The Metaphysics of Mathematical Explanation in Science – Platonist and Nominalist Problems and Aristotelian Solutions
- Minutes of the 2021 Executive Council Meeting
- Newman, Moral De-Formation and the Pursuit of Truth
- A Bonaventurean Approach to the Problem of Divine Hiddenness
- Dionysius the Areopagite on Whether Philosophy Should be Used in Service of Religion
- Habermas on Moral Motivation and Secular Hope – A Contribution from Aquinas
- Emotions and Moral Judgment – An Evaluation of Contemporary and Historical Emotion Theories
- American Catholic Philosophical Association Secretary’s Report (2021)
- Presentation of the 2021 Aquinas Medal
- Moralistic Therapeutic Holiness – A Catholic Defense of Philosophy as Therapy for the Soul
- Infinite Regress and the Hume-Edwards-Ockham Objection – A Thomistic Analysis
- Ad Fontes: What Can a Philosophical Association Do?
- Divine Glory: Responding to Another Euthyphro Problem
- Beauty before Aesthetics, and Aesthetics after Beauty
- American Catholic Philosophical Association Treasurer’s Report (2019)
- Divine Beauty and Our Obligation to Worship God
- Minutes of the 2020 Executive Council Meeting
- Aesthetic Truth Through the Ages – A Lonerganian Theory of Art History
- Why Is It That “Goodness is Good” but “Whiteness is Not White”? – Thomas Aquinas, Philip the Chancellor, and their Neoplatonic Sources on Reflex Predication
- A Thomistic Sexual Realism
- “The Beautiful is the Symbol of the Morally Good” – Judgments of Beauty and the Supersensible in Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment
- How Is Patriotism a Virtue?
- The Cosmos as a Work of Art – A Skeptical Theist Approach That Isn’t Too Skeptical
- Anselm on Truth and Truth-telling
- Time, Eternity, Relativity, and History
- A Defense of Robert Nozick’s Theory of the Meaning of Life – Some Thomistic Considerations
- The Romantic Hermeneutic Ideal of “Understanding Better” as an Ethical Imperative
- Three Versions of the Question, “Why Is There Something Rather than Nothing?”
- What is the Meaning of Beauty’s Leading Us before the Face of God?
- Averroes’s Tahafut al-Tahafut, The Third Discussion – A Methodological Approach to Truth
- American Catholic Philosophical Association Secretary’s Report (2020)
- Aquinas on Bodily or Sensible Beauty
- Epistemic Relations Between Goodness and Value
- Presentation of the Aquinas Medal
- Capax Veritatis: Against Student-Commodification
- Generation and Homonymy in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals
- Is Piety a Natural Virtue?
- Necrology (2019–2020)
- Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on What is “Better-Known” in Natural Science
- Secretary’s Report (2019)
- Relation is not a Category: A Sketch of Relation as a Transcendental
- A Defense of the Distinction Between Plants and Animals
- Theistic Moral Realism, Evolutionary Debunking Arguments, and a Catholic Philosophy of Nature
- Substantial Form in Modern Physics and the Other Sciences—and a New Picture of the Cosmos
- Is Aristotelian-Thomistic Natural Philosophy Still Relevant to Cosmology?
- “In As Many Ways As Something Is Predicated . . . in That Many Ways Is Something Signified to Be” – The Logic behind Thomas Aquinas’s Predication Thesis, Esse Substantiale, and Esse in Rerum Natura
- Aquinas the Avicennian: Prologue to the Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics
- The Nature of Virtue Ethics
- Empiricism and Natural Philosophy
- Nature and Ethics
- A Defense of Natural Place in a Contemporary Scientific Context
- A Perennial Theology of Nature
- Divine Esse Without Ontological Significance – Jean-Luc Marion’s Challenge to Aquinas
- Aristotle on Activity as a Variety of Rest
- Minutes of the 2019 Executive Council Meeting
- Is Philosophy of Nature Irrelevant?
- Rollen Edward Houser ACPA Aquinas Medal 2019
- Treasurer’s Report (2019)
- The Significance of Hylomorphism
- Is Personal Dignity Possible Only If We Live in a Cosmos?
- Humane Philosophy as Public Philosophy – A Path for Religious Engagement in Public Life
- Thomas Aquinas and Natural Inclination in Non-Living Nature
- American Catholic Philosophical Association Financial Statements – Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016
- Is the Institution of Private Property Part of the Natural Law? Ius gentium and ius naturale in Aquinas’s Account of the Right to “Steal” When in Urgent Need
- Secretary’s Report (2018)
- Is Purely Practical Agreement Possible? Maritain’s Mexico City Thesis Answers Some MacIntyrian Challenges
- The Ethical Impermissibility of Cross-Sex Hormone Therapy in Gender-Dysphoric Minors
- Conscience, Compromise, and Complicity
- The Objective Relativity of Goodness – A Rapprochement between Peter Geach and Thomas Aquinas
- Counseling Lesser and Proportionate Evils – A Principled Defense
- Is the Common Good Obsolete?
- Bound by the Good – The Common Good as Ground of Political Obligation in Aquinas’s Political Theory
- Necrology (2018–2019)
- The Undestructible Foundations of Human Existence
- A Defense of Conscientious Objection in Health Care – A Reply to Recent Objections
- A Volitional Account of Racist Beliefs, Contamination, and Objects – Engaging Dr. Urquidez
- The Road from ἔνδοξα to ἐπιστήμη – The Place of Dialectic in Aristotelian Epistemology
- Public Conversion, Private Reason, and Institutional Crisis
- Philosophy, Freedom, and Public Life – Plato’s Gorgias as a Protreptic
- Believing the Incomprehensible God – Aquinas on Understanding God’s Testimony
- ‘In the Human Heart’ – A Premodern Philosophy of Race and Racism in Thomas Aquinas
- Metaethical Mooreanism and Evolutionary Debunking
- Treasurer’s Report (2017)
- Minutes of the 2018 Executive Council Meeting
- Introducing Robert E. Wood, 2018 Aquinas Medal Recipient
- Faith, Reason, and the Liberal Order
- Linda Trinkhaus Zagzebski, 2017 Aquinas Medalist
- Doxastic Involuntarism and Evidentialism – A Curious Modern Conjunction
- Understanding Hylomorphic Dualism
- American Catholic Philosophical Association Financial Statements – Years Ended December 31, 2016 and 2015
- Grace, Natura Pura, and the Metaphysics of Status – Personalism and Thomism on the Historicity of the Human Person and the Genealogy of Modernity
- Secretary’s Report (2017)
- A Fruitful Crisis of Belief – Hans Jonas on a Proper Mode of Faith within the Context of Modernity
- “Property” Characterization and the Status of Accidental Unities in Aquinas – A Response to Brower
- “God is Love” – Personal Plurality as the Completion of Aristotle’s Notion of Substance and Love as the Absolute Ground of the Divine Being
- Restrictive versus Permissive Double Effect – Interpreting Aquinas
- “The Mystical is Everything Speculative” – Natural Theology in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion
- Complex Survivalism, or: How to Lose Your Essence and Live to Tell About It
- Catholic Hylomorphism, Disembodied Consciousness, and Temporary Bodies
- Dispositive Causality and the Art of Medicine
- The Two Greatest Ideas
- Belonging to the WORD Made Flesh
- Learning from Art and History: The Limits of Philosophy
- Elementary Particles are not Substances
- Nature and Modernity – Can One Philosophize about Nature Today?
- Frontiers of Analogous Justice – A Thomistic Approach to Martha Nussbaum’s Justice for Animals
- A Geachian Cure for Morally Paralyzed Skeptical Theists
- Minutes of the 2017 Executive Council Meeting
- Things within Things? Toward an Ontology of the Firm
- Necrology (2017–June 2019)
- Treasurer’s Report (2016)
- LAUDATO SI, Modernity, and Catholic Aesthetics
- Public, Private, and Extra-Judicial Killing
- Aquinas – Justice as a Cardinal Virtue
- A Prolegomena to Gender Justice
- ACPQ Editor’s Report (2016)
- Is Marriage a Basic Good?
- Treasurer’s Report (2015)
- Thomas Aquinas and Francisco Suarez on the Problem of Concurrence
- Minutes of the 2016 Executive Council Meeting
- Augustine and Aquinas on Demonic Possession – Theoria and Praxis
- Obligation, Justice, and Law – A Thomistic Reply to Anscombe
- The Missing Virtue – Justice in Modern Virtue Ethics
- Then and Now—A Thomistic Account of History
- Why Friendship Justifies Becoming
- St. Thomas Aquinas on Original Justice and the Justice of Christ – A Case Study in Christological Soteriology and Catholic Moral Theology
- Life and Work of Adriaan T. Peperzak, 2016 Aquinas Medal Recipient
- A Great Tradition
- Mercy Beyond Justice – The Tragedy of Shylock and Antonio
- Aristotle’s Second Thoughts on Justice
- Religious Liberty and the Limits of Rawlsian Justice
- Beginning and Ending with Hestia – Finding a Home for Justice in Plato’s Political Philosophy
- Plato’s Debt – Justice and Nature in Early Greek Philosophy
- Why Did Aquinas Hold That Killing is Sometimes Just, But Never Lying?
- Is Usury Still a Sin? Thomas Aquinas on the Justice and Injustice of Moneylending
- Goods and Groups – Thomistic Social Action and Metaphysics
- Secretary’s Report (2016)
- Financial Statements (2014 and 2015)
- Necrology
- Rule of Law and the Virtue of Justice – The Socrates of Plato’s and a Pair of Later Moral Issues
- Available Back Issues of the Proceedings
- Financial Statements
- Necrology Necrology (2015–January 2017)
- Secretary’s Report (2014–2015)
- Minutes of the 2015 Executive Council Meeting
- Treasurer’s Report (2014)
- Introduction of Rémi Brague, 2015 Aquinas Medal Recipient
- Is Mandatory Autonomy Education in the Best Interests of Children?
- A Thomistic Analysis of the Hart-Fuller Debate
- Descartes as Catholic Philosopher and Natural Philosopher
- How Must We Be for the Resurrection to Be Good News?
- Violence and the Obligations of Charity
- A Thomist Re-consideration of the Subject Matter of Metaphysics – Chrysostom Iavelli on What is Included in Being as Being
- Created Persons are Subsistent Relations – A Scholastic-Phenomenological Synthesis
- Aquinas on Believing God
- Molinist Divine Complicity – A Response to Neal Judisch
- Catholics and Hugo Grotius’s Definition of Lying – A Critique
- The Limits of Double Effect
- Robert Spaemann’s Approach to Ethical Analysis
- A New Argument for the Incompatibility of Hylomorphism and Metaphysical Naturalism
- Transcendental Multitude in Thomas Aquinas
- Divine Simplicity and Divine Freedom
- World-Maker, Mind-Maker, Revealer
- Truthmaking and Christian Theology
- On the Need for a Philosophy of Nature and on Aquinas’s Help in Sketching One
- Existential Thomist Reflections on Kenny – The Incompatibility of the Phoenix and Subsistent Existence
- From Neighbor-Love to Utilitarianism, and Back – Uncovering Some Structures and Dynamics for Ethical Theory