- Financial Incentives for Improving Maternal Health: A Review of Ethical Considerations
- Ethics of Mathematical Modeling in Public Health: The Case of Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in Africa
- Ethical Dimensions of Population-Based Lung Cancer Screening in Canada: Key Informant Qualitative Description Study
- From Self-Management to Shared-Management: A Relational Approach for Equitable Chronic Care
- The Application of Australian Rights Protections to the Use of Hepatitis C Notification Data to Engage People ‘Lost to Follow Up’
- Public Health Ethics Issues Arising in Relation to the COVID-19 Mask Debate in Japan
- Antimicrobial Resistance, One Health Interventions and the Least Restrictive Alternative Principle
- Developing an ethical evaluation framework for coercive antimicrobial stewardship policies
- Time to Treat the Climate and Nature Crisis as One Indivisible Global Health Emergency†
- Psychedelics in PERIL: The Commercial Determinants of Health, Financial Entanglements and Population Health Ethics
- The Liberalism of Fear and Public Health Ethics
- Reciprocity, Fairness and the Financial Burden of Undertaking COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine in Australia
- How Mandatory Can We Make Vaccination?
- Inequalities in the Challenges Affecting Children and their Families during COVID-19 with School Closures and Reopenings: A Qualitative Study
- The Metric Used in the Global Health Impact Project: Implicit Values and Unanswered Questions
- Enhancing Global Health Impact—Beyond the Basic Minimum, Metrics and Ethical Consumption
- Data Medicine: ‘Broad’ or ‘Dynamic’ Consent?
- Better Mechanisms Are Needed to Oversee HREC Reviews
- DALYs and the Minimally Good Life
- Democratic Ethical Consumption and Social Justice
- Firearm Violence in the United States: An Issue of the Highest Moral Order
- Global Health Impact
- Personal Responsibility for Health: Exploring Together with Lay Persons
- Noisy Autonomy: The Ethics of Audible and Silent Noise
- Beyond Surviving to Thriving: The Case for a ‘Compassion towards Thriving’ Approach in Public Mental Health Ethics
- ‘Take the Pill, It Is Only Fair’! Contributory Fairness as an Answer to Rose’s Prevention Paradox
- Breastfeeding, Personal Responsibility and Financial Incentives
- Ethical Implications of Preventive Medicine within Correctional Healthcare
- Autism and the Right to a Hypersensitivity-Friendly Workspace
- The ‘Ethical’ COVID-19 Vaccine is the One that Preserves Lives: Religious and Moral Beliefs on the COVID-19 Vaccine
- Property Claims on Antibiotic Effectiveness
- Ethics of Reproductive Genetic Carrier Screening: From the Clinic to the Population
- Vulnerability, Disability, and Public Health Crises
- Opt-Out to the Rescue: Organ Donation and Samaritan Duties
- The Precautionary Principle in Zoonotic Disease Control
- Health Agency and Perfectionism: The Case of Perinatal Health Inequalities
- Law, Virtue, and Public Health Powers
- Post-COVID-19 WHO Reform: Ethical Considerations
- ‘Personal Health Surveillance’: The Use of mHealth in Healthcare Responsibilisation
- Afro-Communitarianism and the Role of Traditional African Healers in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- After the Pandemic: New Responsibilities
- Nipping Diseases in the Bud? Ethical and Social Considerations of the Concept of ‘Disease Interception’
- Friedman Howard Steven. Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life
- Mental wellbeing in a pandemic: the role of solidarity and care
- The Ethics of Stigma in Medical Male Circumcision Initiatives Involving Adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Shaming and Stigmatizing Healthcare Workers in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Smokers’ Regrets and the Case for Public Health Paternalism
- What Are the Implications of Applying Equipoise in Planning Citizens Basic Income Pilots in Scotland?
- Quarantines: Between Precaution and Necessity. A Look at COVID-19
- Willingness to Share yet Maintain Influence: A Cross-Sectional Study on Attitudes in Sweden to the Use of Electronic Health Data
- An Effort Worth Making: A Qualitative Study of How Swedes Respond to Antibiotic Resistance
- Return of Results in Population Studies: How Do Participants Perceive Them?
- The Devils in the DALY: Prevailing Evaluative Assumptions
- Inductive Risk and OxyContin: The Ethics of Evidence and Post-Market Surveillance of Pharmaceuticals in Canada
- COVID-19 Capitalism: The Profit Motive versus Public Health
- Ethical Advice for an Intensive Care Triage Protocol in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from The Netherlands
- What High-Income States Should Do to Address Industrial Antibiotic Pollution
- A Harm Reduction Approach to the Ethical Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Against the Public Goods Conception of Public Health
- Demedicalizing the Ethics of PrEP as HIV Prevention: The Social Effects on MSM
- Jewish Ethics Regarding Vaccination
- Health Equity’s Missing Substance: (Re)Engaging the Normative in Public Health Discourse and Knowledge Making
- Socially Constructed Determinants of Health: The Case for Synergies to Arrive at Gendered Global Health Law
- Legal Determinants of Health: Regulating Abortion Care
- Postscript: COVID-19 and the Legal Determinants of Health
- Key Ethical Concepts and Their Application to COVID-19 Research
- Global Health with Justice: Controlling the Floodgates of the Upstream Determinants of Health through Evidence-Based Law
- Corrigendum: Scraping the Web for Public Health Gains: Ethical Considerations from a ‘Big Data’ Research Project on HIV and Incarceration
- Legal, Moral and Political Determinants within the Social Determinants of Health: Approaching Transdisciplinary Challenges through Intradisciplinary Reflection
- Gender-Based Violence, Law, Justice and Health: Some Reflections
- The Lancet–O’Neill Institute/Georgetown University Commission on Global Health and Law: The Power of Law to Advance the Right to Health
- Vaccination Policies: Between Best and Basic Interests of the Child, between Precaution and Proportionality
- Vaccinating for Whom? Distinguishing between Self-Protective, Paternalistic, Altruistic and Indirect Vaccination
- Scraping the Web for Public Health Gains: Ethical Considerations from a ‘Big Data’ Research Project on HIV and Incarceration
- The Ethics of Workplace Health Promotion
- Characterizing ‘Civil Unrest’ within Public Health: Implications for Public Health Research and Practice
- Violence and the Chemicals Industry: Reframing Regulatory Obstructionism
- The Future of Phage: Ethical Challenges of Using Phage Therapy to Treat Bacterial Infections
- The Complex Structure of Health Rights
- Carina Fourie and Annette Rid, eds. What is Enough? Sufficiency, Justice, and Health
- One Health and Zoonotic Uncertainty in Singapore and Australia: Examining Different Regimes of Precaution in Outbreak Decision-Making
- Individual Responsibilities in Partial Compliance: Skilled Health Worker Emigration from Under-Served Regions
- Authority and the Future of Consent in Population-Level Biomedical Research
- Vaccination, Risks, and Freedom: The Seat Belt Analogy
- Justifying the Expansion of Neonatal Screening: Two Cases
- Solidarity and Responsibility in Health Care
- Corrigendum: A Solidaristic Approach to Workers’ Compensation Reform in Taiwan
- Being Healthy, Being Sick, Being Responsible: Attitudes towards Responsibility for Health in a Public Healthcare System
- Reflections on Responsibility and the Prospect of a Long Life
- A Solidaristic Approach to Workers’ Compensation Reform in Taiwan
- “Public Health, Public Goods, and Market Failure”
- Public Health and the Virtues of Responsibility, Compassion and Humility
- Against Moral Responsibilisation of Health: Prudential Responsibility and Health Promotion
- What is in a Name? Parent, Professional and Policy-Maker Conceptions of Consent-Related Language in the Context of Newborn Screening
- Adding Lithium to Drinking Water for Suicide Prevention—The Ethics
- Taking Responsibility for Responsibility
- Exploring Users’ Perceptions and Senses of Solidarity in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance
- Why Socio-Economic Inequalities in Health Threaten Relational Justice. A Proposal for an Instrumental Evaluation
- Equality, Liberty and the Limits of Person-centred Care’s Principle of Co-production
- Towards an Integration of PrEP into a Safe Sex Ethics Framework for Men Who Have Sex with Men
- Applying a Public Health Ethics Framework to Consider Scaled-Up Verbal Autopsy and Verbal Autopsy with Immediate Disclosure of Cause of Death in Rural Nepal
- The Shadows of Sunlight: Why Disclosure Should Not Be a Priority in Addressing Conflicts of Interest
- Government Policy Experiments and Informed Consent
- Research and Global Health Emergencies: On the Essential Role of Best Practice
- Unintended Consequences or Pre-existing Barriers? A Commentary on Barnhill and Devine
- On Surprises, Stigma, Sports, Sprouts (or Kale)
- Ethical Considerations for Global Health Decision-Making: Justice-Enhanced Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of New Technologies for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
- Disruptive Solidarity or Solidarity Disrupted? A Dialogical Narrative Analysis of Economically Vulnerable Older Adults’ Efforts to Age in Place with Pets
- Public Mental Health Ethics: Helping Improve Mental Health for Individuals and Communities
- Let Us Be Fair to 5-Year-Olds: Priority for the Young in the Allocation of Scarce Health Resources
- ‘Justice in Health or Justice (and Health)?’—How (Not) to Apply a Theory of Justice to Health
- Should the Homeless Be Forcibly Helped?
- The Precautionary Principle for Shift-Work Research and Decision-Making
- When Are Health Inequalities Unfair?
- Do Sugary Drinks Undermine the Core Purpose of SNAP?
- Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Programmes and the Ethics of Task Shifting
- The Acceptability of Online Consent in a Self-Test Serosurvey of Responders to the 2014–2016 West African Ebola Outbreak
- The Ethical and Public Health Importance of Unintended Consequences: the Case of Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions
- Circumcision, Autonomy and Public Health
- Public Mental Health, Discourse and Safety: Articulating an Ethical Framework
- Influenza Vaccination Strategies Should Target Children
- Public Health and Normative Public Goods
- Corrigendum: Should We Punish Responsible Drinkers? Prevention, Paternalism and Categorization in Public Health
- Reshaping the Ethics of Suicide Prevention: Responsibility, Inequality and Action on the Social Determinants of Suicide
- Should We Punish Responsible Drinkers? Prevention, Paternalism and Categorization in Public Health Cover Sheet
- Should We Punish Responsible Drinkers? Prevention, Paternalism and Categorization in Public Health
- What’s Wrong with Mandatory Nutrient Limits? Rethinking Dietary Freedom, Free Markets and Food Reformulation
- Should Epidemiological Studies Be Subject to Ethics Review?
- Making Children’s Mental Health a Public Policy Priority: For the One and the Many
- Prioritizing Parental Liberty in Non-medical Vaccine Exemption Policies: A Response to Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu
- Public Mental Health and Prevention
- Epigenetics Changes Nothing: What a New Scientific Field Does and Does Not Mean for Ethics and Social Justice
- Out of Alignment? Limitations of the Global Burden of Disease in Assessing the Allocation of Global Health Aid
- Liberty, Fairness and the ‘Contribution Model’ for Non-medical Vaccine Exemption Policies: A Reply to Navin and Largent
- On the Epistemic Legitimacy of Government Paternalism
- Introduction to Symposium on Daniel Hausman’s Valuing Health: Well-Being, Freedom and Suffering
- Health as an Intermediate End and Primary Social Good
- Do Healthcare Professionals have Different Views about Healthcare Rationing than College Students? A Mixed Methods Study in Portugal
- Responses to My Critics
- Experienced Utility or Decision Utility for QALY Calculation? Both
- Is Israel Its Brother’s Keeper? Responsibility and Solidarity in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
- Corrigendum: Free to Consume? Anti-Paternalism and the Politics of New York City’s Soda Cap Saga