- Knowledge of strategic trade act 2010 and technology transfer among researchers in Malaysia
- Pragmatic and ethical challenges in navigating inauthentic participation in remote qualitative research
- Navigating the future of clinical trial management – insights on the transformative role of AI
- Fair access challenges in maternal-fetal surgery trials
- Augmenting research consent: should large language models (LLMs) be used for informed consent to clinical research?
- Dual-use research in philosophy: can there be such a thing?
- Knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practices regarding plagiarism among health researchers in Egypt and Lebanon: a multicenter questionnaire study
- Comparing comprehension of consent document between adolescent girls and caregivers of adolescents in Siaya County, Kenya: implications for research with adolescents
- “Dear John”: Overriding institutional axiology by privileging Indigenous relational ethics
- Community-led approaches to research governance: a scoping review of strategies
- Understanding and processing informed consent during data-intensive health research in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities from a multilingual perspective
- Editorial: Preparing for the next global crisis: research ethics and integrity matters in crisis situations—and Hello from the New Co-Editors-in-Chief
- A rapid review of the benefits and challenges of dynamic consent
- Agent regret and the moral responsibility for the misuse of research results
- When a gatekeeper denies a researcher access: circumstances of gate closure in social work research
- Ethical considerations of children’s involvement in school-based research: balancing children’s provision, protection, and participation rights
- Ethical research in the German social sciences: Exploring the significance and challenges of institutionalized research ethics practices
- Addressing the risks of dual use research: who is responsible?
- Assessing dual use risks in AI research: necessity, challenges and mitigation strategies
- Ethical and informative trials: How the COVID-19 experience can help to improve clinical trial design
- Institutional requirement and central tracking of RCR training of all researchers and research eligible individuals
- Streamlining the ethical-legal governance of cross-border health data sharing during global health emergencies
- Dual use concerns in artificial intelligence and the neurosciences: How medical research can end up in war
- Gift and ghost authorship and the use of authorship guidelines in psychology journals: A cross-sectional survey
- Conceptualizing dual use: A multidimensional approach
- Applying Ethics in the Handling of Dual Use Research: The Case of Germany
- Between urgency and data quality: assessing the FAIRness of data in social science research on the COVID-19 pandemic
- Expanding the ethical debate on human artificial placenta trials
- Factors influencing researchers’ scientific integrity in scholarly publishing: a path analysis approach
- Negotiating local and global: Developing Social Science research ethics policy in a Central Asian context
- Student interactions with ethical issues in the lab: results from a qualitative study
- Research ethics preparedness during outbreaks and public health emergencies: Focus on community engagement
- Guidance needed for using artificial intelligence to screen journal submissions for misconduct
- Improving ethical assurance for non-university researchers in crisis settings: an early vision based on democratic norms
- Research ethics in social science research during health pandemics: what can we learn from COVID-19 experiences?
- Exploring views of South African research ethics committees on pandemic preparedness and response during COVID-19
- Project lightspeed: A case study in research ethics and accelerated vaccine development
- Animal behaviour and welfare research: A One Health perspective
- Ethical considerations in a pan-European project targeting adolescent cybercrime prevention
- Research misconduct in China: towards an institutional analysis
- No recognised ethical standards, no broad consent: navigating the quandary in computational social science research
- Ethics and integrity challenges during COVID-19 in China
- Fostering scientific integrity and research ethics in a science-for-policy research organisation
- Indigenous research ethics and Tribal Research Review Boards in the United States: examining online presence and themes across online documentation
- From vulnerable subjects to research partners: a critical policy analysis of biomedical research ethics guidelines and regulations
- Conscientious enrolment in clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic: right patient, right trial
- The development and evolution of ethics review boards – Israel as a case study
- National cross-disciplinary research ethics and integrity study: methodology and results from Estonia
- The ethically significant difference between dual use and slippery slope arguments, in relation to CRISPR-Cas9: philosophical considerations and ethical challenges
- From research misconduct to disciplinary sanction: an empirical examination of French higher education case law
- The experience of women researchers during the Covid-19 pandemic: a scoping review
- Facilitating research ethics in qualitative research through doctoral supervision in the context of European Commission funding
- Editorial: Researching research integrity – and saying goodbye
- The Belmont Report doesn’t need reform, our moral imagination does
- Enabling equitable and ethical research partnerships in crisis situations: Lessons learned from post-disaster heritage protection interventions following Nepal’s 2015 earthquake
- Reshaping consent so we might improve participant choice (III) – How is the research participant’s understanding currently checked and how might we improve this process?
- Research ethics and integrity in the DACH region during the COVID-19 pandemic: balancing risks and benefits under pressure
- ‘I should do what?’ Addressing research misconduct through values alignment
- ‘A commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’: a conceptual framework for equality of opportunity in Patient and Public Involvement in research
- Death of a reviewer or death of peer review integrity? the challenges of using AI tools in peer reviewing and the need to go beyond publishing policies
- Deficient epistemic virtues and prevalence of epistemic vices as precursors to transgressions in research misconduct
- COVID-19 human challenge trials and randomized controlled trials: lessons for the next pandemic
- AI research ethics is in its infancy: the EU’s AI Act can make it a grown-up
- Needs and preferences of REB members in the development of a new TCPS 2 training program in Canada
- Challenges facing Arab researchers in conducting and publishing scientific research: a qualitative interview study
- Passive data collection on Reddit: a practical approach
- ‘It is a complex process, but it’s very important to return these results to participants’. Stakeholders’ perspectives on the ethical considerations for returning individual pharmacogenomics research results to people living with HIV
- Can moral case deliberation in research groups help to navigate research integrity dilemmas? A pilot study
- Qualitative health research and procedural ethics: An interview study to investigate researchers’ ways of navigating the demands of medical research ethics committees in Germany
- Ethical evolutions: navigating the future of animal behaviour and welfare research
- Ethical human participant research in Central Asia: a quantitative analysis of attitudes and practices among social science researchers based in the region
- Ethics review of artistic research: challenging the boundaries and appealing for care
- Long-form recordings in low- and middle-income countries: recommendations to achieve respectful research
- A multi-dimensional learning strategy to foster research integrity
- Researchers’ responsibilities in resource-constrained settings: experiences of implementing an ancillary care policy in a vaccine trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Plagiarism in Higher Education (PLAGiHE) within Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of a decade (2012–2022) literature
- Stakeholders’ experiences of ethical challenges in cluster randomized trials in a limited resource setting: a qualitative analysis
- Planning a ‘negligible risk’ national health service survey? Counting the cost and strategies for success: a short report
- Defining institutional review board application quality: critical research gaps and future opportunities
- Protected from harm, harmed by protection: ethical consequences of the exclusion of pregnant participants from clinical trials
- Reconceptualizing participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research: exploring the perspectives of health faculty students in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Who reviews what you do at the zoo? Considerations for research ethics with captive exotic animals
- Shifting attitudes on animal ‘ownership’: Ethical implications for welfare research and practice terminology
- Ethical considerations and dilemmas for the researcher and for families in home-based research: A case for situated ethics
- Opinions and attitudes of research ethics committees in Arab countries in the Middle East and North African region toward ethical issues involving biobank research
- Agreement of farm animal behaviour and welfare studies with the ARRIVE Essential 10
- Ethical standards for research on marine mammals
- Let’s do better: Improving research ethics knowledge, practice and systems of oversight
- The ethics of disclosing the use of artificial intelligence tools in writing scholarly manuscripts
- Who owns your consent? How REBs give away participants’ agency
- Reshaping consent so we might improve participant choice (II) – helping people decide
- Research ethics committee members’ perspectives on paediatric research: a qualitative interview study
- Afterlife: the post-research affect and effect of software
- Deception and informed consent in studies with incognito simulated standardized patients: empirical experiences and a case study from South Africa
- Systemic disruptions: decolonizing indigenous research ethics using indigenous knowledges
- Researchers’ reflections on ethics of care as decolonial research practice: understanding Indigenous knowledge communication systems to navigate moments of ethical tension in rural Malawi
- Cannabis, research ethics, and a duty of care
- Research Responsibility Agreement: a tool to support ethical research
- Clarifying our policy on requiring ethics approval in submitted manuscripts
- VIRT2UE: A European train-the-trainer programme for teaching research integrity
- The Harraseeket Conference – Revisiting systems for ethics oversight of research with human participants
- Correction Statement: Conflict of Interest Statements
- Erratum to “Using wearable cameras to investigate health-related daily life experiences: A literature review of precautions and risks in empirical studies”
- Ethical considerations about the collection of biological samples for genetic analysis in clinical trials
- Disclosing and managing non-financial conflicts of interest in scientific publications
- Ethics governance in Scottish universities: how can we do better? A qualitative study
- Journal editors and publishers’ legal obligations with respect to medical research misconduct
- The ethics review and the humanities and social sciences: disciplinary distinctions in ethics review processes
- Promising practices and constraining factors in mobilizing community-engaged research
- Research ethics in a changing social sciences landscape
- ‘But how will you ensure the objectivity of the researcher?’ Guidelines to address possible misconceptions about the ethical imperatives of community-based research
- Engaging key stakeholders to overcome barriers to studying the quality of research ethics oversight
- Safeguarding research staff “in the field”: a blind spot in ethics guidelines
- Authorship disputes and patient research participation: collaborating across backgrounds
- Peer review and the pillar of salt: a case study
- Overcoming barriers to informed consent in neurological research: Perspectives from a national survey
- WITHDRAWN—Administrative Duplicate Publication: Research ethics committees: The ineligibles
- Editorial: Complaints mechanisms in research: are they fit for purpose?
- Perceived publication pressure and research misconduct: should we be too bothered with a causal relationship?
- Principlism and citizen science: the possibilities and limitations of principlism for guiding responsible citizen science conduct
- Ethics review and conversation analysis
- Can an ethics code help to achieve equity in international research collaborations? Implementing the global code of conduct for research in resource-poor settings in India and Pakistan
- Informed consent in a tuberculosis genetic study in Cameroon: information overload, situational vulnerability and diagnostic misconception
- Ethical research landscapes in fragile and conflict-affected contexts: understanding the challenges
- The intervening effect of the What Being the Parent of a New Baby is Like-Revised questionnaire on maternal affect
- Reporting incidental findings from non-biological assessments in human subject research
- Ethical considerations in social media analytics in the context of migration: lessons learned from a Horizon 2020 project
- Ethical issues in multilingual research situations: a focus on interview-based research
- Experiences and practices of key research team members in obtaining informed consent for pharmacogenetic research among people living with HIV: a qualitative study
- Reporting and discoverability of “Tweets” quoted in published scholarship: current practice and ethical implications
- Scientific journals must be alert to potential manipulation in citations and referencing
- Personalising the dilemma: research ethics in fiction
- Motives and risk perceptions of participants in a phase 1 trial for Hepatitis C Virus investigational therapy in pregnancy
- Waving away waivers: an obligation to contribute to ‘herd knowledge’ for data linkage research?
- Equality and Equity in Compensating Patient Engagement in Research: A Plea for Exceptionalism
- Using wearable cameras to investigate health-related daily life experiences: A literature review of precautions and risks in empirical studies
- Can research ethics codes be a conduit for justice? An examination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guidelines in Australia
- Navigating conflict between research ethics and online platform terms and conditions: a reflective account
- A modest proposal to the peer review process: a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach in the assessment of scholarly communication
- ‘Grey areas’: ethical challenges posed by social media-enabled recruitment and online data collection in cross-border, social science research
- Reshaping the review of consent so we might improve participant choice
- Recruiting pupils for a school-based eye study in Nigeria: Trust and informed consent concerns
- A phenomenographic study of scientists’ beliefs about the causes of scientists’ research misconduct
- A critical self-reflexive account of a privileged researcher in a complicated setting: Kakuma refugee camp
- CORRIGENDUM to “Unconsented acknowledgments as a form of authorship abuse: What can be done about it?
- Research integrity: emphasising our commitment
- Ethical and practical considerations in HIV drug trial closure: perspectives of research staff in Uganda
- Evaluating the prospects for university-based ethical governance in artificial intelligence and data-driven innovation
- The use of confidentiality and anonymity protections as a cover for fraudulent fieldwork data
- Negotiating the practicalities of informed consent in the field with children and young people: learning from social science researchers
- Towards an Ọmọlúàbí code of research ethics: Applying a situated, participant-centred virtue ethics framework to fieldwork with disadvantaged populations in diverse cultural settings
- How ethical challenges of covert observations can be met in practice
- Queer considerations: Exploring the use of social media for research recruitment within LGBTQ communities
- What are the most common reasons for return of ethics submissions? An audit of an Australian health service ethics committee
- Ethics in global research: Creating a toolkit to support integrity and ethical action throughout the research journey
- Identifying and addressing nonrational processes in REB ethical decision-making
- Ethical approval: none sought. How discourse analysts report ethical issues around publicly available online data
- Publish or be ethical? Publishing pressure and scientific misconduct in research
- Unethical governance: capacity legislation and the exclusion of people diagnosed with dementias from research
- Community-based health care providers as research participant recruitment gatekeepers: ethical and legal issues in a real-world case example
- Moral injury and the need to carry out ethically responsible research
- Understanding and attitudes of the Jordanian public about clinical research ethics
- Online educational research with middle adolescent populations: Ethical considerations and recommendations
- Unconsented acknowledgments as a form of authorship abuse: What can be done about it?
- The responsibility of knowledge: Identifying and reporting students with evidence of psychological distress in large-scale school-based studies
- Ethical challenges in researching and telling the stories of recently deceased people
- Fostering the trustworthiness of researchers: SPECS and the role of ethical reflexivity in novel neurotechnology research
- The ethics of COVID-19 tracking apps – challenges and voluntariness
- Ethical research in the COVID-19 era demands care, solidarity and trustworthiness
- COVID-19 human challenge trials – what research ethics committees need to consider
- Pandemic vaccine trials: expedite, but don’t rush
- Fostering ethical biomedical and health research in India during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Research ethics in practice: challenges of using digital technology to embed the voices of children and young people within programs for fathers who use domestic violence
- COVID-19: Africa’s relation with epidemics and some imperative ethics considerations of the moment
- On-site monitoring of clinical trials by an Ethics Committee in India: a road less travelled
- Research ethics courses as a vaccination against a toxic research environment or culture
- Pandemic ethics: the case for risky research
- Ethical rationale for better coordination of clinical research on COVID-19
- Preventing ethics dumping: the challenges for Kenyan research ethics committees
- To CAG or not to CAG? Difficulties in determining submission to the Confidentiality Advisory Group: a commentary
- Research ethics should be taught as part of the NSW Higher School Certificate curriculum
- ‘The time where the British took the lead is over’: ethical aspects of writing in complex research partnerships
- An ethical engagement: creative practice research, the academy and professional codes of conduct
- Trust trumps comprehension, visceral factors trump all: A psychological cascade constraining informed consent to clinical trials: A qualitative study with stable patients
- Patient perspectives on research use of residual biospecimens and health information: On the necessity of obtaining societal consent by creating a governance structure based on value-sharing
- Editorial: the unexpected power of research ethics
- Islamic concepts in ethics of pediatric clinical research
- The introduction of research ethics review procedures at a university in South Africa: review outcomes of a social science research ethics committee
- Ethically important moments as data: reflections from ethnographic fieldwork in prisons
- Ethical reflections on children’s participation in educational research during humanitarian crises
- Authorship order and effects of changing bibliometrics practices
- What do patients value as incentives for participation in clinical trials? A pilot discrete choice experiment
- Should research misconduct be criminalized?
- What constitutes expertise in research ethics and integrity?
- WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: Editor’s Note
- Research integrity: environment, experience, or ethos?
- Improving dissemination of study results: perspectives of individuals with cystic fibrosis
- Photovoice and refugee research: The case for a ‘layers’ versus ‘labels’ approach to vulnerability
- Child and parent perceptions of participating in multimethod research in the acute aftermath of pediatric injury
- A reflection on research ethics and citizen science
- Enhancing ethics review of social and behavioral research: developing a review template in Ethiopia
- Questionable authorship and the problem of dirty hands: throwing missing authorship into the ring. In response to both Bulow and Helgesson, and Tang
- Navigating multisite research set-up and approvals: helping researchers on the ground—a commentary
- A partial defense of clinical equipoise
- Ending the retraction stigma: Encouraging the reporting of errors in the biomedical record
- Can and should the research–therapy distinction be maintained? Reflections in the light of innovative last-resort treatment
- Hostage authorship and dirty hands: A reply to Tang
- Research Ethics in Correspondence Testing: An Update
- We are people and so are they: Shared intimacies and the ethics of digital ethnography in autism communities
- Status of retraction notices for biomedical publications associated with research misconduct
- Exploring the socioethical dilemmas in the use of a global health archive
- Uncorking the bottleneck in gaining sponsorship for clinical research
- Examining the use of consent forms to promote dissemination of research results to participants
- Responding to devious demands for co-authorship: A rejoinder to Bülow and Helgesson’s ‘dirty hands’ justification
- Negotiating access to research sites and participants within an African context: The case of Cameroon
- Who protects participants in non-inferiority trials when the outcome is death?
- Hostage authorship and the problem of dirty hands
- ‘Google wants to know your location’: The ethical challenges of fieldwork in the digital age
- Navigating research ethics in the absence of an ethics review board: The importance of space for sharing
- Ethics review and freedom of information requests in qualitative research
- Ethical complexities in child co-research
- Are we educating our research ethics committees?
- Overcoming ethical barriers to research
- Research ethics, informed consent and the disempowerment of First Nation peoples
- Observations online: Finding the ethical boundaries of Facebook research
- The ClarivateTM Analytics acquisition of Publons – an evolution or commodification of peer review?
- What’s it to me? Self-interest and evaluations of financial conflicts of interest
- One size fits not quite all: Universal research ethics with diversity
- Research governance review of a negligible-risk research project: Too much of a good thing?
- Faking participant identity: Vested interests and purposeful interference
- Oversight: Community vulnerabilities in the blind spot of research ethics
- Mining social media data: How are research sponsors and researchers addressing the ethical challenges?
- Pragmatic clinical trials and the consent process
- Decolonizing both researcher and research and its effectiveness in Indigenous research
- Cultural conceptions of mental capacity
- Contamination of overt data with covert data
- Freedom as non-domination in behavioral and biomedical research
- (De)constructing ethical research narratives in criminological research
- Expert perspectives on ethics review of international data-intensive research: Working towards mutual recognition
- Ethical considerations in qualitative case study research recruiting participants with profound intellectual disabilities
- Lessons for psychology laboratories from industrial laboratories
- Revisions to the Common Rule: A proposal in search of evidence
- Rethinking research ethics committees in low- and medium-income countries
- The relational responsibilities of scientists: (Re) considering science as a practice
- Ethical review and qualitative research competence: Guidance for reviewers and applicants
- The ethics of online research with unsuspecting users: From A/B testing to C/D experimentation
- Graduate students’ experiences with research ethics in conducting health research
- A case study of researchers’ knowledge and opinions about the ethical review process for research in Botswana
- Research ethics by design: A collaborative research design proposal
- Research ethics committees: The ineligibles
- WITHDRAWN—Administrative Duplicate Publication: Research ethics committees: The ineligibles
- Ethical challenges in online research: Public/private perceptions
- The effect of study type on research ethics committees’ queries in medical studies
- The value of sharing genomic findings with research ethics committees
- The attitude of scholars has not changed towards plagiarism since the medieval period: Definition of plagiarism according to Shams-e-Qays, thirteenth-century Persian literary scientist
- Evaluating the efficacy of the education and training program of the TCPS 2
- Assuming vulnerability: Ethical considerations in a multiple-case study with older suicide attempters
- Ethical considerations in sensitive suicide research reliant on non-clinical researchers