- The Concept of Perfection in Lev Karsavin’s Religious Metaphysics
- Concluding Russian Studies in Philosophy: An Eye Towards the Future Journal Editor’s Afterword
- The Seductions of Gnosticism: Lev Karsavin and Gnosis
- Variants of Images of the Future in the Work of Lev P. Karsavin
- The Metaphysical Path: Lev P. Karsavin’s Philosophical Experience
- Concluding Russian Studies in Philosophy: An Eye Towards the Future
- Lev P. Karsavin on the Phenomenology of Revolution
- Lev Karsavin: Russian Religiosity and Russian Revolution
- Orthodoxy and the Soviet Regime: From Conflict to Adaptation
- Disputes on the Marxist Understanding of Russian History: On One of the Theoretical Prerequisites for Creating the Soviet Union
- USSR: The Union of National Form and Socialist Content (Culture, Nation, Class)
- On the Problem of Developing a Theory of Russian Bureaucracy
- From Past to Future: The Soviet Union and the Russian Empire in Discourses of Rupture and Continuity
- The Soviet Union in Its Project and Reality: Philosophical-Historical Notes
- A Country That No Longer Exists Editor’s Introduction
- Two Condemnations of Sergei Bulgakov
- Eurasianism as “Revealing Russia’s Essence” and “Gold Reserve of Life”
- Vladimir F. Ern and Semyon L. Frank: A Dispute on the Distinguishing Features of Russian Philosophy
- The “Philosophy Steamer” as Cognitive Category and Historical Collective Individuality
- The Multi-Sided World View of Fyodor Stepun
- Nikolai O. Lossky’s Intuitivism and Personalism in the Context of Russian Philosophy
- The “Philosophy Steamer.” A Dialogue Returns to Russia
- Elements of Anthropocosmism
- Thinking Environments: In-Formation and Entropy
- The Algebra of Cosmic Intelligence: Inhumanism and Cosmology in the Reflexive Neocybernetics of Vladimir Lefebvre
- The Nonthinkable, the Nonhuman, the Nonphilosophical: On the Function of Negation in Posthumanism
- The Era of Posthumanism
- Law, Morality, and Personhood in the Philosophical–Legal Understandings of Boris Chicherin and Vladimir Solovyov: On the Philosophical Foundations of Russian Liberalism
- The Social Ideal of Early Twentieth-Century Russian Liberal-Centrists
- Could the Slavophiles Be Considered Liberals?
- The Ambivalence of Early Gentry Liberalism in Russia
- On Some Features of Russian Liberalism
- The Cultural and Spiritual Dimension of Russian Liberalism at the Turn of the Nineteenth/Twentieth Centuries
- Modification of the Principles of Freedom and Equality in Early Twentieth-Century Russian Liberal Thought
- The Split Existence: (An Analysis of F.M. Dostoevsky’s The Double)
- Vladimir Solovyov’s “Three Speeches on Dostoevsky.” Then and Now
- The Way We Think When Reading Dostoevsky Today
- Dostoevsky’s Philosophical Universe
- The Philosophy and Drama of Life: The Theatrical Understanding of Dostoevsky
- Stavrogin and His Soul, or: The Transformation of Skepticism in the Digital Age
- Dostoevsky’s Prophecy of Soviet and Post-Soviet Being
- A Generation Enlightened by War: (Philosophers of the Soviet 1960s)
- Soviet and Post-Soviet Generations of Russian Philosophers: Framing the Problem
- “Those born in godforsaken years . . .”
- The Embers of Memory
- New Atlantis, Castalia, the Abbey of Thélème . . .
- The Phenomenon of Consciousness in the Works of Lev Tolstoy and Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Konstantin N. Leontiev and Lev N. Tolstoy: A “Failed Creative Dialogue”
- Henry George’s Reforms as Economic Impetus for Lev Tolstoy’s Moral Doctrine
- L.N. Tolstoy: Enstrangement, Politics, Religion
- Was Lev Tolstoy a Humanist?
- The Ethico-Religious Imperatives of Lev Tolstoy’s Life and Work
- Lev Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky Through the “Mirror” of Lev Shestov’s Philosophy
- Late Tolstoy’s Perception of Law
- Structural Psychology
- L. S. Vygotsky: The Riddle of His Name
- Recent Archival Discoveries and New Perspectives in Vygotsky Studies Guest Editor’s Introduction
- Psychology “in Terms of Drama” Project: The Origins, the Essence, the Implementation
- The Two Courses of Development of the Category “Smysl” in L. S. Vygotsky’s Works
- The Concept of Activity as the Basis of Research of L. S. Vygotsky’s School of Psychology
- Lev Vygotsky’s Psychology of Freedom
- Letter from Vladimir V. Mironov to Aleksandr V. Mikhailovsky
- Eine Knabe, der träumt, or: Intoxicated by Power
- Heidegger, Arendt, and the Destruction of Thought: From the Black Notebooks to The Life of the Mind?
- Some Features of Russian Reception of Martin Heidegger in Relation to Debates Over His Black Notebooks
- Back to Martin Heidegger’s Black Notebooks
- In Memory of a Mentor, Colleague, and Friend: Nelly Vasilyevna Motroshilova (1934 – 2021)
- In Memory of a Colleague: Vladimir Vasilyevich Mironov (1953–2020)
- Heidegger’s Existential Ontology and Its Reconstruction in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
- Osip Mandelstam: Music as Philosophy
- Motifs of “the North” in Young Osip Mandelstam’s Philosophical–Poetic Works
- “For the World’s Complexity”: Intellectual “Condensing of Reality” in O. Mandelstam’s Works
- Culture and Poetry: The Synchronic Imperative in Osip Mandelstam’s Work
- “Acquiring Thought and Language”: Toward Osip Mandelstam’s Philosophy of Creation
- Mandelstam’s Poetry and Artistic–Philosophical Intuitions of Russian Culture
- Boris N. Chicherin and Questions the Russian Revolution Had to Address
- Boris N. Chicherin’s Doctrine of Property: Basic Ideas and Unique Features
- Boris N. Chicherin on Western Liberalism and Its Shortcomings
- An Attempt at Systematic Presentation of the History of Political Doctrines in Boris N. Chicherin’s Major Work
- Boris N. Chicherin and Karl Marx. A Confrontation of Ideas
- Boris N. Chicherin and the Problem of the Political Identification of His Legacy
- A “Big Culture” and Cogito
- Classical Eurasianism as a Post-Revolutionary Philosophy
- Translation as the Manufacturing of Meaning: A Few Words about the Title of Ibn Khaldūn’s History
- A Simpleminded Discourse on Enfolding and Unfolding
- Andrey Smirnov: The Logic of Sense as a Logic of Culture
- Our Being on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century
- The Twentieth Century and the Phenomenon of Culture
- The Concept of Culture. Culture as a Communication of Cultures. The World for the First Time
- Back to the Logic of Paradox
- Culture at the Focal Point of Being (Towards a Twentieth-Century Phenomenology): Introduction
- From the “Doctrine of Science”1 to the Logic of Culture
- The Idea of Paradox in Initial Definition
- A Critical Conjunction
- Kant Peers into the Mid-Twentieth Century—Kant Peers into the Seventeenth Century
- Back to the Problem of Self-Justification. Where Hegel and Feuerbach Left Off . . .
- Vladimir S. Bibler: A Remarkable Russian Philosopher
- A “Return” to the Traditions of Philosophical Logic (Sixteenth to Early Nineteenth Centuries): A Return or a Transformation?
- Logic Must Justify Its Own Beginning: It Must Become “Dia-logic”
- Boris Pasternak, “Winter Man”: On the Cultural Self-Identification of Russian Geniuses
- Skepticism as a Means of “Indirect Exposition”: Boris Pasternak and Gustav Shpet
- The Celestial’s Position, or Over Barriers. Boris Pasternak and Fyodor Stepun
- In Memoriam Valery A. Podoroga 09.15.1946 – 08.09.2020
- Hermann Cohen’s Ethical Ideas in the Works of Boris Pasternak
- Boris Pasternak and His Intellectual Legacy
- Boris Pasternak and Silver Age Intellectual Culture: From Modernist Aesthetics to the New Classical
- Motifs of Death and Immortality in Andrei Platonov’s The Foundation Pit and in Christian Patristics
- Essence and Freedom: Andrei Platonov’s Anthropological Intuitions
- The Problem of the Near-Death Experience: Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Platonov
- Andrei Platonov: Reflections on the Soviet Experience from the Inside
- Platonov’s Second-Rate Man
- The Benefit of Meaning in Andrei Platonov: Russian Motivation Toward Life and Work
- Andrei Platonov’s Revolution: The Logic in Overturning the World (A Look at His Early Stories)
- Understanding Russia’s October: Andrei Platonov on the Revolutionary Dream
- Don-Juanism: Value Dispositions, Preferences, Manners
- Conceptualizing Morality in Early Modern Philosophy
- Toward a Core Understanding of Morality
- Genesis of the Golden Rule
- Ruben Apressyan’s Moral Philosophy
- Law, Freedom, and “Truth”: Eurasianist Philosophy of Law
- The Ambivalence of Legal Nihilism in Russia
- The Philosophical Foundations of Law: The Search for a New Methodology
- The National and the Universal in Pavel I. Novgorodtsev’s Philosophy of Law
- The Russian School of Philosophy of Law in the Context of Pavel I. Novgorodtsev’s Work
- The Legal Turn. The Search for Philosophical Foundations
- Alexander Bogdanov: From Monism to Tectology
- The Shaping of Design Methodology in Russia: Alexander Bogdanov and Alexander Rosenberg
- Revolution and Utopia: Images of the Future in Alexander Bogdanov’s Science Fiction
- Alexander Bogdanov’s Cinematography
- Man in a Changing Social Reality: Alexander Bogdanov on the Historical Process
- Alexander Bogdanov and His Philosophical Legacy
- Bogdanov’s Socio-Philosophical Ideas in the Context of Social Designing Goals
- On the Role of Popularizing Scientific Knowledge in Alexander Bogdanov’s Socio-Political Activity
- From Bogdanov’s Organizational Insights to the Search for a Modern Concept of Organization
- The Philosopher’s “Cursed Chance”: Lev Shestov and Varvara Malakhieva-Mirovich
- Karsavin to Skrzhinskaya: “You Have Tied My Metaphysics to My Life … ”
- The Notion of Love in the Early Twentieth-Century Russian Philosophical Tradition
- Father Sergius Bulgakov and Yulia Nikolaevna Reitlinger: History of a Spiritual Romance
- “In Search of the City of God”: The Merezhkovsky Couple and Filosofov on the Religious Justification of Revolution
- The Collapse of an “Ideal Union”: Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal and Vyacheslav Ivanov
- The Self-Cognition of Russian Culture: Pushkin in the Philosophical Experience of Semyon Frank
- “Pushkin’s Russia”: Russian Identity in the Émigré Works of Vladimir Veidle
- Alexander Pushkin: On the Philosophical Significance of His Literary Work
- Vyacheslav Ivanov on Pushkin’s The Gypsies: The Antinomy of Individualism and Freedom
- “To Think and to Suffer” as the Meaning of Life
- The Establishment of Petrine-Pushkinian Russia: A Philosophical Perspective
- The Possibility of a Nonpoetic Conversion of Technology
- From the Photogeny of Poverty to the Cinegeny of Money
- “Whence the Means?” Ludwig Feuerbach and the Origin of Media Theory
- Matter and Metaphor: Media Philosophy in Russia
- Building a Discourse of the Medial without Differentiating the Spheres of the Technological, the Natural, and the Human
- The Art as the Conjectured Possible
- Maxim Gorky’s Critique of the Meshchanstvo as a Particular “Arrangement of the Soul”
- From Social to Anthropological Discourse in Gorky: Hypotheses and Rebuttals
- Maxim Gorky and Fyodor Stepun: A “Conversation” About History in Russian Intellectual Culture
- Gorky and Nietzsche: A Philosophical View of “Man”
- Gorky on Cruelty and Pity as Existentials of the People’s Being
- The Life of Klim Samgin. Maxim Gorky’s Last Will and Testament
- Gorky: In Search for the Honest Man
- The Concept of Neopatristic Synthesis at a New Stage
- The Posthuman and the Virtual Man in Their Modes of Socialization
- How to Do without Being, or the Mechanics of the Lathon
- The Two Sorts of Hesychast Ethics
- New frontiers in Russian religious philosophy: The philosophical anthropology of Sergey S. Horujy
- Sergey S. Horujy and the Russian Religious Philosophical Tradition
- Plato’s Doctrine of Ideas: Conclusion (The Summing-up and the Next Steps)
- A.F. Losev and A.N. Whitehead: Possible Parallels
- Alexei F. Losev’s Impressions of Renaissance Literature and Philosophy
- From the History of Classical Philology: Alexei F. Losev and Bruno Snell
- Guest Editor’s Introduction
- Losev’s Interpretations of Richard Wagner
- Friedrich Shelling and Alexei Losev
- “Mystical Antinomism.” Losev’s Assessments and Interpretations of Goethe
- Alexei F. Losev and the Kant Society
- Russian Nihilism in Ivan S. Turgenev’s Literary and Philosophical Investigations
- Smoke: A Sign of a New Historical Community
- Ivan Turgenev and His Philosophical Ambitions
- Strangers: Ivan Turgenev in Comparison to Leo Tolstoy and Yuri Trifonov Concerning the Relationship Between the People and the Intelligentsia
- Spiritual Rebirth: Ivan Turgenev’s 1840 Trip to Rome
- The Figure of Ivan Turgenev in Soviet Culture
- Solitude in Russia
- The Communicative Space of Film Adaptation: Avdotya Smirnova’s Adaption of Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons
- Erikh Soloviev: An Attempt of a Philosophical Portrait (An Exercise in Communicative Sociology of Knowledge)
- Paradoxes of the Reformation
- Thought Capable of Bridging the Past and the Present
- Immanuel Kant: The Ethical Response to the Challenge of the Secularization Era
- On the Culture of Benevolence
- “Bless Thy Blue Panorama …”: The Cosmopersonalism and Historiosophic Irony of Maximilian Voloshin
- Historical-Philosophical Essayism
- The Finer Points of a Culture’s Thought
- Proposition and Predication
- Mind and Consciousness in Indian Philosophy
- Special Features of Ancient Chinese Philosophical Culture
- The Concept of Epistemological Rupture in the Work of the Moroccan Philosopher, Muḥammad ‘Ābid al-Jābirī
- “Peacetime Moscow,” “Wartime Moscow,” “Revolutionary Moscow”: The Three Faces of Fyodor Stepun’s Native City
- The Locus of Creativity: Alexei Kara-Murza and His Intellectual Topography of Russian History
- Gavriil Derzhavin on Russian Civilization: Russia as “The North”
- A Russian Philosopher’s European Adventures: Young Vladimir Solovyov in Italy (1875–1976)
- On the Problem of Subjectivity
- Is Our Idea of the Subjective World an Illusion?
- Does Brain Research Make Reading Another’s Thoughts Possible?
- The Extended Mind Hypothesis in the Context of Vygotsky’s Cultural-Historical Psychology
- Subjectivity as the Theme of Philosophy:
- Scientific Activity: The Crisis of the Subject in the World of Knowledge
- On the Disappearance of the Self
- A Never-Ending Dispute over Morality
- Lev Shestov on Shakespeare’s Tragedy Julius Caesar
- In the Circle of Non-Vengeance
- The Historicism of Lev Shestov and Gustav Shpet
- Lev Shestov’s Ideas in the French Philosophical and Cultural Context
- Lev Shestov: A Russian Existentialist
- “The October Revolution and the Constants of Russian Being”
- The Creativity of Theatrical Geniuses in “the Proposed Circumstances” of the October Revolution
- The Russian Revolution in the Contemporary Context
- Nikolai Berdyaev on the “Spirits of the Russian Revolution”
- The Year 1917: Sacrifices of History
- On the Subject Matter of the Concept of Revolution
- The Avant-Garde as Continuous Experience (on the Proscription of Representing Utopia)
- Critical Commentary on the Concept of “Soviet Empire”
- Revolution: The Transformations of the Semantic Field in Contemporary Political Philosophy
- On the Place of the Russian Revolution in Russian History
- In Memoriam of Teodor I. Oizerman
- Teodor I. Oizerman: His Scholarship and Stages of His Intellectual Evolution
- The Ambivalence of Great Philosophies: Toward a Description of the Philosophical Systems of Kant and Hegel
- Does a Plurality of Philosophies Eliminate the Concept of the Subject Matter of Philosophy?
- On a Critical Reflection on Dialectical Materialism
- The Formation of Social Technologies: Stages and Examples
- Social Technologies: Between Science and Practice
- The Turn in Social Investigations of Scientific Knowledge
- Historical Memory: The Construction of Consciousness
- Technologies of the Electoral Process: A Field Study of the Possibility of Informative Communication
- From Theory to Technology: The Case of Existential Psychotherapy
- The Practical Tasks of Social Engineering and the Formation of the Social and Human Sciences
- Aristotle on the Intellectual Virtues: On the Meaning of the Notions of Consideration (γνώμη) and Consideration for Others (συγγνώμη) in Nicomachean Ethics
- What Does the Virtuous Person Despise and to What Is He Superior?
- New Insights into Aristotle’s Ethics
- Nicomachean Ethics: Text and Doctrine
- The Third Meaning of Φιλία (Philia) in Aristotle’s Ethics
- Whether the Golden Rule Is in Aristotle’s Ethics