- Freedom of the Press in an Era of Misinformation – Cognitive Problems, Legal Solutions
- A Less Perfect Perfectionism
- How Is Feminist Philosophy Nonideal Theory?
- What Does It Mean to Be Moral Equals? – The Special Case of Children’s Moral Status
- Fear as a Political and Anti-political Emotion – A Normative Analysis in Times of Political Polarization
- Interpersonal and Structural Domination – Frederick Douglass and the Invisible Chains that Bind Us
- The Abuse of Expertise and the Problem with Public Economics
- The Social Construction of Collective Moral Agency
- Spokespersons, Proxies, and the Problem of Acting for Others
- Where Is the Structure in Structural Injustice? – Individuals-in-Relations, Corporate Agents, and Institutional Transformation
- A Pathology of Group Agency
- Team Reasoning and Collective Moral Obligation
- A Non-Mentalistic Account of Corporate Agency and Responsibility
- Collectivizing Public Reason
- Autonomous Vehicles and the Ethics of Driving
- Non-domination without Rights? – An Impossibility
- Heedless Comportment and Epistemic Failure – W. E. B. Du Bois’s Diagnosis of Whiteness as Irrevocable License
- Pharmaceutical Patents and Vaccination Justice
- An Inclusive Account of the Permissibility of Sex – Considering Children, Non-Human Animals, and People with Intellectual Disabilities
- Climate Resistance and the Far Future
- Educational Justice and School Boosting
- Bodies at Work – The Normative Dimensions of the Geography of Work
- Reconciliation or Anticipation? – Reasonable Hope beyond Rawls
- Feminist Standpoint Theory vs. the Identitarian Ideology of the New Right – A Critical Comparison
- Inefficient Charity
- Against Moral Individualism – Special Relations and the Agent-Neutral/Agent-Relative Distinction
- Habituation into Virtue and the Alleged Paradox of Moral Education
- Fake News and the Responsibilities of Citizens
- Understanding the Dangers of Mind Changes in Political Leadership (and How to Avoid Them)
- Cognitive Disability and Social Inequality
- What Is Meaningful Work?
- The Case for Restricted Perfectionism in Upbringing
- How Gay Is Your Cake? – Religious Accommodation, Integrity, and Discrimination
- Can Rawlsian Containment of Hateful Viewpoints Be Effective?
- Sexual Orientations, Sexual Preferences, and Well-Being
- A Losing Game – Clarifying and Informing Debates on Positional Competition
- Children of the Broken Heartlands – Rural Isolation and the Geography of Opportunity
- Dehumanization Clarified – What Are We Talking About, When We Talk About Dehumanization?
- Human Rights under Emergency – A Normative Assessment of Derogation
- How Should We Respond to Shame?
- Avoiding Stigmatization in Paternalistic Health Policy
- Inclusive Communitarianism and Immigration
- Border Control, Territorial Rights and Feasibility
- Two Conceptions of Solidarity in Health Care
- Authority on the Border of Work and Play – Oakeshott and Democratic Theory
- Contingent Existence, Worthwhile Lives, and Humane Animal Slaughter
- Personal Foul – Indifference to Native Americans
- Surplus Embryos and Abortion
- The Duty to Be Transparent When Supporting Laws in Public Discourse
- Deepfake Technology and Individual Rights
- Pleasures of the Flesh
- Democracy, Epistocracy, and the Voting Age
- Political Liberalism and Reasonable Disagreement
- Defeating Wrongdoing – Why Victims of Unjust Harm Should Take Priority over Victims of Bad Luck
- Free Speech and the Legal Prohibition of Fake News
- The Right to Family Unification for Refugees
- Roles, Rousseau, and Respect for Persons
- The Dependency Challenge to (Dispositional) Theories of Domination
- How Far Can Political Liberalism Support Reforms in Higher Education?
- Three Control Views on Privacy
- Structural Injustice, Shared Obligations, and Global Civil Society
- Marx, Communism, and Basic Income
- Republicanism and/or Relational Egalitarianism?
- The Political Representation of Nonhuman Animals
- Evil and Feminist Ethics – A Modified Cardian Theory of Evil
- “First, Do No Harm”? – Non-Maleficence, Population Health, and the Ethics of Risk
- The Project Pursuit Argument for Self-Ownership and Private Property
- Street Level Bureaucracy, Casework and Justice
- The Real-Life Issue of Prepunishment
- Can Social Groups Be Units of Normative Concern? – Normative Individualism, Futurity, Causality, Social Ontology
- Self-Respect and Self-Segregation – A Du Boisian Challenge to Kant and Rawls
- Learning from COVID-19 – Public Justification and the Ontology of Everyday Life
- Making Sense of Full Compliance
- Social Promotion of Meaningful Work as a Project of Democratising Society – A Liberal Perfectionist View
- Private Duty Creation in Theories of Distributive Justice
- But I’ve Got My Own Life to Live – Personal Pursuits and the Demands of Morality
- Broken Windows, Naloxone, and Experiments in Policing
- Automation, Unemployment, and Taxation
- On the Political Sociology of Intersectional Equality and Difference – Insights from Axel Honneth’s Recognition Theory
- Sober Thoughts on Drunken Consent – Intoxication and Consent to Sexual Relations
- Financial Power and Democratic Legitimacy – How to Think Realistically about Public Debt
- Political Legitimacy as a Problem of Judgment – What Distinguishes Moralist, Realist, and Pragmatist Approaches?
- Political Realism and Epistemic Constraints
- Realism against Legitimacy – For a Radical, Action-Oriented Political Realism
- For an Agonistic Element in Realist Legitimacy
- A Realistic European Story of Peoplehood – The Future of the European Union beyond Williams’s Basic Legitimation Demand
- Legitimacy between Acceptance and Acceptability – A Subjects-First View
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Realist and Pragmatist Approaches to Democratic Legitimacy
- Weddings and Counter-Stereotypic Couples
- The Epistemic Value of Civil Disagreement
- Informed Altruism and Utilitarianism
- Positional Consumption and the Wedding Industry
- Why Does Class Matter?
- Paying Attention to the Mouse Behind the Curtain – Dilemmas of Disability Justice in a Lawsuit against Disney
- For Better or for Worse – When Are Uncertain Wedding Vows Permissible?
- Counting Animals in War – First Steps towards an Inclusive Just-War Theory
- On the Parity between Secular and Religious Reasons
- Christian Reconciliation through the Public Use of Reason
- Can Christians Join the Overlapping Consensus? – Prospects and Pitfalls for a Christian Justification of Political Liberalism
- An Institutionalist Reframing of the Religion and Public Reason Debate
- The Challenge of Healthcare for Consensus Public Reason
- Irreconcilable Disagreement – Supreme Emergency, Respect, and Restraint
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Religious Diversity, Political Theory, and Theology: Public Reason and Christian Theology
- The Injustice of Alienation
- Experiments in Living – Moral Polycentricity versus Epistemic Polycentricity
- The Procedural Value of Compromise
- Entry by Birth Alone? – Rawlsian Egalitarianism and the Basic Right to Invite
- On Choosing Where to Stand – Selecting a Social Movement Approach
- Self-Determination as the Ground and Constraint for the Right to Exclude – An Answer to the Boundary Problem
- Other-Regarding Preferences – The Poverty of the Self/Other Dichotomy
- Structural Injustice and the Duties of the Privileged
- Making Power Explicit – Why Liberal Egalitarians Should Take (Economic) Power Seriously
- Political Realism and Political Reasons
- Beneficiary Pays and Respect for Autonomy
- The Traces Left Behind – On Appropriate Responses to Right Acts with Wrong Features
- What’s Wrong with Stereotypes? – The Falsity Hypothesis
- Must Egalitarians Condemn Representative Democracy?
- Still Thin but Thicker than Thin – A Solution for Adjudicating Disputes in Polycentrism
- Bioethics, Adaptive Preferences, and Judging the Quality of a Life with Disability
- Against Online Public Shaming – Ethical Problems with Mass Social Media
- Animal Agora – Animal Citizens and the Democratic Challenge
- Stone Soup – Distributional Goods and Principles of Justice
- The All-Affected Principle Reconsidered
- Axel Honneth’s Cosmopolitanism – The “Forgetfulness” of Global Poverty as a form of Reification
- Young, Gilbert, and Social Groups
- When Code Words Aren’t Coded
- Unauthorized Immigrants, Reasonable Expectations, and the Right to Regularization
- Prostitution and the Good of Sex – A Reply to Sascha Settegast
- Harsh and Disrespectful – Rescuing Moral Agency from Luck and Choice
- Rethinking Micro-level Exploitation
- Beyond Homo Laborans – Marx’s Dialectical Account of Human Essence
- Incoherent but Reasonable – A Defense of Truth-Abstinence in Political Liberalism
- Algorithms, Agency, and Respect for Persons
- A Challenge for Capability Measures of Wellbeing
- In Defense of Strict Compliance as a Modeling Assumption
- What Is the Argument for the Fair Value of Political Liberty?
- A Defence of Sexual Inclusion
- Functionalist Justice and Coordination
- Conditional Obligations
- (When) Do Victims Have Duties to Resist Oppression?
- What Are Data Good for Anyway? – A Typology of Usages of Data in Contemporary Political Theory
- Retributivism and Victim Compensation
- Welfare: Does Thinking Make It So?
- Depression’s Threat to Self-Governance
- Relationship Sensitive Consequentialism Is Regrettable
- Truth in Democratic Politics – An Analysis of Commitments
- Can Gestation Ground Parental Rights?
- Generalized Trust in Taiwan and (as Evidence for) Hirschman’s doux commerce Thesis
- A Citizens’ Assembly for the Cognitively Disabled
- The Case for Citizen Duty
- Inferring Consent without Communication
- Public Reason and Structural Coercion – In Defense of the Coercion Account as the Ground of Public Reason
- Philosophy and Activism – The Epistemic Argument
- Waiving Jury Deliberation – The Humility Argument
- Gun Rights as Deontic Constraints
- Social Norms as Signals
- Incomplete Ideal Theory
- Kant, Rawls, and the Possibility of Autonomy
- Ideal Theory and Action-Guidance – Why We Still Disagree
- A Kantian Response to the Problem of Reception
- Justice in the Social Distribution of Health
- What’s the Problem with Geo-engineering?
- What Parents May Teach Their Children
- FOMO and Regret for Non-Doings
- The Value of a Non-Ideal
- Herbert Marcuse and “False Needs”
- Intolerance and Argument Expression
- Harm to Self or Others – On Central Non-Paternalistic Arguments
- Rebuilding after Disaster – Inequality and the Political Importance of Place
- Body Modification Practices and the Medical Monopoly
- Liberalism and Meaningfulness – Common Ground in the Perfectionism Debate
- Blameless Participation in Structural Injustice
- Self-Saboteurs and Ethical Relationships
- Meaning and Morality – Some Considerations on a Difficult Relation
- Naked Soldiers, Naked Terrorists, and the Justifiability of Drone Warfare
- Risk, Responsibility, and Choice – Why Should Some Choices Justify Disadvantage While Others Don’t?
- Luck Egalitarianism and the Distributive Trilemma – Accepting Exploitation?
- State-Sponsored Injustice – The Case of Eugenic Sterilization
- Nudging, Transparency, and Watchfulness
- Renting Personal Goods
- The Structure of Moral Revolutions
- Rescuing Justice from Indifference – Equality, Pareto, and Cohen’s Ethos
- Disagreement, Peerhood, and Compromise
- Mill’s Social Pressure Puzzle
- Graveside and Other Asymmetrical Promises
- Epistemic Authority, Sovereignty, and Selective Conscientious Objection – A Critical Revision of McMahan’s Jus Ad Bellum Court
- Relational Equality and the Expressive Dimension of State Action
- Prostitution and the Good of Sex
- Frederick Engels, Social Reproduction, and the Problem of a Unitary Theory of Women’s Oppression
- The Demandingness of Beneficence and Kant’s System of Duties
- Circularity in Setiya’s Knowing Right from Wrong
- Vocations, Exploitation, and Professions in a Market Economy
- The Methodological Rationale of Thomas Sekine – Dialectical Escapes from Orthodoxies and the Marxian Political Economy
- Against Epistocracy
- The Martial Virtues – A Role Morality for Soldiers?
- Ironic Deliberations – A (Regrettably Incomplete) Response to Fischer, Nelkin, and Vargas
- Responsibility and Ignorance of the Self
- Gun Control and Alcohol Policy
- Reflectivism, Skepticism, and Values
- On John Doris’s Talking to Our Selves
- Commodification, Inequality, and Kidney Markets
- When Wanting the Best Is Bad
- Mental-Threshold Egalitarianism – How Not to Ground Full Moral Status
- Pacific Resistance – A Moral Alternative to Defensive War
- Dignitarian Hunting – A Rights-based Defense
- A Liberal Anti-Porn Feminism?
- Index to Volume 43
- The Intergenerational Original Position
- Hate Speech in Public Discourse – A Pessimistic Defense of Counterspeech
- Knowing More than We Can Tell – Virtue, Perception, and Practical Skill
- The Harm Principle and Parental Licensing
- Carnap, Explication, and Social History
- Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism – How Are They Related?
- Locke, Simmons, and Consent – A Lawyerly Approach
- Resolving the Dilemma of Democratic Informal Politics
- Just War Theory and the Military Response to Terrorism
- Against Self-Defense
- Fetuses, Orphans, and a Famous Violinist – On the Ethics and Politics of Abortion
- The Conventionalist Challenge to Natural Rights Theory
- Classified Public Whistleblowing – How to Justify a Pro Tanto Wrong
- What’s So Deviant about Production Deviance? – The Ethics of ‘Withholding Effort’ in the Workplace
- Does Corporate Moral Agency Entail Corporate Freedom of Speech?
- Toleration and Civility
- Agent and Object
- Collective Responsibility for Oppression
- Selecting Immigrants by Skill – A Case of Wrongful Discrimination?
- The Core of Oppression – Why Is it Wrong?
- Advantage, Restraint, and the Circumstances of Justice
- Public Reason Can Be Reasonably Rejected
- Problems of Incommensurability
- Anti-Cosmopolitanism and the Motivational Preconditions for Social Justice
- Felon Disenfranchisement and Democratic Legitimacy
- Jorge Garcia and the Ordinary Use of “Racist Belief”
- Referees