- What can be said?
- Managing expectations
- Inflection class interactions and valency changes in Matlatzinca
- The ventive and the deictic shift
- Discontinuous past interpretation in Abaza
- Voice and transitivity in Äiwoo and Engdewu
- Specificity contrasts in Lalo Yi
- Morphosyntactic retention and innovation in Sheng, a youth language or stylect of Kenya
- Sequentiality
- ‘Until’ constructions and expletive negation in Huasteca Nahuatl
- The action reference construction in Mandarin Chinese and typology of lexical flexibility
- Associated motion, associated posture and imperfective aspect in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia)
- Speaking about knowledge
- Frequency differences in reportative exceptionality and how to account for them
- The links between evidentiality, modality, and grammaticalization
- Evidentiality, discourse prominence and grammaticalization
- On the link between grammaticalization and subjectification
- Evidentiality as a grammaticalization passenger
- The paradigmaticity of evidentials in the Tibetic languages of Khams
- Minimal participant structure of the event and the emergence of the argument/adjunct distinction
- Phasal polarity in Tunisian Arabic
- The psycholinguistic realization of topic in Chinese
- Person marking in Longxi Qiang
- The constructional categorization of Saisiyat multi-predicate sentences
- Comparing zero and referential choice in eight languages with a focus on Mandarin Chinese
- A binary inflectional voice contrast in Mabaan (Western Nilotic)
- Adjectival intensification in West Germanic
- Early Vedic compounds
- A new converb originating from the locative noun in Beserman
- Argument indexing in Kamang
- Towards robust complexity indices in linguistic typology
- Simulative derivations in crosslinguistic perspective and their diachronic sources
- From grammaticalization to Diachronic Construction Grammar
- Grammar (morphosyntax) and discourse
- Variable index placement in Gutob from a typological perspective
- A cross-linguistic syntactic analysis of telicity in motion predicates in Southern Tati, Mandarin, and Ghanaian Student Pidgin
- Progressives in present and past
- Multiple construction types for nominal expressions in Australian languages
- Copula to negator
- A hitherto unnoticed type of verb-framed construction in Lithuanian and the typology of event conflation
- The linguistics of odour in Semaq Beri and Semelai, two Austroasiatic languages of the Malay Peninsula
- Verbal number in Idi
- Universal quantifiers, focus, and grammatical relations in Besemah
- Spatial prepositions min and ʕan in Traditional Negev Arabic
- The development of the Chinese V de O cleft construction
- Markedness and voicing gaps in stop and fricative inventories
- Dogon pseudo-subjects with or without true subjects
- It’s all about the sentential construction
- Language simplification in endangered languages?
- Manner of motion in Estonian
- Concessive conditionals beyond Europe
- On the status of information structure markers
- The ‘general fact’ copula in Yolmo and the influence of Tamang
- Nominal reduplication in cross-linguistic perspective
- Cross-linguistic patterns in the lexicalisation of bring and take
- Nominal determination in Moroccan Arabic
- Derivation predicting inflection
- Periphrastic causative in West Circassian
- From syntax to morphology
- Possessive inflection in Chichimec inalienable nouns
- Through space, relations, and thoughts
- Weather expressions in Basque
- Creating versatility in Thai demonstratives
- Conjunctions and clause linkage in Australian languages
- A cross-linguistic study of emphatic negative coordination
- Stability and change in the colour lexicon of the Japonic languages
- Predicting voice choice in symmetrical voice languages
- The missing link between truth and intensification
- A typology of Goal-Source marking in transfer events
- Paradigmatic consequences of the suffixing preference
- SAY-complementizers and indexical shift in Poshkart Chuvash
- Grammaticalization and phonological reidentification in White Hmong
- Beyond nominal tense
- A nonstandard type of affix reordering
- Non-culmination in two Bantu languages
- Against trivializing language description (and comparison)
- Quantifying clause chains in Nungon texts
- The development of locative relative markers
- A phonological investigation of Sanzari Boro
- Prolegomena to a theory of chorophorics
- Äiwoo wâtu and the typology of comparatives
- Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of second language speakers
- Differential object marking in P’orhépecha
- Plains Cree animacy–inanimacy hierarchy
- A typology of depiction marking
- Light-headed relative clauses in Teramano
- The development of perfectivity in Khamti Shan
- Typology of coding patterns and frequency effects of antipassives
- On order and prohibition
- Innovating postverbal negation in North Africa
- Postverbal negation
- Variation in negation in Seto
- Clause-final negative particles in varieties of Swedish
- Synchrony and diachrony of postverbal negation in Jodï-Sáliban
- Stories behind post-verbal negation clustering
- Constituency and coincidence in Chácobo (Pano)
- Caused-Motion and Caused-Position
- Markers of epistemic modality and their origins
- Kokborok and the simple-complex reflexive distinction
- Tonal morphology in Sama Nubri
- Additive particle uses in Hungarian
- Source-Goal (a)symmetries across languages
- Asymmetries in Path expression in Ye’kwana
- Acknowledgements
- Expression of spontaneous motion events in Stieng
- Linguistic expressions of Goal, Source and Place in Polynesian languages
- Source-Goal (a)symmetry in Romanian
- Exploring source/goal asymmetries in spontaneous and caused motion expression in Yuhup
- Source/Goal (a)symmetry
- Source-Goal asymmetries in Ese Ejja
- From verb to New Event Marker
- Multiple functions of the Cantonese ‘wait’ verb dang2 and their historical development
- Associated motion, direction and (exchoative) aspect in Ethiopian Komo
- The two faces of animacy
- Dutch thetic and sentence-focus constructions on the semantics-pragmatics interface
- Grammatical nominalization in Yoron Ryukyuan
- Ditransitive constructions in Akebu
- Song, Jae Jung. 2018. Linguistic typology
- Subject and agentivity in Teotitlán Zapotec
- Topicality in Sentence Focus utterances
- Possessive and non-identity relations in Turkic switch-reference
- The expression of vulgarity, force, severity and size
- Discontinuous noun phrases in Ngkolmpu
- Fleischer, Jürg, Elisabeth Rieken and Paul Widmer (eds.). 2015. Agreement from a diachronic perspective
- A comparison of vowel harmony in Xinkan, Jicaquean, and Lencan
- Reported speech in earthquake narratives from six Tibeto-Burman languages
- Repeating responses as a conversational affordance for linguistic transmission
- Independent and dependent possessive person forms
- Indefinite expressions and accessibility hierarchy to core argument functionsin a sample of Austronesian languages(and beyond)
- Plural marking patterns of nouns and their associates in the world’s languages
- On the polysemy of motion verbs in Ancient Greek and Coptic
- Zero morphemes in paradigms
- Concernee-Concern constructions
- Iconicity in syntax and the architecture of linguistic theory
- Grammaticalized sources of Kurtöp verbal morphology
- Nominal classification
- The dual nature of irrealis in complementation
- Frajzyngier, Zygmunt & Erin Shay. 2016. The role of functions in syntax: A unified approach to language theory, description, and typology
- Laurel J. Brinton (ed.). 2017. English historical linguistics: Approaches and perspectives
- Ordering towards disorder
- The grammaticalisation of verb-auxiliary order in East African Bantu
- The grammar of ‘non-realization’
- Assertion, presumption and presupposition
- Clause constituents, arguments and the question of grammatical relations in Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
- Agent demotion through inverted word order
- The relative pronoun strategy
- Differential nominal marking in Circassian
- The naked truth about the Chamorro dual
- Must/need, may/can and the scope of the modal auxiliary
- Syntactic and semantic agreement in Eegimaa (Banjal)
- Expressing possibility in two Oceanic languages
- The grammatical-lexical distinction in Chinese aspectual markers
- Dixon, Robert M. W. & Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.). 2017. Commands: A cross-linguistic typology
- Reversed ang-inversion and narrow focus marking in Tagalog
- Understanding ‘clause’ as an emergent ‘unit’ in everyday conversation
- On the notion of unit in the study of human languages
- Linguistic units and their systems
- Free NPs as units in Finnish
- Referring expressions in categorizing activities
- The predicate as a locus of grammar and interaction in colloquial Indonesian
- Questioning the clause as a crosslinguistic unit in grammar and interaction
- Archi. Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective
- Truth, person, and personal truth
- Deconstructing (ir)regularity
- Listening in on the conversations of early farmers
- Criteria for establishing the inventory of semantic participants and voices in Tagalog
- Linguistic typology, language modality, and stuff like that
- Two types of morphologically expressed non-verbal predication
- General converbs in Andi
- List of reviewers 2018
- Stump, Gregory. 2016. Inflectional paradigms: Content and form at the syntax-morphology interface
- Human impersonal pronouns in West Germanic
- Argument realization of psychological verbs
- The typological change of motion expressions in Chinese revisited
- The constructionalization and constructional change of noncanonical V-NP expressions in Mandarin Chinese
- From perfect to narrative tense
- Reference tracking in Tima and its interplay with split ergative marking
- Response
- On the diminutive morpheme -gama in Ikema, a Ryukyuan language
- Gender agreement alternation in Aqusha Dargwa
- Quechuan terms for internal organs of the torso
- Areal sound change and the distributional typology of affricate richness in Eurasia
- Two locative constructions in Caijia from the typological perspective of Asian languages
- Cyclic renewal of demonstratives
- Tone assignment and grammatical tone in Anal (Tibeto-Burman)
- The on-line emergence of Hebrew insubordinate she- (‘that/which/who’) clauses
- Grammatical fear morphemes in Ese Ejja
- Evaluative morphology in the verbal domain
- Expressive values of reduplication in Barunga Kriol (northern Australia)
- The rise and fall of Mojeño diminutives through the centuries
- The encoding of emotions in Kakataibo (Panoan)
- The grammatical expression of emotions in Tacana and other Takanan languages
- Expressiveness and evaluation in Arabic
- Diminutives and augmentatives in Beja (North-Cushitic)
- A preliminary typology of emotional connotations in morphological diminutives and augmentatives
- List of reviewers 2017
- The affective construction in Yoron Ryukyuan
- From #[Je]F suis Charlie to #JeSuisCharlie
- Existentials and possessives in Modern Hebrew
- Mark Baker (2015), Case: Its principles and parameters
- Baker, Mark C. 2015. Case: Its principles and parameters
- Reply to the Reviews of Case: Its Principles and Parameters
- Baker, Mark. 2015. Case
- A sense of agency
- On the Formation of Modern Chinese Pseudo-Possessive-Object Constructions
- Deppermann & Susanne, (eds.), 2015. Temporality in Interaction
- The epistemization of person markers in reported speech
- A typological analysis of the Chained-Aorist construction in Ayt Atta Tamazight (Berber)
- Bakker & Haspelmath, (eds), 2013. Languages across boundaries: Essays in memory of Anna Siewierska
- The macro-event property and the layered structure of the clause
- Clause-internal antitopics in Berta, a Nilo-Saharan verb-second language
- Nominal complex in West Circassian
- Constructions, grammatical status and morphologization
- Teop – an Oceanic language with multifunctional verbs, nouns and adjectives
- Dozing eyes and drunken faces
- Describing lexical flexibility in Caac (New Caledonia)
- Word classes and the scope of lexical flexibility in Tongan
- Lexical and grammatical flexibility in Toqabaqita
- Categorial flexibility as an artefact of the analysis
- Roots and stems in Amis and Nêlêmwa (Austronesian)
- The economy of word classes in Hiw, Vanuatu
- A method for mitigating the problem of borrowing in syntactic reconstruction
- Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Andrej L. Malchukov, Marc Richards (eds.). Scales and Hierarchies. A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective
- McCready, Eric. 2015. Reliability in Pragmatics
- Multiple ergatives
- Heinrich, Patrick; Miyara, Shinsho & Shimoji, Michinori (eds.). 2015. Handbook of the Ryukyuan languages: History, structure and use
- Agreement with the internal possessor in Chimane*
- Morphological self-repair
- The origin and use of a relative clause construction that targets objects in Orungu (Bantu, Gabon)
- Velupillai, Viveka. 2014. Pidgins, Creoles and Mixed Languages: An Introduction
- Negative scope, temporality, fixedness, and right- and left-branching
- Marking the unexpected
- Cyclical ups and downs
- Wang, William S-Y. and Chaofen Sun (eds.). 2015. The Oxford handbook of Chinese linguistics
- A synchronic and diachronic typology of Hittite reciprocal constructions
- Beyond roots and affixes
- Subject preference in Ixcatec relative clauses (Otomanguean, Mexico)
- Iconicity in the lexicon
- On the typology of negative concord
- Inkelas, Sharon. 2014. The interplay of morphology and phonology
- Subject pronoun doubling in Agul
- Agent-defocusing constructions from nominalized VPs
- Emotion in interaction
- “Cyclic” time in the history of Russian
- The modern Hebrew prepositional relative clause strategy
- “Simple” and “double” applicatives in Shiwilu (Kawapanan)
- Maximal backgrounding = focus without (necessary) focus encoding
- The hypothesis of insubordination and three types of wh-exclamatives
- Indefinite past reference and the Present Perfect in Argentinian Spanish
- Verbal inflectional morphology and modality in compound clause-linkage markers in Japanese