- REVIEW ARTICLE: Israel–Palestine, Federation or Apartheid?
- Fear and Loathing in the Land of the Free
- REVIEW ARTICLE: Humor and Its Philosophical Keystones
- REVIEW ARTICLE: Another Side of “Reason and Argument”
- Self-Consciousness: the Battle between Science and Philosophy
- REVIEW ARTCLE: Quantum Mechanics and the Rigor of Angles
- REVIEW ARTICLE The Experience Machine
- The Alchemy of Political Discourse: A Mix of Facts, Beliefs, Reality, and Uncertainty
- REVIEW: The Future of Humankind (2023)
- Kryptonite of the Übermensch
- Confucianism and the Three Timeless Truths Part II
- Confucianism and the Three Timeless Truths Part I
- A New Metaphysics
- Review: Expressly Human (June 2022)
- What Problem of Consciousness? (2021)
- Review: The Philosophers’ Library – Books that Shaped the World
- Ecology Expanded (2021)
- Why We Can Never Have the Moral Right to Punish (2020)
- Thought Experiments and the Ethics of Abortion (2020)
- My Language is My Reality (2020)
- Reconnecting Philosophy and Theology (2020)
- REVIEW: Through Mud and Barbed Wire
- REVIEW ARTICLE: Metaphysical Imagination
- Why is there Something Rather Than Nothing? (2019)
- Zeno and the Demonstration of Infinity (Autumn 2018)
- REVIEW: I Think, Therefore I Eat (2018)
- Distilling Philosophy’s Essence (2018)
- REVIEW: The Character Gap (2018)
- On Humour (2018)
- Arendt on Public ‘Truth’ and Virtue (2018)
- Linguistic Culturism (2018)
- Grist for Leibniz’s Mill (2017)
- Vital Education (2017)
- BOOK REVIEW: Surfing with Sartre (2017)
- BOOK REVIEW: Uncertainty
- The Law of the Conservation of Being (2017)
- Why does Slavery Persist in the 21st Century? (2016)
- Great Aphorisms Sprout in the Dark (2016)
- Peering into the Future and Seeing the End of Territoriality (2016)
- Franz Kafka’s Blue Period (2016)
- The Nexus of Philosophy and Science (2016)
- The Delirium of Appearance (2016)
- Descartes’ Menagerie of Demons (2015)
- What is Power? (2015)
- Review: Epistemology … After Roy Harris? (2015)
- When Alice met Wittgenstein (2015)
- Quantum Mechanics and New Perspectives on the Nature of Life (2015)
- C. E. M. Joad: Philosophical Treasure – or Third-Class Socrates? (2015)
- A Closer Look at Nozick’s Experience Machine (2015)
- Draw? Sequin on the Hebdo Massacre (2015)
- Mis-Marketing the Moon? (2014)
- The Russian view of the English as Seen Through Literature (2014)
- Man, the Measure of All Things? (2014)
- About Doublethink (2014)
- Review article: Secrets of the Seven Seals (2014)
- On the Nature of Things: Twenty First Century Update (2014)
- Review article: The Outer Limits of Reason (2014)
- Republican Economics Twenty First Century Update (2014)
- Review article: Surfaces and Essences (2013)