- Pastoral hazardscapes in Aotearoa New Zealand: gender, land dispossession, and dairying in a warming climate
- Actors’ frames and advocacy coalitions in the CAP reform process 2013 in Austria’s agricultural media
- “A farm is viable if it can keep its head above water”: defining and measuring farm viability for small and mid-sized farms
- Sovereignty by design and human values in agriculture data spaces
- Muchtar Habibi: Capitalism and agrarian change—class, production, and reproduction in Indonesia
- Food system shocks and food insecurity vulnerabilities: introduction to the symposium
- Farm households’ social and economic needs and the future of agriculture: introduction to the symposium
- Food crises in the third food regime: an exploratory frame analysis of mainstream governance responses
- Correction: Reconquer and divide: comparative standard-setting strategies among producer organizations
- Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro and George Martin: Urban food production for ecosocialism: cultivating the city
- Towards a theory of pastoralist and rancher identity: insights for understanding livestock systems in transformation
- Navigating a gendered ecosystem: the role of entrepreneurial capital in the business strategies of single-owner women farmers
- Values-based food systems: the role of local food partnerships in England
- Understanding the values that inform regenerative ranching in the Northern U.S. Great Plains
- Jérémie Forney, Dana Bentia and Angga Dwiartama: Everyday agri-environmental governance. The emergence of sustainability through assemblage thinking
- Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir: why agriculture productivity falls: the political economy of agrarian transition in developing countries
- Muhammad Khalid Bashir, Steven G.M. Schilizzi, and Ghaffar Ali: Food Security in the Developing World
- Socioeconomic and political-cultural criteria for Agroecology: learnings from Participatory Guarantee Systems
- Responsible research and innovation in food systems: a critical review of the literature and future research avenues
- Drought adaptation in Austrian agriculture: empirically based farmer types
- Illuminating the care/repair nexus in the ‘pandemic era’, and the potential for care beyond repair in Danish poultry production
- Timothy Lorek: Making the Green Revolution—agriculture and conflict in Colombia
- William D. Schambacher and Whitney Fung Uy: Food Insecurity
- Neoliberal growth vs food system democratization: narrative analysis of Canadian federal and civil society agri-food policy
- Analyzing abstraction in critical agri-food studies and computer science: toward interdisciplinary analysis of digital agriculture innovation
- Dianna Smith and Claire Thompson: Food deserts and food insecurity in the UK: exploring social inequality
- Reconquer and divide: comparative standard-setting strategies among producer organizations
- Agricultural innovations for sustainability? Diverse pathways and plural perspectives on rice seeds in Odisha, India
- The end of direct farm payments and rural poverty in the American Midwest
- Unveiling relational values in agroecosystems through participatory video in a tropical agroforest frontier
- Farm workers’ food security during food price hikes: a political economy of landless rice-wheat farm labourers in Pakistan’s Punjab
- Books received
- Contribution of local knowledge in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) to the well‑being of cocoa families in Colombia: a response from the relationship
- Public support for producer adoption of soil health practices
- Operationalizing collective action for crop diversity in-situ management: insights from a decentralized collective design approach
- Generations of ‘shock absorbers’: women caregivers of young children and their efforts to mitigate food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The role of dairy alternatives in just food system transitions: a scoping review
- Outcomes of international travel on agriculture: agricultural leadership programs create transformative learning and behavior change in farmers and ranchers
- Ruminant livestock and climate change: critical discourse moments in mainstream and farming sector news media
- Mixed method evaluation of factors influencing the adoption of organic participatory guarantee system certification among Vietnamese vegetable farmers
- Synergistic effect of relational values in a participatory guarantee system: a case study of an ecoagriculture initiative in Taiwan
- Advancing basic income as a policy tool for food systems sustainability
- Grazing for dollars: responsible investing for healthy and sustainable animal agriculture in Australia
- Gardening practices in Alaska build on traditional food system foundations
- Transitioning practices of vegetable small-scale actors in Vietnam: an interplay of food safety, labor demand, and soil environment
- A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness
- Zied Haj-Amor, Dong-Gill Kim, and Salem Bouri: Sustainable agriculture adaptation strategies to address climate change by 2050
- Anne Murcott: The (not so) secret lives of food packaging
- Xiao Han and Lei Wang: Organic agriculture and biodiversity in China
- Daniel N. Warshawsky: Food waste, food insecurity, and the globalization of food banks
- NGOisation and food sovereignty: unearthing the intricacies of NGO-driven food sovereignty efforts. Insights from Uganda
- Building ties at multi-stakeholder engagement events to facilitate social learning about contentious issues in natural resource management
- A century of biodynamic farming development: implications for sustainability transformations
- Q fever as an anthropological prism for revealing how farmers live with microbes
- Julie Guthman: The problem with solutions
- Bipartisan creation of US Land Access Policy Incentives: states’ efforts to support beginning farmers and resist farm consolidation and loss
- Unpacking “the surprise chain”: the governance of food security during the COVID-19 pandemic in Melbourne, Australia
- It’s not just the farm: enterprise and household responses to the pandemic by North Carolina niche meat producers
- How farmers’ self-identities affect agri-environmental transition in Grassland Use: a mixed method study in the Swiss Alpine Region
- Vincanne Adams: Glyphosate and the swirl: An agro-industrial chemical on the move
- Family farms through the lens of geopolitics: rethinking agency and power in the Baltic borderlands
- Work-life balance on a farm with young children in Slovenia
- Power positions in the farm family, marrying in, and negative peer pressure: the social relations that impact agricultural practice
- Retirement income and savings behavior in farm households
- Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators
- From mangroves to womangroves to feminist foodscapes: (en)gendering research on indigenous food livelihoods in the Solomon Islands
- Divergent approaches to the ‘family farm’: celebrate, reform, or abolish?
- Digital technology and on-farm responses to climate shocks: exploring the relations between producer agency and the security of food production
- What makes terroir unique? Wine, body techniques, and agricultural modernisation in the Shangri-La region of China
- Katrin Bohn and Mikey Tomkins: Urban food mapping: making visible the edible city
- Distance to commercial banks and farm household asset accumulation
- When one crisis comes after another: successive shocks, food insecurity, and coastal precarity in the Philippines
- “New food cultures” and the absent food citizen: immigrants in urban food policy discourse
- Building the intrinsic infrastructure of agroecology: collectivising to deal with the problem of the state
- Exploring inclusion in UK agricultural robotics development: who, how, and why?
- Disaster response and sustainable transitions in agrifood systems
- The emergence of microbiological inputs and the challenging laboratorisation of agriculture: lessons from Brazil and Mexico
- Globalgap certification and working conditions of workers on smallholder mango farms in Ghana
- Precision agriculture and the future of agrarian labor in the US food system
- “Marriage is Necessary:” how accessing infrastructure through the family farm affects viability, transitions, and justice
- Governing by data: metrics and sustainability in produce agriculture
- Creating dialogues as a quiet revolution: exploring care with women in regenerative farming
- Glimpses of embodied utopias, why Moroccan and Swiss farmers engage in alternative agricultures
- A buzzword, a “win-win”, or a signal towards the future of agriculture? A critical analysis of regenerative agriculture
- Valuing farmers in transitions to more sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review of local food producers’ experiences and contributions in short food supply chains
- Make the desert bloom—imaginaries, infrastructure, and water-land entanglement in desert agriculture in Israel
- Correction: Between “better than” and “as good as”: mobilizing social representations of alternative proteins to transform meat and dairy consumption practices
- Ashok Gulati, Kavery Ganguly, Harsh Wardhan, (Eds): Agricultural value chains in India: ensuring competitiveness, inclusiveness, sustainability, scalability, and improved finance
- Exploring mental systems within regenerative agriculture: systems thinking and rotational grazing adoption among Canadian livestock producers
- Saving, sharing and shaping landrace seeds in commons: unravelling seed commoning norms for furthering agrobiodiversity
- How agricultural producers use local knowledge, climate information, and on-farm “experiments” to address drought risk
- Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise
- Marginality in the berry fields: hierarchical ordering of food and agrarian systems in Norway
- Justin Sean Myers: Growing gardens, building power: food justice and urban agriculture in Brooklyn
- The relevance of food sovereignty assessments in urban sites of scarcity: lessons from mothers in Cap-Haitian, Haiti
- Assessing the impacts of EU agricultural policies on the sustainability of the livestock sector: a review of the recent literature
- “Safer to plant corn and beans”? Navigating the challenges and opportunities of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt
- The effects of collective trauma on Iowa farmers, their communities, and sustainability outcomes
- Between “better than” and “as good as”: mobilizing social representations of alternative proteins to transform meat and dairy consumption practices
- The rise of multi-stakeholderism, the power of ultra-processed food corporations, and the implications for global food governance: a network analysis
- Revealing agricultural land ownership concentration with cadastral and company network data
- “Lights out” poultry production and pandemic influenza
- Loss of seasonal ranges reshapes transhumant adaptive capacity: Thirty-five years at the US Sheep Experiment Station
- Unsettling wildness: seafood consumption in new materialism
- How agricultural extension responds to amplified agrarian transitions in mainland Southeast Asia: experts’ reflections
- Motherhood, mothering and care among Mongolian herder women
- Observing farm plots to increase attentiveness and cooperation with nature: a case study in Belgium
- Publisher Correction: Harvesting connections: the role of stakeholders’ network structure, dynamics and actors’ influence in shaping farmers’ markets
- Resisting coloniality in agriculture: A decolonial analysis of Florida’s agricultural migrant workers’ experiences
- Candan Turkkan: Feeding Istanbul: the political economy of urban provisioning
- Livelihood resilience in context of crop booms: insights from Southwest China
- Transforming labour around food? the experience of community supported agriculture in Italy
- How do coffee farmers engage with digital technologies? A capabilities perspective
- Motivations, changes and challenges of participating in food-related social innovations and their transformative potential: three cases from Berlin (Germany)
- Urban food governance without local food: missing links between Czech post-socialist cities and urban food alternatives
- Landscape discourses and rural transformations: insights from the Dutch Dune and Flower Bulb Region
- Relationships of regeneration in Great Plains commodity agriculture
- Correction: Exploring diverse food system actor perspectives on gene editing: a systematic review of socio-cultural factors influencing acceptability
- No farm is an island: constrained choice, landscape thinking, and ecological insect management among Wisconsin farmers
- Making sense of farmland biodiversity management: an evaluation of a farmland biodiversity management communication strategy with farmers
- Adoption of smart farm networks: a translational process to inform digital agricultural technologies
- The ‘Good Kiwi’ and the ‘Good Environmental Citizen’?: Dairy, national identity and complex consumption-related values in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Transforming the food system in ‘unprotected space’: the case of diverse grain networks in England
- Killing with care? The potentials at the sustainability/masculinity nexus in an ‘alternative’ Danish slaughterhouse
- The roles and dynamics of transition intermediaries in enabling sustainable public food procurement: insights from Spain
- "I wonder if I’m being [a] Karen”: Analyzing rural–urban farmer network building
- "I wonder if I’m being [a] Karen”: Analyzing rural–urban farmer network building
- Harvesting connections: the role of stakeholders’ network structure, dynamics and actors’ influence in shaping farmers’ markets
- Who and what gets recognized in digital agriculture: agriculture 4.0 at the intersectionality of (Dis)Ableism, labor, and recognition justice
- Equity and resilience in local urban food systems: a case study
- Angela N. H. Creager and Jean-Paul Gaudillière: Risk on the table: food production, health, and the environment
- New entrant farming policy as predatory inclusion: (Re)production of the farm through generational renewal policy programs in Scotland
- “Organic” rice: different implications from process and product environmental verification approaches in Laos and Thailand
- Artifishial: naturalness and the CRISPR-salmon
- Selective, reciprocal and quiet: lessons from rural queer empowerment in community-supported agriculture
- Bruce Scholten: Dairy farming in the 21st century: global ethics and politics
- Sustainable farm work in agroecology: how do systemic factors matter?
- Return and repair: the rise of Jewish agrarian movements in North America
- Moving beyond production: community narratives for good farming
- Reviving shekhawati food and local food system through commoning: a case from Nawalgarh, India
- Can gender transformative agroecological interventions improve women’s autonomy?
- Benefits of farmer managed natural regeneration to food security in semi-arid Ghana
- The framings of the coexistence of agrifood models: a computational analysis of French media
- Civic food networks and agrifood forums: a social infrastructure for civic engagement
- Alexandra Gelis, Deborah Barndt, and Lauren Baker: Earth to tables legacies: multimedia food conversations across generations and cultures
- The seeds are coming home: a rising movement for Indigenous seed rematriation in the United States
- Exploring settler-Indigenous engagement in food systems governance
- Exploring smallholder farmers’ climate change adaptation intentions in Tiruchirappalli District, South India
- Being a woman with the “skills of a man”: negotiating gender in the 21st century US Corn Belt
- The essential work of feeding others: connecting food labor in public and private spaces