- Being, Meaning, and the Divine Ideas – An Investigation into Edith Stein on Essential and Eternal Being
- Why Subjectivity Reveals Man as Person
- The Metaphysics of Evagrius Ponticus
- Is There a Hope Without Transcendence? A Metaphysical Critique of Ernst Bloch
- Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza – The Last Jesuit Stand for Analogy
- The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good by Alexander William Salter
- The Crisis of Democratic Pluralism: The Loss of Confidence in Reason and the Clash of Worldviews by Brendan Sweetman
- The Irreducibility of the Human Person: A Catholic Synthesis by Mark K. Spencer
- The Substance of Consciousness: A Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism by Brandon Rickabaugh and J.P. Moreland
- God, Evil, and Redeeming Good: A Thomistic Theodicy by Paul A. Macdonald Jr.
- Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers by Gloria Frost
- Anselm as Teacher – Reasoning about the Affections
- The Main Ideas in A Historical Study of Anselm’s Proslogion, with Replies to Criticism and Further Considerations
- Introduction – Special Issue on Anselm
- Experience and Ontology in Anselm’s Argument
- “Be Anxious for Nothing” – Anselm on Fearing Evil
- How Anselm Separates Morality from Happiness
- Nonresistant Nonbelief – An Indirect Threat to Atheism, Naturalism, and Divine Hiddenness
- Richard Lynch, S.J. (1610–1676) on Being and Essens
- Thomas Aquinas on Concrete Particulars
- Freedom & Sin: Evil in a World Created by God by Ross McCullough
- What We Owe the Future by William MacAskill
- An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius by St. Thomas Aquinas
- Intention and Wrongdoing: In Defense of Double Effect by Joshua Stuchlik
- Reason, Revelation & Metaphysics: The Transcendental Analogies by Montague Brown
- Response to Pruss and McNabb
- Response to Brian Besong
- Will There Be Non-Human Animals in Heaven?
- What Animals Might There Be in Heaven?
- Faculties of the Soul and Descartes’s Rejection of Substantial Forms
- Individuation and New Matter Theories in Late Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century Protestant Scholasticism
- Can Accidents Alone Generate Substantial Forms? Twists and Turns of a Late Medieval Debate
- Durand of St.-Pourçain’s Moderate Reductionism about Hylomorphic Composites
- Can Something New Be Produced by Moving Things Around? – Local Motion and the Problem of the Metaphysical Status of Artefacts, 1300–1500
- Paul of Venice and the Plurality of Forms and Souls – Studying the Reception of Scholastic Hylomorphism in Fifteenth-Century Padua
- Innovative Conceptions of Substantial Change in Early Fourteenth-Century Discussions of Minima Naturalia
- Introduction – Special Issue on Late Medieval Hylomorphism
- Ontological Commitment in Gregory of Rimini – Hylomorphism and the Complexe Significabile
- Suárez’s Republic of Demons – Could There Be an Obligation to Do Evil?
- Value Incommensurability in Natural Law Ethics – A Clarification and Critique
- Philip of the Blessed Trinity on Mystical Knowledge – Peculiar Kinds of Species
- Unde huic fictioni non est respondendum – Thomas Aquinas and the Necessitation of the Will
- Mitigating the Magic – The Role of Memory, the Vis Cogitativa, and Experience in Aquinas’s Abstractionist Epistemology
- Virtue and the Paradox of Tragedy
- The Two Greatest Ideas: How Our Grasp of the Universe and of Our Minds Changed Everything
- What Happened to Civility: The Promise and Failure of Montaigne’s Modern Project
- By Way of Obstacles: A Pathway Through a Work
- Conscience: Four Thomistic Treatments
- The Way of Medicine: Ethics and the Healing Profession
- John Buridan on the Question of the Unity of the Human Being
- The Use of Theological Terms in the De anima Commentaries of Nicole Oresme and John Buridan
- Mirecourt, Mental Modes, and Mental Motions
- Buridan’s Radical View of Final Causality and Its Influence
- John Buridan – The Human Body at the Intersection of Natural Philosophy and Medicine
- The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity. By Toby Ord
- Platonism and the Objects of Science. By Scott Berman
- Is There a God? A Debate. By Graham Oppy and Kenneth L. Pearce
- The Place of Pleasure in Neo-Aristotelian Ethics
- Cell Lines of Illicit Origins and Vaccines – Metaphysics and Ethics
- Von Hildebrand, Scheler, and Marcel on Interpreting One’s Friends
- A Correction to Dillard’s Reading of Geach’s Temporality Argument for Non-Materialism
- A Transcategorial Conception of Dynamis and Energeia
- Newman the Fallibilist
- Warranted Catholic Belief
- Eternal Life and Human Happiness in Heaven: Philosophical Problems, Thomistic Solutions
- Ethics
- Thomas Aquinas On The Immateriality Of The Human Intellect
- After Certainty: A History Of Our Epistemic Ideals And Illusions
- The Abuse Of Conscience: A Century Of Catholic Moral Theology
- The Metaphysics of Perfect Vital Acts in Second Scholasticism
- Scotus and Grosseteste on Phantasms and Illumination
- Light Metaphysics and Scripture in the Inaugural Sermons of Robert Grosseteste and St. Bonaventure
- One Way of Being Ambiguous – The Univocity of “Existence” and the Theory of Tashkīk Predication in Rāzī and Ṭūsī’s Commentaries on Avicenna’s Pointers and Reminders
- Thomas Aquinas on Assimilation to God through Efficient Causality
- Believing Philosophy: A Guide to Becoming a Christian Philosopher
- Substances in Subjects: Instantiation and Existence in Avicenna
- Atonement and the Death of Christ: An Exegetical, Historical, and Philosophical Exploration
- Love And Politics: Persistent Human Desires as a Foundation for Liberation
- Reply to Macdonald
- Why Animals Have No Rights
- Animal Subjects and Animal Rights – A Response to William Matthew Diem
- Expanding the Domain of Justice to Include Animals and Animal Rights
- To Pardon what Conscience Dreads – Revisiting Max Scheler’s Phenomenology of Repentance
- The Charity Account of Forgiving
- Can a Metaphysically Perfect God Have Moral Virtues and Duties? Re-reading Aquinas
- A Functional Alternative to Radical Capacities – Critiquing Lee and Grisez
- The Aims and Arguments of Habits and Holiness: A Précis
- Dual Process Theory: A Philosophical Review
- Virtue and the Psychology of Habit
- Surprising Empirical Directions for Thomistic Moral Psychology: Social Information Processing and Aggression Research
- What Moral Exemplars Can Teach Us About Virtue, Psychology, and Ourselves
- Christian Moral Wisdom, Character Formation, and Contemporary Psychology
- A Heuristic for Thomist Philosophical Anthropology: Integrating Commonsense, Experiential, Experimental, and Metaphysical Psychologies
- Introduction: Special Issue on Contemporary Thomistic Psychology
- Just Pain: Aquinas on the Necessity of Retribution and the Nature of Obligation
- Beyond The Self: Virtue Ethics And The Problem Of Culture: Essays In Honor Of W. David Solomon
- Being Unfolded: Edith Stein On The Meaning Of Being
- Taking God Seriously: Two Different Voices
- The Nature Of Human Persons: Metaphysics and Bioethics
- Phenomenology
- Free Will And The Rebel Angels In Medieval Philosophy
- Conformed by Praise: Xunzi and William of Auxerre on the Ethics of Liturgy
- The Five Characters at Essay’s End: Re-examining Anscombe’s “Modern Moral Philosophy”
- Secondary Substance and Quod Quid Erat Esse – Aquinas on Reconciling the Divisions of “Substance” in the Categories and Metaphysics
- Formal Abstraction and its Problems in Aquinas
- A Virtue-Based Defense Of Perinatal Hospice
- Contents of Volume 95 (2021)
- Kierkegaard and Spirituality: Accountability as the Meaning of Human Existence
- Analogical Identities: The Creation of the Christian Self—Beyond Spirituality and Mysticism in the Patristic Era
- Justice and Charity: An Introduction to Aquinas’s Moral, Economic, and Political Thought
- The Domain of Justice and the Extension of Rights – A Reply to Macdonald on Animal Rights
- The Debate on Probable Opinions in the Scholastic Tradition
- Is God Capable of Enjoying Aesthetic Beauty? – A Controversy between Dietrich von Hildebrand and Jacques Maritain
- Conscience and Conscientiousness in Linda Zagzebski’s Exemplarist Moral Theory
- The Strict Definition of Intended Effects and Two Questions for Critics
- Bonaventure’s I Sentence Argument for the Trinity from Beatitude
- A Reconsideration of Aquinas’s Fourth Way
- God Without Metaphysics: Some Thomistic Reflections on Heidegger’s Onto-Theological Critique and the Future of Natural Theology
- Immortality in Heidegger
- The Nature of Sacred Time
- Charity in Interpretation: Principle or Virtue? A Return to Gregory the Great
- Amo, Ergo Cogito: Phenomenology’s Non-Cartesian Augustinianism
- Stein’s Critique of Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism
- Experiencing Others: Stein’s Critique of Scheler
- Jean-Luc Marion and the Phénoménologie de la Donation as First Philosophy
- Thomism and Contemporary Phenomenological Realism – Toward a Renewed Engagement
- The Many Phenomenological Reductions and Catholic Metaphysical Anti-Reductionism
- Replies to Kim, Toner, and Beabout
- Meaning Seeking Animals, Enchantments, and Flourishing
- Précis of Virtue and Meaning
- McPherson’s Impiety
- Neo-Aristotelian Naturalism, Natural Law, and Objectivity
- Suárez’s Notion of Analogy – Scotus’s Essential Order in Disguise?
- Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin: a Thomistic Analysis
- The Moral Philosophy of Dietrich Von Hildebrand
- The War that Never Was: Evolution and Christian Theology
- Emergence: Towards a New Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
- Plato on Forms, Predication by Analogy, and Kinds of Reality
- Aquinas on Contrition and the Love of God
- Cooperation with Evil: Thomistic Tools of Analysis.
- Individuation, Identity, and Resurrection in Thomas Jackson and John Locke
- What’s the Good of Perfected Passion? – Thomas Aquinas on Attentiveness and the Filiae Luxuriae
- Acknowledging Animal Rights: A Thomistic Perspective
- Curiosity: Vice or Virtue? Augustine and Lonergan
- Why Does the Wood Not Ignite Itself? Duns Scotus’s Defense of the Will’s Self-Motion
- Perfect Being Theology and Analogy
- The Constitution of the Human Person as Discovery and Awakening
- Intention, Character, and Double Effect. By Lawrence Masek
- John Henry Newman on Truth and its Counterfeits: A Guide For Our Times. By Reinhard Hütter
- From Human Dignity to Natural Law: An Introduction. By Richard Berquist. Foreword by Steven J. Jensen
- A Rambutan by Any Other Name Would Taste as Sweet – Response to Professor Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, OP
- On the Limits of Abstraction – A Response to Professor Marie Georg
- Does Knowing What Things Are Require Language (As a System of Physical or Imaginable Signs)?
- Thomistic Thoughts About Thought and Talk
- The Virtue of Somnience
- Contents of Volume 94 (2020)
- Edith Stein’s Conception of Human Unity and Bodily Formation – A Thomistically Informed Understanding
- The Not-So-Prolife Leviathan
- Determinate and Indeterminate Dimensions – Does Thomas Aquinas Change His Mind on Individuation?
- Aquinas and the Moral Virtues of a Christian Person
- The Epistemology of Theistic Philosophers’ Reactions to the Problem of Evil
- Morality and Situation Ethics, by Dietrich von Hildebrand, and Graven Images, by Dietrich von Hildebrand
- In Defense of Extended Conciliar Christology: A Philosophical Essay. By Timothy Pawl
- In Defense of Aristotle’s Revenge – Reply to Koons and Barr
- Aristotelians and the A/B Theory Debate about Time – A Response to Feser’s Aristotle’s Revenge
- Remarks on Aristotle’s Revenge
- Précis of Aristotle’s Revenge
- Aquinas on the Emotion of Hope – A Psychological or Theological Treatment?
- Aquinas’s Teachings on Concepts and Words in His Commentary on John contra Nicanor Austriaco, OP
- How Reason Can Lead to God: A Philosopher’s Bridge to Faith. By Joshua Rasmussen
- William of Ockham, Andrew of Neufchateau, and the Origins of Divine Command Theory
- Never Doubt Thomas: The Catholic Aquinas As Evangelical and Protestant. By Francis J. Beckwith
- Was Báñez a Bañecian?
- The Concept of Christian Philosophy in Edith Stein
- The Medieval Reception of Aristotle’s Passage on Natural Justice – The Role of Grosseteste’s Latin Translation of Ethica Nicomachea
- Willing Evil – Two Sixteenth-Century Views of Free Will and Their Background
- Is there a Punishment for Violating the Natural Law?
- Thomas Aquinas on Natural Inclinations and the Practical Cognition of Human Goods – A Fresh Take on an Old Debate
- European Sources of Human Dignity: A Commented Anthology. By Mette Lebech
- Sin: A Thomistic Psychology. By Steven J. Jensen
- Aristotle on the Proper Attitude Toward True Divinity
- Catholic Theology after Kierkegaard. By Joshua Furnal
- Newman’s Argument from Conscience – Why He Needs Paley and Natural Theology After All
- Aesthetic Rationality – Notes on an Affinity between Newman and Scotus
- Newman’s Skeptical Paradox – Certainty, Proof, and Fallibility
- The Heart in Newman’s Thought
- Towards a Broader Construal of Evidence – A Constructive Look at John Henry Newman
- St. John Henry Newman, Cardinal Matthew of Aquasparta, and Bl. John Duns Scotus on Knowledge, Assent, Faith, and Non-Evident Truths
- “Real” and “Notional” in Newman’s Thought
- Newman on Natural and Revealed Religion
- What Newman Can Give Catholic Philosophers Today
- Preface to Special Issue: The Philosophical Legacy of John Henry Newman
- Reasons for Acting and the End of Man as Naturally Known – Reconceiving Thomistic Axiology
- Contents of Volume 93 (2019)
- Edith Stein and the Ethics of Renewal – Contributions to a Steinian Account of the Moral Task
- The Analogy of Being in the Scotist Tradition
- Complexity without Composition – Duns Scotus on Divine Simplicity
- Necessary Existence. By Alexander R. Pruss and Joshua L. Rasmussen
- The Quality of Life: Aristotle Revised. By Richard Kraut
- Descartes on the Highest Good – Concepts and Conceptions
- The Internal Unity of Natural Kinds – Assessing Oderberg’s Neo-Scholastic Account
- Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers. Edited by Geoffrey M. Vaughan
- Marxism, Ethics and Politics: The Work of Alasdair Macintyre. By John Gregson
- Friendship versus the Normativity of Truth – A Catholic Response to a False Dilemma
- Francesco Piccolomini’s Christian-Neoplatonic Reading of Aristotle’s Theory of Friendship
- The Protestant and the Pelagian – Arnauld and Malebranche on Grace and Power
- What Do God and Creatures Really Do in an Evolutionary Change? Divine Concurrence and Transformism from the Thomistic Perspective
- Thomism and the Formal Object of Logic
- Anglo-American and European Personalism – A Dialogue on Idealism and Realism
- A Most Mitigated Friar – Scotus on Natural Law and Divine Freedom
- Desiring the Good: Ancient Proposals and Contemporary Theory. By Katja Maria Vogt
- Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher. Edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, and Sebastian Lalla
- Augustine and Kierkegaard. Edited by John Doody, Kim Paffenroth, and Helene Tallon Russell
- Introduction – Special Issue on Baroque Scholasticism
- A Jesuit Debate about the Modes of Union – Francisco Suárez vs. Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza
- How Pure a Potency? – Prime Matter in Post-Mediæval Thomism
- Vásquez’s Anselmian Response to Wycliffian Deterministic Arguments
- Scholastic Social Epistemology in the Baroque Era
- Early Modern Scotists and Eudaimonism – The Affection for Advantage and the Affection for Justice
- Theology as Wisdom – Renaissance and Modern Scholastic Commentaries on Aquinas
- Metaphysica Valeriani Magni – The Doctrine on God and the World for Those Who Love God
- The Knowledge of God’s Quid Sit in Dominican Theology – From Saint Thomas to Ferrariensis
- Anscombe on How St. Peter Intentionally Did What He Intended Not to Do
- St. Thomas, Teaching, and the Intellectual Virtue of Art
- Against the Permissibility of Attempted Wife-Poisoning
- Creation as Efficient Causation in Aquinas
- The Virtual Presence of Acquired Virtues in the Christian
- Suárez on Creation and Intrinsic Change
- Proto-Sin – A Case Study
- The Root of Sin is Still Undiscovered – A Counter-reply to Jensen
- Atheism and Agnosticism. By Graham Oppy
- Plato on the Value of Philosophy: The Art of Argument in the Gorgias and Phaedrus. By Tushar Irani
- Readings of Plato’s Apology of Socrates: Defending The Philosophical Life. Edited by Vivil Valvik Haralden, Olof Pettersson, and Oda E. Wiese Tvedt
- Leibniz on God and Religion: A Reader. By Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Translated and edited by Lloyd Strickland
- The Intimate Universal: The Hidden Porosity among Relgion, Art, Philosophy, and Politics. By William Desmond
- Contents of Volume 92 (2018)
- The Self-Absorption Objection and Neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics
- Everything in Motion is Put in Motion by Another – A Principle in Aquinas’s First Way
- Shared Intention and Cooperation with Evil
- Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Moral Epistemology
- The Principles of Distinction in Material Substances in the Philosophy of St. Thomas and St. Albert
- Gabriel Marcel and American Philosophy: The Religious Dimension of Experience. By David Rodick
- Divine Causality and Human Free Choice: Domingo Banez, Physical Premotion and the Controversy De Auxiliis Revisited. By Robert Joseph Matava
- Hume on Laws and Miracles
- Justice as A Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective. By Jean Porter
- Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative. By Alasdair MacIntyre
- The Believing Scientist: Essays on Science and Religion. By Stephen M. Barr
- The Concept of Woman. Volume III: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500–2015. By Sr. Prudence Alle
- Faith and Reason in the Oxford University Sermons – John Henry Newman and the Legacy of English Deism
- Faith, Recognition, and Community – Abraham and “Faith-In” in Hegel and Kierkegaard
- The Morally Difficult Notion of Heaven – A Critique of the Faith-Based Ethics of Avicenna and Aquinas
- The Perspective of Faith – Its Nature and Epistemic Implications
- Gritty Faith
- Become What You Receive – A Eucharistic Approach to Faith
- Evidence-Seeking as an Expression of Faith
- Introduction: Special Issue on Religious Epistemology
- Thomas Aquinas on War and Peace. By Gregory Reichberg
- On Sale, Securities, and Insurance. By Leonardus Lessius. Translated by Wim Decock and Nicholas De Sutter
- The Rigor of Things: Conversations with Dan Arbib. By Jean-Luc Marion and Dan Arbib. Translated by Christina M. Gschwandtner
- Reframing Aquinas on Art and Morality
- Aquinas On the Metaphysics of the Hypostatic Union. By Michael Gorman
- Aquinas on God-Sanctioned Stealing
- Ahistoricity in Analytic Theology
- Lonergan, Science, and God – Realism, Experience, and Emergent Probability
- Testimonial Trustworthiness – Truthfulness and Trust
- Matter in Biology – An Aristotelian Metaphysics for Contemporary Homology
- The Transcendentals and the Divine Names in Thomas Aquinas
- Defending Adam After Darwin – On the Origin of Sapiens as a Natural Kind
- Are Names Said of God and Creatures Univocally?
- Richard Cross’s Response to Brian Davies
- Response to Richard Cross on “Are Names Said of God and Creatures Univocally?”
- Thomas Aquinas on Persuasion: Action, Ends, and Natural Rhetoric. By Jeffrey J. Maciejewski
- An Aristotelian Feminism. By Sarah Borden Sharkey
- Crossing the Rubicon: The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology. By Emmanuel Falque. Translated by Reuben Shank
- The Intolerable God: Kant’s Theological Journey. By Christopher J. Insole
- Introduction to the CEPOS Discussion
- Hylomorphic Escalation – An Aristotelian Interpretation of Quantum Thermodynamics and Chemistry
- Sense and Reference of a Believer
- The Mathematization of Physics and the Neo-Thomism of Duhem and Maritain
- Aristotle and the Problem of Forgiveness
- Gestation Does Not Necessarily Imply Parenthood – Implications for the Morality of Embryo Adoption and Embryo Rescue
- The Storage Problem Revisited – A Reply to Díaz
- Aquinas’s Original Discovery – A Reply to Barnwell
- Are You What You Eat or Something More?
- A Dietrich von Hildebrand Bibliography
- Contents of Volume 91 (2017)
- Love, Freedom, and Morality in Kant and Dietrich von Hildebrand
- The Many Powers of the Human Soul – Von Hildebrand’s Contributions to Scholastic Philosophical Anthropology
- Reflections on Dietrich von Hildebrand’s My Battle Against Hitler
- Human Action and the Human Heart – A Critique of an Error in Hildebrand’s Ethics, Philosophical Anthropology, and Philosophy of Love
- The Husserlian Sources of Emotive Consciousness in Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Moral Philosophy
- Hildebrand’s Platonic Ontology of Value
- Phenomenological Realism, Pre-Theoretical Awareness of Philosophical Objects, and Theoretical Views about Them
- Von Hildebrand on Acting against One’s Better Knowledge – A Comparison to Plato
- Developing Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Personalism
- The Island Community of Spinalonga Seen in the Light of Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Phenomenology of Community
- A New Look at A Priori Knowledge and Hildebrand’s Discovery of Different Kinds of Unities
- Survey of My Philosophy
- The Religious Significance of von Hildebrand’s Notion of Second Order Beauty
- Evaluation of Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Doctoral Dissertation, “Die Idee der sittlichen Handlung”
- An Ontology of Love – A Patristic Reading of Dietrich von Hildebrand’s The Nature of Love
- Photo of Dietrich von Hildebrand
- Prima Secundae, Q. 18 and De Malo, Q. 2 – A Critical Comparison of Their Teachings Concerning Circumstances and Their Role in Moral Specification
- Finding Collective Sin and Recompense in Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo
- The Divine Energies and the “End of Human Life”
- Scotus and God’s Arbitrary Will – A Reassessment
- Beyond Non-Being – Thomistic Metaphysics on Second Intentions, Ens morale, and Ens artificiale
- Aquinas on the Nature of the Human Soul – Starting Points in Article 2 of On Spiritual Creatures
- Knowing as Being? A Metaphysical Reading of the Identity of Intellect and Intelligibles in Aquinas
- Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives From Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology. Edited by Nancy E. Snow
- In Defense of Conciliar Christology: A Philosophical Essay. By Timothy Pawl
- Structure and the Metaphysics of Mind: How Hylomorphism Solves the Mind-Body Problem. By William Jaworski
- Socratic Agapē without Irony in the Euthydemus
- Sebastian Izquierdo on Universals – A Way Beyond Realism and Nominalism?
- Art Via Theology – Eschatology and Tradition in Arthur C. Danto’s Philosophy of Art
- Philippa Foot’s So-called Achilles’ Heel – On the Distinctiveness of Her Grammatical Naturalism
- Contemplation, Intellectus, and Simplex Intuitus in Aquinas – Recovering a Neoplatonic Theme
- Feeling and Its Theological Relevance in the Formation of the Human Person According to Edith Stein
- Essentially Ordered Series Reconsidered Once Again
- Taking Pascal’s Wager: Faith, Evidence and the Abundant Life. By Michael Rota
- The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon. Edited by Lawrence Nolan
- Socrates among Strangers. By Joseph P. Lawrence
- The Everlasting Check: Hume on Miracles. By Alexander George