- Policies, Principles, and Adjudication (c. 1977-82)
- On Legal Expertise
- What Judges Must Believe
- Agency, Morality and Law. Joshua Jowitt
- H.L.A. Hart’s Lost Essay on Policies, Principles, and Adjudication
- The Authoritarian Nature of Common Good Constitutionalism
- “Law as the Art of Justice”: On Vermeule’s Common Good Constitutionalism
- Common Good Constitutionalism and the Individual—A Property Perspective
- A/the Common Good
- Continuity and Evolution in Vermeule on Legal Interpretation
- Between Authority and Usurpation? Common Good and Constitutional Government
- In Defense of the Common Good
- Vittorio Hösle, Intentionalism, and Understanding Understanding
- Why Religious Freedom is a Human Right
- Public Reason Naturalism
- Kierkegaard and Hobbes on the State of Nature
- Practical Reason and Private Law: Some Sketches
- Specifying Interpersonal Responsibilities in Private Law: Property Perspectives
- Public-Private Drift and the Shattering Polity
- NDAs: A Study in Rights, Wrongs, and Civil Recourse
- Poverty and Private Law: Beyond Distributive Justice
- Standing and Accountability
- Revising the Puzzle of Negligence: Transforming the Citizen towards Civic Maturity
- The Weakness of Relationality as a Unifying Concept in Tort
- Alasdair MacIntyre: An Intellectual Autobiography by Émile Perreau-Saussine and translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski
- The Maze of Contemporary Contract Theory and a Way Out
- The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision, Erika Bachiochi
- Natural Law Theory, “New” and Old
- Reading Finnis and Aquinas on Justice as the Evaluative Standard for Positive Law
- The Making of Constitutional Democracy: From Creation to Application of Law, Paolo Sandro
- The Legacy of John Finnis: Contemporary Engagements and Developments
- Law as Peace (Or Why I Am Still a Hard-Core Positivist)
- The Balance of the Constitution
- Rights, Duties and the Common Good: How the Finnis-Fortin Debate Helps Us Think More Clearly About Abortion Today
- Friendship as the Primary Purpose of Law
- Vignettes of Insight
- Constitutional Design and the Point of Constitutional Law
- Ways to Inhabit the Deliberative-Aspirational Point of View: Practical Reason and Objective Goods
- The Internal Point of View in Private Law
- Less Incorrect Ways of Doing Jurisprudence
- Presently Absent, or Absently Present? The Curious Condition of Natural Law
- The Dual Nature Thesis as a Cornerstone of Jurisprudence
- Subsidiarity and the Criminal Jury
- Fictions, Lies, and the Authority of Law Steven D. Smith
- Justice in Contracts
- The Dual Reality of No-Rights
- Subsidiarity as the Preference for Proximity
- Law and the Limits of Sovereign Power
- Law, Morality, and the One-System View: A Response to T. R. S. Allan
- The Purpose of a State
- Acknowledging the Body: The Challenge for Public Bioethics
- The State and Its People
- Echoes of the Ius Commune
- Peoples, Principles, and Finality
- Is Protestant Interpretation an Acceptable Attitude Toward Normative Social Practices? An Analysis of Dworkin and Postema
- The Separation of Powers in The Principles of Constitutionalism
- No-Right and its Correlative
- Originalism’s Promise
- On Tradition and the Conservation of Equity
- Law, Love, and Freedom: From the Sacred to the Secular Joshua Neoh. Cambridge University Press, 2019 Reviewed by Michael P. Moreland
- The Puzzle of Rights
- Loyalty and Disclosure in Legal Ethics
- Law as a Branch of Morality: The Unity of Practice and Principle
- The Internal Limits on Fiduciary Loyalty
- Motives and Fiduciary Loyalty
- Should Lawyers Be Loyal To Clients, the Law, or Both?
- Replying to Halpin and Kramer: Agreements, Disagreements and No-Agreements
- Legal Validity: The Fabric of Justice Maris Köpcke
- The Real Standard Picture, and How Facts Make It Law: a Response to Mark Greenberg
- Choosing Axioms of Correlativity
- On No-Rights and No Rights
- Intentions and Reflections: The Nature of Legislative Intent Revisited
- Ekins’s Moral Assumptions and Their Impact on the Analysis of Legislation
- Pragmatic Aspects of Legislative Intent
- The Central Case Method in The Nature of Legislative Intent
- The Legislative Assembly and Representative Deliberation
- More Votes, More Irrationality
- On the Centrality of Jurisprudence
- Ekins on Groups and Procedures
- Kant’s Concept of Law
- The Hohfeldian Analysis of Rights*
- Use And the Function of Property
- The Road Not Taken: On MacIntyre’s Human Rights Skepticism
- Lon L. Fuller on Political Obligation
- Replies to the Symposium Articles on Liberalism With Excellence
- Subjectivist Perfectionism
- Liberal Perfectionism, Moral Integrity, and Self-Respect
- Reasonable Disagreement and the Neutralist Dilemma: Abortion and circumcision in Matthew Kramer’s Liberalism with Excellence
- Abortion, Marriage and Cognate Problems
- Confessions of a Quidnunc
- Should I Be Proud of Liberalism with Excellence? On the Collective Grounds of Self-Respect
- Introduction to the Symposium on Matthew Kramer’s Liberalism with Excellence
- The Self-Respect of Democratic People
- Consequentialism, the Action/Omission Distinction, and the Principle of Double Effect: Three Rival Criteria to Solve Vital Conflicts in Cases of Necessity
- Distinguishing Between What is Intended and Foreseen Side Effects
- Kramer’s Delimiting Test for Legal Rights
- Chang’s Parity: An Alternative Way to Challenge Balancing
- The Inherently Political Nature of Subsidiarity
- Truth and Politics: A Symposium on Peter Simpson’s Political Illiberalism: A Defense of Freedom
- Must Rawlsians be Hamiltonians? Small Government and Political Illiberalism
- Comment on Peter Simpson’s Political Illiberalism
- For What May We Hope? An Appreciation of Peter Simpson’s Political Illiberalism
- On Peter Simpson on “Illiberal Liberalism”
- Aristotle and Modern Politics
- Political Illiberalism: A Response to My Critics
- Truth and Complexity: Notes on Music and Liberalism
- The Polemic against Liberalism
- Should We Abolish the State? Neo-Thomist Reflections on Peter Simpson’s Radical Proposal
- Coercion, Political Authority and the Common Good
- Political Philosophy and Political Illiberalism: A Critical Response to Peter Simpson
- Response and Rejoinder: On Voting, Intrinsic Evil, and Ranking of Political Issues
- On Knowing the Natural Law : A Response to Steven Jensen
- Absolute Rights: Some Problems Illustrated
- Autonomy as a Perfection
- End Matter (Back Cover)
- Front Matter (Front Cover)
- Rejoinder by Kevin L. Flannery, S.J.
- The Failure of Joseph Raz’s Account of Legal Obligation