- David Charles, The Undivided Self: Aristotle and the Mind-Body Problem
- Socrates’ ‘True Rhetoric’ as Pedagogical Tool and Instrument of ‘True Politics’
- Philosophical Rhetoric in Ancient Greece and Rome
- Antonio Ferro, Aristotle on Self-Motion. The Criticism of Plato in De Anima and Physics VIII
- The Many Presences of Rhetoric in Late Antique Platonism
- Rhetoric and Philosophical Speech in Plotinus
- Rhetoric, Philosophy, and Law in Late Republican Rome
- The Stoic ‘Science of Speaking Well’
- Aristotle on Rhetoric and Teaching
- Prime Matter and the Quantum Wavefunction
- Lloyd P. Gerson, Plato’s Moral Realism
- Whose Hylomorphism? Which Theory of Prime Matter?
- Late Scholastic Arguments for the Existence of Prime Matter
- What’s the Matter with Elemental Transformation and Animal Generation in Aristotle?
- Prime Matter and Modern Physics
- Idealisation in Greek Geometry
- Diagrams for Method 12 in the Archimedes Palimpsest
- Hypothetical Inquiry in Plato’s Timaeus
- Why Aristotle Can’t Do without Intelligible Matter
- Reply to Marmodoro’s Review of Platonism and the Objects of Science
- Aristotle on the Objects of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
- Ancient Philosophy of Mathematics and Its Tradition
- ‘But not that which has lost its soul is what is potentially alive’ – The Relation between Body and Soul in Aristotle
- Empedocles’ Epistemology and Embodied Cognition
- James Warren, Regret: A Study in Ancient Moral Psychology
- Scott Berman, Platonism and the Objects of Science
- Adultery, Theft, Murder: Aristotelian Practical Rationality and Absolute Prohibitions
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- The Normativity of Law in Nature Revisited: Natural Law in Late Hellenistic Thought
- Aristotle and Modern Constitutionalism
- The Normativity of Law: Ancient and Contemporary Perspectives
- Virtue and the Normativity of Law
- Plato on Legal Normativity
- Law and the Metaethics of Discord
- Devin Henry, Aristotle on Matter, Form, and Moving Causes: The Hylomorphic Theory of Substantial Generation
- Dorota Dutsch, Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion
- Richard Sorabji, Freedom of Speech and Expression. Its History, Its Value, Its Good Use, and Its Misuse: The Rutgers Lectures in Philosophy
- Psychological Causes in Plato’s Phaedo
- Early Thinking about Likings and Dislikings
- Aristotle’s Alternative to Enduring and Perduring: Lasting
- Philosophical Theories of Colour in Ancient Greek Thought – and Their Relevance Today
- Being, Identity, and Difference in Heraclitus and Parmenides
- Change and Changemakers in Ancient Philosophy
- Aristotle’s Solution to Zeno’s Arrow Paradox and its Implications
- Aristotle on Microstructures and Capacities
- Plato on Food Poisoning and the Indestructibility of Soul in Pol. X 608d–611a
- Two Theories of Change in Plato’s Timaeus
- Hylomorphisms
- Socrates as Intellectual Character Builder
- Completeness, Self-Sufficiency, and Intimacy in Seneca’s Account of Friendship
- Hupolêpsis, Doxa, and Epistêmê in Aristotle
- Sean Coughlin, David Leith, Orly Lewis (eds), The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle
- Michael Della Rocca, The Parmenidean Ascent
- What is Matter in Aristotle’s Hylomorphism?
- Timothy Clarke, Aristotle and the Eleatic One
- Definition and Inquiry in Archytas
- Mario Mignucci, Ancient Logic, Language, and Metaphysics: Selected Essays
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- Diogenes of Apollonia as a Material Panpsychist
- Heraclitus against the Naïve Paratactic Metaphysics of Mere Things
- Patterns of Physis and the Self-Making Kosmos in Heraclitus
- A Platonic Trope Bundle Theory
- Lindsay Judson, Aristotle, Metaphysics Lambda. Translated with an introduction and commentary
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- Contemporary Hylomorphisms: On the Matter of Form
- Hamid Taieb, Relational Intentionality: Brentano and the Aristotelian Tradition
- Plato’s Phaedo on Disagreement and Its Role in Epistemic Improvement
- Aristotelian Explanation and Homology in Biology
- Laura M. Castelli, Aristotle. Metaphysics. Book Iota
- Socrates, Thrasymachus, and Competition among the Unjust: Republic 1.349b–350c
- Diana Quarantotto (ed.), Aristotle’s Physics Book I: A Systematic Exploration
- Nicholas D. Smith, Summoning Knowledge in Plato’s Republic
- Two Dogmas of (Modern) Aristotle Scholarship
- Hylomorphic Offices
- Katja Maria Vogt, Desiring the Good: Ancient Proposals and Contemporary Theory
- Christian Pfeiffer, Aristotle’s Theory of Bodies
- The Real Challenge of Plato’s Republic
- Aristotle for the Modern Ethicist
- When Protagoras Made Aristotle His Fitch
- C. M. M. Olfert, Aristotle on Practical Truth, OUP, 2017
- Julia Annas, Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond, OUP, 2017
- Aristotle’s Formal Identity of Intellect and Object: A Solution to the Problem of Modal Epistemology
- Hylomorphism and Part-Whole Realism
- The Moving Cause of Artefacts: the role of techne in metaphysical explanation
- This
- The Labours of Zeno – a Supertask indeed?
- Aristotle (with the help of Plato) against the claim that morality is ‘only by convention’
- Verity Harte and Raphael Woolf (eds), Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows, CUP, 2017