- Conditional algebras
- Proof-theoretic methods in quantifier-free definability
- Generic multiplicative endomorphism of a field
- Π2-Rule Systems and Inductive Classes of Gödel Algebras
- Modal Logics over Lattices
- On dp-minimal expansions of the integers
- Peano Arithmetic, games and descent recursion
- The Logic of Cardinality Comparison Without the Axiom of Choice
- Ordered transexponential fields
- Tame topology in Hensel minimal structures
- Strength and limitations of Sherali-Adams and Nullstellensatz proof systems
- More about the cofinality and the covering of the ideal of strong measure zero sets
- Positive Definability Patterns
- Strong standard completeness theorems for S5-modal Łukasiewicz logics
- Semiconic Idempotent Logic II: Beth Definability and Deductive Interpolation
- Failure of the Blok–Esakia Theorem in the monadic setting
- Universal Proof Theory: Feasible Admissibility in Intuitionistic Modal Logics
- Bi-Colored Expansions of Geometric Theories
- Equiconsistency of the Minimalist Foundation with its classical version
- Some properties of precompletely and positively numbered sets
- Strong reducibilities and set theory
- Dividing and Forking in Random Hypergraphs
- On the logical and computational properties of the Vitali covering theorem
- A complete axiomatization of infinitary first-order intuitionistic logic over Lκ+,κ
- Universal proof theory: Semi-analytic rules and Craig interpolation
- Theories of Frege structure equivalent to Feferman’s system T0
- Saturation properties for compositional truth with propositional correctness
- Foundations of iterated star maps and their use in combinatorics
- Unification types and union splittings in intermediate logics
- Groups definable in Presburger arithmetic
- μ-clubs of Pκ(λ): Paradise in heaven
- First-Order Reasoning and Efficient Semi-Algebraic Proofs
- Owings-like theorems for infinitely many colours or finite monochromatic sets
- Computably and punctually universal spaces
- Concerning Keisler Measures over ultraproducts
- Elimination of quantifiers for a theory of real closed rings
- Model-completeness and decidability of the additive structure of integers expanded with a function for a Beatty sequence
- Bi-intermediate logics of trees and co-trees
- Club stationary reflection and other combinatorial principles at ℵω+2
- Searching problems above arithmetical transfinite recursion
- Decidability bounds for Presburger arithmetic extended by sine
- From GTC to : Generating Reset Proof Systems from Cyclic Proof Systems
- Posets of copies of countable ultrahomogeneous tournaments
- Around definable types in p-adically closed fields
- Forcing Axioms and the Uniformization-Property
- Strong Minimal Pairs in the Enumeration Degrees
- Finite Undecidability in PAC and PRC Fields
- Fundamental sequences and fast-growing hierarchies for the Bachmann-Howard ordinal
- Two-cardinal ideal operators and indescribability
- The ghosts of forgotten things: A study on size after forgetting
- Continuum Many Different Things: Localisation, Anti-Localisation and Yorioka Ideals
- Profiniteness, Monadicity and Universal Models in Modal Logic
- Can you take Komjath’s inaccessible away?
- Extreme types and extremal models
- Semiconic idempotent logic I: Structure and local deduction theorems
- Approachable free subsets and fine structure derived scales
- Reasoning with belief functions over Belnap–Dunn logic
- Probability propagation rules for Aristotelian syllogisms
- Asymptotic conditional probabilities for binary probability functions
- A logico-geometric comparison of coherence for non-additive uncertainty measures
- Probing the quantitative–qualitative divide in probabilistic reasoning
- Causal modeling semantics for counterfactuals with disjunctive antecedents
- Towards logical foundations for probabilistic computation
- Probabilistic temporal logic with countably additive semantics
- A New Model Construction by Making a Detour via Intuitionistic Theories IV: A Closer Connection between KPω and BI
- Vector spaces with a dense-codense generic submodule
- Computable Scott sentences and the weak Whitehead problem for finitely presented groups
- Admissible extensions of subtheories of second order arithmetic
- Arboreal categories and equi-resource homomorphism preservation theorems
- A good lightface Δn1 well-ordering of the reals does not imply the existence of boldface Δn−11 well-orderings
- ZF and its interpretations
- Higher reciprocity law and an analogue of the Grunwald–Wang theorem for the ring of polynomials over an ultra-finite field
- Generalized independence
- Big Ramsey degrees in ultraproducts of finite structures
- Encoding de Finetti’s coherence within Łukasiewicz logic and MV-algebras