- Aristotle on Perception and Perception-like Appearance: De Anima 3.3, 428b10–29a9
- How many gods and how many spheres? Aristotle misunderstood as a monotheist and an astronomer in Metaphysics Λ 8
- Aristotle on Non-substantial Particulars, Fundamentality, and Change
- Epicurean Feelings (pathē) as Criteria
- The Stoic Distinction between Syllogisms and Subsyllogisms
- Foucher’s Old-school Skepticism: Representation, Resemblance, and the Causal Likeness Principle
- Kant’s Rationalist Account of Hope
- Bergson’s Arguments for Matter as Images in Matter and Memory
- Carl Stumpf and the Curious Incident of Music in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
- Mathematics First: Russell’s Methodological Response to Bradley
- Lane, Melissa. Of Rule and Office: Plato’s Ideas of the Political. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2023, xi + 480 pp.
- Deslauriers, Marguerite. Aristotle on Sexual Difference: Metaphysics, Biology, Politics. New York / Oxford: Oxford University Press 2022, xvi + 354 pp.
- A Trivial Source of Wonder: Some Mathematical Examples in Plato’s Dialogues
- « Le mouvement semble faire partie des continus » : les commentateurs anciens sur Aristote, Phys. III 1, 200b16–17
- Aristotle on the Daemonic in De divinatione
- Posidonius’ Two Systems: Animals and Emotions in Middle Stoicism
- A Chrysippean Modality
- Being Wholly Here and Partially There: John Buridan vs Nicole Oresme on the Soul’s Presence in the Body
- Shaftesbury’s Distinctive Sentiments: Moral Sentiments and Self-Governance
- Kant’s Account of Epistemic Normativity
- The Emergence of Marx’s Concept of Subsumption
- ‘Left-Kantianism’ and the ‘Scientific Dispute’ between Rudolf Stammler and Hermann Cohen
- Segev, Mor. The Value of the World and of Oneself: Philosophical Optimism and Pessimism from Aristotle to Modernity. New York: Oxford University Press 2022, xii + 272 pp.
- Gill, Michael B. A Philosophy of Beauty: Shaftesbury on Nature, Virtue, and Art. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2022, 238 pp.
- The Stability of Knowledge
- On the Megarians of Metaphysics IX 3
- Philosopher-King on a Leash: Combining Plato’s Republic, Statesman and Laws in the Justinianic Dialogue On Political Science
- Between Starvation and Spoilage: Conceptual Foundations of Locke’s Theory of Original Appropriation
- The Quandary of Infanticide in Kant’s ‘Doctrine of Right’
- Transformativism and Expressivity in Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind
- Warding off the Evil Eye: Peer Envy in Rawls’s Just Society
- Vassallo, Christian. The Presocratics at Herculaneum: A Study of Early Greek Philosophy in the Epicurean Tradition. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter 2021, xxi + 763 pp.
- Boldyrev, Ivan and Stein, Sebastian (eds.). Interpreting Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: Expositions and Critique of Contemporary Readings. New York / Abingdon: Routledge 2022, ix + 277 pp.
- Titelseiten
- The Analysis of False Judgement According to Being and Not-Being in Plato’s Theaetetus (188c10–189b9)
- Clotho’ Spindle: Xenocrates’ Doctrine of Indivisibles
- Kant’s Theory of Concept Formation and his Theory of Definitions
- If the I is a Point, How Can It have a Direction? Fichte’s Two-Stage Conceptualization of the Absolute I
- Idealismus, „neuer“ Realismus und die Anfänge der analytischen Philosophie in den Vereinigten Staaten
- Jones, Tom. George Berkeley: A Philosophical Life. Princeton / Oxford: Princeton University Press 2021, xxi + 622 pp.