- Explaining Scientific Collaboration: A General Functional Account
- Explaining Scientific Collaboration: A General Functional Account
- Halpern and Pearl’s Definition of Explanation Amended
- Evidentialism, Inertia, and Imprecise Probability
- Why Trust a Simulation? Models, Parameters, and Robustness in Simulation-Infected Experiments
- Epistemic and Objective Possibility in Science
- How to Be Humean about Symmetries
- The Counterpossibles of Science versus the Science of Counterpossibles
- The Idea of Mismatch in Evolutionary Medicine
- The Contents and Causes of Curiosity
- Shakin’ All Over: Proving Landauer’s Principle without Neglect of Fluctuations
- Introducing the Q-Based Interpretation of Quantum Theory
- Objectivity and Underdetermination in Statistical Model Selection
- Mathematical Explanation: A Pythagorean Proposal
- The Accuracy–Coherence Trade-Off in Cognition
- Scientific Objectivity and Its Limits
- Measurements, Preparations, and Interpretations in Quantum Theory: A Comment on Meehan
- On Biologizing Racism
- What’s the Point of Authors?
- Bayesians Too Should Follow Wason: A Comprehensive Accuracy-Based Analysis of the Selection Task
- Philosophy in Science: Can Philosophers of Science Permeate through Science and Produce Scientific Knowledge?
- The Unity of Science and the Mentaculus
- What, If Anything, Is Biological Altruism?
- Introspection Is Signal Detection
- In Defence of the Agent and Patient Distinction: The Case from Molecular Biology and Chemistry
- Robustness and Modularity
- Why Experimental Balance Is Still a Reason to Randomize
- Three Concepts of Actual Causation
- Experimental Artefacts
- Which Models of Scientific Explanation Are (In)Compatible with Inference to the Best Explanation?
- The Evolution of Denial
- Two Sources of Normativity in Enthusiastic Accounts of Kinds
- The Problem of Molecular Structure Just Is the Measurement Problem
- Contrastive Evidence and Inductive Risk
- Functionalism and the Emotions
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Physics in Mathematics
- Law-Abiding Causal Decision Theory
- Escaping the Fundamental Dichotomy of Scientific Realism
- Epistemic Dependence and Understanding: Reformulating through Symmetry
- Un-debunking Ordinary Objects with the Help of Predictive Processing
- Putting History Back into Mechanisms
- Proofs, Reliable Processes, and Justification in Mathematics
- On the Proper Epistemology of the Mental for Psychiatry: What’s the Point of Understanding and Explaining?
- Analogue Computation and Representation
- Truthlikeness for Quantitative Deterministic Laws
- Quantifying Proportionality and the Limits of Higher-Level Causation and Explanation
- Monothematic Delusions and the Limits of Rationality
- Science Communication and the Problematic Impact of Descriptive Norms
- Grasping in Understanding
- What Does the World Look Like according to Superdeterminism?
- Black Boxes or Unflattering Mirrors? Comparative Bias in the Science of Machine Behaviour
- On Valence: Imperative or Representation of Value?
- Toward a Theory of Homology: Development and the De-Coupling of Morphological and Molecular Evolution
- [math] Soundness Isn’t Enough: Number-Theoretic Indeterminacy’s Unsavory Physical Commitments
- Mathematical Structure and Empirical Content
- Varieties of Error and Varieties of Evidence in Scientific Inference
- Explaining the Success of Induction
- Comparing Mathematical Explanations
- Evidence in Default: Rejecting Default Models of Animal Minds
- Epistemic Engagement, Aesthetic Value, and Scientific Practice
- Micro-foundations and Methodology: A Complexity-Based Reconceptualization of the Debate
- Anti-reductionist Interventionism
- Self-Assembling Games and the Evolution of Salience
- Explanatory Distance
- A New Perspective on Time and Physical Laws
- A Puzzle Concerning Local Symmetries and Their Empirical Significance
- A Bayesian Account of Establishing
- Peer Review May Not Be Such a Bad Idea: Response to Heesen and Bright
- The Neo-Gouldian Argument for Evolutionary Contingency: Mass Extinctions
- When a Crisis Becomes an Opportunity: The Role of Replications in Making Better Theories
- Why Do We Need a Theory of Implementation?
- Everettian Quantum Mechanics and the Metaphysics of Modality
- Accuracy and Verisimilitude: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Using Logic to Evolve More Logic: Composing Logical Operators via Self-Assembly
- Counterfactuals in the Initial Value Formulation of General Relativity
- Two Senses of Experimental Robustness: Result Robustness and Procedure Robustness
- Understanding the Replication Crisis as a Base Rate Fallacy
- Combining Causal Bayes Nets and Cellular Automata: A Hybrid Modelling Approach to Mechanisms
- What Is an Object File?
- Interpreting Quantum Entanglement: Steps towards Coherentist Quantum Mechanics
- Attention Is Amplification, Not Selection
- Causal Concepts in Biology: How Pathways Differ from Mechanisms and Why It Matters
- What’s So Spatial about Time Anyway?
- Coherence, Explanation, and Hypothesis Selection
- Being Realist about Bayes, and the Predictive Processing Theory of Mind
- Concrete Scale Models, Essential Idealization, and Causal Explanation
- Incomplete Preference and Indeterminate Comparative Probabilities
- Grounded Shadows, Groundless Ghosts
- Epistemic Separability and Everettian Branches: A Critique of Sebens and Carroll
- Essentially Ergodic Behaviour
- Accurate Updating for the Risk-Sensitive
- Can Somebody Please Say What Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics Says?
- When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom
- The Kalām Cosmological Argument Meets the Mentaculus
- Protective Measurements and the Reality of the Wave Function
- The Value of Biased Information
- Objectivity and the Method of Arbitrary Functions
- Three Kinds of Niche Construction
- Research Problems
- A New Problem for Quantum Mechanics
- The Costs of HARKing
- Using Logic to Evolve More Logic: Composing Logical Operators via Self-assembly
- Reductive Explanation and the Construction of Quantum Theories
- Chances and Propensities in Evo-Devo
- Boolean Difference-Making: A Modern Regularity Theory of Causation
- Persistent Disagreement and Polarization in a Bayesian Setting
- Are Synthetic Genomes Parts of a Genetic Lineage?
- Epistemic Irrationality in the Bayesian Brain
- The Demise of Brain Death
- Evidential Probabilities and Credences
- On the Ostrogradski Instability; or, Why Physics Really Uses Second Derivatives
- Justifying the Norms of Inductive Inference
- Getting over Atomism: Functional Decomposition in Complex Neural Systems
- Betting on Future Physics
- Calibrating Chromatography: How Tswett Broke the Experimenters’ Regress
- Understanding from Machine Learning Models
- Infinity, Technology, Degeneracy: A Note on Werkhoven’s Dispositional Theory of Health
- A Causal Bayes Net Analysis of Glennan’s Mechanistic Account of Higher-Level Causation (and Some Consequences)
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Psychological Arrow of Time
- Accuracy and Verisimilitude: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
- Against Computational Perspectivalism
- Conserving Functions across Generations: Heredity in Light of Biological Organization
- Speed-Optimal Induction and Dynamic Coherence
- Is Peer Review a Good Idea?
- Bivalent Selection and Graded Darwinian Individuality
- What’s the Matter with Super-Humeanism?
- Registration Pluralism and the Cartographic Approach to Data Aggregation across Brains
- Democratic Values: A Better Foundation for Public Trust in Science
- On the Universality of Hawking Radiation
- The Problem of State-Dependent Utility: A Reappraisal
- Gauge and Ghosts
- Blind Cooperation: The Evolution of Redundancy via Ignorance
- The Descent of Preferences
- Machian Comparativism about Mass
- Arbitrary Signals and Cognitive Complexity
- Agent-Based Models of Dual-Use Research Restrictions
- Typical: A Theory of Typicality and Typicality Explanation
- The New Fiction View of Models
- Understanding Cultural Fidelity
- The Non-equivalence of Einstein and Lorentz
- Inductive Reasoning with Multi-dimensional Concepts
- Epistemic Holes and Determinism in Classical General Relativity
- It’s Not a Game: Accurate Representation with Toy Models
- Justifying Lewis’s Kinematics of Chance
- The Narrow Ontic Counterfactual Account of Distinctively Mathematical Explanation
- Biological Markets, Cooperation, and the Evolution of Morality
- Reassessing Quasi-experiments: Policy Evaluation, Induction, and SUTVA
- Mechanistic Computational Individuation without Biting the Bullet
- Can the Epistemic Value of Natural Kinds Be Explained Independently of Their Metaphysics?
- Delusional Predictions and Explanations
- Corrigendum to: Inference to the Best Explanation in Uncertain Evidential Situations
- Corrigendum to: Mechanistic Causation and Constraints: Perspectival Parts and Powers, Non-perspectival Modal Patterns
- The Mass of the Gravitational Field
- Representing the World with Inconsistent Mathematics
- Mechanisms, Wide Functions, and Content: Towards a Computational Pluralism
- Bottled Understanding: The Role of Lab-Work in Ecology
- Illegitimate Values, Confirmation Bias, and Mandevillian Cognition in Science
- Saving the Data
- Causal Concepts in Biology: How Pathways Differ from Mechanisms and Why it Matters
- Conventionality and Causality in Lewis-Type Evolutionary Prediction Games
- Open-Minded Orthodox Bayesianism by Epsilon-Conditionalization
- On the Capacity for Vision through Sensory Substitution
- What’s So Spatial about Time Anyway?
- Two Forms of Inconsistency in Quantum Foundations
- A Ramsey Test Analysis of Causation for Causal Models
- How Stable Is Objective Chance?
- Multisensory Integration and Sense Modalism
- Quantum Mechanics in a Time-Asymmetric Universe: On the Nature of the Initial Quantum State
- Equivalent and Inequivalent Formulations of Classical Mechanics
- A Dispositional Theory of Health
- Causal Explanatory Power
- The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered
- A Demonstration of the Incompleteness of Calculi of Inductive Inference
- Epistemic Justification and Methodological Luck in Inflationary Cosmology
- Geometry, Fields, and Spacetime
- The Confounding Question of Confounding Causes in Randomized Trials
- Toward a Best Predictive System Account of Laws of Nature
- Are More Details Better? On the Norms of Completeness for Mechanistic Explanations
- The Principal Principle Does Not Imply the Principle of Indifference, Because Conditioning on Biconditionals is Counterintuitive
- Entropy and Insufficient Reason: A Note on the Judy Benjamin Problem
- Does IBE Require a ‘Model’ of Explanation?
- Mathematical Explanation beyond Explanatory Proof
- Generalism and the Metaphysics of Ontic Structural Realism
- What is Epistemic Public Trust in Science?
- Presume It Not: True Causes in the Search for the Basis of Heredity
- Mixtures and Psychological Inference with Resting State fMRI
- Structural in the Idiom of Determination
- Fundamental and Emergent Geometry in Newtonian Physics
- what is an object file?
- The Reality of Jean Perrin’s Atoms and Molecules
- Laws of Nature, Explanation, and Semantic Circularity
- Explanatory Abstractions
- Coherence and Common Causes: Against Relevance-Sensitive Measures of Coherence
- Centralized Funding and Epistemic Exploration
- Mathematical Explanation by Law
- The Principal Principle does not imply the Principle of Indifference
- Signalling under Uncertainty: Interpretative Alignment without a Common Prior
- Eliminative pluralism and integrative alternatives: the case of SPECIES
- A Persistent Particle Ontology for Quantum Field Theory in Terms of the Dirac Sea
- Securing the Empirical Value of Measurement Results
- Games and Kinds
- Signals That Make a Difference
- On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance
- Sophistication about symmetries
- Decoding the Brain: Neural Representation and the Limits of Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Restricted Causal Relevance
- Renormalizability, fundamentality, and a final theory: The role of UV-completion in the search for quantum gravity
- What Accuracy Could Not Be
- Health as a Secondary Property
- On the Possibility of Crucial Experiments in Biology
- Analysing Network Models to Make Discoveries about Biological Mechanisms
- Kin Selection, Group Selection, and the Varieties of Population Structure
- Niche Construction and Conceptual Change in Evolutionary Biology
- Don’t Look Now
- Functional Gravitational Energy
- A Simplicity Criterion for Physical Computation
- Models Don’t Decompose That Way: A Holistic View of Idealized Models
- Discovering Quantum Causal Models
- Scientific Realism Made Effective
- Underdetermination and evidence in the developmental plasticity debate
- Regularity Relationalism and the Constructivist Project
- Cognitive Recycling
- Beyond ‘Interaction’: How to Understand Social Effects on Social Cognition
- The Semantics Latent in Shannon Information
- Reduction as an A Posteriori Relation
- Causation and Time Reversal
- Path-Specific Effects
- The Real Problem with Perturbative Quantum Field Theory
- Self-Assembling Networks
- What is Risk Aversion?
- Imprecise Bayesianism and Global Belief Inertia
- Musing on Means: Fitness, Expectation and the Principles of Natural Selection
- Attention, Psychology, and Pluralism
- The Analysis of Data and the Evidential Scope of Neuroimaging Results
- The Chances of Propensities
- The Evolutionary Gene and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis
- A Regularist Approach to Mechanistic Type-Level Explanation
- Understanding (with) Toy Models
- How to Be a Function Pluralist
- Vagueness and Imprecise Imitation in Signalling Games
- Content in Simple Signalling Systems
- Dynamic Humeanism
- There Is No Conspiracy of Inertia
- Natural Kinds and Natural Kind Terms: Myth and Reality
- The Evolutionary Gene and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 1
- The Evolutionary Gene and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis1
- The Frugal Inference of Causal Relations
- Bridging the Gap between Similarity and Causality: An Integrated Approach to Concepts
- Messy Chemical Kinds
- Explanation in Computational Neuroscience: Causal and Non-causal
- Quantum Causal Models, Faithfulness, and Retrocausality
- Modelling Inequality
- Reconsidering No-Go Theorems from a Practical Perspective
- Colour Vision and Seeing Colours
- Causation, Probability, and the Continuity Bind
- Information and Inaccuracy
- Evolution, Dysfunction, and Disease: A Reappraisal
- Does Homotopy Type Theory Provide a Foundation for Mathematics?
- Model-Selection Theory: The Need for a More Nuanced Picture of Use-Novelty and Double-Counting
- Complements, Not Competitors: Causal and Mathematical Explanations
- On the Existence of Spacetime Structure
- Can the Science of Well-Being Be Objective?
- Regarding the ‘Hole Argument’
- Haag’s Theorem, Apparent Inconsistency, and the Empirical Adequacy of Quantum Field Theory
- Infinitesimal Probabilities*
- The Limits of Physical Equivalence in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory