- Seeing the Good in Medical Ethics
- A Defense of the Obligation to Keep Promises to the Dead
- Why Moral Bioenhancement Cannot Reliably Produce Virtue
- Future Lives and Deaths with Purpose: Perspectives on Capacity, Character, and Intent
- Plastic Resilience: Rethinking Resilience in Illness with Catherine Malabou
- Kidney Sales and Disrespectful Demands: A Reply to Rippon
- Disability, Offense, and the Expressivist Objection to Medical Aid in Dying
- Public Bioethics Amidst a Pluralist People: A Project of Presumption, Despair, or Hope?
- Cognitive Enhancement, Hyperagency, and Responsibility Explosion
- Wakefield’s Harm-Based Critique of the Biostatistical Theory
- Unshared Minds, Decaying Worlds: Towards a Pathology of Chronic Loneliness
- What Happens When the Zygote Divides? On the Metaphysics of Monozygotic Twinning
- Is Cryocide an Ethically Feasible Alternative to Euthanasia?
- Organ Donation by the Imminently Dead: Addressing the Organ Shortage and the Dead Donor Rule
- To Know Me Is to Exonerate Me: Appeals to Character in Defense of the Willowbrook Hepatitis Study
- Disability and Achievement: A Reply to Campbell, Nyholm, and Walter
- Ethical Problems of Observational Studies and Big Data Compared to Randomized Trials
- Impairment Arguments, Interests, and Circularity
- Do Not Risk Homicide: Abortion After 10 Weeks Gestation
- What We Argue About When We Argue About Death
- Philosophical Acts of Wonder in Bioethics
- Three Arguments Against Institutional Conscientious Objection, and Why They Are (Metaphysically) Unconvincing
- The Dynamics of Disease: Toward a Processual Theory of Health
- Expanding the Use of Continuous Sedation Until Death and Physician-Assisted Suicide
- A Fictionalist Account of Open-Label Placebo
- Psychopathology and Metaphysics: Can One Be a Realist About Mental Disorder?
- The Altruism Requirement as Moral Fiction
- The Social Epistemology of Clinical Placebos
- Persons and their Brains: Life, Death, and Lessened Humanity
- Beyond Conceptual Analysis: Social Objectivity and Conceptual Engineering to Define Disease
- The Phenomenology of the Face-to-Facetime: A Levinasian Critique of the Virtual Clinic
- Interventionism and Intelligibility: Why Depression Is Not (Always) a Brain Disease
- Reference-Class Problems Are Real: Health-Adjusted Reference Classes and Low Bone Mineral Density
- The Disease Loophole: Index Terms and Their Role in Disease Misclassification
- Unfreedom or Mere Inability? The Case of Biomedical Enhancement
- Society, Social Structures, and Community in Clinical Ethics
- The Heterogeneity of Bioethics: Discussions of Harm, Abortion, and Conceptual Clarity of Bioethical Terminology
- Patient Expertise and Medical Authority: Epistemic Implications for the Provider–Patient Relationship
- Intentions at the End of Life: Continuous Deep Sedation and France’s Claeys-Leonetti law
- The “Risks of Routine Tests” and Analogical Reasoning in Assessments of Minimal Risk
- How to Exercise Integrity in Medical Billing: Don’t Distort Prices, Don’t Free-Ride on Other Physicians
- The Relational Care Framework: Promoting Continuity or Maintenance of Selfhood in Person-Centered Care
- Moral Distress, Conscientious Practice, and the Endurance of Ethics in Health Care through Times of Crisis and Calm
- Phenomenological Interview and Gender Dysphoria: A Third Pathway for Diagnosis and Treatment
- “Death” and Its Discontents
- Civil Liberties in a Lockdown: The Case of COVID-19
- Disability, Transition Costs, and the Things That Really Matter
- On The Problem of Defending Basic Equality: Natural Law and The Substance View
- What’s the Harm in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?
- Evictionism, Libertarianism, and Duties of the Fetus
- Abortion, Impairment, and Well-Being
- Inconsistency between the Circulatory and the Brain Criteria of Death in the Uniform Determination of Death Act
- On Drugs
- Bioethics: Shaping Medical Practice and Taking Diversity Seriously
- Is Death Irreversible?
- Memories without Survival: Personal Identity and the Ascending Reticular Activating System
- Toward a Hybrid Theory of How to Allocate Health-related Resources
- Involuntary Childlessness, Suffering, and Equality of Resources: An Argument for Expanding State-funded Fertility Treatment Provision
- On the Anatomy of Health-related Actions for Which People Could Reasonably be Held Responsible: A Framework
- Priority for Organ Donors in the Allocation of Organs: Priority Rules from the Perspective of Equality of Opportunity
- Democratic Justifications for Patient Public Involvement and Engagement in Health Research: An Exploration of the Theoretical Debates and Practical Challenges
- Preclinical Disease or Risk Factor? Alzheimer’s Disease as a Case Study of Changing Conceptualizations of Disease
- Unintended Intrauterine Death and Preterm Delivery: What Does Philosophy Have to Offer?
- Prevention of Disease and the Absent Body: A Phenomenological Approach to Periodontitis
- Evidence-based Medicine and Mechanistic Evidence: The Case of the Failed Rollout of Efavirenz in Zimbabwe
- Death as the Cessation of an Organism and the Moral Status Alternative
- A Human Right to What Kind of Medicine?
- Anti-abortionist Action Theory and the Asymmetry between Spontaneous and Induced Abortions
- Miscarriage, Abortion, and Disease
- Embryo Loss and Moral Status
- When Words Fail: “Miscarriage,” Referential Ambiguity, and Psychological Harm
- The Mereotopology of Pregnancy
- The Scourges: Why Abortion Is Even More Morally Serious than Miscarriage
- A New Defense of Brain Death as the Death of the Human Organism
- Can a MacIntyrian Care about Severely Disabled Strangers?
- Assisted Death, Dignity, and Respect for Humanity
- Tōjisha Research and Narrative Medicine: Contribution of a Japanese Experiment in the Investigation of Patients’ Personal Experience
- “Accompanied Only by My Thoughts”: A Kantian Perspective on Autonomy at the End of Life
- Being in Relation, Being through Change
- The Desirability of Difference: Georges Canguilhem and Body Integrity Identity Disorder
- Moral Injury, Moral Identity, and “Dirty Hands” in War Fighting and Police Work
- Is Aging a Disease? The Theoretical Definition of Aging in the Light of the Philosophy of Medicine
- Pathologizing Ugliness: A Conceptual Analysis of the Naturalist and Normativist Claims in “Aesthetic Pathology”
- Thank You to Our Guest Reviewers
- How the Body Became Integrated: Cybernetics in the History of the Brain Death Debate
- Reasoning about Death in Biomedical Decision-Making
- Eugène Bouchut’s (1818–1891) Early Anticipation of the Concept of Brain Death
- A New Approach to Disease, Risk, and Boundaries Based on Emergent Probability
- Depression and Physician-Aid-in-Dying
- The Moral Authority of Consensus
- Rationally Navigating Subjective Preferences in Memory Modification
- Naturalism, Disease, and Levels of Functional Description
- Health-Care Professionals and Lethal Injection: An Ethical Inquiry
- Medical Ethics as Taught and as Practiced: Principlism, Narrative Ethics, and the Case of Living Donor Liver Transplantation
- The Phenomenology of Healing: Eight Ways of Dealing With the Ill and Impaired Body
- Reconciling Regulation with Scientific Autonomy in Dual-Use Research
- Access-to-Care and Conscience: Conflicting or Coherent?
- Doctor Ex Machina: A Critical Assessment of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care
- The Ethical Duty to Reduce the Ecological Footprint of Industrialized Healthcare Services and Facilities
- Bioethical Boundaries, Critiques of Current Paradigms, and the Importance of Transparency
- Why Intellectual Disability Poses a Challenge to the Received View of Capacity and a Potential Response
- Principles, Paradigms, and Protections
- How Should the Precautionary Principle Apply to Pregnant Women in Clinical Research?
- From a Right to a Preference: Rethinking the Right to Genomic Ignorance
- Brain Death as the End of a Human Organism as a Self-moving Whole
- Distinguishing Health from Pathology
- Phenomenology of Illness and the Need for a More Comprehensive Approach: Lessons from a Discussion of Plato’s Charmides
- Mental Disorder and Suicide: What’s the Connection?
- Opioids, Double Effect, and the Prospects of Hastening Death
- Don’t Downplay “Play”: Reasons Why Health Systems Should Protect Childhood Play
- Children, Fetuses, and the Non-Existent: Moral Obligations and the Beginning of Life
- Miscarriage Is Not a Cause of Death: A Response to Berg’s “Abortion and Miscarriage”
- Harming and Wronging in Creating
- Disability and the Complexity of Choice in the Ethics of Abortion and Voluntary Euthanasia
- How Not to Defend the Unborn
- On the Child’s Right to Bodily Integrity: When Is the Right Infringed?
- Reevaluating Conscience Clauses
- The Most Good You Can Do with Your Kidneys: Effective Altruism and the Organ-Shortage Problem
- Re-asserting the Specialness of Health Care
- If You Love the Forest, then Do Not Kill the Trees: Health Care and a Place for the Particular
- Meaning and Affect in the Placebo Effect
- Statement in Support of Revising the Uniform Determination of Death Act and in Opposition to a Proposed Revision
- A Genealogy of Autonomy: Freedom, Paternalism, and the Future of the Doctor–Patient Relationship
- Whose (Ir)Religion? Which Bioethics?
- Religious Accommodation in Bioethics and the Practice of Medicine
- Secular Dreams and Myths of Irreligion: On the Political Control of Religion in Public Bioethics
- Religion at Work in Bioethics and Biopolicy: Christian Bioethicists, Secular Language, Suspicious Orthodoxy
- Corrigendum to: Scientific Practice in Modeling Diseases: Stances from Cancer Research and Neuropsychiatry
- Irreligion, Alfie Evans, and the Future of Bioethics
- Homo religiosus: The Soul of Bioethics
- The Importance of Clear and Careful Thinking in Clinical Ethics
- Euthanasia in Belgium: Shortcomings of the Law and Its Application and of the Monitoring of Practice
- Equality in the Informed Consent Process: Competence to Consent, Substitute Decision-Making, and Discrimination of Persons with Mental Disorders
- Fewer Mistakes and Presumed Consent
- Prudence in Shared Decision-Making: The Missing Link between the “Technically Correct” and the “Morally Good” in Medical Decision-Making
- Conscientious Objection in Health Care: Pinning down the Reasonability View
- Crisis in Psychiatric Diagnosis? Epistemological Humility in the DSM Era
- The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy would like to thank the following guest reviewers for their help during the past year
- Challenge Trials: What Are the Ethical Problems?
- Questionable Agreement: The Experience of Depression and DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder Criteria
- Rethinking Categories and Dimensions in the DSM
- Challenging the Hegemony of the Symptom: Reclaiming Context in PTSD and Moral Injury
- The Metaphysical Irreversibility of Death
- Increasing the Role of Phenomenology in Psychiatric Diagnosis–The Clinical Staging Approach
- Moral Status and the Architects of Principlism
- The Authority of the Common Morality
- Virtues and Principles in Biomedical Ethics
- Lucky Me: The Amiable and Weighty Influences on My Career
- Principlism’s Balancing Act: Why the Principles of Biomedical Ethics Need a Theory of the Good
- Response to Commentaries
- Forty Years of the Four Principles: Enduring Themes from Beauchamp and Childress
- Reconciling Lists of Principles in Bioethics
- The Unfinished Business of Respect for Autonomy: Persons, Relationships, and Nonhuman Animals
- The Identity of Psychiatry and the Challenge of Mad Activism: Rethinking the Clinical Encounter
- Never Solo: Gratitude for My Academic Journey
- The Vitality of Mortality: Being-Toward-Death and Long-Term Cancer Survivorship
- Nine Months
- Bioethics and the Rule of Law: A Classical Liberal Theory
- Bioethics in the Ruins
- Harm as a Necessary Component of the Concept of Medical Disorder: Reply to Muckler and Taylor
- The Irrelevance of Harm for a Theory of Disease
- Do We Need Rights in Bioethics Discourse?
- Autonomy, Consent, and the “Nonideal” Case
- The Ends of Medicine and the Experience of Patients
- Erratum to: Treating or Killing? The Divergent Moral Implications of Cardiac Device Deactivation
- Narratively Shaped Emotions: The Case of Borderline Personality Disorder
- Transhumanism, Moral Perfection, and Those 76 Trombones
- On the Epistemic Status of Prenatal Ultrasound: Are Ultrasound Scans Photographic Pictures?
- Scientific Practice in Modeling Diseases: Stances from Cancer Research and Neuropsychiatry
- Free to Choose: A Moral Defense of the Right-to-Try Movement
- Ethical Issues in Physician Billing Under Fee-For-Service Plans
- Conceptual Clarity in Clinical Bioethical Analysis
- Health and Reference Classes
- Strategies in Abduction: Generating and Selecting Diagnostic Hypotheses
- Book Review: Fourie, C., and A. Rid (eds) 2017. What Is Enough: Sufficiency, Justice, and Health. New York: Oxford University Press
- Treating or Killing? The Divergent Moral Implications of Cardiac Device Deactivation
- The Practice of Pharmaceutics and the Obligation to Expand Access to Investigational Drugs
- Why DCD Donors Are Dead
- Pathocentric Health Care and a Minimal Internal Morality of Medicine
- Giving Useful but Not Well-Understood Ideas Their Due
- Primum Non Nocere Mortuis: Bioethics and the Lives of the Dead
- On Pellegrino and Thomasma’s Admission of a Dilemma and Inconsistency
- Rethinking Unplugging
- The Organism as a Whole in an Analysis of Death
- The Gift-of-Life and Family Authority: A Family-Based Consent Approach to Organ Donation and Procurement in China
- Family Consent and Organ Donation
- Social Autonomy and Family-Based Informed Consent
- Family-Based Consent for Organ Donation: Benevolence and Reconstructionist Confucianism
- Contested Organ Harvesting from the Newly Deceased: First Person Assent, Presumed Consent, and Familial Authority
- Building Norms for Organ Donation in China: Pitfalls and Challenges
- Family-Based Consent to Organ Transplantation: A Cross-Cultural Exploration
- Family-Based Consent and Motivation for Cadaveric Organ Donation in China: An Ethical Exploration1
- Is There a Problem With False Hope?
- Ontological Classifications and Human Rationality in Bioethics
- Lethal Organ Donation: Would the Doctor Intend the Donor’s Death?
- On Nudging’s Supposed Threat to Rational Decision-Making
- A Defense of the Phenomenological Account of Health and Illness
- Psychopathology and Truth: A Defense of Realism
- Healthcare Rationing Cutoffs and Sorites Indeterminacy
- A Philosophical View on the Experience of Dignity and Autonomy through the Phenomenology of Illness
- Temperance, Moral Friendship, and Smoking Cessation
- Vulnerability and Obligation in Science and Medicine
- Biological Ties and Biological Accounts of Moral Status
- Enhancing Equality
- Sometimes Merely as a Means: Why Kantian Philosophy Requires the Legalization of Kidney Sales
- Why Should We Become Posthuman? The Beneficence Argument Questioned
- Moral Responsibility and the Wrongness of Abortion
- A Life Worth Living: Value and Responsibility
- The Epistemology of Cognitive Enhancement
- Mapping Moral Injury: Comparing Discourses of Moral Harm
- The Ethical Principles of the Portuguese Psychologists: An Empirical Approach
- Critical Reflections on Conventional Concepts and Beliefs in Bioethics
- Continuous Deep Sedation and Euthanasia in Pediatrics: Does One Really Exclude the Other for Terminally Ill Patients?
- Myth or Magic? Towards a Revised Theory of Informed Consent in Medical Research
- Why Prohibiting Donor Compensation Can Prevent Plasma Donors from Giving Their Informed Consent to Donate
- Dialogic Consensus in Medicine—A Justification Claim
- Brief Remarks on Engelhardt’s After God
- Committing to Priorities: Incompleteness in Macro-Level Health Care Allocation and Its Implications
- The Future of Roman Catholic Bioethics
- Grounding Moral Authority in Spirit
- God as the Good: A Critique of H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.’s After God
- Engelhardt’s Diagnosis and Prescription: Persuasive or Problematic?
- The Journal Loses Its Co-Founding Editor
- Bioethics After the Death of God
- The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy would like to Thank the following Guest Reviewers for their help during the past year
- Moral Enhancement Can Kill
- Eight Kinds of Critters: A Moral Taxonomy for the Twenty-Second Century
- Moral Enhancement, Self-Governance, and Resistance
- Why “Moral Enhancement” Isn’t Always Moral Enhancement: The Case of Traumatic Brain Injury in American Vets
- Can Prudence Be Enhanced?
- Are We Obliged to Enhance for Moral Perfection?
- The Moral Imperative to Morally Enhance
- From Child Protection to Paradigm Protection—The Genesis, Development, and Defense of a Scientific Paradigm
- In Defense of Madness: The Problem of Disability
- An Epistemic Argument for Research-Practice Integration in Medicine
- Michel Foucault and the Problematics of Power: Theorizing DTCA and Medicalized Subjectivity
- Boorse’s Theory of Disease: (Why) Do Values Matter?
- A New Approach to Defining Disease
- A Practice-Oriented Review of Health Concepts
- Do You Have a “Syndrome” If You Have a Flat-Shaped Head?
- A Potential Tension in DSM-5: The General Definition of Mental Disorder versus Some Specific Diagnostic Criteria
- Intellectualizing Medicine: A Reply to Commentaries on “Prediction, Understanding, and Medicine”
- Taking Respect Seriously: Clinical Research and the Demands of Informed Consent
- The Continuing Allure of Cure: A Response to Alex Broadbent’s “Prediction, Understanding, and Medicine”
- Medicine without Cure?: A Cluster Analysis of the Nature of Medicine
- Prediction, Understanding, and Medicine
- Advancing the Philosophy of Medicine: Towards New Topics and Sources
- The Distressed Body
- Embodied Concepts and Mental Health
- Donation After the Circulatory Determination of Death: Some Responses to Recent Criticisms
- Human-Animal Chimeras and Hybrids: An Ethical Paradox behind Moral Confusion?
- Misconceptions Inherent in the Substance Ontology Approach to Assigning Moral Status: A Reply to Patrick Lee, Christopher Tollefsen, and Robert George
- The Moral Status of the Human Embryo
- Human Nature and Moral Status in Bioethics
- Serial Participation and the Ethics of Phase 1 Healthy Volunteer Research
- Two Ways to Kill a Patient
- The Ethics of General Population Preventive Genomic Sequencing: Rights and Social Justice
- Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: Philosophy Through a Wide-Angle Lens
- Chromosome Screening Using Noninvasive Prenatal Testing Beyond Trisomy-21: What to Screen for and Why It Matters
- Schemata, CONSORT, and the Salk Polio Vaccine Trial
- Should Mitochondrial Donation Be Anonymous?
- Liberty in Health Care: A Comparative Study Between Hong Kong and Mainland China
- Misleading by Omission: Rethinking the Obligation to Inform Research Subjects about Funding Sources
- The Ethics of Organ Tourism: Role Morality and Organ Transplantation
- Kidney Sales and Market Regulation: A Reply to Semrau
- Reassessing the Likely Harms to Kidney Vendors in Regulated Organ Markets
- The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy would like to Thank the following Guest Reviewers for their help during the past year
- Truth, Progress, and Regress in Bioethics
- Organ Vouchers and Barter Markets: Saving Lives, Reducing Suffering, and Trading in Human Organs
- Editorial Board
- Ethical and Logistical Issues Raised by the Advanced Donation Program “Pay It Forward” Scheme
- From Directed Donation to Kidney Sale: Does the Argument Hold Up?
- The Body as Gift, Commodity, or Something in Between: Ethical Implications of Advanced Kidney Donation
- Kidney Vouchers and Inequity in Transplantation
- Banking on Living Kidney Donors—A New Way to Facilitate Donation without Compromising on Ethical Values
- How to Proceed in the Disease Concept Debate? A Pragmatic Approach
- Progress in Defining Disease: Improved Approaches and Increased Impact
- Introduction: The Boundaries of Disease
- Geneticization in MIM/OMIM ® ? Exploring Historic and Epistemic Drivers of Contemporary Understandings of Genetic Disease
- Bioethics and Transhumanism
- Biological Criteria of Disease: Four Ways of Going Wrong
- Antiquity’s Missive to Transhumanism 1
- Harm and the Boundaries of Disease
- The Line-drawing Problem in Disease Definition
- Current Dilemmas in Defining the Boundaries of Disease
- Personhood and Natural Kinds: Why Cognitive Status Need Not Affect Moral Status
- Future Generations and the Justifiability of Germline Engineering
- The Posthuman as Hollow Idol: A Nietzschean Critique of Human Enhancement
- Truth or Spin? Disease Definition in Cancer Screening
- Subscriptions Page
- Cover
- Shifting the Focus While Conserving Commitments in Research Ethics
- The Ethical Principles of the Portuguese Psychologists: A Universal Dimension
- Why is Coerced Consent Worse Than No Consent and Deceived Consent?
- What Does the Patient Say? Levinas and Medical Ethics
- Defining Research Risk in Standard of Care Trials: Lessons from SUPPORT
- Defining the Boundaries of a Right to Adequate Protection: A New Lens on Pediatric Research Ethics
- Harms to “Others” and the Selection Against Disability View