- Per Aristotelem et per veritatem. Arguments Against the Unicity of the Intellect in Albert the Great’s Summa theologiae, II pars, tr. 13, q. 77, m. 3
- Aquila o herodius? Alberto Magno interprete della Metafisica di Aristotele nel Prologo della Summa theologiae
- Le commentaire de Georges Pachymère sur le Parménide de Platon : une interprétation aristotélicienne de la dialectique de Platon
- The Anonymous Declaratio on the Elementatio theologica of Proclus
- Reptile animae viventis. Filosofia naturale aristotelica ed esegesi biblica nella Summa theologiae di Alberto Magno
- Nature et esprit des anges dans la Summa theologiae sive de mirabili scientia Dei d’Albert le Grand
- Maschile e femminile. Paternità e maternità delle piante nel pensiero di Alberto Magno
- Chartula brevis. L’anima intellettuale come libro e come luogo tra Algazel e la Summa theologiae di Alberto Magno
- Tradurre il metodo tra metafisica e teologia. Alberto Magno lettore di Avicenna in Summa theologiae, I, q. V, cap. 3
- Buenos Aires: “Voluntad divina, voluntad angélica y voluntad humana desde la Tardo-antigüedad a la Modernidad Temprana”
- Commission for Jewish Philosophy (2018-2022)
- Köln: “Consensus. 43. Kölner Mediaevistentagung. Internationale Kölner Biennale der Mittelalterforschung”
- Front Matter (“Table des matières”, Jacqueline Hamesse (1942-2023)”)
- Leuven: “From Toledo to Gotha: New Perspectives on the Impact of Avicenna Upon Sciences and Philosophy in Europe”
- Paris: « Obéissance et autorité au Moyen Âge »
- Back Matter (“Tables (Giulio Navarra)”)
- Roma: “Workshop on Medieval Carmelite Scholastics”
- Venezia: “Peter Abelard’s Logic and Its Network”
- Paris: « La nature au Moyen Âge »
- Lucca: “Aqua et Terra. الماء والأرض Interactions of Aristotelian Elements in Medieval Philosophy, From the Bible to Dante”
- Firenze: « Filosofie dell’angelo tra medioevo e prima modernità »
- Ibn Ṭumlūs of Alcira (d. 620/1223) on Jurisprudential Inferences and Logic. Introduction, Edition, and Translation of Al-qawl fī al-maqāyīs al-fiqhiyyah
- Pierre d’Aillys Insolubilia in der Handschrift Lübeck, Stadtbibliothek, Ms. philos. 8° 2: Ein Nachtrag zur textkritischen Edition
- Berlin: “Medieval Theories of the Intellect”
- Louvain-la-Neuve: “Distinction and Identity in Late-Scholastic Thought and Beyond”
- Paris: « Quid sit numerus. Théories et conceptualisations du nombre au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance »
- From Toledo to the Court of Frederick II: The ‘Science of the Stars’ and the Human Soul in the 4th Distinctio (De anima) of Michael Scot’s Liber Introductorius
- Olivis vermeintlich zweifache Metaphysik
- Jaume Janer OCist († after 1506) and the Tradition of Scoto-Lullist Metaphysics
- Lecce: “La mente di Dante. Visioni, percezioni, rappresentazioni”
- Paris: “Penser l’hospitalité au Moyen Âge”
- John Buridan’s Physics Commentaries Revisited Manuscripts and Redactions
- Back Matter (“Tables (Giulio Navarra)”)
- Paris: “La raison au Moyen Âge”
- Foggia: “Medicine and Philosophy III: Contagion and Fascination”
- Cusanus-Marginalien. Zur Edition und Interpretation einer Textüberlieferung am Seitenrand
- Maino of Milan’s Durandian Theory of the Intellect
- La stoppa, il fuoco, il cielo e Dio. L’articolo 156 del Sillabo di Tempier e Giovanni di Napoli
- The Figure and Thought of Berthold of Moosburg. New Studies and Perspectives
- «Inducere Amore in potenzia là ove non è». Nobiltà, grazia e predisposizione naturale dalla Vita nuova alla Commedia
- Łódź: “The Oxford Calculators and their Milieu on Ethics”
- Pisa: “Da Baghdad a Firence: Itinerari del sapere sulle orme di Alberto Magno”
- München: “Medieval Arabic and Latin Conceptions of Spirit”
- München: “Meister Eckhart heute. Übersetzen, übertragen, neu entdecken”
- Suggestions for Research on Oxford Sentences Commentaries and New Information on Richard of Billingham
- Zur Überlieferung und Rezeption (bei Johannes von Gmunden?) der Quaestiones circa tractatum de sphaera des Albert von Sachsen. Nebst Nachweis einer Expositio Alberts
- Petrarch’s Reading of Enarrationes in Psalmos: The Glosses to ms. Paris, BnF, Latin 1994 and Paris, BnF, Latin 19891 – 19892
- Il Quodlibet di Adenulfo di Anagni. Analisi ed edizione
- Back Matter (“Tables (Nadia Bray)”)
- Henry of Ghent and Divine Illumination: A Response to Andrea Aiello and Robert Wielockx
- Commission VIII: Byzantine Philosophy. Section 2: Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus (2015-2021)
- In memoriam of David Luscombe
- Guglielmo da Ockham e gli infinita in actu
- Köln: « Curiositas »
- České Budějovice: “Cognitive Issues in the Long Scotist Tradition”
- Plague and Astrology in the Fourteenth Century: The Plague Tractate by Augustine of Trento
- A Short Sixteenth-Century Catalogue of Scholastic Sentences Commentaries in Vat. Lat. Lat. 3919
- Nijmegen: “Complexio. Across Times and Disciplines”
- Sao Paulo: “II Colóquio de Filosofia Patrística e Medieval da PUC-SP: Homenagem a Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento”
- Front Matter (« Table des matières »)
- Le Questiuncule di Simone di Castello sul De proporcionibus velocitatum in motibus, qq. 8-10
- Commenti ad Aristotele nella biblioteca dell’Istituto Campana a Osimo: Umberto di Preuilly, Rodolfo Brito, Giovanni di Jandun
- La Guida dei perplessi di Maimonide nella biblioteca di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
- Quodlibetal Problemata in the Arts Quodlibets at the University of Prague c. 1400-1417: An Analysis with a Catalogue
- Milano: “Filosofia e medicina in Italia fra Medioevo e prima età moderna”
- Wolfenbüttel: “Aktuelle Fragen der Edition in transdisziplinärer Perspektive”
- Paris: “Les démons au Moyen Âge”
- Cluj-Napoca: “Decoding a Medieval Notebook: The Case Study of ms. Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A. X. 44”
- Medieval Commentaries on Boethius’s De arithmetica: A Provisional Handlist
- Robert Holcot’s De imputabilitate peccati is actually Osbert of Pickenham’s Utrum omne peccatum sit imputabile voluntati
- Paris: “La femme au Moyen Âge”
- Informations concernant la S.I.E.P.M.
- Hamburg: “Motivation and Normativity of Practical Reasons: Moral Philosophy in the 14th Century”
- Trento: “Itinerari del pensiero medievale”
- Newly-Identified Scholastic Works in Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, ms. 290/682
- Antonius Andreae and the Concept of Science in His Commentary on Metaphysics: Transcription of Book VI, q. 1-6 (Oxford, Oriel College, ms. 65)
- Henricus Totting de Oyta’s and Nicole Oresme’s Commentaries on Meteorology: Some New Identifications in Eastern Europe
- Is Perfection of this World? A Quaestio on Creatures’ Perfection in Terms of Propinquity to or Distance from the First Being, Ascribed to Matěj of Knín
- Porto: “XXIV convegno della SISPM: Finzione nel discorso filosofico medievale”
- Padova: “La dottrina dell’analogia dell’essere nella Metafisica di Aristotele e i suoi sviluppi nel pensiero tardo-antico e medievale”
- Nicolaus Ellenbog’s “Apologia for the Astrologers”: A Benedictine’s View on Astral Determinism
- Varna: “24th Annual Colloquium of the S.I.E.P.M.: The Dionysian Traditions”
- Front Matter (“Table des matières”)
- Varna: “EGSAMP Summer School. Die dionysischen Traditionen”
- Deepening the Senses of the Word: A Survey of Parisian Theological Sources 1160-1250
- Back Matter (“Tables (Nadia Bray)”)
- Leuven: “A Question of Life and Death. Living and Dying in Medieval Latin Philosophy, 1200-1500”
- A 15th-Century Handbook on Aristotelian Logic: The Anonymous Logica “Quadrupliciter”
- Roma: “Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298) La construction de la personne humaine. Anthropologie, éthique, société”
- Les Questions sur les Météorologiques du manuscrit Vat. Lat. 4082 : Blaise de Parme, Nicole Oresme et l’Inter omnes impressiones
- Jerusalem, Tel Aviv: “Critical Editions of Medieval Philosophic Translations – Challenges and Opportunities”
- Beijing: “Learning to Be Human”. The XXIVth World Congress of Philosophy. Sections of Medieval Philosophy
- Nuovi frammenti dei trattati di Dietrich di Freiberg nelle biblioteche di Berlino, Heidelberg, Londra e Utopia
- Aquinas on Mixed Actions
- Eckhart on Signification
- John Krosbein’s Commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis: A Critical Edition
- Notices sur les institutions ou associations adonnées spécialement à l’étude de la pensée médiévale
- Back Matter (“V. Tables (Eleonora Andriani)”, “Manuscrits”, “Noms propres”, “Table des matières”)
- Ricordo di Tullio Gregory
- Paris: “Thomas Aquinas on the Human Body. Nature and Destiny”
- Bonn: “Duns Scotus’s Interlocutors at Paris”
- Pisa: “Philosophy in the Abrahamitic Traditions: Intellect, Experience, and More”
- John of Muntisol’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias
- Paris: “Pierre Abélard, génie multiforme”
- Cluj-Napoca: “Medicine and Philosophy: The longue durée of humoral theory”
- Unpublished Glosses on the Latin Phaedo Transmitted in Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL Ms. 64, as Sources for Henry Bate of Malines’ Speculum Divinorum
- Il manoscritto della Destructio destructionum di Averroè appartenuto a Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, VIII E 31)
- On Topical Logic During the Late Middle Ages. A Study of Saint-Omer, BA., Ms. 609
- The Collocutio Friderici Regis Siciliae et nostra, lecta et communicata Sedi Apostolicae by Arnau de Vilanova († 1311): A Rehabilitation
- El conocimiento intuitivo como garante epistémico según William of Ockham y Adam of Wodeham
- Back Matter (“Tables”, “Manuscrits”, “Noms propres anciens et médiévaux”, “Noms propres modernes et contemporains”, “Table des matières”)
- An Anonymous Oxford Franciscan(?), Questiones super Sententias, 1295-c.1305
- Divine Providence and Free Will in the De Angelo Perdito by Gilbert Crispin. An Interpretation in Light of the Consolation of philosophy
- The New Ueberweg – Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: Publication of the First Three Volumes on the Byzantine and Latin Middle Ages
- An Inventory of Medieval Commentaries on pseudo-Aristotle’s Physiognomonica
- Common Real Being and the Scope of Metaphysics according to Fray Juan de Fuica O.F.M. (17th-18th Centuries, Chile)
- Vérité prophétique et vérité philosophique dans l’œuvre de Rabbi Josef Ibn Caspi
- Iacopo, i sogni e il monte calamita. Le fonti filosofiche del trattato sui sogni dello Specchio di vera penitenza
- Nicholas of Cusa on Rational Perception
- „ut supra dictum est“ – „als ich ouch mê gesprochen hân“. Zur Frage nach dem internen Gedächtnis in Eckharts lateinischem und deutschem Werk
- Meister Eckhart’s Self-translations into the Vernacular
- Commissions
- Front Matter
- The Avicennan aestimatio (al-wahm) in Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Theory of Talismanic Action at a Distance
- The Elucidarium of Honorius Augustodunensis in the Prohemium of the Liber Introductorius of Michael Scot
- Il libro Epsilon della Metafisica di Aristotele nell’Epitome di Averroè (1126-1198)
- Les noms propres dans le Commentaire moyen à l’Éthique à Nicomaque d’Averroès. Contribution à une étude sur les traductions latine et hébraïque du Commentaire
- Back Matter (“Tables”, “Manuscrits”, “Noms d’auteurs anciens et médiévaux”, “Noms d’auteurs modernes et contemporains”, “Table des matières”)
- In memoriam Albert Zimmermann
- A New Redaction of John Duns Scotus’ Reportatio Parisiensis IV
- Some Further Theological Disputations at Vienna in the Fifteenth Century
- Three Anonymous Sets of Questions on Aristotle’s Physics Related to John Buridan’s Quaestiones super octo libros Physicorum (secundum ultimam lecturam)
- The Quaestiones libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part II: Manuscripts, Printings and the Textual Tradition
- Note: A Few More Manuscripts of Ioannes de Indagine, O.Cart.
- John Duns Scotus in the History of Medieval Philosophy from the Sixteenth Century to Étienne Gilson (†1978)
- Congrès terminés
- Notices sur les institutions ou associations adonnées specialement à l’étude de la pensée médiévale
- Back matter (“VI. Liste des ouvrages et tirés à part envoyés au secrétariat au cours de l’année 2016 (C. Pöhl)”, “VII. Table des manuscrits”, “VIII. Table des noms d’auteurs anciens et médiévaux”, “IX. Table des noms d’auteurs modernes et contemporains”, “Table des matières”)
- Informations concernant la SIEPM
- Renseignements concernant les éditions et les travaux en cours
- Back matter (“VI. Liste des ouvrages et tirés à part envoyés au secrétariat au cours de l’année 2016 (C. Pöhl)”, “VII. Table des manuscrits”, “VIII. Table des noms d’auteurs anciens et médiévaux”, “IX. Table des noms d’auteurs modernes et contemporains”, “Table des matières”)
- A Scribe of Four Scholars
- Il De mineralibus di Avicenna tradotto da Alfredo di Shareshill
- Deux styles de vie et de pensée dans la première moitié du XIIe siècle : Pierre Abélard et Hugues de Saint-Victor
- Back Matter (“VI. Liste des ouvrages et tirés à part envoyés au secrétariat au cours de l’année 2015”, “VII. Table des manuscrits”, “VIII. Table des noms d’auteurs anciens et médiévaux”, “IX. Table des noms d’auteurs modernes et contemporains”, “Table des matières”)
- Front Matter (“Editorial”)
- Newly Identified Treatises by John Foxal
- De coniectura quadam prius inaudita: A Brief Note on Cusanus’ Geistphilosophie
- IV. Renseignements concernant les éditions et les travaux en cours
- II. Notices sur les institutions ou associations adonnées spécialement à l’étude de la pensée médiévale
- Paul Oskar Kristeller and Philosophy
- III. Congrès terminés
- V. Informations concernant la SIEPM
- Thierry of Chartres and Gundissalinus on Spiritual Substances: The Problem of Hylomorphic Composition
- Wege eines Textes. Die Summa quaestionum ordinariarum des Heinrich von Gent von Paris nach Rom
- Questions on De sensu et sensato, De memoria and De somno et vigilia. A Catalogue
- Commission III: Latin Philosophy Section 3: Scholastica colonialis
- Une nouvelle rédaction des Questions sur les Météorologiques de Nicole Oresme
- The Quaestiones libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Reception
- Zur Pariser Philosophie des Spätmittelalters und ihrer zeitgenössischen Rezeption