- Abstractness impacts conversational dynamics
- Uncovering the latent structure of human time perception
- Mental imagery shapes emotions in people’s decisions related to risk taking
- The road to Aha: A recipe for mental breakthroughs
- Evaluating the timecourses of morpho-orthographic, lexical, and grammatical processing following rapid parallel visual presentation: An EEG investigation in English
- Incremental processing in a polysynthetic language (Murrinhpatha)
- The impact of rhythm on visual attention disengagement in newborns and 2-month-old infants
- Exploring power-law behavior in human gaze shifts across tasks and populations
- Altercentric bias in preverbal infants’ encoding of object kind
- Rational choices elicit stronger sense of agency in brain and behavior
- Experimental evidence that exerting effort increases meaning
- An experimental test of epistemic vigilance: Competitive incentives increase dishonesty and reduce social influence
- Neural specialization for ‘visual’ concepts emerges in the absence of vision
- “Todes” and “Todxs”, linguistic innovations or grammatical gender violations?
- AI contextual information shapes moral and aesthetic judgments of AI-generated visual art
- Bayesian surprise intensifies pain in a novel visual-noxious association
- Arithmetic is not arithmetic: Paradigm matters for arithmetic effects
- Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control
- Diversity in research on the psychology of language: A large-scale examination of sampling bias
- Are there unconscious visual images in aphantasia? Development of an implicit priming paradigm
- Automatic and strategic components of bilingual lexical alignment
- Disclosing sample bias fails to fully correct judgments of partisan extremity
- Evidence that altercentric biases in a continuous false belief task depend on highlighting the agent’s belief
- Music-reading expertise associates with configural face processing but not featural face processing
- Part-based processing, but not holistic processing, predicts individual differences in face recognition abilities
- Children’s cost-benefit analysis about agents who act for the greater good
- Why do Americans foresee a grim future for their country? The influences of country well-being, national identity, and news coverage
- Face to face: The eyes as an anchor in multimodal communication
- Moral-dilemma judgments by individuals and groups:Are many heads really more utilitarian than one?
- The power of sound: Exploring the auditory influence on visual search efficiency
- Beat gestures and prosodic prominence interactively influence language comprehension
- Metacognition facilitates theory of mind through optimal weighting of trait inferences
- Objective priming from pre-imagining inputs before binocular rivalry presentations does not predict individual differences in the subjective intensity of imagined experiences
- Simulating prenatal language exposure in computational models: An exploration study
- Generics and Quantified Generalizations: Asymmetry Effects and Strategic Communicators
- Beauty is in the eye of your cohort: Structured individual differences allow predictions of individualized aesthetic ratings of images
- The role of goal constructs in conceptual acquisition
- Hidden size: Size representations in implicitly coded objects
- Is an eye truly for an eye? Magnitude differences affect moral praise more than moral blame
- People expect artificial moral advisors to be more utilitarian and distrust utilitarian moral advisors
- London taxi drivers exploit neighbourhood boundaries for hierarchical route planning
- Blocking of associative learning by explicit descriptions
- Why might there be lexical-prelexical feedback in speech recognition?
- Exploring the hierarchical structure of human plans via program generation
- The holistic forgetting of events and the (sometimes) fragmented forgetting of objects
- Refreshing the conversation about adaptation and perceived numerosity: A reply to Yousif, Clarke and Brannon
- Number adaptation: Reply
- Prediction-based false memory: Unconfirmed prediction can result in robust false memories
- How wise is the crowd: Can we infer people are accurate and competent merely because they agree with each other?
- Attention-aware semantic relevance predicting Chinese sentence reading
- The role of exceptions in children’s and adults’ judgments about generic statements
- Partisan language in a polarized world: In-group language provides reputational benefits to speakers while polarizing audiences
- What’s left of the leftward bias in scene viewing? Lateral asymmetries in information processing during early search guidance
- Language enables the acquisition of distinct sensorimotor memories for speech
- Morality on the road: Should machine drivers be more utilitarian than human drivers?
- Relative source credibility affects the continued influence effect: Evidence of rationality in the CIE
- Decoding face identity: A reverse-correlation approach using deep learning
- How does color distribution learning affect goal-directed visuomotor behavior?
- Bias-free measure of distractor avoidance in visual search
- Signaling (in)tolerance: Social evaluation and metaethical relativism and objectivism
- Possible reasons for reductive seductions: A reply to Wilson et al.
- Developmental changes in the perceived moral standing of robots
- Identification performance across the life span: Lineups and the reaction time-based Concealed Information Test
- Beyond risk preferences in sequential decision-making: How probability representation, sequential structure and choice perseverance bias optimal search
- Impact of conflicts between long- and short-term priors on the weighted prior integration in visual perception
- Predicting large-scale spatial ability from small-scale spatial abilities in children: An application of the double-dimension framework
- Blending simulation and abstraction for physical reasoning
- Motor inhibition prevents motor execution during typing imagery: Evidence from an action-mode switching paradigm
- On the role of analytic thinking in religious belief change: Evidence from over 50,000 participants in 16 countries
- Semantic interference across word classes during lexical selection in Dutch
- Curious Choices: Infants’ moment-to-moment information sampling is driven by their exploration history
- Drawings reveal changes in object memory, but not spatial memory, across time
- Perceived hand size and perceived hand weight
- Recollection and familiarity support auditory working memory in a manner analogous to visual working memory
- Learning regular cross-trial shifts of the target location in serial search involves awareness – An eye-tracking study
- Beyond the matrix: Experimental approaches to studying cognitive agents in social-ecological systems
- Appealing to consequences, or authority? The influence of explanations on children’s moral judgments across two cultures
- The Body Knows Better: Sensorimotor signals reveal the interplay between implicit and explicit Sense of Agency in the human mind
- Unlocking the complexity of phrasal composition: An interplay between semantic features and linguistic relations
- Learning from conditional probabilities
- Use of self-referencing memory strategies change over time with acculturation
- Temporal construal in sentence comprehension depends on linguistically encoded event structure
- How visual experience shapes body representation
- Recollective and non-recollective processes in working memory retrieval
- Children recognize and reject favoritism in norm enforcement
- Motivational context determines the impact of aversive outcomes on mental effort allocation
- Quantity discrimination in 9 ungulate species: Individuals take item number and size into account to discriminate quantities
- Revisiting the concreteness effect: Non-arbitrary mappings between form and concreteness of English words influence lexical processing
- Domain-specific updating of metacognitive self-beliefs
- Mapping and modeling the semantic space of math concepts
- An algorithmic account for how humans efficiently learn, transfer, and compose hierarchically structured decision policies
- Emotion in action: A study on the enactment effect on emotional action sentences
- Social perspective-taking influences on metacognition
- Communicated priors tune the perception of control
- Anticipating multisensory environments: Evidence for a supra-modal predictive system
- People’s judgments of humans and robots in a classic moral dilemma
- The assumed motor capabilities of a partner influence motor imagery in a joint serial disc transfer task
- Visual mental imagery of nonpredictive central social cues triggers automatic attentional orienting
- Discourse-based constraints on long-distance dependencies generalize across constructions in English and French
- Causal relational problem solving in toddlers
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the right inferior frontal gyrus impairs bilinguals’ performance in language-switching tasks
- AI-induced indifference: Unfair AI reduces prosociality
- Seven reasons to (still) doubt the existence of number adaptation: A rebuttal to Burr et al. and Durgin
- Expectations about presence enhance the influence of content-specific expectations on low-level orientation judgements
- Readers encode absolute letter positions
- Do early meanings of negation map onto a fully-fledged negation concept in infancy?
- The primacy of taxonomic semantic organization over thematic semantic organization during picture naming
- Speech-to-song transformation in perception and production
- Does reductive information increase satisfaction with scientific explanations? Three preregistered tests of the reductive allure effect
- Investigating children’s valuation of authentic and inauthentic objects: Visible object properties vs. invisible ownership history
- Thinking outside the red box: Does the simultaneous Showup distinguish between filler siphoning and diagnostic feature detection accounts of lineup/Showup differences?
- Does music training improve inhibition control in children? A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Do claims about certainty make estimates less certain?
- Subjective Probability Increases Across Communication Chains: Introducing the Probability Escalation Effect.
- The influence of working memory mechanisms on false memories in immediate and delayed tests
- Continuous and discrete proportion elicit different cognitive strategies
- Manipulating and measuring variation in deep neural network (DNN) representations of objects
- Moral preference reversals: Violations of procedure invariance in moral judgments of sacrificial dilemmas
- Ambivalence by design: A computational account of loopholes
- The latent scope bias: Robust and replicable
- Zipfian distributions facilitate children’s learning of novel word-referent mappings
- Improving the diagnostic value of lineup rejections
- The existence of manual mode increases human blame for AI mistakes
- Listening with generative models
- What is autonoetic consciousness? Examining what underlies subjective experience in memory and future thinking
- Simple actions modulate context-dependent visual size perception at late processing stages
- Metacognition of perceptual resolution across and around the visual field
- Colour/shape-taste correspondences across three languages in ChatGPT
- Generative AI and the future of equality norms
- Non-visual spatial strategies are effective for maintaining precise information in visual working memory
- Flexible information-seeking in chimpanzees
- The development of real-time spoken and word recognition derives from changes in ability, not maturation
- Why wearing a yellow hat is impossible: Chinese and U.S. children’s possibility judgments
- Using network science to provide insights into the structure of event knowledge
- Storytelling changes the content and perceived value of event memories
- Social perception of animacy: Preferential attentional orienting to animals links with autistic traits
- Risky effort
- The link between non-human primate vocalizations and cognition is not constrained by maturation alone: Evidence from healthy preterm infants
- Idiosyncratic and shared contributions shape impressions from voices and faces
- The time course of Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language phonological activation: An ERP study of deaf bimodal bilingual readers of Chinese
- Mind the instructions: Reward cues are liked first, wanted later
- Perceptual plausibility of exaggerated realistic motion
- On humans’ (explicit) intuitions about the meaning of novel words
- Hijacking limitations of working memory load to test for composition in language
- High or low expectations: Expected intensity of action outcome is embedded in action kinetics
- Absolute-judgment models better predict eyewitness decision-making than do relative-judgment models
- Comparing human evaluations of eyewitness statements to a machine learning classifier under pristine and suboptimal lineup administration procedures
- Applying process dissociation to self-sacrificial moral dilemmas: Extending the dual-process model
- Language-general versus language-specific processes in bilingual voice learning
- Motion extrapolation in sport expertise: Representational momentum and representational gravity in volleyball athletes
- Mechanisms of visual working memory processing task-irrelevant information retrieved from visual long-term memory
- Asymmetries in encoding event roles: Evidence from language and cognition
- Forever young: The end of history illusion in children
- Children’s representation of coincidence
- Are ethical explanations explanatory? Meta-ethical beliefs shape judgments about explanations for social change
- On second thoughts: Testing the underlying mechanisms of spontaneous future thought
- Clarifying the effects of sequential item presentation in the police lineup task
- When rules are over-ruled: Virtual bargaining as a contractualist method of moral judgment
- Face recognition’s practical relevance: Social bonds, not social butterflies
- A dissociation between the effects of expectations and attention in selective visual processing
- The statistics of cognitive variability: Explaining common patterns in individuals, groups and financial markets
- Behavioural interference at event boundaries reduces long-term memory performance in the virtual water maze task without affecting working memory performance
- Objectively quantifying subjective phenomena: Measuring the flashed face distortion effect
- An examination of the motivation to manage distraction
- Corrigendum to “Shielding working-memory representations from temporally predictable external interference” [Cognition 217 (2021) 104915]
- Fast & slow decisions under risk: Intuition rather than deliberation drives advantageous choices
- Spatial updating of gaze position in younger and older adults – A path integration-like process in eye movements
- Rational number representation by the approximate number system
- How schema knowledge influences memory in older adults: Filling in the gaps, or leading memory astray?
- Gesturing during disfluent speech: A pragmatic account
- Witnessing-condition information differentially affects evaluations of high- and moderate-confidence eyewitness identifications
- Infants’ representations of michottean triggering events
- Beauty is in the iris: Constricted pupils (enlarged irises) enhance attractiveness
- Working memory flips the direction of serial bias through memory-based decision
- Children use disagreement to infer what happened
- Event representation at the scale of ordinary experience
- Making precise movements increases confidence in perceptual decisions
- Contractualist tendencies and reasoning in moral judgment and decision making
- Number adaptation: A critical look
- Infant-directed speech becomes less redundant as infants grow: Implications for language learning
- The medium modulates the medusa effect: Perceived mind in analogue and digital images
- Taste the music: Modality-general representation of affective states derived from auditory and gustatory stimuli
- Unmasking social attention: The key distinction between social and non-social attention emerges in disengagement, not engagement
- Anticipated imitation of multiple agents
- Why do languages tolerate heterography? An experimental investigation into the emergence of informative orthography
- Non-signing children’s assessment of telicity in sign language
- The object as the unit for state switching in visual working memory
- What do you learn from a single cue? Dimensional reweighting and cue reassociation from experience with a newly unreliable phonetic cue
- An information-theoretic analysis of targeted regressions during reading
- School-age children are more skeptical of inaccurate robots than adults
- Flexible social monitoring as revealed by eye movements: Spontaneous mental state updating triggered by others’ unexpected actions
- A cognitive template for human face detection
- How workload and availability of spatial reference shape eye movement coupling in visuospatial working memory
- Should absolute pitch be considered as a unique kind of absolute sensory judgment in humans? A systematic and theoretical review of the literature
- Visual bodily signals and conversational context benefit the anticipation of turn ends
- Perceptual encoding benefit of visual memorability on visual memory formation
- Give it a second try? The influence of feedback and performance in the decision of reattempting
- Eye movements reinstate remembered locations during episodic simulation
- Self-ownership, not self-production, modulates bias and agency over a synthesised voice
- Grouping in working memory guides chunk formation in long-term memory: Evidence from the Hebb effect
- Don’t SNARC me now! Intraindividual variability of cognitive phenomena – Insights from the Ironman paradigm
- Mapping semantic space: Exploring the higher-order structure of word meaning
- Auditory and motor priming of metric structure improves understanding of degraded speech
- Revisiting causal pluralism: Intention, process, and dependency in cases of double prevention
- Impasse-Driven problem solving: The multidimensional nature of feeling stuck
- The perception of dramatic risks: Biased media, but unbiased minds
- Hierarchical and dynamic relationships between body part ownership and full-body ownership
- An investigation of the effect of logical structures on Chinese preschool children’s counterfactual reasoning development
- Adults’ learning of complex explanations violates their intuitions about optimal explanatory order
- Acquiring a language vs. inducing a grammar
- Working memory capacity for continuous events: The root of temporal compression in episodic memory?
- Finding the meaning in meaning maps: Quantifying the roles of semantic and non-semantic scene information in guiding visual attention
- Dynamic changes in task preparation in a multi-task environment: The task transformation paradigm
- Illusions of knowledge due to mere repetition
- Tell me your (cognitive) budget, and I’ll tell you what you value
- Me or we? Action-outcome learning in synchronous joint action
- Cognitive offloading is value-based decision making: Modelling cognitive effort and the expected value of memory
- Category Locality Theory: A unified account of locality effects in sentence comprehension
- Emotions before actions: When children see costs as causal
- Relative cue precision and prior knowledge contribute to the preference of proximal and distal landmarks in human orientation
- Perceived gaze dynamics in social interactions can alter (and even reverse) the perceived temporal order of events
- What drives disagreement about moral hypocrisy? Perceived comparability and how people exploit it to criticize enemies and defend allies
- Oblique warping: A general distortion of spatial perception
- A bias-free test of human temporal bisection: Evidence against bisection at the arithmetic mean
- Explaining contentious political issues promotes open-minded thinking
- Irreducibility of sensory experiences: Dual representations lead to dual context biases
- Three key questions to move towards a theoretical framework of visuospatial perspective taking
- The nature of anchor-biased estimates and its application to the wisdom of crowds
- Conflicts between short- and long-term experiences affect visual perception through modulating sensory or motor response systems: Evidence from Bayesian inference models
- Prime saliency in semantic priming with 18-month-olds
- Do toddlers reason about other people’s experiences of objects? A limit to early mental state reasoning
- Weighting of cues to categorization of song versus speech in tone-language and non-tone-language speakers
- Updating beliefs about pain following advice: Trustworthiness of social advice predicts pain expectations and experience
- Brain responses to a lab-evolved artificial language with space-time metaphors
- A predictive coding model of the N400
- Does rotation eliminate masked priming effects for Japanese kanji words?
- Metacognitive judgment formation during map learning: Evidence for global monitoring
- Chimpanzees demonstrate a behavioural signature of human joint action
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- Media Coverage: Why do people think suicide is morally wrong?