- From Standpoint Epistemology to Epistemic Oppression
- Securing Cisgendered Futures: Intersex Management under the “Disorders of Sex Development” Treatment Model
- Resources, Rules, and Oppression
- Against “Transracialism”: Revisiting the Debate
- Mary Astell on Bad Custom and Epistemic Injustice
- Beyond Science Wars Redux: Feminist Philosophy of Science as Trustworthy Science Criticism
- Waste Culture and Isolation: Prisons, Toilets, and Gender Segregation
- New Ecofeminisms: Matters of Life and/or Death
- What Is Trans Philosophy?
- Profiles of the Editorial Team
- Mary Wollstonecraft on Motherhood and Political Participation: An Overlooked Insight into Women’s Subordination
- Evaluating Elizabeth Grosz’s Biological Turn
- Feminist Political Theory without Apology: Anna Doyle Wheeler, William Thompson, and the Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women
- Gender Bias in Medical Implant Design and Use: A Type of Moral Aggregation Problem?
- Antigone, Empire, and the Legacy of Oedipus: Thinking African Decolonization through the Rearticulation of Kinship Rules
- The Virtue of Care
- Losing Herself to Save Herself: Perspectives on Conservatism and Concepts of Self for Black Women Aspiring to the HBCU Presidency
- Dancing Contact Improvisation with Luce Irigaray: Intra‐Action and Elemental Passions
- The Promise of Feminist Philosophy
- The Narratable Self: Adriana Cavarero with Sojourner Truth
- “I Desire to Suffer, Lord, because Thou didst Suffer”: Teresa of Avila on Suffering
- Slave, Sister, Sexborg, Sphinx: Feminine Figurations in Nick Land’s Philosophy
- The Brown Babe’s Burden
- Rationality through the Eyes of Shame: Oppression and Liberation via Emotion*
- Review Essay of Queenly Philosophers: Renaissance Women Aristocrats as Platonic Guardians and Women and Liberty, 1600–1800: Philosophical Essays
- Thinking Sexual Difference with (and against) Adriana Cavarero: On the Ethics and Politics of Care
- Beauvoir on Women’s Complicity in Their Own Unfreedom
- Deleuze and Guattari’s Absent Analysis of Patriarchy
- The Diremption of Love: Gillian Rose on Agency, Mortality, and Hegelian Feminism
- On Black Women, “In Defense of Transracialism,” and Imperial Harm
- Being at Home: A Feminist Phenomenology of Disorientation in Illness
- Care Ethics and Obligations to Future Generations
- Making Epistemologists Nervous: Relational Memory and Psychological Individualism
- Hypatia Special Issue: Conjure Feminism: Tracing the Genealogy of a Black Women’s Intellectual Tradition
- A Good Abortion Is a Tragic Abortion: Fit Motherhood and Disability Stigma
- “Cow Is a Mother, Mothers Can Do Anything for Their Children!” Gaushalas as Landscapes of Anthropatriarchy and Hindu Patriarchy
- Interim Editors’ Introduction: Welcome and Thanks
- Epistemic Violence and Emotional Misperception
- When Shaming Is Shameful: Double Standards in Online Shame Backlashes
- Thought as Revolt in The Old Man and the Wolves
- Perpetual Struggle
- Alterity in Simone de Beauvoir and Emmanuel Levinas: From Ambiguity to Ambivalence
- On Intersectionality: A Review Essay
- Philosophy’s Futures: The Reproductive Body’s Turn
- Tough Breaks: Trans Rage and the Cultivation of Resilience
- Groundwork for Transfeminist Care Ethics: Sara Ruddick, Trans Children, and Solidarity in Dependency
- Irreducibility and (Trans) Sexual Difference
- Editorial Introduction to the Found Cluster on Trans Feminist Philosophy
- Gender and the “Great Man”: Recovering Philosophy’s “Wives of the Canon”
- “Mere Auxiliaries to the Movement”: How Intellectual Biography Obscures Marx’s and Engels’s Gendered Political Partnerships
- Is the Lack of Women in Philosophy a Universal Phenomenon? Exploring Women’s Representation in Greek Departments of Philosophy
- Xanthippe: Shrew or Muse
- The “Beloved and Deplored” Memory of Harriet Taylor Mill: Rethinking Gender and Intellectual Labor in the Canon
- “Mere Auxiliaries to the Movement”: How Intellectual Biography Obscures Marx’s and Engels’s Gendered Political Partnerships
- The Hidden Labors of Mary Mottley, Madame de Tocqueville
- Gender and the “Great Man”: Recovering Philosophy’s “Wives of the Canon”
- Survivors, Liars, and Unfit Minds: Rhetorical Impossibility and Rape Trauma Disclosure
- Lucretia and the Impossibility of Female Republicanism in Margaret Cavendish’s Sociable Letters
- The “Bio” Politics of Matter and Mattering for Feminist Engagements with Biosocial, Biocultural, and Posthuman Embodiment
- Too Shame to Look: Learning to Trust Mirrors and Healing the Lived Experience of Shame in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple
- Domesticating Bodies: The Role of Shame in Obstetric Violence
- Humiliation as a Harm of Sexual Violence: Feminist versus Neoliberal Perspectives
- Gender and the Politics of Shame: A Twenty‐First‐Century Feminist Shame Theory
- Femininity, Shame, and Redemption
- “The Most Naked Phase of Our Struggle”: Gendered Shaming and Masculinist Desiring‐Production in Turkey’s War on Terror
- Sunsets and Solidarity: Overcoming Sacramental Shame in Conservative Christian Churches to Forge a Queer Vision of Love and Justice
- The Shame of Shamelessness
- Gender, Shame, and the Pantsuit
- Shatter Not the Branches of the Tree of Anger: Mothering, Affect, and Disability
- “Everything Being Tangled Up in Every Other Thing”: Class, Desire, and Shame in Michelle Tea’s The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America
- “Everything Being Tangled Up in Every Other Thing”: Class, Desire, and Shame in Michelle Tea’s The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America
- Editorial Introduction to the Cluster on Foreigners in Philosophy
- Issue information ‐ Title page
- Foreigners in Philosophy and Openness to Dislocation
- Resisting the Logic of Ambivalence: Bad Faith as Subversive, Anticolonial Practice
- Natality or Birth? Arendt and Cavarero on the Human Condition of Being Born
- Islamist Women’s Agency and Relational Autonomy
- Precarity is a Feminist Issue: Gender and Contingent Labor in the Academy
- Honor Roll
- Free Lunch with the Stench Wench: Toward a Synaesthetics of Poverty and Shame in Catherine Hoffmann’s Performance
- Feminism, Capitalism, and Ecology
- And Stigma Followed Me Everywhere
- Sexual Difference and Decolonization: Oyĕwùmí and Irigaray in Dialogue about Western Culture
- Woman-Hating: On Misogyny, Sexism, and Hate Speech
- Anne-Thérèse de Lambert on Aging and Self-Esteem
- Woman‐Hating: On Misogyny, Sexism, and Hate Speech
- Anne‐Thérèse de Lambert on Aging and Self‐Esteem
- Self-Esteem and Ethics: A Phenomenological View
- Eudaimonism, Human Nature, and the Burdened Virtues
- On Microaggressions: Cumulative Harm and Individual Responsibility
- “I longed to cherish mirrored reflections”: Mirroring and Black Female Subjectivity in Carrie Mae Weems’s Art against Shame
- “I longed to cherish mirrored reflections”: Mirroring and Black Female Subjectivity in Carrie Mae Weems’s Art against Shame
- Reading the Lives of Others: Biography as Political Thought in Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir
- Gender as Lived Time: Reading The Second Sex for a Feminist Phenomenology of Temporality
- Hermeneutical Dissent and the Species of Hermeneutical Injustice
- The Paternalistic Argument against Abortion
- Misreading Nonmonogamy in Beauvoir’s She Came to Stay
- Beauvoir on the Lived Experience of Politics, Time, and Sex
- “Tell Me How That Makes You Feel”: Philosophy’s Reason/Emotion Divide and Epistemic Pushback in Philosophy Classrooms
- Foreigners and Inclusion in Academia
- Facing Issues in the Profession
- Being a Foreigner in Philosophy: A Taxonomy
- How Might We Address the Factors that Contribute to the Scarcity of Philosophers Who Are Women and/or of Color?
- The Underrepresentation of Women in Prestigious Ethics Journals
- Comforting Discomfort as Complicity: White Fragility and the Pursuit of Invulnerability
- Tracking Privilege-Preserving Epistemic Pushback in Feminist and Critical Race Philosophy Classes
- The Philosophical Personality
- Evidence Supporting Pre-University Effects Hypotheses of Women’s Underrepresentation in Philosophy
- Subjectification and Confession in Contemporary Memoirs of Abduction and Prolonged Captivity
- Philosophy’s Folds: Seneca, Cavarero, and the History of Rectitude
- The Problem with “Caring” Human Rights
- Daughters of the Enlightenment: Reconstructing Adorno on Gender and Feminist Praxis
- Revealing Ireland’s “Proper” Heart: Apology, Shame, Nation
- Commitment and Partialism in the Ethics of Care
- Reading Together: “Communitarian Reading” and Women Readers in Colonial Bengal
- Introduction: Contested Terrains
- Contested Terrains of Women of Color and Third World Women
- The Secularity of Empire, the Violence of Critique: Muslims, Race, and Sexuality in the Politics of Knowledge-Production
- Four Women of Egypt: Memory, Geopolitics, and the Egyptian Women’s Movement during the Nasser and Sadat Eras
- Silence, Silencing, and (In)Visibility: The Geopolitics of Tehran’s Silent Protests
- Sovereignty as a State of Craziness: Empowering Female Indigenous Psychologies in Australian “Reconciliatory Literature”
- Beyond Diversity Ventriloquism: How Mujer T Is Transing Inclusion in Bogotá
- A Call for Healing: Transphobia, Homophobia, and Historical Trauma in Filipina/o/x American Activist Organizations
- Structural Violence, Intersectionality, and Justpeace: Evaluating Women’s Peacebuilding Agency in Manipur, India
- A Feminist Approach to Immigrant Admissions
- Calling Forth History’s Mocking Doubles
- Can Non-Europeans Philosophize? Transnational Literacy and Planetary Ethics in a Global Age
- Marriage in Kumasi, Ghana: Locally Emergent Practices in the Colonial/Modern Gender System
- Left Out/Left Behind: On Care Theory’s Other
- The Importance of Disambiguating Adaptive States in Development Theory and Practice
- In Defense of Transracialism
- What an [En]tangled Web We Weave: Emotions, Motivation, and Rethinking Us and the “Other”
- In Sickness and in Health: Cripping and Queering Marriage Equality
- Expressing Entangled Empathy: A Reply
- Understanding Others in an Alienating World: Comments on Lori Gruen’s Entangled Empathy
- Commentary on Entangled Empathy by Lori Gruen
- Imagining Disability Futurities
- The Perverse Mother: Maternal Masochism in Ira Levin’s Rosemary’s Baby
- Timing Problems: When Care and Violence Converge in Stephen King’s Horror Novel Christine
- The “Meta” Level of Integrity: Integrity in the Context of Structural Injustice
- Personal Autonomy, Social Identity, and Oppressive Social Contexts
- Idealization and Abstraction in Models of Injustice
- A Dangerous Subject: The Fashion Model and the Beauty/Narcissism Double Bind
- Losing Hope: Injustice and Moral Bitterness
- Epistemic Injustice and Resistance in the Chiapas Highlands: The Zapatista Case
- The Role of Darwin in Elizabeth Grosz’s Deleuzian Feminist Theory: Sexual Difference, Ontology, and Intervention
- Issue information – Title page
- Feminist Love Studies—Editors’ Introduction
- Collective Love as Public Freedom: Dancing Resistance. Ehrenreich, Arendt, Kristeva, and Idle No More
- Work the Root: Black Feminism, Hoodoo Love Rituals, and Practices of Freedom
- Why Love Kills: Power, Gender Dichotomy, and Romantic Femicide
- Mother Love, Maternal Ambivalence, and the Possibility of Empowered Mothering
- A Revolution of Love: Thinking through a Dialectic that is Not “One”
- Affective Equality: Love Matters
- Loving from Below: Of (De)colonial Love and Other Demons
- Remembering and Loving in Relationships Involving Dying, Death, and Grief
- Love as a Hollow: Merleau-Ponty’s Promise of Queer Love
- From the Love Studio
- Love and the Patriarch: Augustine and (Pregnant) Women
- Anna Julia Cooper’s Black Feminist Love-Politics
- Hetero-Love in Patriarchy: An Autobiographical Substantiation