- Seeing Others: How to Define Worth in a Divided World
- Giorgio Agamben’s Critique of the Covid-19 Response has Little to Do with Biopolitics
- Political Judgment and Ingenium: Rethinking the Sensus Communis Through Arendt and Vico
- The Politics of Bodies: Philosophical Emancipation with and Beyond Rancière
- How Does Neoliberalism Form Our Lifes? A Praxeological Approach with Jaeggi and Foucault
- Conceptual Harmonies: The Origins & Relevance of Hegel’s Logic
- Universality as a Historical-Political Problem: On the Limits of Buck-Morss’ Conceptualisation of Universality
- Of Israel, Forst & Voltaire: Deism, Toleration, and Radicalism
- Oppressive Forms of Life
- The Human Crisis Revisited: Albert Camus and Climate Rebellion
- Giving Marx’s Critique of Law a Fair Trial: On Igor Shoikhedbrod’s Revisiting of Marx’s Critique of Liberalism and the Rule of Law
- Rigid Flesh – Towards the Critique of Technologically Mediated Chiasm
- Unequal Universalism. the Short Circuit of Solidarity in European National Healthcare Systems
- Unequal Universalism. The Short Circuit of Solidarity in European National Healthcare Systems
- The Challenges of Solidarity in a Critical Age
- Beyond the Dark Sides of the Web: For an Ethical Model of Digital Solidarity
- Multilevel European Solidarity: From People to Institutions (and Back)
- The Concept of Solidarity – A Humean Perspective
- Active Respect and Critical Solidarity
- The Epistemic Requirements of Solidarity
- The Captivated Gaze. Diderot’s Allegory of the Cave and Democracy
- Struggles Over Recognition Under Conditions of Hypervisibility: Honneth, Rancière, and Ellison on the Politics of Perception
- Impossible Identifications: How Can Rancière Help us to Think the Black Lives Matter Movement, and How Can the Black Lives Matter Movement Help us to Rethink Rancière?
- Ways of (Not) Seeing: (In)visibility, Equality and the Politics of Recognition
- Invisibility: From Discrimination to Resistance
- Introduction: The Aesthetics and Politics of (In)Visibility
- Unity and Division. Lefort and Clastres on the Role of Power in the Constitution of Society
- Václav Havel’s Legacy: Politics as Morality
- Václav Havel’s Search for Emancipatory Governmentality
- Merleau-Ponty and “Dirty Hands”: Political Phronesis and Virtù Between Marxism and Machiavelli