- When Color Is Dark: A Semiotic Study on Chromatology
- Virtualisation and Its Impact on the Lifeworld – A Study from the Husserlian Perspective
- Homo Projectus
- A Comparative Study of the Problem of the Relationship between the Mind and Body in the Thoughts of Descartes and Mulla Sadra
- Farabi and Tabatabaei: Opponents of the Shiite Ethical Principle
- The Challenge of Moral Devaluation in Africa – A Philosophical Perspective
- Autonomization of the Political within the Boundaries of Legal Reality
- Sinicization of Marxism as the Basis of Political Philosophy and Political Discourse of Modern China (People’s Republic of China) – Integration into Social Policy
- Xenophobia as Afro-Phobia: Towards a Political Philosophy of Change to Afro-philia
- The Concept of Freedom in Indian Philosophy
- Philosophical Foundations of Leadership – Maimonides, Spinoza, and Greenleaf through the Popperian Lens
- The Meaning of Life from the Viewpoint of Islamic Philosophy
- Religion and Its Educational Function in the Contemporary Global Village – The Islamic Perspective
- Remembering Werner Krieglstein: Fragments of a Legacy
- Werner Krieglstein — August 26, 2024 — October 31, 1941
- Islamic Economic Practices in Indonesia – Essence or Symbol in a Muslim-Majority Country in the World
- On the Clarity, Ambiguities and Interpretations of the Symbols
- Art and Humanism in the Work of Tzvetan Todorov
- The Arewa Symbol – A Confluence of Philosophical, Religious and Cultural Traditions
- The Golden Age of the Virtual Realms, Right Now
- Halal Symbols in Muslim Community Businesses
- Heteronormativity – Contentious Symbol of Belonging in Indonesia from the Pluriverse Perspective
- Contemporary Autocratisation of Democracies in the Context of “a Paradox of Democracy”
- (De)constructing the “Otherness” – A Debate on Edward Said’s Legacy
- Semiotic Hermeneutic of “New Wine, New Wineskins” – Symbols, Philosophy of Development and Africa
- Imagining Power – Hermeneutic Insights into Imagined Nations and the Legitimation of Political Authority
- Flags of Shame. Politics and Symbols in Contemporary Debates
- Mythologies of Time in the West – Utopia, Millenism and Messianism
- The Role of Political Symbolism in Constructing a National Iranian Identity
- On the Androgyny of the Cyborg—an Anthropological Difficulty
- Symbol and Faith in Mircea Eliade
- Man as a Symbol in the Memories of Mircea Eliade
- Editorial – Symbols and Imaginary in Contemporary Philosophy
- Peirce’s Semiotics and the Background of Whitehead’s Symbolism
- Trust and Loyalty as Universal Ethics in Global Business of Governance
- Artificial Intelligence and Cybercrime in Nigeria – Towards an Ethical Framework
- Ethical Implications of Discriminatory Economic Policies of the Nigerian Government – The Case of the Igbo in Business
- Values and Educational Growth – The Tragedy of an Emasculated Nation
- Fear in Organizations – A Challenge of Business Ethics from a Phenomenological Perspective
- Corruption Models of Behaviour in the Structure of the Political System of Society
- Virtue Ethics Theory in the Market Place
- Virtue and the Business of Governance in Nigeria
- Corporate Ethos and Justice as Fairness – Aligning CRS with Rawlsian Principles
- Currency and Moral Practice—Navigating the Commercial Environment
- Ethics in Business – Opportunity for the Redemption of a Broken World
- Going beyond Positivist Logic of Market – Joseph Ratzinger on Fraternity in Economy
- Biblical Foundations for Business Ethics
- Islamic Philosophy and Human Business Ethics in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals
- Editorial — Ethics in Business, in Search of Wholesome Health for Human Society
- On the Question of the Subjective Time of an Individual with Disabilities – Features of Intentional-Oriented Activity
- The Concepts of Responsibility and Sympathy in Thomas Kasulis Comparative Philosophy
- Philosophizing in the New Middle Age, or, a Story of a Fatherless Child
- The Phenomenology of Life and the Experience of Affectivity in Michel Henry, Indian and Leopold Sédar Senghor’s Thought
- Karl Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge versus the Problem of Relativism and the Objectivity of Cognition
- Gandhi’s Ecosophy – A Problem or Panaceas for Environmental Sustainability
- Environmental Anthropogenic Antibiosis as a Consequence of Urbanisation
- Affirmation—Another Name for the Art of Life
- Worldview Foundations of Social Well-Being in Post-Soviet Russia – A Philosophical Research
- Transformation of the Institution of Social Responsibility in the Conditions of Globalization
- Editorial — Non omnis moriar – Alicja Kuczyńska and Leszek Kuźnicki
- Leopold, Husserl, Darwin and the Possibility of Intercultural Dialogue
- Buddhist Environmental Ethics – Two Methodological Models
- The Role of the Glance in Overcoming the Disunity of Knowledge and Practice in Environmental Philosophy
- The Yoruba Concept of the Okun Omo Iya as a Critique of Martin Buber’s “I-Thou” and the Quest for Environmental Sustainability
- Ecogynism as Unspoken Dialogue between Humans and Nature
- The Impact of Natural Disasters on Intercultural Dialogue and Its Reflection in Dave Egger’s Zeitoun
- Politics, Racism, and Environmental (In)justice in the United States
- Romanticizing the Past, Glorifying the Future – Working with Ecological Modernization and Developmentalism
- Searching for Principles of Sustainable Development
- The World as a Hospitable Space – A Possible Dialogue between the Philosophy of Religion and Environmental Philosophy
- Ontology of Natural Landscapes and Human Global Environmental Consciousness
- Editorial: Environmental Philosophy as World Philosophy
- (S)Animism, Relational Ontology, and Transspecies Becoming
- The Topos of Mu and the Predicative Self
- On the Role of Symbiotic Thinking in the Age of the Anthropocene
- On the Question of Whether We Need a New Enlightenment for the 21st Century
- How Do We Shape a Reform of the 21st-Century Human World in an Enlightenment Spirit? On Projects by Robert E. Allinson and Michael H. Mitias
- Do We Really Need a New Enlightenment for the 21st Century?
- Problems of the Unknowability and Total Unity in the Light of Philosophy of Semyon L. Frank
- Re-Thinking Cultural Hedonism – On the Principle of Utility according to John Stuart Mill
- Habit, Type, and Alterity in Social Life. Recoiling Protentions and Social Invisibility
- On Two-Valued and Multiple-Valued Logic and on Paradoxes of Verity
- Self-Preservation and Coloniality
- Three Interpretations of the “Ideology” Category. Max Horkheimer’s Conception of Ideology
- Cyber Inclusion vs Isolation – A Way Out of the Virtual Ghetto
- Instrumental Reason, Technology, and Society
- Philosophy and African Sapiential Tradition – Giving Voice to Wisdom and the Conceptualization of Traditional African Society. Part II
- Philosophy and African Sapiential Tradition – Giving Voice to Wisdom and the Conceptualization of Traditional African Society. Part I
- Challenges of Climate Change from an Intercultural Perspective
- Harmony of the Higher Religions
- Instrumental Reason and Science—Max Horkheimer’s View
- Educational Rationality and Consumer Society
- The Alienation Phenomenon and the Communicative Model of the Human Society Evolution
- Digital Transformation as an Epistemological Event: Predigital Transformation
- Friedrich Nietzsche and Information Society: Dangers of the Radical Social Division
- Virtual Exchange as a Tool for Boosting Students’ Skills for Virtual Negotiations
- Proximity, Innovation, Collaboration; Developing the 4th “Extended Reality” Space
- Aliens and Monsters: Aristotle’s Hypothetical “Defense” of Natural Slavery
- Remembering John Rensenbrink
- E-Negotiations in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Importance of Cultural Familiarity in the Western and Arabic Contexts
- He Was a Real Wonder!!
- Reflections and Appreciation for John Rensenbrink
- Some Thoughts about John Rensenbrink and ISUD
- John Rensenbrink, the Man I Knew
- Concepts and Mechanisms of Negotiation Derived from Experiences in the Electronic Milieu
- John Rensenbrink and the Promise of Politics
- John Rensenbrink: Life and Work
- Memories of My Friend John Rensenbrink, His Passion and Praxis
- Against Psychological Atomism
- The Content/Object Equivocation – Shepherd’s Neglected Contribution
- Kakuzô Okakura and Another Enlightenment in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
- Leibniz’s Philosophical Dream of Rational and Intuitive Enlightenment
- Three Enlightenments of Modernity in the Historico-Philosophical Conception of Kazimierz Twardowski
- The “Demarcation Problem” in Science: What Has Enlightenment Got to Do with It? Part I
- The “Demarcation Problem” in Science: What Has Enlightenment Got to Do with It? Part II – Race, Color and Philosophy
- Adam Smith between the Scottish and French Enlightenments
- The Reception of Spinoza and Mendelssohn in the Russian Enlightenment and the Russian-Jewish Haskalah
- Hume’s Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth Revisited
- Between Action and Reflection – Moses Mendelssohn as an Enlightenment Philosopher and Traditional Jew
- David Hume’s Universalism of Moral Precepts
- The Issue of Translation – Translation of Concepts or Compositio between Cultures? The Case of John Locke
- Adam Smith, the Enlightenment, and His Relevance for the 21st Century
- The Functionalization of Essential (A Priori) Knowledge – A Close Look at Max Scheler’s Epistemology
- The Consistence of the Assumptions of the Sociology of Knowledge with those of Philosophical Anthropology (On the Example of Max Scheler)
- The Duality of the Cognitive Subject in the Conception of Max Scheler
- Max Scheler’s Pluralistic Conception of Knowledge
- The Public Sphere, Deweyan Democracy and Rational Discourse in Africa
- The Confucian and Marxian Ways: Ironic Affinities
- Editorial — Varia: Clashes of Cultures, Religions and Models of Democracy; Max Scheler’s Selected Conceptions
- Possibility of Friendship between Religions
- On the Very Idea of Civilisation
- Appraisal of Steven Pinker’s Position on Enlightenment
- A Historicist Critique of Steven Pinker’s Interpretation of Progress
- Education Project: Utopia or New Reality? – (Intellectuals of Russia of the 18th Century)
- Productive Misunderstanding – Independent Thinking as the Horizon of the Enlightenment (On the Example of Polemics between Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi)
- The Idea of Miracle in the Enlightenment and Enlightenment in the Idea of Miracle – The Dialectics of Theological Narrative and Philosophical Discourse
- Understanding the Virtues of Enlightenment Epistemology
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Context of the Enlightenment and the Contemporary Era
- From Toleration to Laïcité – Bayle, Voltaire and the Declaration of the Rights of Man
- Benedict de Spinoza’s Virtue – Springboard for Modern Valorization of Ethical Relativism
- Philosophy and Theological Rationalism – Spinoza and Hobbes
- Mendelssohn’s Jerusalem (1783) and The Jewish Vision of Tolerance
- Separating Politics from Institutional Religion – The Significance of John Locke’s Theory of Toleration
- John Locke—Theorist of Limiting and Supervising Political Power by Citizens
- Understanding Is Not Enough
- Paul K. Feyerabend’s Method against Method – A Plurality of Theories?
- The Role of the Christian Church in Combating 21st Century Racism
- Theistic and Non-Theistic Modes of Detachment from the Presence of the Infinite
- The Beginnings of the Anarchist Concept of Freedom in the Teaching of the Greek Cynics and Chinese Philosophical Daoists
- The Sleep of the “Moon Man” – the Objective Energic Aspect of Overcoming Racism
- Eliminating Racism – The Challenges of Prevention in the Contemporary Society
- Populism as the Cause of Legitimising Racism in Western Societies
- How Sense-phenomenal Theory of Personal Identity Might Legitimize Racism
- The Problem of the Coexistence of the Concept of Human Nature and Racism
- Andrew Jackson, Black American Slavery, and the Trail of Tears – A Critical Analysis
- Racism, Vulnerability, and the Youth Struggle in Africa
- Western Racist Ideologies and the Nigerian Predicament
- The Religious and Quasi-Religious Genealogy of the Theology of Nazism
- Unmasking Color Racism
- The Illusion of a Post-Racialised World
- Colourism, Ethnicism and the Logic of Domination in 21st Century Nigeria
- Comparative History of Images and Transcultural Imaginary – Jurgis Baltrušaitis’ Legacy
- André Malraux’s Comparative Theory of Art
- The Aesthetics of the Intellectual (Wenrenhua) School in the Milieu of Chinese Renaissance Ideas
- Everyday Aesthetics in the Dialogue of Chinese and Western Aesthetic Sensibilities
- Martin Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Boredom and Zen Practice
- Shinto as an Intrinsic Japanese Religion
- Karl Jaspers’ Conception of the Axial Age and the Idea of Paradigmatic Individuals
- Bridging the Gap between Civilizations: Swami Vivekananda
- A Comparative Analysis of Plotinus’ Conception of Eternity as the Life of Being and the Image of Aion in Chaldean Oracles
- Psychoanalytical Theory in Postcolonial Discourse – Comparing Octave Mannoni, Frantz Fanon and Homi K. Bhaba
- Phenomenology of Emptiness – Martin Heidegger and Shinichi Hisamatsu
- Indian Philosophy in China – Was Daśapadārthī 勝宗十句義論 Authored by a Vaiśeika?
- The Organizing Power of Harmony in the Chinese Tradition of Thought
- The Importance of Civilizational Imagination in Contemporary Geopolitics
- In Search of Culturally-Informed Universalism – A Brief Recapitulation of the Early Stages of the Honolulu Movement of Comparative Philosophy
- A Comparative Study of Cultural Identities and Universal Nomad
- Harmony and Beyond – Some Global Perspectives of Chinese Thought
- Good as a Correlate of Community
- The Sense of Existence in Marxism, Christianity and Liberal Mass Culture
- The Meaning of History and Peace
- The Sense of New History
- Dialogues between Cultures, Science and Technology – Towards a New Kind of Universalism
- The Phenomenon of Fanaticism
- What Is Hermeneutic Philosophy?
- Universalism, Modern History and the Marxist Theory of Formations
- The Address on the Janusz Kuczyński’s 80th Birthday
- Post-Kantian Elements in the Intersubjectively Constituted Subject of Universalism as a Metaphilosophy
- Communicative Rationality and Its Preconditions
- First Impressions—Lasting Memories: “As I Remember”
- Dialogue in Universalism and Universalism in Dialogue
- Janusz Kuczyński’s Philosophy of Universalism – Possibility of a Decent World Order
- Janusz Kuczyński—Initiator, Inspiring Force and Organiser of the International Universalism Movement
- Rawls’s Justification Model for Ethics – What Exactly Justifies the Model?
- Are Digital Technologies Transforming Humanity and Making Politics Impossible?
- A Universal Theory of Wisdom – A Mind-oriented Approach
- The Lessons of Gramsci’s Philosophy of Praxis
- Critique of Capital in the Era of Globalization
- Around Richard Münch’s Academic Capitalism Theory
- Parsimony and Ontological Control: Quine and Wittgenstein on the Size of the World
- “Natural Work” as Self-capability – Remaining Human in the Era of Turmoil. In Memory of Grigory Savvich Skovoroda
- The Art of Shipwrecking – The Information Society and the Rise of Exaptive Resilience
- The Problem of the External World in René Descartes, Edmund Husserl, Immanuel Kant and the Evil Genius – A Perennial Problem for Philosophers?
- Politeness and Pietas as Annexed to the Virtue of Justice
- Toward a Critical Synthesis of the Aristotelian and Confucian Doctrines of the Mean
- Quality and Life – A Thesis on the Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Healing in the Chthulucene – Becoming beyond Human with Medicinal Plants
- Ecophilosophy and the Problem of Monitoring Hazards
- Globalization and the Question of African Cultural Identity – A Defense of Complementarism
- The Canary in the Gold Mine – Ethics, Privacy, and Big Data Analytics
- The Contemporary Antithesis between Art and Beauty
- Philosophy in an Age of Crisis – Challenges and Prospects
- Conservative Women – Bridging Divides through Meaningful Dialogue
- The Digitalization of Life – A Genealogy of the Body-Machine
- The Order of Body – The Embodied Subjectivity as a Quasi-Universal Foundation of Dialogue?
- Emotion as a Language of Universal Dialogue
- A Hermeneutic Understanding of Dialogue as a Tool for Global Peace
- Ways to Deal with Contingency Violence and Dialogue
- Philosophy in an Age of Crisis – Challenges and Prospects, Part III
- Notes on the International Society for Universal Dialogue
- How Is Science Universal?
- Problems of Deep Disagreement
- Czarnocka’s Conception of Symbolic Truth – A Model of Explanation
- Czarnocka’s Conception of Symbolic Truth
- Post-Knowledge – The Extinction of Knowledge in Our Techno-Scientific Culture
- On the (Im)Possibility of Philosophical Teaching according to the Pathos of the Philosopher
- Mysticism as a Basis of Inter-Religious Dialogue
- Cognitive Empathy in the Works of Sam Harris – The Olympian Gods, Mormones and Moral Values
- Kantian Beauty, Fractals, and Universal Community
- The Fiction of the Beautiful: Digital Eros
- An Aesthetic Theory in Four Dimensions – Collingwood and Beyond
- Poetry Writing as a Performative, Dialogical, and Revolutionary Act
- Reflections of an Existential Crisis in Søren Kierkegaard’s Aesthetic Conception
- Some Relations between Ethics, Aesthetics and Politics in Contemporary Art in Times of Crisis
- The Hegemonic Subjectification in Ernesto Laclau’s Theory of Discourse
- Beyond Capitalism and Marxism – Towards a New Theory of African Development
- Fool Me Once, Shame On You, Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me – The Alleged Prisoner’s Dilemma in Hobbes’s Social Contract
- Being in Transit – Space, Identities, and Belonging
- Freedom, Self-Determination and Automation – Considering Political Impulses in the Age of Digitalization
- Safety in the Global World – Humanistic and Institutional Aspects
- The Role of Marxian Alienation Theory in Marx’s Relational-Dynamic Philosophy of Social Being
- Political Philosophy without Human Content
- Nationalism, Populism and the Challenge to the Ethics of Universalism
- Perennial Questions of Political Philosophy
- Toward a Critique of Nationalism as a Theory of the Nation-State
- On Thinking Globally and Acting Locally – Resurgent Nationalism and the Dialectic of Cosmopolitan Localism
- Nationalism, Globalism, and the Challenges to Universal Dialogue
- Resisting Nihilism since 1989 – Keynote Address to the 12th World Congress of the International Society for Universal Dialogue, Lima, Peru
- Play and Self-Reflection. Eugen Fink’s Phenomenological Anthropology
- Musical Works as Ideal Objects – Phenomenology of Music and Its Implications for Philosophical Anthropology
- Note To Our Contributors
- Lived Body and Intentional Embodiment – New Perspectives on Phenomenological Anthropology
- The Political Anthropology of Edmund Husserl
- Arnold Gehlen’s Anthropological Theory of Institution
- The Aesthetic Theory of Gernot Böhme and Gestalt Phenomenology
- What Is Sceptical Anthropology?
- Beyond “Wesenschau” – The Merleau-Ponty “Ambiguity” between Sensation and Perception
- Man, Animal and Mirror – Origins of the Human “I” according to Helmuth Plessner and Jacques Lacan
- Towards a Historical Cultural Anthropology
- Self-Cultivation according to Immanuel Kant
- Max Scheler—Bernhard Waldenfels – Two Phenomenological Conceptions of Suffering
- The Philosophical Anthropology of Arnold Gehlen as a Critique of the Age of Technology
- The Category of “Contingency” in Contemporary Anthropological Discourse – Odo Marquard, Richard Rorty, Jürgen Habermas
- “Catching Meteorytes” – Philosophical Anthropology at the Crossroads
- Helmuth Plessner – Philosophical Anthropology as Social Critique
- Mao’s Contributions to Marxism and Dialectical Materialism
- The Problem of Overcoming in the Creative Legacy of Karl Marx
- Ecology/Ontology – A Contribution to Historical Naturalism
- Karl Marx: Praxis, Process, and Method
- Marx’s Concept of Ideology and Its Successors
- Karl Marx—Metaphor for Self-Empowerment and Liberation
- Marxism, Socialism and Democracy
- The Marxian Heritage
- Wealth and Suffering – On Capital, Chapter I
- Needs: Value in Command
- Subjection at the Very Core of the Production Process – A Radical Reappraisal of Marxian Value Theory
- Marx, Civilised or Savage?
- The Political Implications of Marx’s Labour Theory of Value
- Editorial – Karl Marx. On the Occasion of the Bicentenary of His Birth
- Samuel Bailey and David Ricardo in Karl Marx’s Dialectic of the Form of Value
- Rupturing the Dialectic – The Struggle against Work, Financial Crisis and Beyond
- Dialogue and Universalism Editor’s Note
- Heschel’s Disciples on Jewish-Christian Dialogue and Pope John Paul II
- Personal Axiological Competence as a Component of Society’s Values Capital – The Call for Higher Education in the Globalized World
- Natural Philosophy and Natural Science – Tangent and Emergence—between Conflicting Poles in the Interdisciplinary Discourse. A Dialogue on the Epistemology of Quantum Physics
- Striving to Moral Policy
- The Hegelian Phenomenological Exposition of the Problem of Social Identity – A Theoretical Framework for Managing Difference in Multi-Ethnic Societies
- Professional Culture and Professional Ethics – A View from Russia
- Plato’s Dialogues: Creating Friendship Bonds for 2400 Years
- A Portrait of Friendship
- Can Humans and Robots Be Friends?
- Angelique: An Angel in Distress, Morality in Crisis
- Editorial – Friendship—Around Michael H. Mitias’ Friendship: A Central Moral Value
- Continuing Questions about Friendship as a Central Moral Value
- Logos, Justice, Pax Philosophica – Giovanni Pico and the Culture of Peace
- Hope in the Garden of Melancholy
- Iunctim. An Essay on Alicja Kuczyńska’s Thought
- The Black Stone of Melancholy – A Whole Lost Once and for All, or Nostalgia for That Which Never Really Was?
- Alicja Kuczyńska’s Social Aesthetics
- The Earthly Boundaries of Eternity
- The Philosophy of the Not-Quite-Sufficient – On Alicja Kuczyńska’s Path through Aesthetics
- The Labyrinth: Revisited and Reinhabited – Interpreting the Minoan Myth as a Metaphor for Contemporary Culture
- Alicja Kuczyńska—Publications
- About Alicja Kuczyńska
- Katarzyna Kobro. A Vision of the Open Sculpture
- The Status of History and the Subject of Aesthetics
- Logos or Imago?
- The Paths of Early Pluralism. Polish Aestheticians between Eras
- The Faces of Eros
- Symposium
- Melancholia and Hope: Alternatives or Opposites?
- Sweet Melancholia: the Melancholic “I”—between Inspiration Source and Ailment
- Art as a Philosophy
- The Position of Aesthetics in the Early Renaissance and the Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino
- Mysterious Energies. The Renaissance Gardens of Philosophers
- Descartes on Generosity as an Ideal Character Virtue – Theoretical Foundations
- Aristotle, the Names of Vices and Virtues – What Is the Criterion of Quantitative Evaluation of the Moral Behaviour?
- On Compassion: The Good beyond Values
- Virtue and Vice in Plotinus’ Enneads
- The Ideal Love: Platonic or Frommian?
- The Independent Thinking of Justice – To Begin with the Banality of Evil
- Reflections on the Nobility of Spirit in Romanian Philosophy
- Ludwig Wittgenstein – Philosophizing as the Gesture of Keeping Silent
- An Activistic and Relational Axiology of a Universalistic Philosophy of Life
- The Chinese Moral Crisis and Moral Capital
- Bildung and Paideia – The Connection between the Early German Romanticism’s and Plato’s Ideas about Humanist Education
- How to Alleviate the Cultural Obstacles to Dialogue – Socratic Dialogue as Social Architecture
- Eco-Feminist Ethics of Interdependence
- Science and Environmental Health. Case of Radon Radiation
- Security and Sustained Development
- The Metaphysics of Overcoming—Ontological Foundations
- Environmental Pluralism, Polar Harmonies and Resolution
- The Trustworthiness of Science – Toward an Axiological Notion of Scientific Objectivity
- Dialogue as a Knot – The First Ideas of Dialogue Ontology
- John Locke on Cognitive Virtues
- The Ideal and Praxis of Science
- The Main Faces of Robustness
- Neuroscience, Ancient Wisdom and the ISUD – Is There Anything New under the Sun?
- The Ethical and Political Significance of Michel Foucault’s Ancient Technology of the Care of the Self
- Theoretical and Post-Theoretical Philosophy
- Orange Alternative at the Convergence of Play, Performance and Agency
- Bioart as a Dialogue
- Re-framing the Abyss: the Visual Writing
- Why Be Beautiful?
- The Elusive Sensus Communis of Nowadays Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism
- Burkean Beauty in the Service of Violence
- Autonomy of Art and Its Value
- On Three Philosophical Premises of Religious Tolerance
- Experimental and Applied Religious Studies for Reducing Religious Intolerance
- Humanizing and Dignifying Cultures: Dialogues with Religious Utopias
- Values and Ideals. Theory and Praxis
- The Theoretical and Practical Logics of Social Advancement Promoted by Ideological Innovation
- Culture, Identity and Human Values in Africa
- How to Build a Just Society – In the Defence of Communitarianism
- From Meaning of History to Meaning in History – Eric Voegelin’s Non-Ideological Philosophy of History
- Security as a Political and Social Value
- Philosophy of History and Heterodox Marxism
- Metagoods, Metavalues and Metanorms in Politics
- Transitional Society: (Re)Evolution of Values
- Education – A Mechanism for the Sustainable Cultural Integration of Personal and Societal Values and Ideals in the Era of Globalization
- Cosmopolitan Cultural Citizenship as an Educational Strategy
- Women’s Perennial Quest in African Writing – Idealistic, Realistic or Chimerical?
- Janusz Kuczyński: The Philosopher I Knew
- Editorial: Values and Ideals. Theory and Practice, Part III
- Buddhist Philosophy of the Global Mind for Sustainable Peace
- The Values of “Contradiction” in Theory and Practice in Cultural Philosophy
- Participative Reason as a Basis of a Decent Human World
- Methodological Ludism as a Cognition-Denying Paradigm
- Democratic Elements in Traditional Yoruba Society as a Basis for the Culture of Democracy in Africa and the Global Social Order
- In Memoriam: Janusz Kuczyński
- Janusz Kuczyński, A Man of Dialogue
- The Exit of a Philosophical Icon: Janusz Kuczyński
- The Seven Sages on the Issues of Universal Dialogue – A Message to the Contemporary World
- Ideals and Values – Pivots to Meaningful Intercultural Dialogue
- Questioning Equality for Self-Reflexive Societies
- Values and Ideals. Theory And Praxis – Part II: Dialogue on the Issues of the Contemporary World. Philosophical Ideals for a More Decent World
- Gandhi Darshan: A Panacea to the Evil of Political Corruption in India
- Can Justice Be Really Ethically Neutral? – Barry on Impartiality and Perfectionism
- How to Become a Decent Person in the Modern World – On Agnes Heller’s Philosophy of Morals
- Poison and Remedy – Some Notes on the Perils and Potentials of the Digital Media
- What Does the Global Perspective Mean?
- On Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Ideal of Natural Education
- Escaping from Exclusion – Karen Barad’s Metaphysics of Entanglement as an Answer to the Problem with Oppressive Mind
- Metaethical Consensus as a Condition for Intercultural Dialogue
- New Social and Political Movements and the Democratic Ideals
- Overvaluation – An Obstacle to Dialogue
- Inquiry into the Forms of Intersubjectivity in Kant’s Practical Philosophy with a View to the Cosmopolitan Ideal
- Sexual Minorities in Indonesia – The Clash between Muslim Fundamentalists and Liberals
- Discrepancy between Theory and Practice – The Bane of the Human World