- Educational research and the question(s) of time
- ‘More than nature needs’: Clock-time, ethical play and the child in Rabindranath Tagore’s not-so-‘useful’ education
- Bourdieu’s philosophical anthropologies: Exploring and Marxifying his framework for academic field research
- The blank slate in the pentimento: A restoration of the first layer for revision of Currere
- Emotions: Philosophy of education in practice
- Curriculum studies as post-oriental text: Entering into a transgressive complex conversation for postcolonial transnational curriculum studies
- Awakening ‘the Indian genius’: The epistemic aims of Indian liberatory education
- The necessity of aesthetic education: The place of the arts on the curriculum
- Combating racism with critical race theory: Theorizing social movement learning from anti-racism movements in Canada
- Dis-automatising (software) codification
- Phule and Ambedkar’s critical philosophy of education and knowledge
- ‘Stiegler and Butler on AI and the evolution of intelligence’
- The many centres of education? A plea for in-between thinking
- Educating about, through and for human rights and democracy in uncertain times: The promise of the pedagogy of the community of philosophical inquiry
- Exploring the foundations of Ziran-oriented education: Insights from traditional Chinese philosophy
- “The unbearable lightness of being” a post-industrial learner: Contemporary capitalism, education and critique
- The marionette theatre: Decentering the all too human architect
- Re-articulating care and carelessness in precarious times: An introduction
- Higher education as a public good – An EPAT special issue
- Who’s in control? Learner autonomy in relation to personal autonomy and the situated self
- Beyond the theoretical and pedagogical constraints of cognitive load theory, and towards a new cognitive philosophy in education
- Careful, patient, and modest citizens: Facilitating civic education through Zhu Xi’s method of deep reading
- Mus(ick)ing on pedagogical relations as the art of encounter
- Game-based tasks in a ‘speaking classroom’: Collaborative map-drawing as an agent for rhizomatic learning
- Disarticulating neoliberalized care in education
- The ostensible originality of ungrading
- A post-foundational ontology for a democratic instrumentality of education
- Methodological frameworks for Indigenous and non-Indigenous education research students: A useful summary
- Seeing the invisible work of caring: Migrant domestic workers in East Asian films
- ‘Datafied dividuals and learnified potentials’: The coloniality of datafication in an era of learnification
- The caring university: Making the case for students’ agency and capabilities
- From the point where I stand to the place where I can be found: The critique of perspectival reason as philosophy for education
- Exploring Filipino philosophy of education
- Advancing Bourdieusian Sociology of Education
- Poisoned schools and automated students: The crisis of social reproduction
- Considering the relevance of Jiddu Krishnamurti to contemporary Indian education: In conversation with the thought of Gert Biesta
- Prometheus in the classroom: A critical assessment
- Book Review: ‘Education as Gift: Challenging Markets and Technology and Celebrating the Spirit of Education’
- Enabling counter-colonial, ecologically sustaining education potentialities: A perspective from Aotearoa (New Zealand)
- Critique and education under new climatic and digital conditions from a logic of division to a logic of gathering
- Toward a non-economistic understanding of higher education as a public and private good for the public good
- On education as idiotextual initiation: Towards transeducation as idiotextual comprehension
- Rethinking contemporary schooling in Muslim contexts: An Islamic conceptual framework for reconstructing K-12 education
- Intellectual autonomy as the aim of critical thinking
- ‘They just say so!’ Second language teaching and the acquisition of certainties
- The ethical and educational ambiguities of teacher leadership
- Deferred expertise: The groundless ground of datafication and the shift to recessive technologies
- Generative AI and the necessity of an existential crisis for the liberal arts
- The manliness of artificial intelligence
- Bernard Stiegler and aesthetic technê
- Who is ‘society’ in the societal impact debate? – A critical discussion of policies of closure
- Imagination switch – Friction and thick time in speculative worldmaking
- The ethics of alterity and the ethics of care in literary studies
- The art of being posthuman: Who are we in the 21st century?
- Professional learning and knowledge ‘transfer’ in practice: Immigrant engineers reticulating the epistemic culture of the profession
- Culturally constituted self in Taylor and Gramsci: A concern for philosophy of education
- Retraction statement
- The university: Caring community or carewashing central? Autosociobiographical reflections
- Sensations and cinema: Reframing the real in democracy and education
- Fanon, temporality and pedagogy: Combatting racist (non-)relationalities of self and other
- Educating the temporal imagination: Teaching time for justice in a warming world
- Panopticon, Synopticon, and Omniopticon: A conceptual framework for understanding the utilization of cameras and video recordings in education
- Stones, situated writing and education
- Human rights education as a human right – A logical analysis based on Kanger’s theory of rights
- Attempting to answer the llamamiento
- Becoming a subject in learning: Student freedom, agency, and subjectivity
- Free speech and democracy in Palestinian Universities: A call for parrhesiastic speech
- The polyphonic relational epistemology
- ‘Plastic truth’ after Catherine Malabou. Truth, life, and education
- Inverted Odysseys: Adventure and homecoming in the global subrogation of women’s care work in Jose Y. Dalisay’s Soledad’s Sister
- Meeting in the middle: Cultural co-creation, transformative partnerships, and ecosystems for public good
- Retuning education: Bildung and exemplarity beyond the logic of progress
- On the nature, uses and functions of imagination in education: A multidisciplinary approach
- Is learning with ChatGPT really learning?
- Refuge and resilience: Being-together in a postapocalyptic era – the apocalyptic problematic in Western philosophy
- Individualising collectivity: Rethinking the individualism–communitarianism debate in the context of students’ resilience during the Covid-19 era
- Intercultural dialogue on ecopedagogy between Daoism and Naess’ ecosophy: Comparing and integrating Chinese and Western ecological wisdom
- Unlearning the child: An ontological politics outlook
- In pursuit of knowledge: Liberal education as a public ideal of higher education
- Pedagogy and politics
- Democracy as intra-action: Some educational implications when we diffract John Dewey’s, Karen Barad’s and Ernesto Laclau’s work
- Schools don’t care: Rearticulating care ethics in education
- Nordic early childhood education policies and virulent nationalist trends
- Education amid the deluge of enhancement discourses
- What is ‘indigenising the academy’ and why attempt it?
- Rousseau’s lawgiver as teacher of peoples: Investigating the educational preconditions of the social contract
- A Confucian approach to a democratic classroom
- The social contract and education: Confucian viewpoints
- (Paper) weaving and poetry: Re-membering through Baradian theory
- Democratic education in superdiverse schools in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Wilhelm von Humboldt’s theory of Bildung as a moral conception of the good life
- Behavioral insights: The problem of control in education governance
- Knowledge-ing as a response-able practice in the anthropocene: Re-turning (to) the research events like an earthworm
- Knowledge-ing as a response-able practice in the Anthropocene: Re-turning (to) the research events like an earthworm
- Is there a future in future-oriented education?
- Education rejected and intergenerational failures
- A memory bank of the future: Stiegler, education and the gesture of care
- On wounds, incompleteness, and conviviality: Notes on counter-actualising the conditions of the contemporary
- The nonhuman animal in social studies: Using critical animal studies for empathy
- Artificial intelligence: Why is it our problem?
- Pragmatism as basis of the integration of Indigenous knowledge systems and practices in the Philippine K-12 Indigenous Peoples Education program: Problematizing and ways forward
- Using leverage points to reconsider the sociopolitical drivers of exclusion from education
- The unknowable other and ethics of ungraspability: Education through the irrational
- Opening up and closing down teachers’ political dialogues: Dialectic and dialogic strategic orientations
- Revisiting Rancière’s ‘radical democracy’ for contemporary education policy analysis
- Book review as method writing philosophical autoethnography
- Minor pedagogy: Education as continuous variation
- Teaching for human dignity: Making room for children and teachers in contemporary schools
- The philosophy of emotions: Implementing character education through poetry
- Educating with Paulo Freire: Teaching and learning on the digital culture
- Neuropower and plastic writing: Stiegler and Malabou on generative AI
- Conceptualising praxis, agency and learning: A postabyssal exploration to strengthen the struggle over alternative futures
- Insufficient and inadequate democracy? Exploring coloniality and possibilities for the teaching of slavery in Europe
- Humility’s role in the student voice for social justice pedagogical method
- Beyond hope and despair: The radical imagination as a collective practice for uprising
- Cultivating criticality through transformative critical thinking curriculums in a time of flux and transformation
- Freire and environmentalism: ecopedagogy
- Indigenising research: Moanaroa a philosophy for practice
- Digitalization of the university and its stakes – digital materalities, organology and academic practices
- Systems beings: Educating for a complex world
- The curator’s cure – Curing visual stupidity in the age of symbolic misery
- Troubling the boundaries of traditional schooling for a rapidly changing future – Looking back and looking forward
- Data justice in education: Toward a research agenda
- Revisiting the origin of critical thinking
- Education for people-yet-to-come: Imaginary projects in the Anthropocene
- Authoritarian personality, antidemocratic behavior, and ethnocentrism in Brazil
- Back to the university’s future: The second coming of Humboldt
- The flows of transnationalism: Questioning identities and reimagining curriculum
- Notions of resistances and points of entry for texts formats in teacher physics education
- John Dewey and the rise of Marxism in China: How John Dewey inspired the educational ideas of the Chinese Communist Party
- Critical thinking for transformative praxis in teacher education: Music, media and information literacy, and social studies in the United States
- Decolonizing higher education pedagogy: Insights from critical, collaborative professionalism in practice
- Different paths, same destination? Mobility trajectories of Mainland PhD students during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Hong Kong University
- Passing the torch: Special issue on Michael Peters’ contributions to Educational Philosophy and Theory
- The impracticality of practical research: a history of contemporary sciences of change that conserve
- Non-affirmative theory of education and Bildung
- Experiences of indigenous (Māori/Pasifika) early career academics
- From the Archimedean point to circles in the sand—Post-sustainable curriculum and the critical subject
- The traumatic aspect of naming: Psychoanalysis and the Freirean subject of (class) antagonism
- John Cage and the aesthetic pedagogy of chance & silence
- Illuminating proximate ambivalence: Affect, body, and space in COVID-19 digitally-mediated teaching and learning
- Beyond situational meaning: From Dewey’s aesthetic experience to sensuous abstraction for deep learning
- Mobility and immobility during COVID-19: A narrative inquiry into the wellness of international high school students in Canada
- Ethics and educational technology: Reflection, interrogation, and design as a framework for practice,
- Teachers taking spiritual turns: A practice-centred approach to educators and spirituality via Michel Foucault
- To have or to Be – Reimagining the focus of education for sustainable development
- The Alternative University: Lessons from Bolivarian Venezuela
- Matthew Lipman and Ann Margaret Sharp. Philosophy for Children’s Educational RevolutionRoberto Franzini Tibaldeo, Springer, 2023, 103 pp., USD 42.49 (e-book), ISBN 9783031241482
- Subversive Pedagogies: Radical Possibility in the Academy, edited by Kate Schick and Claire Timperley, Routledge, 2021, 244 pp., USD 35.09, ISBN 9781003217183 (e-book)
- The metaphysical novel as educator: Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy of lived experience
- Comparative and decolonial studies in philosophy of education
- New imperialisms in the making? The geo-political economy of transnational higher education mobility in the UK and China
- Bostad, I., Papastephanou, M., and Strand, T. (editors) (2023). Justice, Education, and the World of Today Philosophical Investigations
- ‘Dance with shackles on’: Navigating critical thinking in English language classrooms during COVID-19 and beyond
- The politics of reading textbooks: Intergenerational and international reflections on China
- Chronotopic thresholds: A feeling for the future
- Racism, white supremacy and Roberto Esposito’s biopolitics through the lens of Black affect studies: Implications for an affirmative educational biopolitics
- The craft of acting as a pedagogical model for living a flourishing life in a world of tensions and contradictions
- Pedagogy of scale: Unmastering time, teaching and living through crises
- Curriculum and the cultivation of critical thinking: A critical realist conception
- Capitalising shadow education: A critical discourse analysis of private tuition websites in Singapore
- Islam, education and radicalism in Indonesia: Instructing piety
- Polyphonic agency as precondition for teachers’ research literacy
- Making kin: Exploring new philosophical and pedagogical openings in sustainability education in higher education
- Dérive or journey of knowledge in the Korean smart city?
- The sex or the head? Feminine voices and academic women through the work of Hélène Cixous
- Toward a coherent critical theory of learner autonomy in language learning: Exploring its political implications in higher education and limitations in the literature
- AI and the future of humanity: ChatGPT-4, philosophy and education – Critical responses
- Somatic multiplicities: The microbiome-gut-brain axis and the neurobiologized educational subject
- Introduction for the special issue on Contemporary Chinese Marxist social outlook and philosophy of education
- Affect, embodiment and place in critical literacy: Assembling theory and practice
- Teaching about climate change in the midst of ecological crisis: Responsibilities, challenges, and possibilities
- About the need for a common and tentatively formal theory of ESD and self-critical reflections
- Identity, reasonableness and being one among others dialogue, community, education
- Karl Marx’s thoughts on critical pedagogy, reproduction, and aesthetic literacy in STEAM education and praxis
- Paulo Freire: Philosophy, pedagogy and practice
- World-centred education: A view for the present
- In remembrance of a friend, intellectual visionary, change-maker, and great teacher: A tribute to David John Major Neilson (1957–2022)
- Exploring the emic understanding of ‘critical thinking’ in Japanese education: An analysis of teachers’ voices
- Epistemic injustice and indigenous education in the Philippines
- Nature, art, and education in East Asia: A collective paper of the ALPE1
- This special issue as complexity theory in action
- Russia-China/China-Russia: Sino-Russian relations in the post-Soviet era
- Can attempts to make schools more reliable render them less trustworthy?
- Practicing truth-telling inquiry: Parrhesia in daily lived experiences
- A teacher residency’s entanglement with time: ‘We always say we will get to it, but we never do’
- Bioinformational philosophy and postdigital knowledge ecologies
- Constructing a modern theoretical system of education with Chinese characteristics
- Karl Marx and the trend of human civilization
- The Philosophy of Higher Education: A Critical Introduction, by Ronald Barnett, Routledge, 2022, 290 pp., USD32.95, ISBN 9780367610289.
- The context of Songdok: Two purposes of traditional Korean education
- Harmonious coexistence and ceaseless nourishment: The Sinicized Marxist concept of development
- Educating the Filipino loob and katwiran: Beyond the impositions of a cogito rationality
- Spinoza: Fiction and Manipulation in Civic Education, by Johan Dahlbeck, Springer Singapore, 2021, 90 pp., USD59.85 (e-book), ISBN 978-981-16-7124-1
- Collective obituary for Nel Noddings
- Using normative case studies to examine ethical dilemmas for educators in an ecological crisis
- Power and agency within the evaluative state: A strategic–relational approach to quantification of higher education
- Science, power, and subjectivity: Vaccine (mandate) resistance and ‘truth telling’ in times of right-wing populism
- Academic freedom and Netflix’s ‘The Chair’: Implications for staff-student dialogue
- Educating (for) the blossomest of blossoms: Finitude and the temporal arc of the counterfactual
- Citizenship matters: Young citizen becoming in the posthuman present
- Reflections on informal logic in China
- Embracing dualities: Principles of education for a VUCA world
- Taoism, teaching and learning: A nature-based approach to education
- The right to philosophical education: The democratic model of implementation for Ukraine
- Fascism on trial: Rethinking education in an age of conspiracy theories and election deniers
- As the crones fly
- Flash nonfiction: Light/questioning*
- After the party: In the luminous residuals, finding ourselves anew
- Reinventing: Essence and usefulness of Freire’s work for the past and next 100 years*
- Introduction to the special issue on Anti-Oedipus at 50
- “We don’t need another hero!”: Whistleblowing as an ethical organizational practice in higher education
- Values education: From the perspective of Marxist ontology
- The emerging multipolar world order: A preliminary analysis
- Retheorising environmental sustainability education for the Anthropocene
- The ethico-aesthetics of teaching: Toward a theory of relational practice in education
- Science, truth and conspiracy in the age of Trump
- Phenomenological Marxism in China
- Reinventions as brightly glowing illuminations*
- Diffracting child-virus multispecies bodies: A rethinking of sustainability education with east–west philosophies
- Using inquiry-based dialogues to explore controversial climate change issues with secondary students: An example from Norway
- Lessons from pragmatism: Organizational learning as resolving tensions at work
- The university in techno-rational times: Critical universities studies, South Africa
- The role of logic in ideological and political courses in senior high schools: An interpretation of Curriculum Standards 2020, issued by the Ministry of Education of China
- Complexity theory and the enhancement of learning in higher education: The case of the University of Cape Town
- Centennial evolution of Marxist philosophy of education in China
- Epistemic injustice in education
- Education and #StopAsianHate: A global conversation
- A collective essay on philosophical reflections on modern education in Korea
- Learning in the air traffic control tower: Stretching co-presence through interdependent sentience
- A collective essay on the Korean philosophy of education: Korean voices from its traditional thoughts on education
- The practice of phenomenology in educational research
- A contribution to Paulo Freire’s theory and practice: The ‘Cultural Extension Service/University of Recife’ (1962–64)
- The influence of Karl Marx’s notion of justice on Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach
- Bodily-awareness-in-reflection: Advancing the epistemological foundation of post-simulation debriefing
- Revisiting ‘blackboard’: Transformation of medium, space and pedagogy in school education
- Vietnamese adult learners as Confucian Culture co-present groups in workplaces
- Toward a better understanding of dentists’ professional learning using complexity theory
- Twitter and the aphoristic (re)turn in thought, knowledge and education
- In search of a nuanced understanding of Filipino philosophy of education
- Learning from exemplars in Confucius’ Analects: The centrality of reflective observation
- Complexity theory and learning: Less radical than it seems?
- Attuning to geostories: Learning encounters with urban plants
- Why co-present groups? Affective processing to produce meaningfulness
- Responding to climate change ‘controversy’ in schools: Philosophy for Children, place-responsive pedagogies & Critical Indigenous Pedagogy
- The risks of a recurring childhood: Deleuze and Guattari on becoming-child and infantilization
- The lived experience of actor training: Perezhivanie – A literature review
- Anatomies of desire: Education and human exceptionalism after Anti-Oedipus
- Filipinising colonial gender values: A history of gender formation in Philippine higher education
- Treat me as a place: On the (onto)ethics of place-responsive pedagogy
- Back to indigeneity: The philosophy of Loób and Kapwa as education’s past and future
- Ecopedagogy: Freirean teaching to disrupt socio-environmental injustices, anthropocentric dominance, and unsustainability of the Anthropocene
- Colonial assemblage and its rhizomatic network of education in Quito
- Reconsidering architectural education based on Freire’s ideas in Iraqi Kurdistan
- Encountering education: Elements for a Marxist pedagogy, Disidentifying with capital: An interview with Derek R. Ford on Encountering Education
- Refurbishing learning via complexity theory: Buddhist co-origination meets pragmatic transactionalism
- Open science in China: Openness, economy, freedom & innovation
- Prospects of Freirean liberating pedagogy in the thoughts of Renato Constantino
- Anti-Oedipus in the Anthropocene: education and the deterritorializing machine
- Guattari and Stiegler on the therapeutic object: Objet re-petit-ive a-b-c
- Semiconductors, geopolitics and technological rivalry: the US CHIPS & Science Act, 2022
- Semiconductors, geopolitics and technological rivalry: The US CHIPS & Science Act, 2022
- Humility in educational philosophy and theory
- The call to teach in contemporary educational thought and practice
- Aphorisms, waste-books and the philosophy of short forms: Wittgenstein and Lichtenberg
- Paulo Freire: Voices and silences1
- Reimagining the call to teach: A witness to teachers and teaching
- Meta-conceptualizing the high-quality education system: Insight from China
- Anti-Oedipus confronts a familiar people: On the plasticity of the celibate machine
- A pedagogy of generosity: On the topicality of Deleuze and Guattari’s thought in the philosophy of education
- Understanding colonialism and fostering a decolonizing emancipatory education through Paulo Freire
- Learn to become a unique interrelated person: An alternative of social-emotional learning drawing on Confucianism and Daoism
- Ameliorating educational concepts and the value of analytic philosophy of education
- A Filipino philosophy of higher education? Exploring the purpose of higher learning in the Philippines
- The assessment challenge of social and collaborative learning in higher education
- Catastrophe memories and translation: An essay on education for endless narratives*
- What has happened to desire? The BwO of the Hikikomori
- A Confucian approach to teaching humility
- The Travails of Trumpification
- Taoism and teaching without words
- Contextualizing the philosophy of science education: Insight from China
- Is the path from aphorism to tweet the royal road to knowledge?
- Thinking citizenship as a cultural mythology? Contemporary good citizenship discourses at the heart of K-12 curriculum in Canada
- Emotional labour as alienated labour versus self-actualized labour in teaching: Implications of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic for the debate
- Higher education and creative economy in East Asia: Co(labor)ation and knowledge socialism in the creative university
- Toward a pedagogy of humility as experience
- The aesthetics of collective writing: A Chinese/Western collective essay
- Refurbishing learning via complexity theory: Introduction
- So much more than research: Learning from women leaders in philosophy of education
- Why apply yinyang philosophy in mixed methods research: Harmony perspectives from ancient Chinese culture
- Conceptualizing “Pyramid-hierarchy” model: Theorizing educational policy discourse system in China
- Zhuangzi and perspectival humility
- The feminist research-creation pedagogies of BIPOC women’s cultural counter-mapping: Ecological learning through interrelationality, geontology, and cardinal ethics
- Biodigital philosophy, supercomputing and technological convergence in the Quantum Age
- The Uvalde, Texas school shooting massacre
- Reconfiguring Intercultural Communication Education through the dialogical relationship of Istina (Truth) and Pravda (Truth in Justice)
- On the education of the whole person
- The manosphere goes to school: Problematizing incel surveillance through affective boyhood
- Bernard Stiegler and the necessity of education is the hammer broken and so what?
- Teaching during the wartime: Experience from Ukraine
- The bureaucratisation of the university: The case of Denmark
- Teachers as workers and the creative work ethic in education research
- Sense and sensibility in Japanese educational philosophy
- Cultivating classroom democracy: Educational philosophy and classroom management for social justice
- Feeling lost between tradition and modernity: In pursuit of the reinvention of East-Asian subjectivities
- Epistemic exploitation in education
- Towards a philosophy of education built on fragile parts: Technological rationality and knowledge of pathos
- Free spaces and ‘pedagogical protection’: On the asylum theory of Ortwin Henssler and its implications for education
- Philosophical reflections on modern education in Japan: Strategies and prospects
- Philosophy of Minna and moral education: Manabi that encompasses everyone
- Toward an ecological view of learning: Cultivating learners in a data-driven society
- Cultural Apocalypse, Western colonial domination and ‘the End of the World’
- Cultural Apocalypse, Western colonial domination and ‘the end of the world’
- Replicable quantitative psychological and educational research: Possibility or pipe dream?
- Reimaging the panorama of international education development in China: A retrospective mapping perspective
- The educational fiction of agential control: Some preliminary notes on a pedagogy of ‘as if’
- Being bird and sensory learning activities: Multimodal and arts-based pedagogies in the ‘Anthropocene’
- Exploring the education power in China: The basic connotation, key index, and strategic pathway
- Circulation-chain model with constructivism and institutionalism
- Philosophy of education in Taiwan: Retrospect and prospect
- Modesty, Confucianism, and active indifference
- Is refugee education indeed educational? The Freirean perspective to refugee education beyond humanitarian, rights, or development rationale
- Climate-change education and critical emotional awareness (CEA): Implications for teacher education
- “How dare you!” When an ecological crisis is impacted by an educational crisis: Temporal insights via Arendt
- Adapting Marxism to outstanding traditional Chinese culture: History, consensus and future
- The Nestroy’s motto and a decolonial Wittgenstein
- Textological studies and a new understanding of Marx’s thought in contemporary China
- The politics of humility: Humility in historical Christian thought and its educational implications
- International education within ASEAN and the rise of Asian century
- ‘After Brexit and AUKUS’: Twitter-inspired collective writing on geopolitics of an emerging multipolar world
- The real meaning of quantum mechanics
- One hundred years of Chinese dialectical logic: An academic history of logic relating to contemporary Chinese Marxism
- Winning the hearts of the people with artistic masterpieces: An artistic aesthetic tradition of Chinese Marxism
- Materialism as a fatal strategy: Jean Baudrillard’s critical path of modernity
- Russian apocalypse, Christian fascism and the dangers of a limited nuclear war
- Dancing in the dark: A survivor’s guide to the university , edited By Anne Pirrie, Nini Fang and Elizabeth O’Brien, Tilosophy Press, 2021, 64pp., GBP7.99 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-3999-0091-1
- Law and reproduction: Louis Althusser’s criticism of capitalist law
- The interpretation of love and its educational realization: A comparative analysis of nel noddings’ caring and confucius’ ren
- The interpretation of love and its educational realization: A comparative analysis of Nel Noddings’ caring and Confucius’ ren
- Introduction for the special issue: Contemporary Chinese Marxism
- The changing cityscape of Delhi: A study of the protest art and the site at Jamia Millia Islamia and Shaheen Bagh
- Conceptualizing and contextualizing three-dimensional interaction model of internationalization: Evidence from China
- Using Peircean abduction to understand teacher mentoring
- Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of education in contemporary context: From Italy to the world
- Foundations of embodied learning: a paradigm for education
- Chinese and Western Marxist theories of modernity: Comparing and connecting
- Aporias of translation: Education, literature, and philosophy, Elias Schwieler, Springer, 2022, 196 pp., $139.99 (hardback), ISBN: 978-3030978945
- Contemporary Chinese axiology oriented towards the practice of reform and opening up
- The implications of the thinking paradigms of British neo-Marxism
- Phenomenology and educational theory in conversation: Back to education itself , edited by Patrick Howard, Tone Saevi, Andrew Foran and Gert Biesta
- Rebooting the end of the world: Teaching ecosophy through cinema
- Coming full circle: A pamphlet on Ukraine, education and catastrophe
- Educational philosophy and post-apocalyptic survival
- What is critical in language studies: Disclosing social inequalities and injustice
- Creationism is not special
- Growth and degrowth: Dewey and self-limitation
- Feeling like a philosopher of education: A collective response to Jackson’s ‘The smiling philosopher’
- New age spiritualism, mysticism, and far-right conspiracy
- A tribute to Kevin Harris, philosopher of education
- Towards a theory of knowledge acquisition – re-examining the role of language and the origins and evolution of cognition
- Trust, distrust, and testimonial injustice
- Discovering earth and the missing masses—technologically informed education for a post-sustainable future
- “The rising soft power”: An educational foreign exchange and cooperation policy conceptual framework in China
- Doctoral cultivation system and mechanism of university think tank in China
- Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Ukraine: Crisis or renewal?
- Wittgenstein, mysticism and the ‘religious point of view’: ‘Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent’
- Some thoughts on Canada’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ and the settler colonial state
- Eurasianism as the deep history of Russia’s discontent
- ‘No single way takes us to our different futures’: An interview with Liz Jackson
- Introduction to the special issue on dissent
- Problem-Based Service Learning (PB-SL): Constructing a pedagogy of poverty based on Ignacio Ellacuría
- Nāgārjuna – ‘Wittgenstein, Nāgārjuna and relational quantum mechanics’
- Wittgenstein, Nāgārjuna and relational quantum mechanics
- Global citizenship education and peace education: toward a postcritical praxis
- Digital trade, digital economy and the digital economy partnership agreement (DEPA)
- Engaging and developing community in digital spaces: Approaches from the Editorial Development Group
- An ‘accidental or unintentional academic’ on becoming a leading philosopher of education: An interview with Tina Besley
- Colonization of all forms
- Power to the people: Education for social change in the philosophies of Paulo Freire and Mozi
- Problematizing truth-telling in a post-truth world: Foucault, parrhesia, and the psycho-social subject
- What is the value essence of “double reduction” (Shuang Jian) policy in China? A policy narrative perspective
- Philosophy, education and visceral politics of the now
- Learning in nature: an amplified human rights-based framework
- The cybernetics of learning
- Philosophy of education in a new key: A collective writing project on the state of Filipino philosophy of education
- Surveying educational terrain with Wittgenstein and Foucault
- Educating for intellectual pride and ameliorating servility in contexts of epistemic injustice
- China’s rise, the Asian century and the clash of meta-civilizations
- Time we do not have: The challenges of silence in an emancipatory, conversation-oriented curriculum
- Humanising pedagogy: A politico-economic perspective
- The religious left: How the left lost its argument and fell into a moral abyss
- Philosophers and professors behaving badly: Responses to ‘named or nameless’ by Besley, Jackson & Peters. An EPAT collective writing project
- Philosophers and professors behaving badly: Responses to ‘named or nameless’ by Besley, Jackson & Peters. An EPAT collective writing project
- On the Public Pedagogy of Conspiracy: An EPAT Collective Project
- The mind and teachers in the classroom: Exploring definitions of mindfulness, by Remy Y. S. Low, 2021
- Exploring the epistemology of internationalization at home: A scoping review approach
- International education in the Asian Century: Decline of Anglophone dominance?
- Philosophical reflections on modern education in Japan: strategies and prospects
- Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility
- Nearly two decades as Managing Editor of Educational Philosophy and Theory: A changing role with a changing journal in a changing world
- Experiments in negentropic knowledge: Bernard Stiegler and the philosophy of education II
- Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers
- A Foucauldian ethics of positivity in initial teacher education
- The epistemology of deceit in a postdigital era: Dupery by design
- Surviving academic Whiteness: Perspectives from the Pacific
- Corrupted temporalities, ‘cultures of speed’, and the possibility of collegiality
- Avant-garde against institutionalization: “China’s university revolution” during Great Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) from the perspective of Tel Quel intellectuals
- Dunhuang grottoes and global education: Philosophical, spiritual, aesthetic and scientific insights
- Infantographies
- Comparative philosophy of education: Reading Zehou Li (李泽厚)’s philosophy in a postcolonial time
- The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice, edited by Mitja Sardoc, Routledge, 2021, USD44.05 (e-book), ISBN 9780367815172
- Infantmethodologies
- Postdigital positionality: Developing powerful inclusive narratives for learning, teaching, research and policy in higher education, by Sarah Hayes, Leiden: Brill, 2021, 318 pp., USD52.00 (paperback), ISBN 13: 978-90-04-43025-9
- Salutations: An epilogue in letters
- Post-truth, education and dissent
- Public intellectuals in the age of viral modernity: An EPAT collective writing project
- Locating the philosophy of higher education – and the conditions of a philosophy of higher education
- Freire 2.0: Pedagogy of the digitally oppressed
- An ecopedagogical, ecolinguistical reading of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): what we have learned from Paulo Freire
- Mapping historical trends of sustainable rural education policy development in China
- From learning loss to learning opportunity
- Provoking thought: A predictive processing account of critical thinking and the effects of education
- The role of dissent, conflict, and open dialogue in learning to live together harmoniously
- Rethinking political socialization in schools: The role of ‘affective indoctrination’
- Misunderstanding vaccine hesitancy: A case study in epistemic injustice
- The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: Rearticulating research and policy
- The Routledge Handbook of Froebel and Early Childhood Practice: Rearticulating Research and Policy
- Statement of retraction: The opening up of education in the new era communist part of China CCP and the Central Committee
- Teaching dissent: Epistemic resources from Indian philosophical systems
- From the ‘Yellow Peril’ to the ‘Asian Century’
- The geopolitical rebirth of the Anglosphere as a world actor after Brexit
- New pedagogical trends in China’s teacher education: A holistic policy text analysis
- Civilizational collapse, eschatological narratives and apocalyptic philosophy
- Review of Michael Bonnett: Environmental consciousness, nature and the philosophy of education
- Review of Michael Bonnett: Environmental consciousness, nature and the philosophy of education
- Women, biomedical research and art: A relationality in tension by ninette rothmüller
- Children and the ethics of creativity: Rhythmic affectensities in early childhood education
- Contemporary Chinese Marxism: Social visions and philosophy of education – An EPAT collective project
- Repurposing field analysis for a relational and reflexive sociology of Chinese diasporas
- Neoliberalism and early childhood education: markets, imaginaries and governance
- Education for sustainable development in the ‘Capitalocene’
- Unpacking policy evaluation and measurement of creating world-class universities in China: an integrated policy analysis
- Standardization of compulsory schooling in China: Politics, practices, challenges and suggestions
- ‘If someone discovers these gentle pot-stirrings…’: An interview with Nesta Devine
- Contemporary Chinese Marxism: Basic research orientations
- Seduction and scissiparity: The American crisis of adolescent identity
- ‘Declinism’ and discourses of decline -the end of the war in Afghanistan and the limits of American power
- ‘Declinism’ and discourses of decline – the end of the war in Afghanistan and the limits of American power
- How should liberal arts education evolve in the twenty first century? An exploration of universities in China and beyond1
- We made the road for walking and now we must run: Paulo Freire, the Black Radical Tradition, and the inroads to make beyond racial capitalism
- From the Carracci to Joseph Beuys — on the principles of dissent in art education
- Untangling pedagogical eros: Toward an erotic model of education
- Hannah Arendt on anti-Black racism, the public realm, and higher education
- Negentropy for the anthropocene; Stiegler, Maori and exosomatic memory
- Self-cultivation through art: Chinese calligraphy and the body
- The death of the educative subject? The limits of criticality under datafication
- Future possible educational selves and the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
- Western civilization 101
- Freireian and Ubuntu philosophies of education: Onto-epistemological characteristics and pedagogical intersections
- Reinventing Paulo Freire’s pedagogy in Finnish non-formal education: The case of life skills for all model
- From play to self-cultivation: Contesting the opposition between Bildung and Ausbildung in language education
- Coexistence between attention and distraction: An attempt to bridge the gap between Bernard Stiegler and Walter Benjamin
- Teaching curriculum theory as a Baradian apparatus
- Deleuze and Rorty on hope: Educating hope against neoliberalism
- Revisiting the place of philosophy with Heidegger: Being-in-academia
- How talent cultivation contributes to creating world-class universities in China: A policy discourse analysis
- East-West relational imaginaries: Classical Chinese gardens & self cultivation
- Marx’s inquiry and presentation: The pedagogical constellations of the Grundrisse and Capital
- Burning beds and political stasis: Bernard Stiegler and the entropic nature of Australian anti-reflexivity
- Study on the education governance system to deal with major public crisis in China
- A song of teaching with free software in the Anthropocene
- Making democracy safe for the world? Philosophy of war, peace and democracy
- Defending science from what?
- Characterizing graduate education development for creating world-class universities: Evidence from doctoral education in China
- Bolsonaro and pandemic denial: some considerations on the leader, anti-intellectualism, and nationalism
- Named or nameless: University ethics, confidentiality and sexual harassment
- Plasticity and education
- Notes on note-making: Introduction
- Philosophy of education in a new key: Future of philosophy of education
- The early origins of neoliberalism: Colloque Walter Lippman (1938) and the Mt Perelin Society (1947)
- Philosophy of education in a new key: publicness, social justice, and education; a South-North conversation
- Cultural Marxism, British cultural studies, and the reconstruction of education
- Knowledge socialism in the COVID-19 era: a collective exploration of needs, forms, and possibilities
- Collective obituary for James D. Marshall (1937–2021)
- The Cultural Politics of Education Policy in India Today: Sean Sturm interviews Shivali Tukdeo on her book India Goes to School: Education Policy and Cultural Politics; India goes to school: Education policy and cultural politics
- ‘Global Britain’: the China challenge and Post-Brexit Britain as a ‘science superpower’
- Ethical leadership means sharing power: an interview with Felicity Haynes
- New directions towards internationalization of higher education in China during post-COVID 19: A systematic literature review
- African higher education and decolonizing the teaching of philosophy
- Education as subversive practice: Takarazuka Revue’s performative re-enactments of the Cold War
- Infantilisations
- Dissenting non-dissenting: ‘resistance through culture’
- The status quo of online and offline moral education classroom barriers and connecting paths
- US-China relations: Towards strategic partnerships
- Configurations of progress and the historical trajectory of the future in African higher education
- Education and the dislike society: The impossibility of learning in filter bubbles
- Plasticity and education – an interview with Catherine Malabou
- Stiegler’s automaton and artisanal mode of learning
- Toward a historical ontology of the infopolitics of data-driven decision-making (DDDM) in education
- Critical theory in a decolonial age
- Between the folds: Reconceptualizing the current state of early childhood technology development in China
- Exploring the type-based vocational education system: Insights from China
- Mykola Shlemkevych (1894–1966): anthropological principles of human research
- Rethinking the theory of communities of practice in education: Critical reflection and ethical imagination
- Contemporary Chinese Marxism: disciplines, teaching platforms and status quo of basic academic research
- Surreal economics, fiscal stimulus, and the financialization of public health: Politics of the covid-19 narrative
- Escape education
- Ambiguous authority: reflections on Hannah Arendt’s concept of authority in education
- Ambiguous authority: Reflections on Hannah Arendt’s concept of authority in education
- Claudia Rozas Gómez, Paul Gibbs and Petra Mikulan on Peter Roberts and Herner Saeverot’s Education and the limits of reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov, with a response from the authors, Roberts, P., & Saeverot, H. (2018)
- The teacher as persuader: On the application of Wittgenstein’s notion of ‘persuasion’ in educational practice
- Postdigital Marxism and education
- Optimizing and improving the strategical development of urban schools in China: A policy analysis
- Agency, identity, power: An agentive triad model for teacher action
- Catastrophe or apocalypse? The anthropocenologist as pedagogue
- Research on the teaching innovation model of undergraduate musical ecology course under computer network environment
- Educational resistance
- Book review: Jeremy Knox on Posthumanism and the digital university: Texts, bodies and materialities, by Lesley Gourlay, 2020
- In the domain of the image
- Lessons from history: Agnotology and the crown
- ‘In numbers we trust’: Statistical data as governing technologies in the era of student achievement and school accountability
- Tara Page’s Placemaking: A New Materialist Theory of Pedagogy: A Becoming Book-Review
- Philosophy of Education in a New Key: exploring new ways of teaching and doing ethics in education in the 21st century
- Infantologies II: Songs of the cradle
- Hybridity and national identity in post-colonial schools
- Michel Serres: Divergences
- Michel Serres: a pedagogical life
- Cultivating high-level innovative talents by integration of science and education in China: a strategic policy perspective
- Distance matters: a hermeneutical approach to Japanese humanistic traditions
- On significative exergy: toward a logomachics of education
- Reef pedagogy: A narrative of vitality, intra-dependence, and haunting
- Conspiracy theory as heresy
- Rethinking future uncertainty in the shadow of COVID 19: Education, change, complexity and adaptability
- Material basis of learning: From a debate on teaching the area of a parallelogram in 1980s Japan
- Academic freedom and the fallacy of a post-truth era
- Serres’ science
- Serres and the university
- Towards an understanding of metacognition(ing) through an agential realism framework
- Neither Occidentalism nor Orientalism in Al Hajari’s Nasir al- Din ala al-Qawm al-Kafirin 1611–1613
- The Americanisation of human rights
- Unlearning as (Japanese) learning
- Trumpism and the challenge of critical education
- The tendency of educational thought of “the ancient studies” in the Edo Confucianism: A focus on the thought differences between Ito Jinsai and Ogyu Sorai
- Education, sustainable or otherwise, as simulacra: A symphony of Baudrillard
- Is historical thinking unnatural?
- Philosophy of education in a new key: Reflection on higher education in Iran
- The case for academic plagiarism education: A PESA Executive collective writing project
- Enacting affirmative ethics in education: a materialist/posthumanist framing
- Heidegger’s critique of the technology and the educational ecological imperative
- Reading Marx again
- ‘Did COVID-19 exist before the scientists?’ Towards curriculum theory now
- On the curation of negentropic forms of knowledge
- The China-threat: discourse, trade, and the future of Asia. A Symposium
- The China-threat discourse, trade, and the future of Asia. A Symposium
- The educational function of Japanese arts: An approach to environmental philosophy
- Spiritual education for a post-capitalist society
- The limits of motivation theory in education and the dynamics of value-embedded learning (VEL)
- Ilyenkov’s ideal: Can we bank on it?
- An Irish perspective on initial teacher education: How teacher educators can respond to an awareness of the ‘absurd’
- Global citizens, cosmopolitanism, and radical relationality: Towards dialogue with the Kyoto School?
- Neo-Kantianism as philosophy of culture: Cassirer, Simmel, and the Bildung tradition in contemporary German intellectual thought
- Stiegler and the task of tertiary retention: on the amateur as an educational subject
- Literacy and tactility: An experience of writing in Kuzuhara Kôtô Nikki (Kuzuhara Kôtô’s diary)
- The dichotomy in India’s education system – A macro level analysis
- Re-envisioning personhood from the perspective of Japanese philosophy: Watsuji Tetsuro’s Aidagara-based ethics
- Critical theory as Post-Marxism: The Frankfurt School and beyond
- Diasporicity and intercultural dialectics in Muslim education: Conceptualizing a minorities curriculum (Minhaj Al-Aqalliyyat)
- The ethical academy? The university as an ethical system
- Academic-Māori-Woman: The impossible may take a little longer
- Can I take a look at your notes?: A phenomenological exploration of how university students experience note-taking using paper-based and paperless resources
- Democracy under threat after 2020 national elections in the USA: ‘stop the steal’ or ‘give more to the grifter-in-chief?’
- James (J.C.) Walker: Philosopher of Education – The celebration of a life
- Making marks while reading, with some remarks on the challenges posed by the digital world
- A Heideggerian pedagogy of disruption
- From the realm where parallel lines meet – Jim Walker: A reminiscence
- James Walker, Philosopher of Education – Five tributes from colleagues
- Exclusionary practices of English language teaching departments in Turkey: radical pedagogy, British colonialism and neoliberalism
- Visual borderlands: Visuality, performance, fluidity and art-science learning
- Earth unbound: Climate change, activism and justice
- Education after the end of the world. How can education be viewed as a hyperobject?
- Speculative steps with story shoes: Object itineraries as sensual a-r-tography
- Strikingly educational: A childist perspective on children’s civil disobedience for climate justice
- Regarding the question of presence in online education: A performative pedagogical perspective
- Infanticides: The unspoken side of infantologies
- Competitive accountability and the dispossession of academic identity: Haunted by an impact phantom
- Transformations: Art and the city
- Paul Heywood Hirst (1927-2020) obituary
- Foucault, biopolitics, and the critique of state reason
- Rethinking how to create world-class universities in China: A policy mapping perspective
- Waiting before hoping: An educational approach to the experience of waiting
- Philosophy of education in a new key: On radicalization and violent extremism
- Postdigital-biodigital: An emerging configuration
- Philosophical roots of argumentative writing in higher education
- Seeing through a glass, darkly? Towards an educational iconomy of the digital screen
- Infantasies: An EPAT collective project
- The legacy of the suprematist square for a sensing pedagogy: A non-objective creative contemplation for education
- Biodigital technologies and the bioeconomy: The Global New Green Deal?
- Muslim schooling in South Africa and the need for an educational crisis?
- Georgina Tuari Stewart on Decolonizing and Indigenizing Education in Canada
- Covid-19 and the decolonisation of education in Palestinian universities
- Authority, autonomy and selfhood in Islamic education – Theorising Shakhsiyah Islamiyah as a dialogical Muslim-self
- Confusions that make us think? An invitation for public attention to conceptual confusion on the neuroscience-education bridge
- Caught between the air and earth: a schizoanalytic critique of the role of the education in the development of a new airport
- Mapping the education policy of foreign faculty for creating world-class universities in China: Advantage, conflict, and ambiguity
- Exploring the philosophy and practice of collective writing
- The open peer review experiment in Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT)
- Philosophy of education in a new key: Constraints and possibilities in present times with regard to dignity
- The subject in posthumanist theory: Retained rather than dethroned
- A theory of hope in critical pedagogy: An interpretation of Henry Giroux
- Teaching and learning moments as subjectively problematic: Foundational assumptions and methodological entailments
- Sinophobia in Hong Kong News Media
- Nietzsche: Looking right, reading left
- Reclaiming Postmodern Confucianism through Narrative and Edification
- Philosophy of education in a new key: A ‘Covid Collective’ of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB)
- Theorising immaterial labor: Toward creativity, co(labor)ation and collective intelligence
- Mediating process for human agency in science education: For man’s new relation to nature in latour’s ontology of politics
- “Teach to adapt or adapt to teach”: qualitative study on the new “special-post teachers” in China’s rural schools
- The Holocene Simulacrum
- Infantologies. An EPAT collective writing project
- The coming pandemic era
- Alas America! Lament for a shattered dream on the eve of political breakdown
- Learning in the presence of others: Using the body as a resource for teaching
- Iranian philosophy of education
- Decolonising a higher education system which has never been colonised’
- Missing in action: Exposing the moral failures of universities that desert researchers facing court-ordered disclosure of confidential information
- From “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it”
- State Typohumanism and its role in the rise of völkisch-racism: Paideía and humanitas at issue in Jaeger’s and Krieck’s ‘political Plato’
- The long read: On the global relevance of the US elections
- Black disciplinary zones and the exposure of whiteness
- Strange loops, oedipal logic, and an apophatic ecology: Reimagining critique in environmental education
- Ascetic self-cultivation, Foucault and the hermeneutics of the self
- Post-marxism, humanism and (post)structuralism: Educational philosophy and theory
- Collective writing: Introspective reflections on current experience
- The rebranding of neoliberalism
- Gadfly or praying mantis? Three philosophical perspectives on the Delhi student protests
- Futures for research in education
- Language-games philosophy: Language-games as rationality and method
- Philosophy of education in a New Key: Snapshot 2020 from the United States and Canada
- Philosophy of education in a new key: Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and environment after the coronavirus
- Online education action for defeating COVID-19 in China: An analysis of the system, mechanism and mode
- Does this editorial have an ending?
- The Shanghai model: An innovative approach to promote teacher professional development through teaching-research system
- Educational philosophies of self-cultivation: Chinese humanism
- Queer Black adolescence, the impasse, and the pedagogy of cinema
- Reading in the wing chair: the shaping of teaching and reading bodies in the transactional performativity of materialities
- Talents and distributive justice
- A discourse theoretical model for determining the limits of free speech on campus
- Confucius and Langerian mindfulness
- Rationality, bias, and prejudice: developing citizens’ ability to engage in inquiry
- Teaching as a way of bonding: a contribution to the relational theory of teaching
- Questioning allegiance: Resituating civic education
- The WHO, the global governance of health and pandemic politics
- Narcosis: Addictions of the planetary human
- Bernard Stiegler, philosopher of reorientation
- Ethics, archives and data sharing in qualitative research
- Technologizing the human condition: hyperconnectivity and control
- The narrative of the Junzi as an exemplar in classical confucianism and its implications for moral and character education
- Make China great again: The blood-based view of Chineseness in Hong Kong
- Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Voices from Japan
- Towards initial teacher education quality: Epistemological considerations
- Australian universities in the age of Covid
- Education after empire: A biopolitical analytics of capital, nation, and identity
- Persuasion as tool of education: The Wittgensteinian case
- Literacy in the post-truth era: The significance of affect and the ethical encounter
- The biopolitical turn in educational theory: Autonomist Marxism and revolutionary subjectivity in Empire
- Emotional fundamentalism and education of the body
- Enriching the narratives we tell about ourselves and our identities: an educational response to populism and extremism
- Examining and problematizing the journalistic discourses of radical rightism
- A limited defense of talent as a criterion for access to educational opportunities
- US–China Rivalry and ‘Thucydides’ Trap’: Why this is a misleading account
- Catastrophes and primary school drawing course design for moral education in China
- Forgive, forget or regret? The Dao of education in times of catastrophe
- A dialogue with Michael Hardt on revolution, joy, and learning to let go
- Solidarity with nonhumans as an ontological struggle
- Empire and education
- Iconicity and appropriation: images as living things
- Rethinking educational theory and practice in times of visual media: Learning as image-concept integration
- Educational realism: Defining exopedagogy as the choreography of swarm intelligence
- Limiting the capacity for hate: Hate speech, hate groups and the philosophy of hate
- Critical pedagogy beyond the multitude: Decolonizing Hardt and Negri
- Cryptocurrencies, China’s sovereign digital currency (DCEP) and the US dollar system
- Žižek on China and COVID-19: Wuhan, authoritarian capitalism, and empathetic socialism in NZ
- Postscript on the empire of control
- Logics of rule and the politics of exodus: Twenty years of Empire
- The multitude beyond measure: Building a common stupor
- Philosophy of education in a new key: Education for justice now
- Subjecting ourselves to madness: A Maori approach to unseen instruction
- The concept of dialogue in Chinese philosophy
- I, robot teacher
- The belief in innate talent and its implications for distributive justice
- Discontinuous learning through destructive experiences: A ‘change’ approach to catastrophe education in eco-pedagogy
- Efforts to break the “score determinism” and transfer college enrolment from recruiting “scores” to “people”: The exploration and practice of comprehensive quality evaluation of general high school students in Shanghai
- Efforts to break the ‘score determinism’ and transfer college enrolment from recruiting ‘scores’ to ‘people’: The exploration and practice of comprehensive quality evaluation of general high school students in Shanghai
- Space to breathe: George Floyd, BLM plaza and the monumentalization of divided American Urban landscapes
- Big ideas in education: Quantum mechanics and education paradigms
- Engaging Bourdieu’s habitus with Chinese understandings of embodiment: Knowledge flows in Health and Physical Education in higher education in Hong Kong
- The historical experience of educators running schools: A case study of Chen Heqin’s exploration of ‘living education’
- An intuition of innovative new institutions
- Ethics and education as practices of freedom
- Mechanisms of the tailoring workshops for teacher sustainable development: A case study of a middle school in Shanghai1
- Philosophy of education in a new key: Cultivating a living philosophy of education to overcome coloniality and violence in African Universities
- Introduction to ‘the Shanghai Model’
- Introduction to ‘The Shanghai Model’
- How China’s education responses to COVID-19: A perspective of policy analysis
- Knowledge and power: curricular policy’s evolution and paradoxical relationship with practice in Shanghai
- Knowledge and power: Curricular policy’s evolution and paradoxical relationship with practice in Shanghai
- Whose scientific work is it anyway? Knowledge production in the socially constructed fuzzy authorship
- Have we been paying attention? Educational anaesthetics in a time of crises
- Educating students to improve the world, by Fernando Reimers, Singapore, Springer, 2020, 200 pp., $37.99, ISBN: 9811538867
- Exploring selves and worlds through affective and imaginative engagements with literature
- Freedom to innovate
- The right to teach at university: a Humboldtian perspective
- Pandemic abandonment, panoramic displays and fascist propaganda: The month the earth stood still
- Criticality in world-class universities research: a critical discourse analysis of international education publications
- At home and not at home in the national museum: on nostalgia and education
- Institutional competition through performance funding: A catalyst or hindrance to teaching and learning?
- Race, education and social mobility: We all need to dream the same dream and want the same thing
- Chinese education and Pierre Bourdieu: Power of reproduction and potential for change
- Fighting the tide: Understanding the difficulties facing Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Doctoral Students’ pursuing a career in Academia
- It’s the end of the World as we know it: Racism as a global killer of Black people and their emancipatory freedoms
- Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19
- Neuroscience and educational practice – A critical assessment from the perspective of philosophy of science
- Essentialist beliefs and school governance
- “I can’t breathe”: Praxis, parrhesia and the current historical moment
- Trauma as the turning point in opening up self-education: Embracing sorrow and this world through no-self realisation
- The role of philosophical analysis in contemporary educational research
- Catastrophe, commemoration and education: On the concept of memory pedagogy
- Related but distinct: An investigative path amongst the entwined relationships of ideology, imaginary, and myth
- Is academic freedom feasible in the post-Soviet space of higher education?
- Freedom of speech, freedom to teach, freedom to learn: The crisis of higher education in the post-truth era
- Debating academic freedom. Educational-philosophical premises and problems
- Attempting to break the chain: reimaging inclusive pedagogy and decolonising the curriculum within the academy
- Teaching whiteness: A dialogue on embodied and affective approaches
- Accumulating academic freedom for intellectual leadership: Women professors’ experiences in Hong Kong
- Speech and inquiry in public institutions of higher education: Navigating ethical and epistemological challenges
- Academic freedom of students
- Philosophy of Education in a New Key: East Asia
- Regional aspirations with a global perspective: Developments in East Asian labour studies
- Meritocracy in Singapore
- Lewis Stockwell interviews Emile Bojesen on Forms of Education: Rethinking Educational Experience Against and Outside the Humanist Legacy
- Biopolitics, conspiracy and the immuno-state: an evolving global politico-genetic complex
- My journey into the ‘heart of whiteness’ whilst remaining my authentic (Black) self
- Innovations of education socialisation in Vietnam: From participation towards privatisation
- Ways of life: Knowledge transfer and Aboriginal heritage trails
- The university in the global age: reconceptualising the humanities and social sciences for the twenty-first century.
- Navigating the unequal education space in post-9/11 England: British Muslim girls talk about their educational aspirations and future expectations
- The university went to ‘decolonise’ and all they brought back was lousy diversity double-speak! Critical race counter-stories from faculty of colour in ‘decolonial’ times
- Minakata Kumagusu: The first Japanese environmentalist
- Thinking educational controversies through evil and prophetic indictment: Conversation versus conversion
- “I felt like I was being watched”: The hypervisibility of Muslim students in higher education
- Capital, habitus, and education in contemporary China: Understanding motivations of middle-class families in pursuing studying abroad in the United States
- Aquinas, education and the theory of illumination
- Analogue ontology and digital disruption
- Two conceptions of talent
- Alienated learning in Hong Kong: A marxist perspective
- ‘Reality is an activity of the most august imagination’. When the world stops, it’s not a complete disaster – we can hear the birds sing!
- Education at the end of history: A response to Francis Fukuyama
- The opening-up of education in the new era: Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Central Committee
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: The opening-up of education in the new era: Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Central Committee
- The semiotics of visual perception and the autonomy of pictorial text: Toward a semiotic pedagogy of the image
- On the prospects of Virilio’s pedagogy of the image
- ‘Ethics review, neoliberal governmentality and the activation of moral subjects’
- The disorder of things: Quarantine unemployment, the decline of neoliberalism, and the Covid-19 lockdown crash
- To the burrow and back again. A review of Towards an ontology of teaching. Thing-centred pedagogy, affirmation and love for the World.
- PAR is a way of life: Participatory action research as core re-training for fugitive research praxis
- Philosophy of education in a new key
- From “opposition” to “fellowship”: Analysis on the US-China Relationship according to the dialectics of I Ching
- Future is always contingent
- Ethics of memory: Forgetfulness and forgiveness in the traumatic place
- 3 Books Reviewed
- Co-research in Vietnam for the anthropology classroom
- Beyond the ‘two cultures’ in the teaching of disaster: or how disaster education and science education could benefit each other
- COVID – 19: A Critical Ontology of the present1
- Love and social distancing in the time of Covid-19: The philosophy and literature of pandemics
- Scholars of color turn to womanism: Countering dehumanization in the academy
- Beyond borders: trans-local critical pedagogy for inter-asian cultural studies
- Zhuangzi’s discourse on ‘contented acceptance of fate’ and its relation to catastrophe
- What is the ultimate education task in China? Exploring “strengthen moral education for cultivating people” (“Li De Shu Ren”)
- Possible approaches to the comparative study of William James and traditional Chinese philosophy
- A viral theory of post-truth
- Beyond curriculum: Groundwork for a non-instrumental theory of education
- Epistemic violence in the time of coronavirus: From the legacy of the western limits of Spivak’s ‘can the subaltern speak’ to an alternative to the ‘neoliberal model of development’
- Notes on notes on notes
- ‘Why aren’t you taking any notes?’ On note-taking as a collective gesture
- Innovations in creative education for tertiary sector in Australia: Present and future challenge
- Wittgenstein/Foucault/anti-philosophy: Contingency, community, and the ethics of self-cultivation
- The meaning of life: the ontological question concerning education through the lens of Catherine Malabou’s contribution to thinking
- Darkness and light. The archetypal metaphor for education
- Against selection: Educational justice and the ascription of talent
- Bourdieu and Chinese education: Inequality, competition, and change, by
- The Plague: Human resilience and the collective response to catastrophe
- Viral modernity? epidemics, infodemics, and the ‘bioinformational’ paradigm
- Earning rent with your talent: Modern-day inequality rests on the power to define, transfer and institutionalize talent
- Changing status, entrenched inequality: How English language becomes a Chinese form of culture capital
- Is the 2019 Water Revolution a lesson of emancipatory education? A Rancièrean invitation
- Emancipation, revolutionary nationalism, and “everything under the sun”: Chinese internationalism, higher education and the search for alternative modernity
- Pearl diving and the exemplary way educational note taking and taking note in education
- On the epistemology of conspiracy
- The PISA calendar: Temporal governance and international large-scale assessments
- Traces of the intersubject? Note-taking within the community of philosophical inquiry
- Entering the world with notes: Reclaiming the practices of lecturing and note making
- Talents, abilities and educational justice
- Questions concerning attention and Stiegler’s therapeutics
- Ethicalisation of higher education reform: The strategic integration of academic discourse on scholarly ethos
- Gert Biesta – Education between Bildung and post-structuralism
- Foucauldian parrhesia and Avicennean contingency in Muslim education: The curriculum of metaphysics
- Punx up, bros down: Defending free speech through punk rock pedagogy
- The deconstructed ethics of Martin Heidegger, or, the university sous rature
- The critical gift: Revaluing book reviews in educational philosophy and theory
- Recognising localised pedagogical capital: a reflexive revisit of an alternative teacher preparation programme in China
- A Bourdieusian rebuttal to Bourdieu’s rebuttal: social network analysis, regression, and methodological breakthroughs
- Understanding consciousness for optimal human wellbeing & growth holistically
- The digital age and its discontents
- The pecuniary animus of the university
- A response to the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse in Australia
- Foucault’s ethical self-formation and David’s articulation of a creative self
- Bill Andersen: Unacknowledged kingmaker
- Problematizing global educational governance of OECD PISA: Student achievement, categorization, and social inclusion and exclusion
- Education in and for the Belt and Road Initiative:
- Postdigital cross border reflections on critical utopia
- ‘The fascism in our heads’: Reich, Fromm, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari – the social pathology of fascism in the 21st century
- Artificial intelligence for education: Knowledge and its assessment in AI-enabled learning ecologies
- Unveiling the ‘logic’ of modern university in China: Historical, social and value perspectives
- The existential meaning of death and reconsidering death education through the perspectives of Kierkegaard and Heidegger
- Proposal for a new talent concept based on socioformation
- Resisting fascist mobilization: Some reflections on critical pedagogy, liberation theology and the need for revolutionary socialist change
- The end of the decade: Reflecting on 2019 and looking forward to the next decade
- Detouring school to family: A reading of Antigone
- What constitutes the good of education? Reflections on the possibility of educational critique
- Phenomenology and phenomenography in educational research: A critique
- The pedagogical limitations of inclusive education
- Ecologies of fire
- Yin/yang crossing east/west
- Video ethics in educational research involving children: Literature review and critical discussion
- Virtues of the educator
- Living the dystopian-utopian tension as praxis: Transformative dreaming with/in/for education and educational research
- Pasts and futures that keep the possible alive: Reflections on time, space, education and governing
- Which threats to humanity should we teach about? Decision theoretic guides
- Returning to the end times? Towards an apocalyptic education?
- Time and educational (re-)forms—Inquiring the temporal dimension of education
- The agencement of taskification: On new forms of reading and writing in BYOD schools
- Philosophy of change in Catherine Malabou and in Martin Heidegger: The fantastic of childhood or the childhood of the fantastic
- Why I am not a Deweyean
- Paulo Freire’s critical and dialogic pedagogy and its implications for the Bahraini educational context
- The amoral academy? A critical discussion of research ethics in the neo-liberal university
- On historical thinking and the history educational challenge
- The Chinese dream and its future: Review essay on Michael Peters book The Chinese dream: Educating the future
- Relearning to think: Toward a biological conception of rationality
- Living in a qualitative world: response to Michael Slote’s “Integrating Chinese with Western Philosophy”
- The history of the future and the shifting forms of education
- Network time for the European Higher Education Area
- Non-word (buyan) and non-self (wuji): Resistance to duality, standardisation and comparison in regime of school accountability
- The ancient Silk Road and the birth of merchant capitalism
- The problem of the present: On simultaneity, synchronisation and transnational education projects
- An educational theory of innovation: What constitutes the educational good?
- The emotional labor of doing ‘boy work’: Considering affective economies of boyhood in schooling
- Non-word (buyan) and non-self (wuji): Resistance for schooling in regime of accountability
- ‘Education has no end’: Reconciling past and future through reforms in the education system
- Can we kill the Bildung king? – The quest for a non-sovereign concept of Bildung
- What does it mean to be a ‘subject’? Malabou’s plasticity and going beyond the question of the inhuman, posthuman, and nonhuman
- Inheriting or re-structuring habitus/capital? Chinese migrant children in the urban field of cultural reproduction
- Interview with Kevin Harris
- Chinese and Western philosophy in dialogue
- Shadow education in Singapore: A Deweyan perspective
- Confucius and Aristotle on the educational role of community
- Hayek as classical liberal public intellectual: Neoliberalism, the privatization of public discourse and the future of democracy
- The Chinese Dream, Belt and Road Initiative and the future of education: A philosophical postscript
- Heralding ideas of well-being: A philosophical perspective
- Integrating Chinese with western philosophy
- This is not a checklist: Higher education and student affairs competencies, neoliberal protocol, and poetics
- Trust in education
- Reification and recognition in teenage years in the contemporary world: An interpretation based on a critical look at Axel Honneth’s theses
- Lotus heaven
- The ancient silk road and the birth of merchant capitalism
- Satire, Swift and the deconstruction of the public intellectual
- Models of dialogue
- Mobile Chinese students navigating between fields: (Trans)forming habitus in transnational articulation programmes?
- Toward a Philosophy of STEAM in the Anthropocene
- In community of inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp: Childhood, philosophy and education
- The future of critical pedagogy
- Postmodernism in the afterlife
- 5G transformational advanced wireless futures
- Teaching beyond words: ‘silence’ and its pedagogical implications discoursed in the early classical texts of Confucianism, Daoism and Zen Buddhism
- Life and death in the Anthropocene: Educating for survival amid climate and ecosystem changes and potential civilisation collapse
- The neoliberal academic: Illustrating shifting academic norms in an age of hyper-performativity
- A Maori il-logical ethics of the dark: An example with ‘trauma’
- Truth and self-knowledge
- Towards a higher education: Contemplation, compassion, and the ethics of slowing down
- Against death. Longevity forever!
- Response to Michael Peters
- Peter McLaren’s response to Michael Peters
- Gnosticism, progressivism and the (im)possibility of the ethical academy
- Transgressing the hidden curriculum of unsustainability: towards a relational pedagogy of hope
- Stiegler as a philosopher of education
- From ‘Dare to Think!’ to ‘How Dare You!’ and back again
- Countering post-truths through ecopedagogical literacies: Teaching to critically read ‘development’ and ‘sustainable development’
- Climate change and education
- Armageddon versus conservation—An East Asian response
- Armageddon and pedagogy of terror
- Critical consciousness against Armageddon: The end of capitalism vs. the end of time
- The snake oil charms of positive psychology
- Trump’s nationalism, ‘the end of globalism’, and ‘the age of patriotism’: ‘the future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots.’
- Economics, ecology, and a new eco-social settlement informing education
- The party is over?
- The last large blue butterfly (and individual flourishing)
- Hell as education: From place to state of being? Hell, Hades, Tartarus, Gehinnom
- The failure of liberalism and liberal education
- Response from Aotearoa –
- ‘It’s Complicated’: Neoliberal Schools versus Humanity
- Exploring the macro education policy design on vocational education system for new generation of migrant workers in China
- Work, Play and Language Learning: Some Implications for Curriculum Policy of Michael Oakeshott’s Philosophy of Education
- Stiegler as philosopher of education
- Are those whiffs of fascism that I smell? Living behind the orange curtain
- Go home, team America: The new paradox of western ‘democracy’ around the world
- How the media creates fear, from the USA and UK to Hong Kong
- A ratchetdemic reality pedagogy and/as cultural freedom in urban education
- Virtue and the quiet art of scholarship: Reclaiming the university
- Michel Serres: Knowledge production and education
- Critical philosophy of sport
- Dreaming of ‘nowhere’: A co-autoethnographic exploration of Utopia-dystopia in the academy
- The crisis of international education
- A critical philosophy of sport: Some applications
- Stiegler’s ecological thought: The politics of knowledge in the anthropocene
- The problem of now: Bernard Stiegler and the student as consumer
- Heidegger and Stiegler on failure and technology
- Knowledge socialism: the rise of peer production – collegiality, collaboration, and collective intelligence
- Alain Badiou’s Wittgenstein’s Antiphilosophy
- The neoliberal toxic university: Beyond no is not enough and daring to dream a socially just alternative into existence
- Between hope and despair: Teacher education in the age of Trump
- Anti-scientism, technoscience and philosophy of technology: Wittgenstein and Lyotard
- Hope, political imagination, and agency in Marxism and beyond: Explicating the transformative worldview and ethico-ontoepistemology
- Revisiting Peirce’s account of scientific creativity to inform classroom practice
- Evaluation systems and the pace of change – The example of Swedish higher education1
- Situating decolonization: An Indigenous dilemma
- The Armageddon Club: education for the future of humanity
- China’s making and governing of educational subjects as ‘talent’: A dialogue with Michel Foucault
- Anti-art, anti-philosophy, anti-psychiatry, anti-education
- Investigating ‘collective individualism model of learning’: From Chinese context of classroom culture
- Periodic table of human civilization process
- Protesting the identity of Hong Kong: The burdened virtues of contemporary ‘pretty’ nationalism
- A picture speaks a thousand words? Vision, visuality and authorization
- Existential perspectives on education
- The Kantian idea of hope – Bridging the gap between our imperfection and our duty to perfect ourselves
- What can we learn from Plato about intellectual character education?
- Reading Derrida close reading Lemov close reading close reading
- Top-down education policy on the inclusion of ethnic minority population in China: A perspective of policy analysis
- Wiring the Global Brain
- Rhythmic nootechnics: Stiegler, Whitehead, and noetic life
- Ecojustice education and communitarianism: Exploring the possibility for African eco-communitarianism
- ‘Questions concerning attention and Stiegler’s therapeutics’
- A Theory of Moral Education
- The University Is the People
- Negen-u-topic becoming: On the reinvention of youth
- Participation, not paternalism: Moral education, normative competence and the child’s entry into the moral community
- Platform ontologies, the AI crisis and the ability to hack humans ‘An algorithm knows me better than I know myself’
- Merleau-Ponty’s ‘wild Being’: Tangling with the entanglements of research with the very young
- On the unrepresentability of affect in Lyotard’s work: Towards pedagogies of ineffability
- Values in the mathematics classroom
- China’s belt and road initiative: Reshaping global higher education
- Posthumanism, platform ontologies and the ‘wounds of modern subjectivity’
- Educational methods and cognitive modes: Focusing on the difference between Bernard Stiegler and N. Katherine Hayles
- Beyond technological unemployment: the future of work
- Locally grounded, universally binding: The benefit of incorporating traditional care ethics, East and West, into current moral education
- Faculty ethics in China: From a historical perspective
- Chinese Philosophy on Teaching and Learning: Xueji (學記) in the Twenty-First Century
- The university of the future: Stiegler after Derrida
- Active learning as destituent potential: Agambenian philosophy of education and moderate steps towards the coming politics
- Childhood and education in Jean-François Lyotard’s philosophy
- Must children sit still? The dark biopolitics of mindfulness and yoga in education
- Two plus four dimensions of critical literacy
- In community with Ann Margaret Sharp: Childhood, philosophy and education
- On the organology of utopia: Stiegler’s contribution to the philosophy of education
- Beyond high-stakes exam: A neo-Confucian educational programme and its contemporary implications
- Terrorism, trauma, tolerance: Bearing witness to white supremacist attack on Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Politics of digital learning—Thinking education with Bernard Stiegler
- Roboethics in education and society
- Capitalism’s slavery
- Anarchist education and the paradox of pedagogical authority
- Digital socialism or knowledge capitalism?
- Can creativity be taught?
- What is in a child’s hand? Prosthesis in Bernard Stiegler: Some implications for a future philosophy of childhood
- New histories of capitalism: from delineation to critique
- Ruyu Hung. Education between speech and writing: Crossing the boundaries of Dao and deconstruction (London: Routledge, 2018)
- ‘But is it really research?’ mentoring students as theorists in the era of cybernetic capitalism
- Book review of Levinas and the philosophy of education [EPAT-Jan-2019-0021]
- Postmodernist sophistry, shoddy peer review, and academic dishonesty: How subjective science knowledge and patience for nonsense may cause (pseudo-)scholarly hoax. Boghossian et al. affair
- The council of Europe’s competences for democratic culture: Employing Badiou and Plato to move beyond tensions in the values it promotes
- Citizen science and ecological democracy in the global science regime: The need for openness and participation
- Book Review of Andrew Culp. Dark Deleuze
- Education as a mode of existence: A Latourian inquiry into assessment validity in higher education
- Levinas, bureaucracy, and the ethics of school leadership
- Aristotle’s conception of practical wisdom and what it means for moral education in schools
- A reply to Peter Boghsonnian and James Lindsay’s, ‘What comes after postmodernism?’
- A reply to Peter Boghsonnian and James Lindsay’s, ‘What comes after postmodernism?’
- The ‘crooked timber’ of humanitarianism
- Citizen science and post-normal science in a post-truth era: Democratising knowledge; socialising responsibility
- Chinese ecological pedagogy: humanity, nature, and education in the modern world
- Back from the Brink, a new humanities? An interview with Brian Opie
- Diffracting diffractive readings of texts as methodology: Some propositions