- Correction Notice for “Against the Precisificational Approach to Fictional Inconsistencies” by Inchul Yum (Ergo, 2022, Vol. 9)
- Constitution, Non-Causal Explanation, and Demarcation
- Truly, Madly, Deeply: Moral Beauty and the Self
- Securing Arithmetical Determinacy
- Underspecification and Communication
- The Object of Moral Understanding
- From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame
- Kant on Pure Apperception and Indeterminate Empirical Inner Intuition
- Identifying Primitive Individuals
- The Relative Identity of All Objects: Tiantai Buddhism Meets Analytic Metaphysics
- Expert Assertion and Knowledge
- Is There Anti-Fittingness?
- On the Epistemic Value of Reflection
- Hume’s Justice and the Problem of the Missing Motive
- A Defense of Aristotelian Justice
- The Imperialism of Desert
- There is No Anima Mundi: Leibniz on the Impossibility of a Soul of the World
- Autonomy as Practical Understanding
- Ought-Implies-Can in Context
- One “True” Meaning
- The Limits of Spinoza’s Perfectionism
- What’s Wrong with Bullshit
- Confrontation or Dialogue? Productive Tensions between Decolonial and Intercultural Scholarship
- The Self-Knowledge of Combinatory States
- Transient Particulars
- Measuring Ontological Simplicity
- Order-Based Salience Patterns in Language: What They Are and Why They Matter
- Kantian Animal Moral Psychology: Empirical Markers for Animal Morality
- Aesthetic Judgments, Evaluative Content, and (Hybrid) Expressivism
- The Aesthetic Constitution of Genders
- Believing in Shmeliefs
- Toward an Expressivist View of Women’s Autonomy
- Non-Additive Axiologies in Large Worlds
- The Logic of Contingent Actuality
- Perfection and Success
- The Specter of Revealed Preference Theory
- The W-Defense Defended
- Hume’s Constitutivist Response to Scepticism
- What Kind of Non-Realism is Fictionalism?
- Accuracy-First Epistemology and Scientific Progress
- Emotional Injustice
- Correction Notice for “Epistemic Exploitation” by Nora Berenstain (Ergo, 2016, Vol. 3)
- The Multiverse Theodicy Meets Population Ethics
- Susan Stebbing on Logical Positivism and Communication
- Moral Responsibility While Dreaming
- Internalism and Externalism in Early Modern Epistemology
- Busting the Ghost of Neutral Counterparts
- Neutrality, Cultural Literacy, and Arts Funding
- Islands of Perspectival Thought: A Case Study
- Structural Equations and Analysis of Dispositions
- Shepherd’s Case for the Demonstrability of Causal Principles
- What’s So Special About Reasoning? Rationality, Belief Updating, and Internalism
- Satisficers Still Get Away with Murder!
- On Not Being “Worth It”
- Is the Mind a Magic Trick? Illusionism about Consciousness in the “Consciousness-Only” Theory of Vasubandhu and Sthiramati
- Transduction, Calibration, and the Penetrability of Pain
- Veil of Light: The Role of Light in Cavendish’s Visual Perception
- Scripts and Social Cognition
- Let’s See You Do Better: An Essay on the Standing to Criticize
- Generalized Immodesty Principles in Epistemic Utility Theory
- Dimensional Reliabilism
- An Adam Smithian Account of Humanity
- The Individual as an Object of Love: The Property View of Love Meets the Hegelian View of Properties
- Reconceiving Murdochian Realism
- Fictionalism about Chatbots
- Subjective Facts about Consciousness
- Defining Definiteness
- Breaking Up and the Value of Commitment
- Nudge Transparency Is Not Required for Nudge Resistibility
- Collective Communicative Intentions in Context
- Locating Temporal Passage in a Block World
- Individuating Powers: On the Regress/Circularity Individuation Arguments against Bird’s Dispositional Monism
- Emojis as Pictures
- Rehabilitating Transcendental Arguments: A Dialectical Dilemma for Stroud’s Meta-Epistemological Skepticism
- The Nature of Timbre
- Moral and Moorean Incoherencies
- Controlling (Mental) Images and the Aesthetic Perception of Racialized Bodies
- The Rationality of Love: Benevolence and Complacence in Kant and Hutcheson
- The Motivation Problem of Epistemic Expressivists
- Epistemic Luck, Knowledge-How, and Intentional Action
- Convergence and Shared Reflective Equilibrium
- How to Not Go All-In on Public Justification
- Organized Sound, Sounds Heard, and Silence
- Prefaces, Knowledge, and Questions
- The Affirmative Mind: Spinoza on Striving under the Attribute of Thought
- No Platforming and Academic Freedom
- Thought and Talk in a Generous World
- Desire-Based Theories of Reasons and the Guise of the Good
- Toward a Post-Kantian Construct
- On the Ethics of Imagination and Ethical-Aesthetic Value Interaction in Fiction
- On Radical Enactivist Accounts of Arithmetical Cognition
- The Vagaries of Reference
- Promises, Offers, Requests, Agreements
- A Simple Analysis of Harm
- Fear of the Past
- Knowledge, Practical Knowledge, and Intentional Action
- The Second Revolution of Moral Fictionalism
- Can the World Be Indeterminate in All Respects?
- Extended Dispositionalism and Determinism
- Two Concepts of Double Prevention
- Cruel Intentions and Evil Deeds
- Ontology as a Guide to Politics? Judith Butler on Interdependency, Vulnerability, and Nonviolence
- Nothing New Under the Sun
- Against the Precisificational Approach to Fictional Inconsistencies
- The Sense of Existence
- Hypocrisy in Politics
- Sometimes It Is Better to Do Nothing: A New Argument for Causal Decision Theory
- What Makes Requests Normative? The Epistemic Account Defended
- How (Not) To Wrong Others with Our Thoughts: A Liberal Challenge Against the Possibility of Doxastic Wronging
- Seeing Circles: Inattentive Response-Coupling
- Intentional Action, Know-how, and Lucky Success
- Expressed Ableism
- In Defense of Clutter
- The Many, the Few, and the Nature of Value
- Gender Fictionalism
- How Do We Differ When We Differ In Taste?
- Folk Intuitions about Reference Change and the Causal Theory of Reference
- The Necessity of Commensuration Bias in Grant Peer Review
- Telling Gender: The Pragmatics and Ethics of Gender Ascriptions
- The Auditory Field: The Spatial Character of Auditory Experience
- Being a Child: A Social Constructivist Account
- Nature, Consciousness, and Metaphysics in Merleau-Ponty’s Early Thought
- The Norms of Realism and the Case of Non-Traditional Casting
- Nudges, Nudging, and Self-Guidance Under the Influence
- Against Passage Illusionism
- Exclusion and Erasure: Two Types of Ontological Opression
- Telling the Stories of Others
- Evidentialism and the Problem of Basic Competence
- Convergence, Community, and Force in Aesthetic Discourse
- Trusting on Another’s Say-So
- Literary Racial Impersonation
- Yet Another Victim of Kripkenstein’s Monster: Dispositions, Meaning, and Privilege
- Unity and Application
- Race and the Politics of Loss: Revisiting the Legacy of Emmett Till
- What Is Non-Naturalism?
- Bad Concepts, Bilateral Contents
- First Steps in an Epistemology of Collective Intellectual Self-Trust
- Spinoza on the Essences of Singular Things
- Anne Conway’s Atemporal Account of Agency
- Ugliness Is in the Gut of the Beholder
- Social Inconsistency
- Subjunctive Hypocrisy
- Imprecise Credences and Acceptance
- Aesthetic Commitments and Aesthetic Obligations
- Is All Phenomenology Presentational?
- Fallibility without Facts
- Frantz Fanon’s Decolonized Dialectics: The Primacy of the Affective Weight of the Past
- Why Do Women Philosophy Students Drop Out of Philosophy? Some Evidence from the Classroom at the Bachelor’s Level
- Mental Filing Systems: A User’s Guide
- Lying, Deceptive Implicatures, and Commitment
- Trope Mental Causation: Still Not Qua Mental
- Two Problems of Self-Blame for Accounts of Moral Standing
- Relational Egalitarianism, Paternalism, Adults and Children: A Puzzle
- Assertion, Implicature, and Iterated Knowledge
- Power by Association
- Nietzsche’s Concept of Health
- What Immigrants Owe
- God and the Problem of Blameless Moral Ignorance
- Test article for checking JATS in Janeway
- Why Critical Social Ontologists Shouldn’t Be Univocalists
- The Aesthetic Engagement Theory of Art
- Reflections on Meaning and Immortality
- Objectification and Domination
- Possessing Love’s Reasons: Or Why a Rationalist Lover Can Have a Normal Romantic Life
- Eliminativism and Evolutionary Debunking
- Are We Playing a Moral Lottery? Moral Disagreement from a Metasemantic Perspective
- Visual Experiences without Presentational Phenomenology
- Which Reasons? Which Rationality?
- Trauma and Compassionate Blame
- Chisholm’s Paradox Revisited: Puzzles regarding Contrary-to-Duty Obligations and a Dynamic Solution
- Higher-Order Defeat and Withholding Judgment
- The Humors in Hume’s Skepticism
- Deceptive Credences
- Testimonial Injustice and Mutual Recognition
- Folk Psychology and the Interpretation of Decision Theory
- Image and Indeterminacy in Heidegger’s Schematism
- Civil Disobedience, Costly Signals, and Leveraging Injustice
- Arrangement and Timing: Photography, Causation and Anti-Empiricist Aesthetics
- Quietism and Counter-Normativity
- Showing Seeing in Film
- Formalizing Reasons, Oughts, and Requirements
- Representation, Deflationism, and the Question of Realism
- Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal
- Deliberative Authority and Representational Determinacy: A Challenge for the Normative Realist
- What Is an Action? Peter Auriol vs. Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of Causality
- The Past Tense View of Counterfactuals Revisited
- A Reasonable Little Question: A Formulation of the Fine-Tuning Argument
- Imagination and the Distinction between Image and Intuition in Kant
- Anscombe on Practical Knowledge and the Good
- The Sunk Cost “Fallacy” Is Not a Fallacy
- Difference Minimizing Theory
- Gun Control, the Right to Self-Defense, and Reasonable Beneficence to All
- De Se Exceptionalism and Frege Puzzles
- Philosophy’s Undergraduate Gender Gaps and Early Interventions
- Hume’s Deontological Response to Scepticism
- Consciousness Science Underdetermined: A Short History of Endless Debates
- The Nature of Perceptual Expertise and the Rationality of Criticism
- The State of the Discipline: New Data on Women Faculty in Philosophy
- Relaxing about Moral Truths
- The Normative Challenge for Illusionist Views of Consciousness
- Group Knowledge, Questions, and the Division of Epistemic Labour
- Probabilistic Promotion and Ability
- The Creeps as a Moral Emotion
- Locke on Space, Time and God
- Imagination and Perception in Film Experience
- Aristotle on Divine and Human Contemplation
- Epistemic Worth
- On the Transcendental Freedom of the Intellect
- Aristotle on the Purity of Forms in Metaphysics Z.10–11
- Leibniz’s Lost Argument Against Causal Interaction
- On Predicting
- Moral Worth and Consciousness: In Defense of a Value-Secured Reliability Theory
- Kant on Inner Sensations and the Parity between Inner and Outer Sense
- Actual Issues for Relevant Logics
- Against Romanticism
- Motor Imagery and Action Execution
- Frege’s Conception of Truth: Two Readings
- Racializing Races: The Racialized Groups of Interactive Constructionism Do Not Undermine Social Theories of Race
- Conceptualizing Kant’s Mereology
- A New Puzzle for Phenomenal Intentionality
- Self-Respect and the Disrespect of Others
- Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink: Nudging is Giving Reasons
- Multiculturalism, Autonomy, and Language Preservation
- An Argument for Objective Possibilism
- The Passions and Disinterest: From Kantian Free Play to Creative Determination by Power, via Schiller and Nietzsche
- Bootstrapping, Dogmatism, and the Structure of Epistemic Justification
- What Defines a Conceptual Resource?
- Wronging Future Children
- Epistemic Oughts in Stit Semantics
- Obligation, Permission, and Bayesian Orgulity
- Yep, I’m Gay’: Understanding Agential Identity
- Interpersonal Moral Luck and Normative Entanglement
- The Unique Badness of Hypocritical Blame
- Unifying Group Rationality
- Wolff’s Science of Teleology and Kant’s Critique
- Stakes, Scales, and Skepticism
- What’s Wrong with Machine Bias
- Non-Repeatable Hedonism Is False
- Anhedonia and the Affectively Scaffolded Mind
- Depth, Value, and Context
- Explaining Fictional Characters
- Davidsonian Causalism and Wittgensteinian Anti-Causalism: A Rapprochement
- Experience and Time: Transparency and Presence
- Collective Testimony and Collective Knowledge
- Morality, Agency, and Other People
- Understanding, Communication, and Consent
- Passing as Privileged
- Verbal Disputes in the Theory of Consciousness
- Pulling Apart Well-Being at a Time and the Goodness of a Life
- Kant’s Revised Account of the Non-Moral Imperatives of Practical Reason
- Prestige Bias: An Obstacle to a Just Academic Philosophy
- On the Very Idea of Metalinguistic Theories of Names
- A Perceptual Theory of Hope
- Consciousness as Inner Sensation: Crusius and Kant
- Aquinas and Gregory the Great on the Puzzle of Petitionary Prayer
- Willing the End Means Willing the Means: An Overlooked Reading of Kant
- He/She/They/Ze
- Does Mole’s Argument That Cognitive Processes Fail to Suffice for Attention Fail?
- Our Bodies, Our Selves: Malebranche on the Feelings of Embodiment
- Implicit Bias and the Idealized Rational Self
- The “Fourth Hypothesis” on the Early Modern Mind-Body Problem
- Failing to Treat Persons as Individuals
- Dispassion as an Ethical Ideal
- Intention and the Basis of Meaning
- Is Value under Hypothesis Value?
- What is Wrong with Dewey’s Theory of Knowing
- On Persistence in Aristotle
- Token-Reflexivity and Repetition
- Toward an Account of Gender Identity
- Essential Truths and Their Truth-Grounds
- How to Unify
- Imaginary Foundations
- A Language for Ontological Nihilism
- Ontic Explanation Is either Ontic or Explanatory, but Not Both
- Getting Expressivism Out of the Woods
- What Is a Sexist Ideology? Or: Why Grace Didn’t Leave
- Content and Target in Pictorial Representation
- Practical Deliberation and Background Conditions on Normative Reasons for Action
- Why Do Desires Rationalize Actions?
- Descartes’s Anti-Transparency and the Need for Radical Doubt
- A Formal Apology for Metaphysics
- Bullshitting, Lying, and Indifference toward Truth
- Leibniz on Fundamental Ontology: Idealism and Pedagogical Exoteric Writing
- Names, Masks, and Double Vision
- Halfhearted Action and Control
- Biased against Debiasing: On the Role of (Institutionally Sponsored) Self-Transformation in the Struggle against Prejuice
- The Logic of the Chiasm in Merleau-Ponty’s Early Philosophy
- Objectivism and Perspectivism about the Epistemic Ought
- Naive Validity, Internalization, and Substructural Approaches to Paradox
- Replacing Race: Interactive Constructionism about Radicalized Groups
- A Dutch Book Theorem for Quantificational Credences
- The Transitivity and Asymmetry of Actual Causation
- Francisco Suárez on Eternal Truths, Eternal Essences, and Extrinsic Being
- The Paradox of Gustatory Taste
- Utterance Understanding, Knowledge, and Belief
- Intellectual Humility: An Interpersonal Theory
- Kant on Animal Minds
- Model Theory, Hume’s Dictum, and the Priority of Ethical Theory
- The Epistemology and Auto-Epistemology of Temporal Self-Location and Forgetfulness
- Is Everything Revisable?
- Diachronic Norms for Self-Locating Beliefs
- A Semantic Problem For Stage Theory
- The Inaccessibility of Religion Problem
- Phenomenal Privacy, Similarity and Communicability
- Moral Worth and Moral Hobbies
- Cognitivism, Motivation, and Dual-Process Approaches to Normative Judgment
- Evidence One Does Not Possess
- Repatriation and the Radical Redistribution of Art
- Truth and Dependence
- The Contingency of Leibniz’s Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles
- Is There High-Level Causation?
- Mendelssohn, Kant, and the Mereotopology of Immortality
- Shifty Contextualism About Epistemics
- From Models-as-Fictions to Models-as-Tools
- A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychology Misleads Social Policy
- Folk Intuitions about the Causal Theory of Perception
- Origins of Life Research Does Not Rest on a Mistake
- Reference Magnetism as a Solution to the Moral Twin Earth Problem
- Cabbage à la Descartes
- Free Will Skepticism and the Question of Creativity: Creativity, Desert, and Self-Creation
- Epistemic Exploitation
- Demystifying Emergence
- Characterizing Invariance
- Psychopaths, Ill-Will, and the Wrong-Making Features of Actions