- Decomposition of scientific communication
- Speed, demon! Accelerationism’s rhetoric of weird, mystical, cosmic love
- Communauté (Gemeinschaft), Martin Buber (2018)
- Dialogue for Martin Buber and its importance in present geopolitical realities: A discourse analysis
- Language as a lens
- Protecting democracy from disinformation: Implications for a model of communication
- Embodiment, Relation, Community: A Continental Philosophy of Communication, Garnet Butchart (2019)
- Mistrust between Deaf patients and hearing staff in healthcare settings
- Atheism and spirituality in the USSR: Can atheists be spiritual?
- Ethical humans: Sounds, bodies, sufferings and aliveness
- In Between Communication Theories through One Hundred Questions, Tomas Kačerauskas and Algis Mickūnas (2020)
- The Act of Killing: An occasion to discuss the ‘banality of evil’ and cinema
- Criticality in the spotlight
- Wittgenstein and censorship
- Shades of technocratic solutionism: A discursive-material political ecology approach to the analysis of the Swedish TV series Hållbart näringsliv (‘Sustainable business’)
- On the communicative intent of Augustine’s Confessions
- Cabinet of precariousness: From the ephemeral image to the eternal image
- What is in the draft: A reflection on precarity in Kivu Ruhorahoza’s Europa: ‘Based on a True Story’
- Travelling the scenic landscape: Community, nationalism and precarity in Nomadland (2020)
- The flexibility and adaptation strategy of local filmmakers amid the pandemic: Opportunity and threat
- Taking precarity as a force and surveying on the past through film: Can films recuperate the untold histories?
- What is in the draft: A reflection on precarity in Kivu Ruhorahoza’s Europa: ‘Based on a True Story’
- Hailing black holes: Rhetorical realism in the age of hyperobjects
- Celebrity manufacture theory: Revisiting the theorization of celebrity culture
- Organizational evil and the responsibility of management and managerial practices
- Self, community, narrative in the information age
- Towards new conceptions of multicultural identity in intercultural communication
- Peircean studies in Russia: A historical and cross-cultural perspective
- Orality, writing, imagery and the rise of the imagistic
- Mediating actio in distans: Leibniz, Clarke and Newton on the communicability of forces
- ‘A polyphonic tale’: Arendt, Cavarero and storytelling in Sarah Polley’s Stories We Tell (2012)
- Communication, risk, trust
- Mapping conversations about land use: How modern farmers practice individuality
- «Fuera de lugar»: Roberto Schwarz y la centralidad de la experiencia periférica
- Errant anarchaeologies, the disjunction of Borges and the Yagán dog
- ‘La herida de un hombre no es una novedad’: Gender, violence and performance in Azul y no tan rosa
- «Potencia, no poder». De la fotografía como gesto de resistencia y migración
- (U)topías del pensamiento decolonial: Guamán Poma y Euroamérica
- Bolívar Echeverría y las asimultaneidades de la modernidad capitalista: Ethos barroco y blanquitud
- Clarice Lispector y la desistencia de ser
- Image, power and peripheries: Current perspectives on Latin American studies
- Imagen, poder y periferia(s): Perspectivas actuales sobre Latinoamérica
- Essaying art: An unmethodological method for artistic research
- Uncovering Russian communication style preferences: Monological sequencing versus dialogical engagement
- A letter to the editors: Introducing The Examination and The Letter
- On William Lyons’ short films about Wittgenstein (The Examination) and Arendt (The Letter)
- The Aesthetics of Meaning and Thought: The Bodily Roots of Philosophy, Science, Morality, and Art, Mark Johnson (2018)
- Sounds, sufferings, memories and emotions
- Tapping into the senses: Corporeality and immanence in The Piano Tuner of EarthQuakes (Quay Brothers, 2005)
- Freedom of expression in multicultural societies: Political cartooning in Europe in the modern and postmodern eras
- Conciliatory aggression and the rhetoric of public apologies: A rhetorical analysis
- Understanding media in the context of object-oriented ontology
- Davidson and the language of new media
- And now I become its mouth: On Arthur Schopenhauer and weird ventriloquism
- Political memes in the 2018 presidential campaigns in Russia: Dialogue and conflict
- Unsaying the said: Emmanuel Levinas and the Zhuangzi on linguistic scepticism
- Welcome to the metamodel: A reply to Pablé
- Review
- Three venues to the theory of persuasion
- Complexity in the sciences of the Internet and its relation to communication sciences
- The language games of virtual communities: The case of a Romanian expatriate forum
- The Dao of communication
- Cross-cultural communication and the art of sign-making
- Media as mediation: Régis Debray’s medium theory and its implications as a perspective
- Revisiting the materiality of signs: collective enunciation, landscaping, and the autoglottic space
- China is a hare: The articulation of national identity in Year Hare Affair
- Hegemony, semiogenesis and the emergence of self-consciousness in Gramsci’s view: A Gramscian reading of integrationism
- Was Confucius teaching us how to do things with words? Reflections on ethics in language and communication
- Are integrationists sceptics?
- McKeon’s semantics of communication: A pragmatic exploration of the communicative arts
- On cultural plurality in the public sphere: Choosing between freedom and equality as criteria of judgement
- Born under a bad sign: On the dark rhetoric of antinatalism
- Before the law of spectrality: Derrida on the Prague imprisonment
- Communication and transformation of subjectivity through performances: A critical discussion of Badiou’s In Praise of Theatre
- Johann Peter Hebel (1760–1826), The Glass Jew
- Speaker meaning, utterance meaning and radical interpretation in Davidson’s ‘A nice derangement of epitaphs’
- Backing away from circles of control: A re-reading of interpassivity theory’s perspectives on the current political culture of participation
- The rhizome, the net and the book
- Explanation and theory in linguistic inquiry
- Backing away from circles of control: A re-reading of interpassivity theory’s perspectives on the current political culture of participation
- Speaker meaning, utterance meaning and radical interpretation in Davidson’s ‘A nice derangement of epitaphs’
- Creating is resisting: A Spinozian-Deleuzian reading of Andrei Rublev
- Reviews
- Politics of vision: Subjects and urban scenarios in narrative cinema
- Gendered spaces for survival: Citizens and aliens in contemporary European cinema
- Toxicscape: An epistemological approach to graffiti through American narrative cinema
- Neorealism, genre and nostalgia: Italian urban modernity in Renato Castellani’s Sotto il sole di Roma
- Communication theory and integrational semiology: The constitutive metamodel revisited
- A communicational matrix to the imaginary: Looking into the media imaginary
- Discourse, performativity and the Irish marriage equality referendum debate
- Theorizing government communication with regard to the Dutch nature policy
- Revisiting Rousseau’s amour propre: Self-love and digital living
- Motives and distractions: Schopenhauer’s actuality for technological media