- Tribute to Daniel Tanner (1926–2023)
- Analyzing Teacher-Student Relationships in the Works of John Dewey
- Can the Meaning of American “Exceptionalism” Be Transformed? An Inquiry into the Future of the Nation’s Political Imagination
- John Dewey on Art, Aesthetic Education, and the Democratic Community: The Lab School Works of 1896–1900
- Has Anybody Here Seen My Old Friend John?: Making the Case for a More Pragmatic Social Studies
- Teaching Mathematics with Democracy in Mind
- Education for Moral Judgment: Situational Creativity and Dewey’s Aesthetics
- The Role of Education in The Public and Its Problems: A Deweyan Perspective on Political Literacy
- Spiritual Healing on the Border: Lessons in Art, Culture, and Education
- How to Cultivate a Good Character—Pragmatically: Dewey and Franklin on the Virtues
- Education for Self-Control: Some Similarities Between Dewey’s Experience and Education and Locke’s Theory of Rational Agency
- Deweyan “Soul” as Conceived in His Early Work
- Canceling, Liberty, and the Dangers to Education
- Don’t “Just Google It”: Deweyan Perspectives on Participatory Learning with Online Tools
- Information and Communications Technologies and Democratic Education: Lessons from John Dewey’s Pragmatism
- Challenges in Education: A Deweyan Assessment of AI Technologies in the Classroom
- Data and Growth in Education: A Deweyan Analysis
- Education & Culture 38-1 Cover
- Pandemic Phase: Where’s Democracy Now?
- Feminist-Pragmatist Perspectives on Online Education: Challenging and Changing Online Educational Conversation
- How to Teach Machines in Artificial Intelligence? Technical Education in John Dewey, Gilbert Simondon and Machine Learning
- Responsible Imagineering: John Dewey’s Pluralistic Ethics and Technological Innovation
- Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America
- John Dewey and Global Citizenship Education: Beyond American and Postcolonial Nationalism in an Age of Cultural Hybridity
- Dewey, Hippie Communes, and Education
- Classroom Exchanges: Big Data and the Commodification of Educational Communication
- Dewey on Devices: Exploring the Role of EdTech in a Critical Pragmatist Education
- Data-Driven Decision Making and Dewey’s Science of Education
- From Widgets to Wizards: Pedagogy for the Scoreboard Society
- Data without Democracy: The Cruel Optimism of Education Technology and Assessment
- Education’s Ecosystems: Learning Through Life
- Teaching in the Now: John Dewey on the Educational Present
- Sympathy in John Dewey’s Theory of Community: Presenting a Challenge to Anti-Democratic Community
- John Dewey’s Idea of the Secondary School
- Educational Promise Amidst Authoritarian Ambition
- A View of Democracy in and for China from a Deweyan Perspective
- The Students’ Experience Evolution in Chinese Schools
- What Will Confucius Say to Dewey?
- What Would Dewey See/Say Now? China’s Promise 1919 to 2019
- The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke
- In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp
- John Dewey’s Rival Versions of Virtue
- Guiding Intuitions in Education: Lesson Planning as Consummatory Experience
- Virtual Charter Schools and the Democratic Aims of Education
- Comparative Assessment in John Dewey, Confucius, and Global Philosophy
- John Dewey, America’s Peace-Minded Educator
- Dewey’s Ideas in Action! Continuing Professional Development in an International Community of Practice
- Bordentown: Where Dewey’s “Learning to Earn” Met Du Boisian Educational Priorities
- Dewey’s Political Technology from an Anthropological Perspective
- Cultivating Democratic Hope in Dark Times: Strategies for Action
- An Interdisciplinary Discourse between Dewey and Self-Determination Theory: Motivation in the Wake of Monetizing Education
- What’s the Use of Conflict in Dewey? Toward a Pedagogy of Compromise
- Progressive Education and Racial Justice: Examining the Work of John Dewey
- Creative Integration and Pragmatist Optimism: Dispositions for “the Task Before Us”
- Knowledge Can Be Mightier Than the Gun
- Appraising the Prospects for Democratic Living Today
- The Schenley Experiment: A Social History of Pittsburgh’s First Public High School
- American Public Education and the Responsibility of Its Citizens: Supporting Democracy in the Age of Accountability
- Creative Democracy, Communication, and the Uncharted Sources of Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Deweyan Pragmatism
- Sophic Education: Where is Your Treasure?
- Reconstruction of Social Studies
- The School as a Democratic Workplace: The Political Dimension of Dewey’s Democracy and Education
- Making Sense with Manipulatives: Developing Mathematical Experiences for Early Childhood Teachers
- The Mindfulness Practice, Aesthetic Experience, and Creative Democracy
- John Dewey and Citizen Politics: How Democracy Can Survive Artificial Intelligence and the Credo of Efficiency
- The Continuing Challenge of Progressive Thought: Lessons from a College in Prison
- Sidney Hook’s Pragmatic Anti-Communism: Commitment to Democracy as Method
- Global Conflicts Shattered World Peace: John Dewey’s Influence on Peace Educators and Practitioners
- The Significance of Dewey’s Democracy and Education for 21st-Century Education
- Bound to the Mimetic or the Transformative? Considering Other Possibilities
- The Philosopher as Parent: John Dewey’s Observations of His Children’s Language Development and the Development of His Thinking about Communication
- Progressive Museum Practice: John Dewey and Democracy
- Aesthetic and Affective Experiences in Coffee Shops: A Deweyan Engagement with Ordinary Affects in Ordinary Spaces
- Art and Education in Dewey: Accomplishing Unity, Bringing Newness to the Fore
- Experience and Expression
- The Poetry of John Dewey
- Dewey and Sports: An Overview of Sport in His Work
- What Use Is Instrumentalism? Conservative Pragmatism in Liberal Learning
- What We Can Teach When We Teach (About) Religion
- Book Review: Richard J. Bernstein and the Pragmatist Turn in Contemporary Philosophy: Rekindling Pragmatism’s Fire
- Book Review: John Dewey and the Artful Life: Pragmatism, Aesthetics, and Morality
- Book Review: Teachers, Leaders, and Schools: Essays by John Dewey
- Aesthetic, Spiritual, and Flow Experiences: Contrasts and Educational Implications
- Dewey Anticipates Habermas’s Paradigm of Communication: The Critique of Individualism and the Basis for Moral Authority in Democratic Education