- Re-Thinking Fast and Slow
- On Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism? An interview with Yanis Varoufakis by Michel Zouboulakis
- On CBDC and the Need for Public Debate: Policy and the Concept of Process
- Bankers as Immoral? Some Parallels and Differences between Aquinas’s Views on Usury and Marxian Views of Banking and Credit
- Limits to economics, religion and (maybe) everything else: Reply to Rati Mekvabishvili’s ‘On the Importance of Altruism, Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research’
- Reply to Rati Mekvabishvili’s ‘On the Importance of Altruism, Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research’
- About the “Dual Character of Labour”: a Reformulation of Marx’s Commodity Theory
- The Interpretation of Ownership: Insights from Original Institutional Economics, Pragmatist Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis
- On the Importance of Altruism, Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research
- Agents, Equations, and Economics
- Comment on John Davis’s ‘A methodological perspective on economic modelling and the global pandemic’
- A methodological perspective on economic modelling and the global pandemic
- The Incommensurability of Keynes’s and Walrasian Economics and the Unsuccessful Escape from Old Ideas*
- Reply to Arne Heise’s ‘The incommensurability of Keynes’s and Walrasian economics and the unsuccessful escape from old ideas’
- From ‘What New Political Economy Is’ to ‘Why Is Everything New Political Economy?’
- Popperian Hayek or Hayekian Popper?
- Discussion Article: Comments on Joao Pinheiro da Silva’s paper: ‘Popperian Hayek or Hayekian Popper?’
- The Challenge of Sustainable Development: From Technocracy to Democracy-Oriented Political Economics
- Learning to Treat Our Natural World Realistically Through Unlearning Mainstream Economics? A Commentary on the Recent Work of Peter Soderbaum
- Relevance of Chaos and Strange Attractors in the Samuelson-Hicks Oscillator
- Deleuze among the Economists: A Short Commentary on Abderrazak Belabes’ ‘What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?’
- Economics’ Wisdom Deficit and How to Reduce It
- Consensus and Dissention among Economic Science Academics in Mexico
- The Self According to Others: Explaining Social Preferences with Social Approbation
- What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?
- Comment on Abderrazak Belabes’ ‘What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?’
- Wine and bottles. Some remarks on “The Two Blades of Occam’s Razor in Economics: Logical and Heuristic” by Giandomenica Becchio
- Mathematical Analysis as a Source of Mainstream Economic Ideology
- The Two Blades of Occam’s Razor in Economics: Logical and Heuristic
- The Empirical Success of Keynesianism
- Comment on ‘The Empirical Success of Keynesianism’ by Donald Gillies
- The Psychological Contributions of Pragmatism and of Original Institutional Economics and their Implications for Policy Action
- Response to Stavros Mavroudeas
- Institutions, Policy and the Labour Market: The Contribution of the Old Institutional Economics
- Hierarchical Inconsistencies: A Critical Assessment of Justification
- Orthogonal Time in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space: Being an Engineer’s Attempt to Reveal the Copernican Criticality of Alfred Marshall’s Historically-ignored ‘Cardboard Model’
- Credit, Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx’s Political Economy
- Comment on Miguel Ramirez’s paper, ‘Credit, Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx’s Political Economy’
- Commentary on ‘Addressing the Malaise in Neoclassical Economics: A Call for Partial Models’
- The Meaning and Future of Heterodox Economics: A Response to Lynne Chester
- Judging Heterodox Economics: A Response to Hodgson’s Criticisms
- Was Smith A Moral Subjectivist?
- Addressing the Malaise in Neoclassical Economics: A Call for Partial Models
- Computational Agents, Design and Innovative Behaviour: Hetero Economicus
- Cherchez la Firme: Redressing the Missing – Meso – Middle in Mainstream Economics
- A Common Misunderstanding about Capitalism and Communism Through the Eyes of Innovation
- The Lucas Critique: A Lucas Critique
- Quantum Economics
- Comments on Arturo Hermann’s paper, ‘The Decline of the “Original Institutional Economics”’
- The Decline of the ‘Original Institutional Economics’ in the Post-World War II Period and the Perspectives of Today
- Reassessing Marshall’s Producers’ Surplus: a Case for Protectionism
- The Backward Induction Controversy as a Metaphorical Problem
- Spiethoff’s Economic Styles: a Pluralistic Approach?
- Comment on ‘About Waged Labour: From Monetary Subordination to Exploitation’
- Is Cartelier’s Monetary Approach a Convincing Alternative to the Labour Theory of Value? A Comment
- About Waged Labour: From Monetary Subordination to Exploitation
- A Quantum Theory of Money and Value, Part 2: The Uncertainty Principle
- Cournot’s Trade Theory and its Neoclassical Appropriation: Lessons to be Learnt about the Use and Abuse of Models
- Walras’ Law in the Context of Pre-Analytic Visions
- Bourgeois Ideology and Mathematical Economics – A Reply to Tony Lawson
- Graphs as a Tool for the Close Reading of Econometrics (Settler Mortality is not a Valid Instrument for Institutions)
- Ricardo’s Numerical Example Versus Ricardian Trade Model: a Comparison of Two Distinct Notions of Comparative Advantage
- The Signature of Risk: Agent-based Models, Boolean Networks and Economic Vulnerability
- Reply to Commentaries on ‘The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory’
- Complexity Modelling in Economics: the State of the Art
- A Quantum Theory of Money and Value
- Commentary on Jorge Buzaglo ‘Expanding Human Capabilities: Lange’s “Observations” Updated for the 21st Century’
- Expanding Human Capabilities: Lange’s “Observations” Updated for the 21st Century
- The Methodology of Polanyi’s Great Transformation
- Power, Property, the Law, and the Corporation – a Commentary on David Ellerman’s paper: ‘The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory’
- The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory
- A Commentary on Asad Zaman’s paper: ‘The Methodology of Polanyi’s Great Transformation’
- Commodities in Economics: Loving or Hating Complexity
- The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Protectionism in Turn of the Century America
- A Reflection on the Samuelson-Garegnani Debate
- A Commentary on Patrizio Laina’s ‘Proposals for Full-Reserve Banking: A Historical Survey from David Ricardo to Martin Wolf’
- A Hayekian Explanation of Hayek’s ‘Epistemic Turn’
- A Commentary on Peter Bent’s ‘The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Protectionism in Turn of the Century America’
- Proposals for Full-Reserve Banking: A Historical Survey from David Ricardo to Martin Wolf
- ‘Animal Behavioural Economics’: Lessons Learnt From Primate Research
- Adam Smith’s Use of the ‘Gravitation’ Metaphor
- Political Economy in the Eighteenth Century: Popular or Despotic? The Physiocrats Against the Right to Existence
- Credit and Prices in Woodford’s New Neoclassical Synthesis
- On the Renting of Persons: The Neo-Abolitionist Case Against Today’s Peculiar Institution
- Reply to John Cantwell’s Commentary on Grazia Ietto-Gillies’ paper: ‘The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+’
- A commentary on Grazia Ietto-Gillies’ paper: ‘The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+’
- If ‘Well-Being’ is the Key Concept in Political Economy…
- Reconciling Ricardo’s Comparative Advantage with Smith’s Productivity Theory
- J.M. Keynes, F.A. Hayek and the Common Reader
- The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+
- Economics as a Science, Economics as a Vocation: A Weberian Examination of Robert Heilbroner’s Philosophy of Economics
- A commentary on Alessandro Roncaglia’s paper: ‘Should the History of Economic Thought be Included in Undergraduate Curricula?’
- Adam Smith’s Natural Prices, the Gravitation Metaphor, and the Purposes of Nature
- From Rational Choice to Reflexivity: Learning from Sen, Keynes, Hayek, Soros, and most of all, from Darwin
- Should the History of Economic Thought be Included in Undergraduate Curricula?
- Missing Links: Hume, Smith, Kant and Economic Methodology
- Economics and the Good Life: Keynes and Schumacher
- Expectations-based Processes – An Interventionist Account of Economic Practice: Putting the Direct Practice of Economics on the Agenda of Philosophy of Economics
- Adam Smith’s Republican Moment: Lessons for Today’s Emancipatory Thought
- No Ethical Issues in Economics?
- Codes of Ethics for Economists: A Pluralist View
- Ontological Commitments of Ethics and Economics
- And the Real Butchers, Brewers and Bakers? Towards the Integration of Ethics and Economics
- Professional Economic Ethics: Why Heterodox Economists Should Care
- Forecasting, Prediction and Precision: A Commentary
- Walter Eucken on Patent Laws: Are Patents Just ‘Nonsense upon Stilts’?
- Mathematics, Science and the Cambridge Tradition
- Self-interest, Sympathy and the Invisible Hand: From Adam Smith to Market Liberalism
- An Evolutionary Efficiency Alternative to the Notion of Pareto Efficiency
- On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory
- Different Approaches to the Financial Crisis
- Richard Cantillon’s Early Monetary Views?
- Economics and Research Assessment Systems
- Mathematical Modelling and Ideology in the Economics Academy: competing explanations of the failings of the modern discipline?
- Editorial Introduction to the First Issue of Economic Thought