- Keeping the house clean: Women and germ theories in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Britain
- “The ladies in bloomers who gardened at Kew”: Pioneer professional women gardeners in late nineteenth century England
- A book review of Criticizing Science: Stephen Jay Gould and the Struggle for American Democracy by Myrna Perez. John Hopkins University Press, 2024, 288 pp, ISBN: 9781421450155, $54.95. Hardback. Also available as an e-book.
- A book review of Creationism in a South Korean Culture: Science, Religion, and the Struggle against Evolution by Hyung Wook Park. Routledge, 2024, 236 pages, ISBN: 978-1-0327-5714-8, £135.00, Hardback.
- Who’s that lady? — Applying open source intelligence in a history context
- Women’s education and career development in agriculture in Russia in the early twentieth century
- Colonial cultures of vision: How to locate a diamond in a human body
- From grandmothers to granddaughters: Generational agricultural knowledge among rural women in British Mandate Palestine
- Editorial: Care and scholarship in times of war
- ‘Lady Guardians’ of the Royal Society of Horticulture of Portugal, 1898–1906
- Government controls, non-government reactions: Private radio manufacturing and the development of amateur radio in China (1912–1949)
- Educating gender: The economic and spiritual battles over land and Mapuche children in Araucanía, Chile, 1897–1922
- Editorial: Endeavouring innovation
- Vegetable women: Agricultural education, indigenous knowledge, and becoming settlers in early twentieth century Palestine
- Gentlemen, husbandmen, and industrious wives: The role of gender in imagining Indian agriculture
- A book review of From Deep Learning to Rational Machine: What the History of Philosophy Can Teach Us about the Future of Artificial Intelligence by Cameron J. Buckner. Oxford University Press, 2024, 440pp, ISBN: 9780197653302, £22.99. Hardback.
- Horticulture as a profession for middle-class German and Austrian women, 1890–1940
- The “How” of the History of Science. A book review of Debating Contemporary Approaches to the History of Science edited by Lukas M Verburgt. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2024, 376pp, ISBN: 978-1-3503- 2622-4, £75.00. Hardback.
- An evaluation of the xenobotic cognitive project: Towards Stage 1 of xenobotic cognition
- Vocation as tragedy: Love and knowledge in the lives of the Mills, the Webers, and the Russells
- Science as a calling and as a profession: The wider setting in Weber’s scholarly endeavor
- Diogenes’ tub and the double bind of science and vocation in the late Middle Ages
- Specialists with spirit: Re-enchanting the vocation of science
- Editorial: Re-enchanting the vocation of science
- Ferryman between two cultures: The calling of a historian of science
- Physics and the quest for transcendence: A Durkheimian approach
- Virtues and vocation: An historical perspective on scientific integrity in the twenty-first century
- A Book Review of Elixir: A Story of Perfume, Science and the Search for the Secret of Life by Theresa Levitt, Basic Books, 2023, 314 pp., £20.00, and Molecular World: Making Modern Chemistry by Catherine M. Jackson, MIT Press, 2023, 444 pp., $75.00.
- Tikaram and Chandrakala Dhananjaya: A collaborative couple in mathematics from Nepal
- Marrying the radical, the conventional, and the mystical: Mathematics, gender and religion in the lives of William Kingdon and Lucy Lane Clifford
- Constructing the “home-side” of a scientific legacy: Mary Everest Boole, pedagogy, and domesticity
- Justin Garson//Madness. A Philosophical Exploration, Oxford University Press (2022). 312 pp., £ 56.00 Hardback, ISBN: 9780197613832
- Bringing the history of mathematics home: Entangled practices of domesticity, gender, and mathematical work
- History in the pub: The historiography of J.D. Wetherspoon
- The problem and probability of marriage for alumnae in Progressive Era United States
- “All manner of gymnastic evolutions” for science: Dorothea Klumpke (1861–1942) and a life in astronomical research
- John and Eliza Ware Rotch Farrar: A dual-career marriage in sickness and in health—but mostly sickness
- “On the ruins of seriality”: The scientific journal and the nature of the scientific life
- Colima volcano’s archive of observations: The invention of a geological history from Johann Mortiz Rugendas to Paul Waitz
- Long life: Aging and the anxieties of longevity from the premodern to the present
- “In the shape of a cooking pot over the fire”: Records of solar prominences in the 1180s
- The reductionism of genopolitics in the context of the relationships between biology and political science
- Why Barbie and not Oppenheimer: A Film Review of Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2023
- A Book Review of The Astronomer’s Chair: A Visual and Cultural History by Omar W. Nasim, The MIT Press, 2021, 295 pp. $60.00.
- Garland E. Allen, III (1936–2023): Endeavour editorial board member, historian of biology, activist, and mentor
- Telegraphic code for fingerprints: How justice was denied to the innovator who helped ameliorate the criminal justice system
- Escaping Nazi Germany: Jewish refugee dentists and their post-emigration careers in the United States of America
- A book review of Realism for Realistic People. A New Pragmatist Philosophy of Science by Hasok Chang. Cambridge University Press, 2022, £ 75.00 Hardback, ISBN: 9781108470384.
- Spatio-temporal patterns in the history of colonial botanical exploration in India
- A book review of The Cancer Virus Hunters: A History of Tumor Virology by Gregory J. Morgan. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022, 373 pp., $50.00.
- Francisco Sánchez and the Quaestio de certitudine mathematicarum: A sceptical approach
- Editorial: Endeavour at 80
- Rhythmic history: Towards a new research agenda for the history of health and medicine
- Fake cells and the aura of life: A philosophical diagnostic of synthetic life
- The foundations of Israel’s ongoing love affair with science
- The energy glitch: Speculative histories and quantum counterfactuals
- Public history, personal pseudohistory, and VirtHSTM
- Engineering the public-use reinforced concrete buildings of Ankara during the Early Republic of Turkey, 1923–1938
- A Book Review of Made to Order: The Designing of Animals by Margaret E. Derry. University of Toronto Press, 2022, 258 pp., $70.00.
- Neck of the woods: Microbes, memory, and resistance
- Hypersymbiotics™: An artistic reflection on the ethical and environmental implications of microbiome research and new technologies
- Microbes before microbiology: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg and Berlin’s infusoria
- Living through multispecies societies: Approaching the microbiome with Imanishi Kinji
- Introducing the microbiome: Interdisciplinary perspectives
- Looking through the microscope: Microbes as a challenge for theorising biocentrism within environmental ethics
- “Love is a microbe too”1: Microbiome dialectics
- Dis-ease and epidemics: Shock and modern-era perceptions of contagion
- Corrigendum to “‘The moon quivered like a snake’: A medieval chronicler, lunar explosions, and a puzzle for modern interpretation” [Endeavour 44(4) (2020) 100750]
- What faces reveal: Hugh Diamond’s photographic representations of mental illness
- A film review of Black Holes: The Edge of All We Know, directed by Peter Galison. Collapsar, Sandbox Films, 2020.
- Celestial and mythical origins of the citadel of Bukhara
- Searching for motives: Suicides of doctors and dentists in the Third Reich and the postwar period, 1933–1949
- Editorial: Highlighting endeavour‘s in vivo section
- The dinosaur from 600 BCE! Interpreting the dragon of Babylon, from archaeological excavation into fringe science
- A book review of Lady Ranelagh: The Incomparable Life of Robert Boyle’s Sister by Michelle DiMeo. The University of Chicago Press, 2021, 288 pp., $45.00.
- Dinosaurs tell a lot about ourselves. A book review of Lukas Rieppel’s Assembling the dinosaur: Fossil hunters, tycoons, and the making of a spectacle Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. pp. 325. Cloth $29.95.
- The playful unliving: Creativity and contingency in scientific practice
- Ivan Sokolov and his post-mortem studies of the “Hairy Woman” Julia Pastrana and her son
- A book review of The scientific method. An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey by Henry M. Cowles. Harvard University Press 2020, 384 pp., 35$.
- Animals, Vaccines, and COVID-19
- A Book Review of The Filth Disease. Typhoid Fever and the Practices of Epidemiology in Victorian England by Jacob Steere-Williams. University of Rochester Press, 2020, 340 pp., $99.
- “Even in the most insignificant publication, there must be plan and order”: On natural history as a theme and genre in Danish-Norwegian parish topographies of the late eighte enth century
- Capitalist theory and socialist practice: The organization of Chinese mathematics in the early 1950s
- Truth in numbers? Emancipation, race, and federal census statistics in the debates over Black mental health in the United States, 1840–1900
- Uncertainty and the inconvenient facts of diagnosis
- Lost and found: The Nooth apparatus
- Recommended for “frequent perusal” and “improving the science of medicine”: Benjamin Rush’s American editions and the circulation of medical knowledge in the early Republic
- Review of Irvine, D.G. Richard, in: An Anthropology of Deep Time: Geological Temporality and Social Life. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2020), 220, IBSN 9781108491112
- With strings attached: Gift-giving to the International Atomic Energy Agency and US foreign policy
- Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History, Jaipreet Virdi. University of Chicago (2020), 331 pp., $27.50
- The Real Woman behind Ammonite. The Fossil Woman: A Life of Mary Anning, Tom Sharpe, Dovecote Press, (2020). 240 pp., £20, plus 32 colour plates, ISBN 978-0-9955462-9-5
- Blind in the right eye? The practice of awarding honorary memberships by German and Austrian dental societies (1949–1993) to Nazi dentists: A study on the role of National Socialism in post-war dentistry
- A Victorian hope for aerial navigation: Argyll as a theorist of flight and the first president of the Aëronautical Society of Great Britain
- Imaginal architectural devices and the ritual space of medieval necromancy
- Burning the Books. A History of Knowledge Under Attack, Richard Ovenden. John Murray Press (2020), £15.74, 308 pages, 9781529378757
- ‘The moon quivered like a snake’: A medieval chronicler, lunar explosions, and a puzzle for modern interpretation
- German Empire historical scientific displays and the formation of the history of science discipline
- Female Husbands: A Trans History, Jen Manion. Cambridge University Press (2020), xii, 342 pp., $24.95
- Corrigendum to “Cast iron street furniture: A historical review” [Endeavour 44 (3) (2020) 100721]
- Our human quest with the Black Hole
- Linguists and their work: Epistemic and ethical challenges
- The legacy of astronaut photography: Through Astronaut Eyes: Photographing Early Human Spaceflight, Jennifer K. Levasseur, Purdue University Press (2020). 256 pp., $32.99
- Nazi Dentists on Trial: On the Political Complicity of a Long-Neglected Professional Community
- Cast iron street furniture: A review
- The Life and Science of Harold C. Urey, Matthew Shindell. The University of Chicago Press (2019), Hardback; 259 pages, price, £21.00. ISBN 13: 978-0226-66208-4
- The Seven Secluded Monkeys of Conrad Gessner
- Exploration of the Puerto Rico Trench in the mid-twentieth century: Today’s significance and relevance
- Mario Bunge (1919–2020): Physicist, philosopher, champion of science, and citizen of the world
- Work on The Principles of Geology is “interrupted,” and Charles Lyell Investigates the Nature and Formation of Loess Deposits
- “In Praise of Wool”: The development of partition chromatography and its under-appreciated impact on molecular biology
- Ethical control of innovation in a globalized and liberal world: Is good science still science?
- A new season for experimental neuroembryology: The mysterious history of Marian Lydia Shorey
- Between politics and prevention: A re-examination of China’s schistosomiasis control campaign in the 1950s
- The peacocks tale: Aesthetics after Darwin.
- Nikolai Vasilevich Sorokin and his research in botany, mycology, and microbiology at Imperial Kazan University, 1871–1901
- Microscopy and literature
- A Book Review of Vast Expanses: A History of the Oceans, Helen M. Rozwadowski. Reaktion Books (2018). 264 pp., $25.00Taking ocean History Seriously.
- Waddington, Holmyard and Alchemy: Perspectives on the Epigenetic Landscape
- The Ether Drag Show
- Books about the “Everyday,” “Ephemeral,” “Routine,” and “Household”: A New History of Science.
- A Less Ordered Future: Review of The Man Who Saw Tomorrow: The Life and Inventions of Stanford R. Ovshinsky by Lillian Hoddeson and Peter Garrett (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2018)
- Physogs: a game with consequences
- “On, onward still, by Science urged, the Endeavour speeds her way”1
- Esoteric Imperialism: The Solomonic-Theurgic Mystique of John Dee’s British Empire
- No Cold Comfort: Murder and Environmental Monsters in a Fictional Arctic Town
- Domesticated Animals on Exhibit at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1900–1928
- The “Petri” Dish: A Case of Simultaneous Invention in Bacteriology
- Opening up access to research A Film Review of Paywall: the Business of Scholarship, directed and produced by Jason Schmitt, 2018
- The Cosmos in a Cabinet: Performance, Politics, and Mechanical Philosophy in Henry Bridges’ ‘Microcosm’
- In My Tribe: What the Snouters (and Other Jokes) Reveal About Tribes in Science
- Solid State Physics as a Social Practice
- Books through space and time
- Speaking with an iPad: Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality, Meryl Alper, The MIT Press, 2017
- Sacred Body Parts: Review of Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future, Jane Draycott and Emma-Jayne Graham (Eds.), Routledge, 2017
- Beyond Mendelism: Review of Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850–1930, Staffan Müller-Wille and Christina Brandt (Eds.), The MIT Press, 2016.
- Glücksmaschinen und Maschinenglück: Grundlagen einer Technik- und Kulturgeschichte des technisierten Spiels, Stefan Poser, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2016, 404 pp. ISBN: 978-3-8376-3610-9 (print)
- Miracle near 34th street: Wartime Penicillin Research at St John’s University, NY
- Soviet scientists in chinese institutes: A historical study of cooperation between the two academies of sciences in 1950s
- Between republicans and freemasons: A lost zoological collection found in a very particular school
- Tools of Reason: The Practice of Scientific Diagramming from Antiquity to the Present
- Let the Diagram Speak: Compass Arcs and Visual Auxiliaries in Printed Diagrams of Euclid’s Elements
- The Proof Is in the Diagram: Liu Yi and the Graphical Writing of Algebraic Equations in Eleventh-Century China
- The Multiple and Lively Souls of Space Science in the Arab World
- Graph-algebras—Faithful representations and mediating objects in mathematics
- Cook’s Voyages to the Pacific after 250 years. Exhibition review of James Cook: The Voyages, at the British Library, London. April–August 2018. British Library, £14.00
- A Portrait of the Naturalist as a Young Man
- On the Stories Told by Indicator Diagrams and Carnot Diagrams
- Tools for Thought: The Case of Mathematics
- Projecting Nature: Agostino Scilla’s Seventeenth-Century Fossil Drawings
- Diagramming Evolution: The Case of Darwin’s Trees
- Audacious Psyche: Visualizing Evolution in John Pringle Nichol’s Romantic Universe
- The Parliament that Science Built: Credibility, Architecture, and Britain’s Palace of Westminster
- “Agent of Empire: Gaming with Imperialism in No Man’s Sky” (Hello Games, 2016): Review of No Man’s Sky. By Sean Murray, Grant Duncan, Ryan Doyle, and David Ream. Video Game. Guildford, UK: Hello Games, 2016.
- Polar expeditions and the quest for celebrity
- Why the history of public consultation matters for contemporary health policy
- Far from the Lonely Crowd: The Trenchant Techno-Cynicism of Mr. Robot
- A Collection of Brain Sections of “Euthanasia” Victims: The Series H of Julius Hallervorden
- From Moneyball to Concussion: Sports and the Cultural Reception of Expertise.
- On the Importance of the Imaginative Forward Glance
- Reading the past by firelight
- Crozier’s penguin: An object history of maritime and museum science
- Why the History of Public Consultation Matters for Contemporary Health Policy
- Soviet scientists in Chinese institutes: A historical study of cooperation between the two academies of sciences in 1950s
- The South Asian Origins of the Global Network to Eradicate Blindness: WHO, NGOs, and Decentralization
- Exhibit review: “Artist Soldiers: Artistic Expression in the First World War” at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- Hacking together a new biology
- “Agent of Empire: Gaming with Imperialism in No Man’s Sky” (Hello Games, 2016): Review of No Man’s Sky. By Sean Murray, Grant Duncan, Ryan Doyle, and David Ream. Video Game. Guildford, UK: Hello Games, 2016.
- Saving the Birds: Oliver L. Austin’s Collaboration with Japanese Scientists in Revising Wildlife Policies in US-Occupied Japan, 1946–1950
- Rethinking our “Dirty” Devices
- Toothless
- Miracle near 34th street: Wartime penicillin research at St John’s University, NY
- Glücksmaschinen und Maschinenglück: Grundlagen einer Technik- und Kulturgeschichte des technisierten Spiels, Stefan Poser, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2016, 404 pp. ISBN: 978-3-8376-3610-9 (print)
- Far from the Lonely Crowd
- From Moneyball to Concussion: Sports and the Cultural Reception of Expertise.
- Beyond Mendelism: Review of Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850–1930, Staffan Müller-Wille, Christina Brandt (Eds.). The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2016).
- Grassroots Technological Resistance: The People’s Power Project and the Impossible Dream of Wireless Transmission of Energy
- Manufacturing in the Eye of the Storm:Shen Hong and the Nine Great Installations Project during China’s Cultural Revolution
- Hua Loo-Keng’s Popularization of Mathematics and the Cultural Revolution
- Making Breakthroughs in the Turbulent Decade: China’s Space Technology during the Cultural Revolution
- Despite or due to the Cultural Revolution: The development of Chinese science, technology, and medicine in the 1960s and 1970s
- Speaking with an IPad: Review of Giving voice: mobile communication, disability, and inequality, Meryl Alper, The MIT Press, 2017
- Rosettes, Engrailed Edges, and Star-Shaped Patterns: Between Rediscovery and Forgetfulness in the Early Accounts of Vibrating Liquid Drops Floating over Hot Surfaces
- Barefoot Doctors and the “Health Care Revolution” in Rural China: A Study Centered on Shandong Province
- Artemisinin and Chinese medicine as Tu science
- Sacred Body Parts: Review of Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future, Jane Draycott and Emma-Jayne Graham (Eds.), Routledge, 2017
- St. George Mivart as Popularizer of Zoology in Britain and America, 1869–1881
- Yuan Longping, hybrid rice, and the meaning of science in the cultural revolution and beyond
- A collection of brain sections of “euthanasia” victims: The Series H of Julius Hallervorden
- Exploration and Engineering: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Quest for Mars, Erik M. Conway, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015, 405 p, $32.95, ISBN 978-1-4214-2122-3
- The magical revolution
- Making Hawai’i’s Place: A review of The World and All the Things Upon It: Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration, David A. Chang, University of Minnesota Press, 2016, $27.00 (paper), 344 pages, ISBN: 978-0-8166-9942-1
- How do a thousand physicists decide if something is for real? Review of Gravity’s Kiss: The Detection of Gravitational Waves, Harry Collins, MIT Press, Cambridge, MASS (2017). vi + 408. Illus., Tables, Graphics, Appendices, Index. $29.95 cloth
- A Brief History of Mathematical Thought, Luke Heaton, Robinson, London, 2015; Oxford University Press, New York, 2017
- ‘The Persistence of a Delusion’: Review of Conversations and Controversies in the Scientific Study of Religion: Collaborative and Co-authored Essays by Luther H. Martin and Donald Wiebe, edited by Luther H. Martin and Donald Wiebe (Brill, 2016)
- Africanizing Technology: Review of Transient Workspaces: Technologies of Everyday Innovation in Zimbabwe, by Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, The MIT Press, 2014
- Botanists in Lithuania during the Michurinist Campaign
- The Black Death, Zombies and How We Remember the Dead: Review of Death in Medieval Europe: Death Scripted and Death Choreographed, ed. Joëlle Rollo-Koster, Routledge, 2017, 242 pp.
- Reconsidering drone warfare
- On the importance of the imaginative forward glance
- Feeding Fear: Review of Consumed (MarVista Entertainment and Mister Lister Film, 2015).
- The Lost Worlds of Messmore & Damon
- Introducing In Vivo
- Gender identity and the politics of etiology
- The turn toward toxins: an essay review
- Serving at the pleasure of the state: Review of Scientists at War: The Ethics of Cold War Weapons Research, Sarah Bridger, Harvard University Press, 2015
- To understand this, let us step back in history: Review of A Remarkable Journey: The Story of Evolution, R. Paul Thompson, University of Chicago Press, 2015
- From forensic toxicology to biological chemistry: Normal arsenic and the hazards of sensitivity during the nineteenth century
- Imagining Anthropocene Futures: Review of The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi, Vintage Books, New York, 2015; and The Wind Up Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi, Nightshade Books, New York, 2009.
- Borrowing Physics’ “Epistemological Credit Card”: Review of Physics Envy: American Poetry and Science in the Cold War and After. Peter Middleton, University of Chicago Press, 2015
- Civilization VI and its Discontents: Review of Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (2016)
- Risky Business: Review of The Knick, Cinemax Original Television Series, Season 1, 2014
- Contents
- Determining Nuclear Fingerprints: Glove Boxes, Radiation Protection, and the International Atomic Energy Agency
- Arrival: The Circle of Life?: Review of Arrival, Denis Villeneuve, Paramount Pictures, 2016 (116minutes)
- La Moisissure et la Bactérie: Deconstructing the fable of the discovery of penicillin by Ernest Duchesne
- Knowing By Number: Learning Math for Thinking Well
- Never pure: Review of Masterminding Nature: The Breeding of Animals, 1740–2010, by Margaret E. Derry, University of Toronto Press, 2015
- Process and Impact of Niels Bohr’s Visit to Japan and China in 1937: A Comparative Perspective
- Living in a Toxic World, 1800–2000
- Was Queen Jane Seymour (1509–1537) Delivered by a Cesarean Section?
- The waste crisis in Campania, South Italy: a historical perspective on an epidemiological controversy
- Darwin’s Body-Snatchers?
- Getting the question right: Review of Alfred Wegener: Science, Exploration, and the Theory of Continental Drift, Mott T. Greene, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015
- Review of Women in Science: The Stories Are All Around Us at University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Technologies of Distance: Review of “Eye in the Sky” (Raindog Films and Entertainment One Features, 2015).
- Prisoners of Solitude: Bringing History to Bear on Prison Health Policy
- Strategies of Containment: Containment (2015), A film by Peter Galison and Robb Moss.
- Clinical dimensions of a ‘biological concept’: transsexualism and the interplay between etiological theory and clinical therapy
- Science with a British Accent: Review of Making Nature: The History of a Scientific Journal, Melinda Baldwin, University of Chicago Press, 2015
- CO2, the greenhouse effect and global warming: from the pioneering work of Arrhenius and Callendar to today’s Earth System Models
- Science for the Masses: Review of Life on Display: Revolutionizing U. S. Museums of Science and Natural History in the Twentieth Century by Karen A. Rader and Victoria E. M. Cain, University of Chicago Press, 2014
- The hidden microworld of J.T. Quekett
- From Precaution to Peril: Public Relations Across Forty Years of Genetic Engineering
- Gaining control over archeological data and time: Review of The Great Paleolithic War: How Science Forged an Understanding of America’s Ice Age Past, by David J. Meltzer, University of Chicago Press, 2015
- Special Issue Introduction: Science in the Public Eye
- The Ascent of Man and the Politics of Humanity’s Evolutionary Future
- Governing the toxics and the pollutants. France, Great Britain, 1750–1850
- Garrett Hardin’s Tragic Sense of Life
- The childhood lead poisoning epidemic in historical perspective
- Stephen Jay Gould and the Value of Neutrality of Science During the Cold War
- Toxic confusion: the dilemma of antibiotic regulation in West German food production (1951–1990)
- The “Make Love, Not War” Ape: Bonobos and Late Twentieth-Century Explanations for War and Peace
- The Missing Skull – Professor Lundborg and the mismeasure of grandma
- The Forgotten Fossil: The Wild Homo calpicus of Gibraltar
- Dreams of a super collider: Review of Tunnel Visions: The Rise and Fall of the Superconducting Supercollider by Michael Riordan, Lillian Hoddeson, and Adrienne W. Kolb, University of Chicago Press, 2015
- Misanthropocene: Review of Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Donna Haraway, Duke University Press, 2016