- Unpacking the Linkages Between Structural Violence and the Climate Crisis
- The Aristotelian Strain in Modern Environmental Virtue Ethics – Some Challenges and Some Underexplored Opportunities
- Hargrove’s Ontological Argument for the Aesthetic Foundation of Wilderness Preservation – Comment from a Chinese Philosophical Perspective
- Weak Anthropocentrism’s Future
- Karen Warren, Social Dominance, and Connection to Nature
- Environmental Ethics Down on the Farm – Hargrove’s Weak Anthropocentrism and the “Agricultural Blindspot”
- Setting a Permissible Target for Carbon Dioxide Removal
- A Response to Three Discussions of My Professional Work and Thought
- Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò: Reconsidering Reparations
- Replying to Comments on Mobilizing Hope
- Ben Almassi, Reparative Environmental Justice in a World of Wounds
- Comments on Darrel Moellendorf, Mobilizing Hope
- Hope, Wish, and Pessimism in Moellendorf’s Mobilizing Hope
- Moellendorf on Hope, Poverty, and Climate Change
- Poverty, Growth, and the Environment
- A Basis for Biocentric Equality?
- The Idea of Equality in Environmental Ethics
- Nature’s Intrinsic Value – A Taxonomy
- Alda Balthrop-Lewis. Thoreau’s Religion: Walden Woods, Social Justice, and the Politics of Asceticism
- Comments on Moellendorf’s Mobilizing Hope
- Property and “le Propre” – Limits, Law, and a New Naturalism with Michel Serres
- Biodiversity and the Digital Transformation – Rethinking Private Property and Global Governance in the Twenty-first Century
- The Problematic Rationality of Private Property Rights – Concerning the “Private” and the “Common”
- A Response to Rut Vinterkvist
- The Nature of Property – Locke and Labor in the Anthropocene
- A Possibility for Environmentalists to Deny Intrinsic Value in Nature – A Reply to Lars Samuelsson
- Matto Mildenberger. Carbon Captured: How Business and Labor Control Climate Politics
- Martha Nussbaum. Justice For Animals: Our Collective Responsibility
- Guest Editors’ Introduction – Private Property Against the Environment?
- Of Mammoths and Megalomaniacs
- Statement of Ownership
- Back to the Future – Retrospectivity, Recovery, and Nostalgia in Rewilding
- Should We Blow Up a Pipeline? – Ecotage as Other-Defense
- Flying from History, Too Close to the Sun – The Anxious, Jubilant Futurism of Contemporary “Age of Man” Environmentalism
- Colonialism, Environmental Policy, and Epistemic Injustice
- Referees 2023
- Index to Volume 45
- Guest Editors’ Introduction to the 2022 ISEE Special Issue
- What We Owe to Animals – Recognizing Animals’ Negative Rights by Making Contractualism Inclusive
- Contributory Reasons For and Against Procreation – Reply to Grill
- Procreation vs. Consumption – Harms and Benefits
- Procreation and Consumption in the Real World
- The Trouble of Rocks and Waters – On the (Im)Possibility of a Buddhist Environmental Ethic
- Evolution Is Not Good
- Simon James. How Nature Matters: Culture, Identity, and Environmental Value
- Anna Wienhues. Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings Their Due
- Six Trees – Thinking along a Spectrum to Escape a Dark Wood
- Ndu-Mmili-Ndu-Azu (“Live-and-Let-Live”) – Ekwealo’s Version of Environmental Ethics
- Whose Fault Is It? – An Account of Complicity in Unstructured Collective Harms
- Thomistic Environmental Ethics – God’s Artistic Property
- Jeff Sebo. Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animal Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophes
- Holly Jean Buck. After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and Restoration
- Tragic Moral Conflict in Endangered Species Recovery
- From the Utopia of Sustainable Development to Sustainable Topoi
- Scientific Knowledge and Art in the Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature
- An Ecological Conception of Personhood
- John Töns. John Rawls and Environmental Justice: Implementing a Sustainable and Socially Just Future
- Éric Pommier. La démocratie environnementale: Préserver notre part de nature
- Emma Marris, Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World
- Matthew Gandy, Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space
- Jason Kawall, ed. The Virtues of Sustainability
- Alex Schafran, Mathew Noah Smith, and Stephen Hall. The Spatial Contract: A New Politics of Provision for an Urbanized Planet
- NDN Collective Climate Justice Campaign, editor. Required Reading: Climate Justice, Adaptation and Investing in Indigenous Power
- Wild Animal Protectorates
- Population Ethics and Animal Farming
- Towards A Multispecies Population Ethics – A Sufficientarian Approach
- Identification and Alienation in the Anthropocene – Arne Næss, Simon Hailwood, and the Plastic Whale
- Index to Volume 44
- Referees 2022
- The Cost of Denying Intrinsic Value in Nature
- Astroethics and the Non-Fungibility Thesis
- Religion and the Possibility of a Materialist Environmental Ethic
- The Anthropocene as the End of Nature? – Why Recognizing Interventionism Is Key in Coming to Terms with the Anthropocene
- Guest Editors’ Introduction to the 2021 ISEE Special Issue
- Authenticity Beyond the Anthropocene – Self-realization and Symbiosis in Naess and Watsuji
- Otherness-based Reasons for the Protection of (Bio)Diversity
- Empathy for Plants
- Are People Part of Nature? Yes and No – A Perspectival Account of the Concept of ‘Nature’
- Emmanuel Kreike. Scorched Earth: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature
- Peter Dauvergne. AI in the Wild: Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- Kelly A. Parker and Heather E. Keith. Pragmatism and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience
- Notes from the Editor
- Jennie C. Stephens. Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership On Climate and Energy
- Editors’ Introduction to the 2020 ISEE Special Issue
- Infringing upon Environmental Autonomy with the Aim of Enabling It
- Climate Legacy – A Newish Concept for the Climate Crisis
- Covert Animal Rescue – Civil Disobedience or Subrevolution?
- Thomas Nail. Theory of the Earth
- Climate Change Injustice
- Stan Cox. The Green New Deal and Beyond: Ending the Climate Emergency while We Still Can
- Referees 2021
- Strong Sustainability Ethics
- Desert-Adjusted Utilitarianism, People, and Animals
- Why Environmental Philosophers Should Be “Buck-Passers” about Value
- Grounding Responsibility to Future Generations from a Kantian Standpoint
- Steve Vanderheiden. Environmental Political Theory
- Christian Diehm. Connection to Nature, Deep Ecology, and Conservation Social Science: Human-Nature Bonding and Protecting the Natural World
- John Lauritz Larson. Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation in Early America
- Justice and Ecocide – A Rawlsian Account
- Reciprocity as an Environmental Virtue
- Africapitalism, Ubuntu, and Sustainability
- J. Michael Scott, John A. Wiens, Beatrice Van Horne, and Dale D. Goble. Shepherding Nature: The Challenge of Conservation Reliance
- John Cage, Henry David Thoreau, Wild Nature, Humility, and Music
- David Kaplan. Food Philosophy: An Introduction
- Lori Gruen, ed. Critical Terms for Animal Studies
- Nourishing Bonds – The Ethics and Ecology of Nursing
- Virtue Ethics and the Trilemma Facing Sentiocentrism – Questioning Impartiality in Environmental Ethics
- Radical Virtue and Climate Action
- Paul Wapner. Is Wildness Over?
- Plato’s Anthropocentrism Reconsidered
- Trevor Hedberg. The Environmental Impact of Overpopulation: The Ethics of Procreation
- Akeel Bilgrami, ed. Nature and Value
- Jonathan A. Newman, Gary Varner, and Stefan Linquist. Defending Biodiversity: Environmental Science and Ethics
- Kelly Struthers Montford and Chloë Taylor, eds. Colonialism and Animality: Anti-Colonial Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies
- Stephanie Wakefield. Anthropocene Back Loop: Experimentation in Unsafe Operating Space
- Partha Dasgupta: Time and the Generations: Population Ethics for a Diminishing Planet
- Integrity and Agency: Negotiating New Forms of Human-Nature Relations in Biotechnology
- The Ecological Ethics of Nordic Children’s Tales – From Pippi Longstocking to Greta Thunberg
- The Personal Responsibility to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
- Harm, Responsibility, and the Far-off Impacts of Climate Change
- Index for 2020
- Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa. Esthétique de la charogne
- Referees 2020
- How Can We Know Wai-Horotiu—A Buried River? Cross-cultural Ethics and Civic Art
- Christine M. Korsgaard. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals
- Reclaiming Rainmaking from Damming Epistemologies – Indigenous Resistance to Settler Colonial Contributory Injustice
- Metaphorical and Literal Groundings – Unsettling Groundless Normativity in Environmental Ethics
- Un-Settling Species Concepts through Indigenous Knowledge – Implications for Ethics and Science
- Predators and Pests – Settler Colonialism and the Animalization of Native Americans
- Settler Colonialism and Environmental Ethics
- A Final Word or Two
- Wilderness Spirit and Ecological Self in the Vision of Ecopsychology
- Wilderness in Ancient Chinese Landscape Painting
- Cultural Roots for the Evolution of Wilderness and the Anxieties of Urban Living
- The Re-Enchantment of Wilderness and Urban Aesthetics
- Nature, Wilderness, and Supreme Goodness – A Comparative Study of Transcendentalism and Confucianism
- The Paradigm of the Wild, Cultural Diversity, and Chinese Environmentalism – A Response to Holmes Rolston, III
- Nature, Wilderness, and Civilization – Perspectives from Chinese Scholars
- Conservation Floors and Degradation Ceilings – A Justificatory Architecture for Constraints in U.S. Environmental Policy
- Territorial Instability and the Right to a Livable Locality
- Not the Same Old Chestnut – Rewilding Forests with Biotechnology
- Discussing Harm without Harming – Disability and Environmental Justice
- No Intrinsic Value? No Problem – Why Nature Can Still Be Valuable for Its Own Sake
- Beyond the Anthropocentrism Debate – An Adaptive History of Environmental Ethics
- Adapting Environmental Ethics to Rapid, Anthropogenic, and Global Ecological Change – Introduction to the Special Issue
- John Basl: The Death of the Ethic of Life
- Gorillas in the Midst (of a Moral Conundrum)
- Chinese Environmental Ethics and Whitehead’s Philosophy
- Abiotic Ecosystems? – A Critical Examination of Arthur Tansley’s Ecosystem Definition
- Transforming Genius into Practical Power – Muir, Emerson, and the Politics of Character
- Adaptation, Transformation, and Development – Environmental Change and the Rethinking of the Human Good
- The Beginning of a New Beginning
- Ricardo Rozzi y colaboradores, Guía Multiétnica de Aves de los Bosques Templados de Sudamérica Austral
- Clímax: Biología y Ética en la Restauración Ambiental
- Aimé Bonpland – Una Ética de la Tierra en la Cuenca del Río La Plata
- Justicia Ambiental Intergeneracional y el Problema de la No-Identidad – Un Enfoque Kantiano
- “Una Vida Digna de Ser Llamada Humana” – La Actualidad de la Máxima de Hans Jonas
- El Problema de la Democracia Ambiental – Responsabilidad y Deliberación
- Profundidad, Ecología y el Movimiento de la Ecología Profunda – la Propuesta de Arne Næss Para el Futuro
- Diálogos Intercontinentales Colaborativos – desde un Necroceno hacia un Bioceno
- ¡Chovinismo Taxonómico, No Más! – Antídotos de Hume, Darwin y la Ética Biocultural
- ¿Ecocidio o Autodestrucción Ambiental?
- ¿Deberíamos Usar la Ingeniería Genética para Salvar Especies?
- Motivación o Primeros Pasos Hacia una Convención Constitucional Global Para las Generaciones Futuras
- Introducción al Número Especial
- Filosofias Ambientales – Diálogos Inter-continentales
- Noticias
- Daniel Edward Callies: Climate Engineering: A Normative Perspective
- Benjamin Hale: The Wild and the Wicked: On Nature and Human Nature
- Taxonomic Chauvinism, No More! – Antidotes from Hume, Darwin, and Biocultural Ethics
- Ecocide or Environmental Self-Destruction?
- Should We Engineer Species in Order to Save Them?
- Motivating (or Baby-Stepping Toward) a Global Constitutional Convention for Future Generation
- Environmental Philosophies’ Inter-Continental Dialogues
- Introduction to this Special Issue
- Donna Haraway: Staying with the Trouble: Makng Kin in the Chthulucene
- Eileen Crist: Abundant Earth: Toward an Ecological Civilization
- Existence Value, Preference Satisfaction, and the Ethics of Species Extinction
- James S. J. Schwartz and Tony Milligan, eds.: The Ethics of Space Exploration
- Human Edibility, Ecological Embodiment – Plumwood and Levinas
- Problem Animals
- Nature’s Indifference
- Is There Common Ground between Anthropocentrists and Nonanthropocentrists?
- Stephen Cohen: The Sustainable City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier
- T. J. Kasperbauer: Subhuman: The Moral Psychology of Human Attitudes to Animals
- Artifacts and the Limitations of Moral Considerability
- Kant, Chakrabarty, and the Crises of the Anthropocene
- Matthias Fritsch: Taking Turns with the Earth: Phenomenology, Deconstruction and Intergenerational Justice
- Tetsuro Watsuji’s Milieu and Intergenerational Environmental Ethics
- Laudato Si, Marx, and a Human Motivation for Addressing Climate Change
- Natural Meanings and Cultural Values
- Index for 2018
- David Naguib Pellow: What is Critical Environmental Justice?
- Referees 2018
- Svetozar Y. Minkov and Bernhardt L. Trout, eds.: Mastery of Nature: Promises and Prospects
- How Must I Explain to the Dolphins? – An Intersectional Approach to Theorizing the Epistemology of Climate Uncertainty
- Ratiocentrism, Intrinsic Value, and the Moral Status of the Nonhuman Natural World – A Reflection on Kant’s Categorial Imperative
- Gender, Agriculture, and Climate Policy in Ghana
- Paradigm Shifts of the African Worldview – Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Education
- Cultural Ethics and Social Mediation of Environmental Action and Use of Space in Nigeria
- Environmental Philosophy in African Traditions of Thought
- From the Guest Editors
- Angela Kallhoff, Marcello Di Paola, and Maria Schörgenhumer, eds.: Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications
- Breena Holland: Allocating the Earth: A Distributional Framework for Protecting Environmental Capabilities in Environmental Law and Policy
- J. Baird Callicott, John van Buren, and Keith W. Brown: Greek Natural Philosophy: The Presocratics and Their Importance for Environmental Philosophy
- Aldo Leopold’s “Great Possessions”
- Have You Benefitted from Carbon Emissions? You May Be a “Morally Objectionable Free Rider”
- A Cartesian Approach to Environmental Ethics
- Do Species Really Matter? – The Case of “The” Galápagos Giant Tortoise
- Place, Commuity, and the Generation of Ecological Autonomy
- The Oppression of Nonhuman Life – An Analysis Using the Lens of Karen Warren’s Work
- Environmental Humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene
- The Synthetic Age: Outdesigning Evolution, Resurrecting Species, and Reengingeering our World
- Walking Away from Chaco Canyon – Gift-Giving, Trust, and Environmental Decision Making in a Pre-State Urban Society
- Urban Agriculture, Uneven Development, and Gentrification in Portland, Oregon
- Cohousing, Environmental Justice, and Urban Sustainability
- Urban Wildlife Ethics – Beyond “Parallel Planes”
- Nonhuman Climate Refugees – The Role that Urban Communities Should Play in Ensuring Ecological Resilience
- Philosophy of the City and Environmental Ethics
- Autonomous Nature: Problems of Prediction and Control from Ancient Times to the Scientific Revolution
- Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications
- From Intrinsic Value to the Emotion of Wonder – The Paradigm Shift in the Construction of Chinese Environmental Ethics
- Why Does a Human, a Mammal, Have to Drink Milk of a Cow, Another Mammal?
- Confucian Cosmological Life and its Eco-Philosophical Implications
- Zhuangzi’s Ecological Politics – An Integration of Humanity, Nature, and Power
- From the Guest Editor – Environmental Thought in China
- The Intellectual Features and Cultural Backgrounds of Modern Environmental Ethics in China
- From the Editor – This and That
- Piano Tide: A Novel
- Rethinking Wilderness
- Referees 2017
- The Seasons Alter: How to Save Our Planet in Six Acts
- China’s Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future
- Coastal Conservation – Striking the Mind and the Eye
- The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics
- The Evolution of Altruism and its Significance for Environmental Ethics
- Good Ecological Work – A Normative Account of Work for Novel Ecosystems
- Discourse-Theoretic Democracy and the Problem of Free-Riding in Global Climate-Change Mitigation
- Understanding the Impact of the Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act (AETA) on Animal Advocacy
- Debating Climate Ethics
- How Many is Too Many?
- Beyond Technological Nihilism – Reinterpreting Heidegger in Environmental Philosophy
- Pachasophy: Landscape Ethics in the Central Andes Mountains of South America
- A New Way of Valuing Nature – Articulating Biomimicry and Ecosystem Services
- The Future of Meat without Animals
- Animal Suffering in Nature – The Case for Intervention
- Tribute for Professor Victoria Davion
- Pope Francis’ Integral Ecology and Environmentalism for the Poor
- Reply to Philip Cafaro on Border Walls Gone Green
- Hans Jonas – Bridging the Gap between Environmental Justice and Environmental Ethics
- Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy
- Can Chinese Philosophy Embrace Wilderness?
- On Moral Prioritization in Environmental Ethics – Weak Anthropocentrism for the City
- Rejecting Amanda Machin’s Complacent Democracy
- The Virtues of Gardening – A Relational Account of Environmental Virtues
- The Early Nietzsche’s Alleged Anthropocentrism
- Political Animals and Animal Politics
- The Structural Links between Ecology, Evolution, and Ethics
- Border Walls Gone Green: Nature and Anti-Immigrant Politics in America
- A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism
- Restoring Layered Landscapes: History, Ecology, and Culture
- The Ethics of Climate Governance
- The Anthropocene Project: Virtue in an Age of Climate Change
- The Ethics of Animal Beauty
- Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management
- Climate Change and Common-Sense Moral Responsibility
- Climate Change—Do I Make a Difference?
- Applying the Capabilities Approach to Ecosystems – Resilience as Ecosystem Capability
- From Anthropocentric to the Abiotic – Environmental Ethics and Values in the Antarctic Wilderness
- Index for 2016
- Referees 2016
- Religion and Sustainability: Social Movements and the Politics of the Environment
- Thinking like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy after the End of Nature
- The Religious Right’s Compassionate Steward and Conservationist – The Lost Philosophies of Pat Robertson
- Sustainable Values, Sustainable Change: A Guide to Environmental Decision Making
- Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis a Good Thing?
- Engaging the Sublime without Distance – Environmental Ethics and Aesthetic Experience
- Thinking the Earth – Critical Reflections on Quentin Meillassoux’s and Heidegger’s Concept of the Earth
- Individual Responsibility for Environmental Degradation – The Moral and Practical Route to Change
- Toward a Broadened Ethical Pluralism in Environmental Ethics – From Bryan Norton’s Discursive Ethics to William James’ Experiential Pluralism
- Leopold’s Land Ethic in the Sundarbans – A Phenomenological Approach
- The Wisdom of Frugality: Why Less is More—More or Less
- Emplotting Virtue: A Narrative Approach to Environmental Virtue Ethics
- Global Distributive Justice – An Environmental Perspective
- Nothing Really Matters – Jean-Paul Sartre, Negation, and Nature
- Environmental Pragmatism, Community Values, and the Problem of Reprehensible Implications
- The Case for Casuistry in Environmental Ethics
- Imprudence and Intergenerational Injustice – The Ongoing Vices of Opting for Nuclear Fueled Electricity
- News and Notes