- Cybernetic or Machinic Ecology? Guattari’s Parting Ways with Bateson
- Kantian Animal Ethics, Deep Dignity, and the Moral Game
- Introductory Notes to the Spring 2024 Issue of Environmental Philosophy
- Experiencing a Garden
- Fostering Ecocentric Subjects – Self-Rewilding as a Potential Path to Overcome Nature Detachment and Achieve Ecological Rewilding
- Tilo Wesche. Die Rechte der Natur: Vom nachhaltigen Eigentum
- Nina Lykke. Vibrant Death: A Posthuman Phenomenology of Mourning
- Cameron Fioret. The Ethics of Water: From Commodification to Common Ownership
- Nancy Tuana. Racial Climates, Ecological Indifference: An Ecointersectional Analysis
- On The Concept of Independent Nature
- Of Imaginaries, Places, and Fences
- On the Dubious Merit of Ontologizing Bohr – Reading Barad (Diffractively) with Merleau-Ponty
- From the Dialectic of Power to the Posthumanist Sublime – Rereading Kant in a Time of Climate Catastrophe
- The Existential Threat of Climate Change – From Climate Anxiety to Post-Nihilist Politics
- Dalia Nassar. Romantic Empiricism – Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt
- Zoltán Boldizsár Simon. The Epochal Event – Transformations in the Entangled Human, Technological, and Natural Worlds
- Simon P. James. How Nature Matters – Culture, Identity and Environmental Value
- Luke Fischer and David Macauley, eds. The Seasons: Philosophical, Literary, and Environmental Perspectives
- Henry Dicks. The Biomimicry Revolution – Learning from Nature How to Inhabit the Earth
- Dipesh Chakrabarty. One Planet, Many Worlds – The Climate Parallax
- Loving Orphaned Space: The Art and Science of Belonging to Earth
- A Black Forest Walden – Conversations with Henry David Thoreau and Marlonbrando
- Wild Diplomacy: Cohabiting with Wolves on a New Ontological Map
- Thinking Like an Iceberg
- Ways of Being Alive
- Melancholic Joy: On Life Worth Living
- The Imaginary of Animals
- Naturalizing Value and Hegel’s Notion of the Impotence of Nature
- Animal Revolution
- A Hegelian Perspective on Nature Recognition
- Environmental Philosophy, Esotericism, and Disenchantment – A Comment on Sean McGrath’s Ecophilosophy
- Adorno on the Possibility of Nature
- Indigenous Eco-Apocalypticism – Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert’s The Falling Sky
- Becoming-Bonsai, Becoming-Carer
- Blue Architecture: Water, Design, and Environmental Futures
- Decolonial Ecology: Thinking from the Caribbean World
- Contesting Extinctions: Decolonial and Regenerative Futures
- Environment and Belief Systems
- Wonder and Politics in the Anthropocene: Beyond Curiosity and Reverence
- Splitting the Planet? A Conversation across Differences
- The Earth System, Justice, and Governance in a Planetary Age – Engaging a Social Turn
- The Planetary Sublime – (Part II of The Problem of an Unloving World)
- Institutional Reflexivity when Facing the Planetary: An Interview
- We Have Always Been Planetary
- Fables for the Anthropocene: Illuminating Other Stories for Being Human in an Age of Planetary Turmoil
- Holographic Ethics for Intergenerational Justice – Planetary Politics through the Prism
- Solutions for Whom and by Whom? – Environmental Norms and Intersectional Decoloniality
- The Lesser Number: On Action and Geoengineering
- Practicing Positive Aesthetics
- Listening to Nature’s Voices: Human and Animal Autonomy in Hegel
- Thinking in Crisis: Towards an Ethics of Speculation?
- Metamorphoses
- How to Think about the Climate Crisis: A Philosophical Guide to Saner Ways of Living
- On the Animal Trail
- Eating the Good: Plumwood’s Trophic Extensionism
- The Wake of Crows: Living and Dying in Shared Worlds
- Symbioculture: A Kinship-Based Conception of Sustainable Food Systems
- A World Otherwise: Environmental Praxis in Minamata
- Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought
- In Praise of Risk
- Capitalism on Edge: How Fighting Precarity Can Achieve Radical Change Without Crisis or Utopia
- The Kingdom and the Garden
- Unacceptable Agency – Part I of The Problem of an Unloving World
- Three Criteria for Environmental Authenticity – A Response to the Simulation Problem
- Notes on Miki Kiyoshi’s Anthropological Humanism and Environmental Ethics
- From Biomimicry to Biosophia – Ecologies of Technology in Benyus, Oxman, Fisch, and Merleau-Ponty
- E-Co-Affectivity: Exploring Pathos at Life’s Material Interfaces
- A World Not Made for Us: Topics in Critical Environmental Philosophy.
- Living Earth Community: Multiple Ways of Being and Knowing
- How Do Houses Make the Political Possible?
- The Power of the Periphery: How Norway Became an Environmental Pioneer for the World
- Tracks: A Material Phenomenology of the Road
- Kant’s Pre-critical Ontology and Environmental Philosophy
- The Usefulness of Uselessness for Conservation in the Ways of Zhuangzi
- Temporal Ontology in Ecology – Developing an Ecological Awareness Through Time, Temporality and the Past-present Parallax
- Climate Justice for the Dead and the Dying – When Past-Oriented Environmentalism Isn’t Enough
- A Phenomenology of the Ground – Or, Notes on the Fallacy of Un-Earth-ing Philosophy
- Ashish Kothari, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta, eds. Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary
- How Plants Live – Individuality, Activity, and Self
- The Uncanny Wonder of Being Edible to Ticks
- Climate Change and the Historicity of Nature in Hegel, Nishida, and Watsuji
- Animating the Inanimate—A Deconstructive-Phenomenological Account of Animism
- Corine Pelluchon. Nourishment: A Philosophy of the Political Body
- Carlo Alvaro. Raw Veganism: The Philosophy of the Human Diet
- A Heideggerian Analysis of Renewable Energy and The Electric Grid – Converting Nature to Standing Reserve
- Frédéric Neyrat. The Unconstructable Earth: An Ecology of Separation
- David Wood. Reoccupy Earth: Notes Toward An Other Beginning
- Kelly A. Parker and Heather E. Keith, eds. Pragmatist and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience
- From a Lifeboat Ethic to Anthropocenean Sensibilities
- Motivating a “Thinkable Politics” – A Critical Phenomenology of Climate Response
- Not all Humans – Radical Criticism of the Anthropocene Narrative
- Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change – Humanistic Explorations of Cultural Resilience
- How Could We Rescue the World Today?
- Being in the Anthropocene – World Appropriation in the Age of Global Warming
- What Needs to Change in Our Thinking about Climate Change (and about Thinking)
- Anthropocenic Temporalities – The Time of the End and the End of Time
- Is There Something Wrong With the Task of Thinking?
- Steven Davis. In Defense of Public Lands: The Case against Privatization and Transfer
- David Farrier. Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones, and Extinction
- Thinking Ecologically, Knowing Responsibly
- Climate Change and the Task of Thinking
- David W. Johnson. Watsuji on Nature: Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger
- Nicholas Shrubsole. What Has No Place, Remains: The Challenges for Indigenous Religious Freedom in Canada Today
- Working the Biosphere – Towards an Environmental Philosophy of Work
- Listening to the Salmon – Latour’s Gaia, Aboriginal Thinking, and the Earth Community
- E-Co-Affectivity Beyond the Anthropocene – Rethinking the Role of Soil to Imagine a New “Us”
- Populating the Climate – Narrative In and With Climate Models
- A Heideggerian Perspective on Thinking about Water – Revisiting the Transition from Hydrology to Hydrosocial Nexus
- The Ikhwan al-Safa’’s Animal Accusers: – An Islamic Debate On Animal Slavery
- Ecological Freedom – Aldo Leopold and the Human Ecological Relation
- Eva Maria Räpple. The Environmental Crisis and Art: Thoughtlessness, Responsibility, and Imagination
- Susan L. Dunston. Emerson and Environmental Ethics
- Strachan Donnelley. Frog Pond Philosophy: Essays on the Relationship Humans and Nature. Edited by Ceara Donnelley and Bruce Jennings
- Michael Marder. Heidegger: Phenomenology, Ecology, Politics
- Joanna Zylinska. The End of Man: A Feminist Counterapocalypse
- David Wood. Deep Time, Dark Times: On Being Geologically Human
- Neither Beast nor Sovereign – Wallace Stevens’s Birds
- The Human/Animal Logic of Sovereignty – Derrida on Robinson Crusoe
- Prosthetic Figures – The Wolf, the Marionette, the Specter
- Singularisability, Plurality, and Community
- Hyperbole and Ellipses – Derrida and Agamben on Sovereignty and Life
- On Sharing a World with Other Animals
- Beastly Sovereignty – Three Unequal Footnotes to Derrida
- Don Beith. The Birth of Sense: Generative Passivity in Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy
- And Say the Animal Resisted? Derrida, Biopolitics, and the Problem with Species
- Who/What is Bête? From an Uncanny Word to an Interanimal Ethics
- Richard Grusin, ed. After Extinction
- Coexistentialism and the Unbearable Intimacy of Ecological Emergency
- Siby K. George. Heidegger and Development in the Global South
- Stijn De Cauwer, ed. Critical Theory at a Crossroads: Conversations on Resistance in Times of Crisis
- Matthias Fritsch. Taking Turns with the Earth: Phenomenology, Deconstruction, and Intergenerational Justice
- Introduction to Special Issue – Reading Derrida’s The Beast and the Sovereign
- Bringing Levinas Down to Earth – A Jonasian Reading of the Face
- Grids of Power – Toward a Phenomenology of Fuel
- Environmental Deficit and Contemporary Nigeria – Evolving an African Political Philosophy for a Sustainable Eco-Democracy
- An Anthropomorphic Dilemma – A Phenomenological Insight into the Human/Non-Human Symbiosis
- Poetry, Vegetality, Relief From Being
- An Ecosemiotic Critique of Heidegger’s Concept of Enframing
- A Tapestry of Concealments – Barkskins as Anthropocene Fiction
- Three Types of Anthropocentrism
- The Ethical Function of Landscape Architecture
- Svetozar Y. Minkov and Bernhardt L. Trout, eds. Mastery of Nature: Promises and Prospects
- Laura Ephraim. Who Speaks for Nature? On the Politics of Science
- Kathleen Dean Moore. Piano Tide: A Novel
- Peter Mancall. Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic
- Gerard Kuperus and Marjolein Oele, eds. Ontologies of Nature: Continental Perspectives and Environmental Reorientations
- In Defense of the Human Difference
- Is Nature Natural? And Other Linguistic Conundrums – Scott Cameron’s Hermeneutic Defense of the Concept of Nature
- Urban Mobility—Urban Discovery – A Phenomenological Aesthetics for Urban Environments
- Can We Learn to Hear Ethical Calls? In Honor of Scott Cameron
- Blue Architectures (The City and the Wild in Concentrate)
- Doing without Nature – On Interpretation and Practice
- Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore. A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet
- Beyond Biosecurity
- Clive Hamilton. Defiant Earth: The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene
- Gerard Kuperus. Ecopolitical Homelessness: Defining Place in an Unsettled World
- Wayne Gabardi. The Next Social Contract: Animals, the Anthropocene, and Biopolitics
- Eric T. Freyfogle. A Good That Transcends: How US Culture Undermines Environmental Reform
- Editor’s Introduction – Environmental Hermeneutics: In Memory of W. S. K. “Scott” Cameron
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Individual Excusable Ignorance after 1990 – A Study of Excusable Ignorance in Collective Action Problems
- From Victims to Survivors? Struggling to Live Ecoconsciously in an Ecocidal Culture
- Environmental Nihilism – Reading Nietzsche against New Conservationism
- Spinoza, Ecology, and Immanent Ethics – Beside Moral Considerability
- Responsibility and the Ethics of Ecological Restoration
- Veganism, Normative Change, and Second Nature
- Visibility Sometimes Wandering and Sometimes Reassembled – On Being in Rain
- The Poetics of Biomimicry – The Contribution of Poetic Concepts to Philosophical Inquiry into the Biomimetic Principle of Nature as Model
- That Seed Sets Time Ablaze – Vegetal Temporality in Judith Wright’s Botanical Poetics
- Donna J. Haraway. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene
- Romand Coles. Visionary Pragmatism: Radical and Ecological Democracy in Neoliberal Times
- Chris Abel. The Extended Self: Architecture, Memes and Minds
- Michael Marder. Grafts: Writings on Plants
- Gillian Barker. Beyond Biofatalism: Human Nature for An Evolving World
- Pauline Phemister. Leibniz and the Environment
- Narcissistic Attachments – A Melancholic Reading of De-Extinction Projects
- Endling, the Power of the Last in an Extinction-Prone World
- Call for Papers – Special Issue of Environmental Philosophy In Memory of W. S. K. “Scott” Cameron
- An Unintended Race – Miracle Rice and the Green Revolution
- Survival – Mars Fiction and Experiments with Life on Earth
- Art and Metabolic Force in Deep Time Environments
- The Six Extinctions – Visualizing Planetary Ecological Crisis Today
- Editorial Preface – The New Immortals: Immortality and Infinitude in the Anthropocene
- Arne Johan Vetlesen. The Denial of Nature: Environmental Philosophy in the Era of Global Capitalism
- Call for Papers – Special Issue of Environmental Philosophy in memory of W. S. K. “Scott” Cameron
- Byron Williston. The Anthropocene Project: Virtue in the Age of Climate Change
- Steven Vogel. Thinking Like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy After the End of Nature
- Timothy Morton. Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence
- Alice Crary. Inside Ethics
- Arran Gare. The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A Manifesto for the Future
- Recalibrating the Anthropocene – Sustainability in an Imaginary World
- Bioethics and the Challenge of the Ecological Individual
- The Virtue of Burden and Limits of Gelassenheit – The Complex Case for Heideggerian Environmental Ethics
- The Sublime Anthropocene
- Towards an Ethic of Animal Difference
- Biomimicry and the Materiality of Ecological Technology and Innovation – Toward a Natural Model of Nature