- The Kantian Aesthetic Identification of Reasonable Creatures (and Why We Are Not Quite So)
- ‘There Is No Actual Freedom Without Politics; It Simply Could Not Exist’ – Hannah Arendt versus the Moderns
- The Role of Experience and Common Linguistic Usage in Wolff’s and Crusius’s Accounts of Space and Time
- The Silence of Necessity – Logos and the Maternal in Plato’s Myth of Er
- Pessimism and the Questions of Moral Nihilism and Ethical Quietism – Schopenhauer and Mainländer on the Practical Potencies of Metaphysical Pessimism
- The Ethics of Neighbor-Love in Kierkegaard and Duns Scotus
- Schürmann’s Cicero – The Hegemony of the Latin Fantasm and the Problem of the Normative Singular
- Being in No Way and Being in Every Way – Sophist 237b and 248e
- Being-in-touch – Touch, Contact, and Bodies in the Poem of Parmenides
- The Decentered Philosophical Canon – A Proposal
- By the Way – Heidegger’s Techno-Methodicity in Derrida
- Levinas on Separation – Metaphysical, Semantic, Affective
- Rereading Nietzsche with Philosophical Hermeneutics – “Life” as the “Hermeneutic Situation”
- Grounds and First Principles in Heidegger and Hegel
- Reconsidering Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism – Finding a Successful Argument with the Help of Fichte and Hegel
- Anonymous Presence – Towards a Phenomenological Account of the Heidegger’s Ereignis
- Divine Ground and Vertical Level Order – On the Metaphysical Foundation of Goethe’s Conception of Nature
- “The Most Interesting Point in the Kantian System” – Kant’s Aesthetic Ideas in Hegel’s Faith and Knowledge
- Too Radical Μέθεξις? Gadamer on Platonic Forms
- Force and Persuasion – The Musical Two-Tiered Structure of Plato’s Cosmology
- When the Dog Bites the Subaltern – On Diogenes’s Mistreatment of the Marginalized
- Heraclitus’s DK 22 B 85 Revisited
- Aristotle on Intensity
- The Diversity of Languages and Understanding the World – A General Studies Lecture (1990)
- The Nature of Music in Peripatetic Phenomenological Musicology
- Logical Priority in Aristotle’s Metaphysics M.2
- Passion as Judgment – The Problem of the Stoic Definition in Zeno and Chrysippus
- Aristotle’s Animalization of Mothers and Motherly Love
- Poetic Language in Plato’s Cratylus – A Moving Image of Being
- Unmarried Male Platonists on Death in the Family – How Did Crantor’s Peri Penthous Become a Model?
- Animal Farm – The City of Pigs as a Platonic Ideal
- The Philosopher’s Eros in the Myth of the Reversed Cosmos
- Bringing Up Beauty – Reproductive Love in Plato’s Symposium
- Orphic Sophistry in the Protagoras
- The Sophists and Antilogic
- “Worlds, Worlding”
- On Testimony and Bare Life – Remarks on Gert-Jan van der Heiden’s The Voice of Misery
- Socrates’s Laconic Wisdom – Nomos and Physis in the Protagoras
- What Kant Should Have Said About Fichte (But Did Not)
- Furthering The Voice of Misery – Response to Dennis J. Schmidt and Carolyn Culbertson
- On Gilbert Simondon’s Inheritance from Merleau-Ponty
- The Dialectic of Aristotle’s Rhetoric
- Testimonial Justice Beyond Belief – On Van der Heiden’s Philosophy of Testimony
- The Drang Zum Wort of Linguisticality – An Account of the ‘Prelinguistic’ as Precondition, Disclosure, and Demand in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics
- NASPH Satellite Society Meeting at SPEP: Introductory Remarks
- Star Gazing With Joe Balay
- Descartes’s Ethics: Generosity in the Flesh
- The Lovers’ Formation in Plato’s Phaedrus
- A Hegelian Dialectical Model of the Relation between Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations
- Rewriting Mythology: Tautegory, Ontology, and the Novel
- A Polytheistic Phenomenology from Brazil – Vicente Ferreira da Silva’s “Mythology and the Tropic Experience of Being”
- Midwifery and Epistemic Virtue in the Theaetetus
- Kant’s Opus postumum and Schelling’s Naturphilosophie: The Very Idea
- On Diogenes and Olympic Victors – Cynic Rhetoric and the Problem of Audience
- What Are Hermeneutic Character Virtues and Vices? Four Ambiguous Tendencies in Gadamer’s Hermeneutic Retrieval of Phronēsis
- Aristotle on Benefaction and Self-Love
- On the Several Senses of Forgetting in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics
- Figures of Snow – Preconceptual Dimensions of Descartes’s Meteorology
- Being-With, Respect, and Adoration
- A Strange Proximity: On the Notion of Walten in Derrida and Heidegger
- Schelling and the Philebus – Limit and the Unlimited in Schelling’s Philosophy of Nature
- Inexhaustibility: St. John of the Cross and Barthes’s Author Function
- Joycean Hermeneutics and the Tyranny of Hidden Prejudice
- Schelling as a ‘Post-Heideggerian Thinker’ – Luigi Pareyson’s Interpretation of Schelling
- Tragedy without Action? – Reading Sophocles after Loraux
- “Wal-Mart and the Heavens” – A Dialogue with Charles Scott on the Importance of Seeing Stars
- Images in Archaic Thinking
- Leaving Life at the Right Time – The Stoics and Nietzsche on Voluntary Death
- Polemos, Logos, Plurality – Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenological Reading of the Greeks
- Schelling’s Plato Notebooks, 1792–1794
- Parmenides’s Love of Honor and Lessons about How (Not) to Do Philosophy from Plato’s Parmenides
- Heidegger, Embodiment, and Disability
- Heidegger, Aristotle, and Dasein’s Possibility of Being
- The Question of Regionalism – Derrida’s Early Reading of Heidegger
- Music and Time – A Philosophical Postscript (1988) by Hans-Georg Gadamer
- One One, or the Unity of Being in Plato’s Parmenides
- Staying Hydrated – Plato and the Problem of Water
- The Intimate Relationship of Life and Law in Aristotle’s Politics – The Rise and Decline of the Ancient Greek Polis
- Finding Our Way Home – Materiality and the Ontology of the Limit in Plato’s Philebus
- Tragic Rationality in Nietzsche’s Misreading of Plato in The Birth of Tragedy and Beyond
- Narrative Tyranny in American Political Discourse and Plato’s Republic I – The Possibility of Philosophical and Political Freedom
- The Kosmopolis over the Kallipolis – The Origin of Cynic Cosmopolitanism and the Challenge It Poses
- Purification in Plato’s Symposium
- The Ion and Creativity
- Trading Places and Parasites – The Metatheatrical Comedy of Plato’s Protagoras
- The Last Animal – Indifference in Plato’s Protagoras
- The Just as an Absent Ground in Plato’s Cratylus
- I Will Tell A Double Tale – Double Speak in the Ancient Greek Poetic Tradition
- Metamorphoses of Shamed Bodies – Sexual Violence in Euripides’s Helen
- The Compulsion of Bodies – Infection and Possession in Gorgias’s Helen
- Approaching the Parmenidean Sublime—Part II
- Hegel and the Politics of Tragedy, Comedy and Terror
- Moral Laws of the Heart – Conscience, Reason, and Sentiments in Rousseau’s Moral Foundationalism
- Community with Nothing in Common? – Plato’s Subtler Response to Protagoras
- Political Form in Paul Celan
- Seeing Darkness, Hearing Silence – Meta-Sensation and the Limits of Perception in Aristotle’s De anima
- The “Almost Necessary” Link Between Selfhood And Evil In Schelling’s Freiheitsschrift
- Hermeneutical Justice in Fricker, Dotson, and Arendt
- The Natural Part of Political Justice in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
- Nietzsche’s Rhetoric: Dissonance and Reception
- Gadamer’s “Practice” of Theoria
- The Two Views of Renaissance Philosophy
- Mixed Bodies, Agency and Narrative in Lucretius and Machiavelli
- Enlightenment Infinitesimals and Tolstoy’s War and Peace
- Virtue as Empowerment – Spinozism in Nietzsche’s Ethics
- Descartes’s Turn to the Body
- Why Is Spinoza an Epicurean?
- Aristotle on Wittiness – Verbally Abusing One’s Friends in the Right Way
- The Invention of Singularity in School
- Creative Discovery – Proclus and Plato on the Emergence of Scientific Precision
- Toward a Two-Route Interpretation of Parmenidean Inquiry
- Merleau-Ponty’s Melancholy – On Phantom Limbs and Involuntary Memory
- Remnant Volition – Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Fortune
- Doublings – The Concept of Reading in Derrida’s Geschlecht III
- Kant on the Philosopher’s Proper Activity – From Legislation to Admiration
- Plato and Kant on Beauty and Desire
- Nietzsche on Language and Logic
- The Time of the Beautiful in Kant’s Critique of Judgment
- Marion, Nihilism, and the Gifted
- Everyone Is at Liberty to Be a Fool – Schopenhaur’s Philosophical Critique of the Art of Persuasion
- Cynic Philosophical Humor as Exposure of Incongruity
- Another Beginning? – Heidegger, Gadamer, and Postmodernity
- Hegel: From the I to the Spirit
- The Remarriage of Reason and Experience in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
- Proclus and Self-Predication
- Thanking, Thinking, Aporia
- Aristotle on Blaming Animals – Taking the Hardline Approach on Voluntary Action in the Nicomachean Ethics III.1–5
- Self-Love and the Unity of Justice in Aristotle
- A Politics to Come – Benevolence and the Nature of Friendship in Aristotle’s Ethics
- The Political Border Inside – On Institutional Slavery in Plato’s Laws
- Platonic Epogōgē and the “Purification” of the Method of Collection
- Cicero Reading the Cyrenaics on the Anticipation of Future Harms
- ΠΑΛΙΝ ἘΞ ἈΡΧΗΣ – Resumption and Recollection in Plato
- The Value of the Present Moment in Neoplatonic Philosophy
- Who Speaks – Reflections on Voice and Logos in Sophocles’s Ajax, Aristotle and Plato
- From Democracy to Oligarchy to Tyranny
- Eros and Mind – Aristotle on Philosophic Friendship and the Cosmos of Life
- Heraclitus and the Riddle of Nature
- Dramatic Philosophy
- The Questions of Drew Hyland
- How to Speak Kata Phusin – Magico-Religious Speech in Heraclitus
- Finitude and/or Transcendence in the Work of Drew Hyland
- Mapping Transformations – The Visual Language of Foucault’s Archaeological Method
- Substance Abuse – Spinoza contra Deleuze
- The Resistant Interlocutor – Plato, Heidegger, and the End of Dialogue
- Self-Completing Skepticism – On Hegel’s Sublation of Pyrrhonism
- Care and Critique – Augustine’s De magistro
- Truth, Touch, and the Order of Inquiry in Aristotle’s Metaphysics
- At Home with the Foreign – Arendt on Heidegger and the Politics of Care
- Religious Lightness in Infinite Vortex – Dancing with Kierkegaard
- From the Critique of Reason to a Critique of Culture – Cassirer’s Transformation of Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy
- Aristotle’s Anthropological Machine and Slavery – An Agambenian Interpretation
- Aristotle and the Constitution of the Political Community
- Approaching the Parmenidean Sublime – A New Translation and Resequencing of the Fragments of Parmenides
- Between Necessity and Contingency – A Critical Philosophy of History in the Dialectic of Enlightenment
- A Holy Aesthetic – Recognizing an Art that is Otherwise than Art in the Work of Emmanuel Levinas
- Heidegger and the Ambivalent Status of Human Interpretation – Art, History, Modernity
- Hegel’s Non-Revolutionary Account of the French Revolution in the Phenomenology of Spirit
- Kant and the Medical Faculty – One “Conflict of the Faculties”
- Hermeneutics and the Meaning of Life
- How Speak of Eternity? – Rhetoric in Ethics V
- The Unity of the Knower and the Known – The Phenomenology of Aristotle and the Metaphysics of Husserl
- The Problem of Ontotheology in Eckhart’s Latin Writings
- Being Itself and the Being of Beings – Reading Aristotle’s Critique of Parmenides (Physics 1.3) after Metaphysics
- Are Potency and Actuality Compatible in Aristotle?
- From Complex Bodies to a Theory of Art – Melancholy, Bodies, and Art in the Philosophy of Spinoza
- Parmenides on Reason and Revelation
- Pure Reason’s Autonomy – Sensus Communis in Reason’s Self-Critique
- The Image of the Noble Sophist
- Kant’s Physical Geography and the Critical Philosophy
- The Science of Philosophy – Discourse and Deception in Plato’s Sophist
- Dennis Schmidt and the Origin of the Ethical Life – The Law of the Idiom
- The Predicament of Life – Dennis Schmidt and the Ethical Subject
- Earth Art – Space, Place, Word, and Time
- In a World Fraught and Tender – On Dennis Schmidt’s Contribution to an Original Ethics
- Death and Sacrifice in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature
- Where Ethics Begins . . .
- From Abode to Dissemination
- Hermeneutics without Meaning – The Comic and the Political
- On the Style of Philosophizing – Dennis Schmidt’s Hermeneutics of Writing
- Ethical Hermeneutics, or How the Ubiquity of the Finite Casts the Human in the Shadow of the Dark Side of the Moon
- Greek Tragedy and the Ethopoietic Event
- Lives of Idioms
- Letter of Thanks
- Guest Editors’ Introduction
- On the Ontological Primacy of Relationality in Aristotle’s Politics and the “Birth” of the Political Animal
- Multus Homo Es – Desire, Identity, and Conquest in Catullus’s Carmina
- How to Perform a Democracy – A Genealogy of Bare Voices
- Friendship and the Divine Wish – Re-Reading Nicomachean Ethics 1159a5–12
- Substance and Relation in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy – A Reply to Sean Kirkland
- Essentialism and Pluralism in Aristotle’s “Function Argument” (NE 1.7)
- The Role and Limits of Dialectical Method in Aristotelian Natural Science – A Study of Generation of Animals, III, 10
- What’s Next in Plato’s Clitophon? – Self-Knowledge, Instrumentality, and Means without End
- The Span of Memory – On Plato’s Theaetetus
- Parataxis in Anaxagoras – Seeds and Worlds in Fragment B4a
- Plato’s Sophist on the Goodness of Truth
- Chronos, Psuchē, and Logos in Plato’s Euthydemus
- “Mortals Lay Down Trusting to be True”