- The Should Be of What Is
- Habermas and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
- What is the Habermasian Perspective on New Genetic Technologies?
- Public Reason and Healthy Eating Policy
- Intelligibility, Anarchy, and Healthy Eating
- Using Social Ontology for Improving Healthy Eating Policy
- Enriching Good Eating
- Public Reason, the Value of Eating, and the Social Ontology of Food
- Healthy Eating Policy and Political Philosophy
- How a Misunderstood Conception of Equality Exacerbates the Negative Conception of Liberty and Vice Versa
- Some Thoughts on Annelien De Dijn’s Democratic Reading of Republican Liberty
- Freedom
- Liberty, a Many-Freed Concept
- Reasons Still Answer Questions
- Distinguishing Normative Reasons in Logins’ Erotetic Theory
- The Methodologies of John Rawls and Axel Honneth
- The Badness of Death is not a Universal Moral Certainty
- Can Gandhi’s and Dostoevsky’s Unique Conception of Humility Enhance Rawls’ Distributive Justice?
- Morality as Cultivating Luck
- Threshold Conceptions of Harm and Non-Identity
- Just Hierarchy and the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
- Hierarchical Meritocracy and Equal Ways of Good Life
- Animals and Just Hierarchies
- Reforming Unjust Hierarchies
- Just Hierarchy and its Critics: Part II
- Threading, Stitching, and Weaving
- Can Confucianism Morally Justify Just Hierarchies?
- Hierarchy and Identity
- Communitarian Interpretation of Confucianism and Just Hierarchy
- Just Hierarchy and its Critics: Part I
- Minimal Beneficence through the Lens of Material Value-Ethics
- The Right Not to Own
- Camera Iuridica
- Free Will and A Clockwork Orange
- Ethical Dilemmas for @Celebrities
- Infamous Monster Women
- The Moral Implications of Cancel Culture
- On the Parasocial Relationship between an Artist and her Fandom
- Talent, Skill, and Celebrity
- Summa et Perfecta Gloria
- Moralised Definitions of Freedom, Autonomy, and the Personal Value of Opportunities to Perform Morally Impermissible Actions
- Ethical Dilemmas and Solution Strategies in Creating Intelligent Moral Machines
- Socialism versus Capitalism, Ideally Speaking
- Interpersonal Comparison of Welfare Based on Harsanyi’s Equiprobability Model for Moral Value Judgments
- Migration Injustice, State Obligations, Autocratic Regimes, and Religious Discrimination
- Religious Discrimination at the Border
- Refugees, Development and Autocracies
- Injustice or Capacity to Help?
- Political Ontology
- Forgiveness as Process
- With ot without Repentance
- Jacques Derrida on Hospitality beyond Invitation
- A Particularist Account of Moral Principles
- Six Methods in Ethics
- On the Collective Right to Religious Liberty in the Secular State
- African Relational Environmentalism on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Why Natural Moral Certainties Exist
- Virtues, Roles and Rites
- Secular Just War Theory and the Spectre of the Crusades
- Exploring the Value of Practical Disorientation dor Moral Life
- Self-Regarding Duties, Autonomous Living, and Body Modification
- Eight Thought Experiments within the Ethical Debate on Abortion
- Islamophobia, Free Speech and Multicultural Equality
- A Comment on Modood’s Essays from the Perspective of a Belgian Political Philosopher
- A Sociological Reflection on Tariq Modood’s Contextual Political Theory
- What Can Multiculturalism Learn from the Second Wave of Anti-Racist Activism?
- Free Speech, Civility, and Islam
- Secularism and Multiculturalism
- The Phenomenology of Sympathy and Love
- Collective Continuity and Ontological Responsibility
- The Search for Freedom, Sustainability, and Economic Security
- Basic Income and State Employment
- Socialism, Perfectionist Style
- Edmundson on Neo-Liberalism
- William Edmundson’s John Rawls: Reticent Socialist
- Rawls’s Socialism and Pure Procedural Justice
- Transition to Socialism, Deliberative Equality and Constitutional Essentials
- Socialization and Subordination under Rawlsian Socialism
- Meditations on William Edmundson and on Socialism
- Can You Forgive Me?
- Problems in Pleasants’ Wittgensteinian Idea of Basic Moral Certainties
- Awareness of Unawareness
- What Pride, Mr President?
- The Ethics of Advice
- Limits of Sovereignty in Leibniz’ Political Philosophy
- An African Philosophical Account of Just War Theory
- Ethical Concerns in Citizen Science Projects and Public Engagement Related Research Projects
- Global Essay Mills Survey
- Codes of Ethics in Higher Education
- Teaching Ethics in Academic Curricula
- Admiration and Education
- Risk-Averse Sufficientarianism
- Ethics and Risks
- Justice and the Distribution of Risks from Unconventional Energy Technologies
- Imposing Risks
- Risk and the Libertarian Case for Redistribution
- On the Criteria of the Rightful Imposition of Otherwise Impermissible Risks
- Risk Impositions, Genuine Losses, and Reparability as a Moral Constraint
- Risk, Science and Policy
- Addressing the Diversity of Risks and Accounting for Systemic Risks
- Moral Reasons as Other-Regarding Reasons
- Forgiving While Resenting
- Why Daniels Needs the Capabilities Approach
- The Dilemma of Moral Naturalism in Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos
- Politics and Normativity
- Reaction & Debate
- Legal Aspects of Scientific Misconduct
- Voluntary Simplicity Strongly Backed by All Three Main Normative-Ethical Traditions
- Treating Others as Means, but not Merely as Means
- How Neutral is being Neutral?
- Reliance and its Obligations
- Cognitivist Prescriptivism
- Recognizing and Emulating Exemplars
- Choosing to be Changed
- Killing, a Conceptual Analysis
- The Abductive Argument for Libertarian Self-Ownership
- HREC Members’ Personal Values Influence Decision Making in Contentious Cases
- Bringing Responsibility to Justice
- The Fragility of our Moral Standing to Blame
- The Link between Firm Size and Corporate Social Responsibility
- The Nature and Uniqueness of Material Value-Ethics Clarified
- Prioritarianism and Other-Regarding Decision-Making under Risk
- Defending Sufficientarianism
- Putting the War Back in Just War Theory
- Occasional Inevitability of War Crimes or Ethically Unjustified Hegemony of (Some of) the Rights of Civilians?
- Bellum iustum and liberum ius ad bellum in 19th Century International Legal Discourse
- No Culture, No Rights
- The Right of Infidels to Protect their Goods from the Perspective of the 15th Century Polish School of Ius gentium
- Privare aliquem iure suo est contra ius naturale
- Just War and Holy War: Again