- La dialectique transcendantale d’Edmund Husserl
- Reality, Virtuality, and Play
- The Ethical Potential of Music and Democracies in Crisis
- The Record of a Crisis
- The Crisis of Anticrisis
- Toward a Phenomenology of Difference and Belonging
- The Child as Subject and as Other
- Levinas and the Time of Sensibility
- Ready to Mouth
- Priver de monde, priver de vie
- Border Life
- The Art of Memory
- L’ordre architectural et la disposition charnelle
- Belonging Re-envisioned in Terms of Habit and Place, Affect and Emotion
- Fracture et suture
- Technology and the Materiality of Knowledge
- Self-feeling as the Kairos of ‘Gesinnungswandel‘ in the Ethics of Person of Max Scheler
- Husserl on Ethical and Cultural Renewal
- The Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory
- Variations circonstancielles
- La question du langage
- Tran Duc Thao, ‘On Indochina’
- Jacques Taminiaux (May 29, 1928, Belgium – May 7, 2019, Belgium)
- Perspectives
- Husserl’s Formal and Transcendental Logic as Key for a Reading of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception
- From Genetic Phenomenology to Phenomenology of Perception and Beyond
- Sexual Meaning and Social Pathology
- Merleau-Ponty
- L’incorporation
- Mind Embodied, Mind Bodified
- Merleau-Ponty on Hallucination and Perceptual Faith
- The Symbolic Function and Phenomenological Architectonics
- Consciences et inconsciences métaphysiques chez Merleau-Ponty
- Synthetic Unity of Consciousness in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl
- La phénoménologie de la vie chez Erwin Straus
- ‘Not at All Modern and Very Twentieth Century’
- Gadamer, Lebensphilosophie, and Bringing a Text to Life
- L’«expérience de la résistance»
- Heidegger and Hölderlin on Aether and Life
- Les deux voies de l’hébétude
- L’opposition entre Georg Misch et Edmund Husserl sur la vie, le vécu et la réflexion
- On the Deep Structure of World-Experiencing Life
- La tautologie de la vie
- Fighting the Good Fight?
- We Have Never Been Animals
- The Directness of Empathy
- Apperceptive and Non-Apperceptive Consciousness
- Contenu intentionnel et contenu propositionnel
- Horizon, Modality, and Reason
- Brentano et l’intentionnalité des sensations
- Intentionalisme et phénoménologie de l’intentionnalité
- Double Phenomenology
- La phénoménologie et «l’esprit» de la philosophie de l’esprit
- Editors’ Foreword
- Avant-Propos