- A Note on Associative Choice Functions, Orderings and Typicality
- A Closer Look at the Russell Paradox
- Irreducible Features of Set Theories
- Two New Interpretations of Modality
- Relative Consistency of Set Matrix Theory with ZF
- Deflationary Truth in Blind Deduction
- The Banach-Tarski Paradox
- Using Values and Norms to Explain the Rationality of Rejecting Probabilistic Proofs
- Ramsey on Judging and Believing
- On the Genuine Identity Argument against Disjunctive Universals
- Necessity, Theism, and Evidence
- Two-Dimensional Semantics forPredicate-Functor Languages with Operation Symbols
- Finding Stubbles and Some Other Puzzles Concerning the Credences of Others
- Platonism, Nominalism, and Semantic Appearances
- Nelsonian Counterparts of Visser’s Logics
- Wittgenstein’s Attack on the Orthodox Definition of Equinumerosity Reconsidered
- Natural Deduction for First-Order Pure Imperative Logic
- A Note on the Demonstrative Uses of Indexicals
- Is Fourrier Analysis Conservative over Physical Theory?
- Reductio ad Absurdum in a Full-Fledged Dialogical Framework
- A Glimpse into Higher-Order Connexive Logics
- Explanation, Understanding, and Definitions in Mathematics
- Permanence vs. Termination
- Axiomatization via Translation
- What is Normal?
- The Occamization of ‘Meaning’
- Carnap’s Conditions of Adequacy for Explications and Conceptual Engineering
- Feyerabend on Naturalism, Pluralism, and the Foundations of Philosophy
- Traditional Epistemology and Epistemology Naturalized
- Susan Stebbing and the Truthmaker Approach to Metaphysics
- On Wrinch’s Extension of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgment
- On the Emergence of Analytic Philosophy of Religion
- A Logic’s Proper Semantics
- On the Aristotelian Roots of the Modal Square of Opposition
- Revisiting the Mutilated Chessboard or the Many Roles of a Picture
- Against Logical Inferentialism
- Van Fraassen’s Best of a Bad Lot Objection, IBE and Rationality
- Achilles and the Tortoise 2500 Years after Zeno
- Mathematical Counterfactuals with Number-Theoretic Antecedents and Extra-Mathematical Explanation
- Broome on Enkrasia and Akrasia
- The Sad Ballad of Achilles
- Lesniewski, Tarski and the Geometry of Solids
- A Renewed Challenge for Alethic Pluralism
- Tractatus 3.333
- Objectivity and the Variety of Language
- To Be or Not to Be a Logical Behaviorist
- The Vienna Circle’s Responses to Levensphilosophie
- Frege, Peano and the Construction of a Logical Calculus
- A World Line Semantics for the Artifactual Theory of Fiction
- Selecting the Class of All 3-Valued Implicative Expansions of Kleene’s Strong Logic Containing Routley and Meyer’s Logic B
- Algebraic Relational Semantics for Basic Substructural Logics
- A Proof-Based Framework for Several Types of Grounding
- Decidability and Notation
- Channel-Theoretic Account of Reification in Representation Systems
- Regions of Force
- Some Logical Notations for Pragmatic Assertions
- On Linear Existential Graphs
- Multiple Readability in Principle and Practice
- Bertrand Russell and Modern Structural Realism
- Fichte’s Metaphysics as a Content Giver of Logic
- Lecture architectonique de l’intuitif et du discursif chez Kant et Frege
- The Logical Origin of the Transcendental Ideas
- Calculus CL
- Remarks on Leibniz’s Interpretation of the Square of Opposition
- Description, espace logique et enjeu de l’implication de l’ouverture au langage pour la conception du jugement de la logique de Port-Royal
- On the Nature of Discrete Space-Time
- Paradeduction in Axiomatic Formal Systems
- Should Mathematics Play Dice?
- (De)motivating Gluts
- Natural Three-Valued Logics Characterized by Natural Deduction
- Pure Term Models for Modal, Intensional Set Theory
- Inferentialism and Structuralism
- Mathematical Explanations and the Piecemeal Approach to Thinking about Explanation
- Agebraic Semantics and Mixed Validities
- The Paradox of Distinctions
- A Completeness Result for the Implicit Justification STIT Logic
- Comparing Semantics for Temporal STIT Logic
- Beyond Team-Directed Reasoning
- Ramifications of Imposing Uniform Responsibility on Collective Action
- Collective Agency, Games, and STIT Logic: New Developments and Applications
- Comparing Classical and Relativistic Kinematics in First-Order Logic
- The Bayesian Account of the Defect in Moorean Reasoning
- Logical Pluralism and Logical Form
- Data, Signals and Information in Digital Computation
- One Dogma of Analyticism
- The Logical and Pragmatic Structure of Arguments from Analogy
- Choosing Beauty
- Note on the Geometry of Solids
- On what there is not in ‘On what there is’
- A Refinement of the Craig-Lyndon Interpolation Theorem for Classical First-Order Logic with Identity
- The Meaning of Absurdity
- Proof Analysis of Global Consequence
- Epistemic Pluralism
- How to Reject a Counterfactual
- Bilateralist Detours
- A New Argument for Distinguishing Rejection and Denial
- Perspectival Logic of Acceptance and Rejection
- Presuppositions and Two Kinds of Negation
- Extending and Applying a Logic for Pragmatics
- Saying ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ in Matters of Personal Taste
- Some Preliminaries on Assertion and Denial
- Hilbert on Consistency as a Guide to Mathematical Reality
- The Complementary Faces of Mathematical Beauty
- Explanatory Proofs in Mathematics
- A Quasi-Interventionist Theory of Mathematical Explanation
- Characterizing Properties and Explanation in Mathematics
- Mathematical Aims beyond Justification