- L’objet comme cause sine qua non de la connaissance selon Pierre Roger
- Les multiples racines de la certitude de la foi
- Activisme radical et attention continuelle
- Soul and Power in Aquinas
- La racine de la connaissance
- Compte rendu
- Lex pertinet ad rationem sicut aliquid factum a ratione
- John Quidort of Paris’s Commentary on the Sentences
- Albert the Great and Roger Bacon against Indivisibilism
- Rethinking Peter Lombard’s Corpus
- Sixteenth-Century Discussion on the Origin of the Intellective Soul and a Confessional Divide
- ‘De Iudeis‘
- John Picard of Lichtenberg’s Quaestiones disputatae as a Source of William of Peter of Godin’s Lectura Thomasina
- A Medieval abbreviatio
- First-Person and Third-Person Views in Arabic Philosophy of Mind
- An Eastward Diffusion
- Lire Aristote en langue vernaculaire
- Complexity and Unity
- Defending Peter Lombard
- Honorius Augustodunensis, Joachim of Fiore, and the Liturgical Concordance of History
- The Revelation and its Seals
- Joachim of Fiore on Jacob’s Election
- Early Christian Precursors of Joachim of Fiore?
- Philosophical and Theological Topics in Joachim of Fiore and the Joachimite Tradition
- Review of Tobias Hoffmann, Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy
- Peter de Trabibus on Creation and the Trinity
- Why is a House Nothing More than Stones and Pieces of Wood?
- From Psychological to Factual Use
- Henry of Ghent on the Siege of Acre
- The Influence of the Stars on Women
- Miskawayh on Animals
- The Principle of Identity as the First Theoretical Principle in the Thirteenth-Century Latin West
- Aquinas’s Theory of Decision and its Aristotelian Origins
- A Commentary on Aristotle’s De longitudine et brevitate vitae Attributed to Adam of Buckfield
- Peter Lombard’s Collectanea on the Pauline Epistles
- Wie schreibt man die Philosophiegeschichte des Mittelalters?
- Warum es keinen ‘byzantinischen Humanismus’ gibt
- Double Truth
- Augustine’s Sermo 336 for the Dedication of a Church
- Hic sunt chimaerae?
- Numbering the Divine Persons
- Francis of Meyronnes on Beings of reason
- Mental Gaze and Presence
- The Realm of entia rationis and its Boundaries
- Duns Scotus on What is in the Mind
- Representation Beings
- Theories of Mental Being in the Later Middle Ages
- Giles of Rome on esse and Essence as duae res
- A Note from the Editorial Board
- Pico della Mirandola, Maimonides, and Magic
- Ockham, the Principia of Holcot and Wodeham, and the Myth of the Two-Year Sentences Lecture at Oxford
- The Definition of Contrariety and the Classification of Forms in Dietrich of Freiberg’s De Nature Contrariorum
- Thomas, Scotus, and Ockham on the Object of Hope
- ‘Renaissance Scholasticism’ Strikes Again
- Gerald Ot (d. 1349) on Prime Matter
- The Quodlibet of Richard Knapwell O.P.
- The Compilatio de libris naturabilis Aristotelis (Compendium philosophie)
- Averroes’ Rewrite of Aristotle’s Metaphysics ?
- Ockham and Bradwardine on Propositions De incipit et destinit
- Wissenschaftsphilosophisch relevante Impulse aus der Theologie
- God’s Knowledge of Particulars
- Pierre Ceffons on Divine Simplicity, Part II
- Die Willenslehre des Duns Scotus im Spiegel seiner Schriften und im Lichte seiner Schüler
- John Duns Scotus’s Reportatio Parisiensis and the Origin of the Supertranscendentals
- Problemfall Univokation
- Scotus in Paris
- John Duns Scotus’s Reportatio Parisiensis Examinata
- Peter John Olivi, Free Will, and the Threefold aspectus
- Averroès et l’intellect matériel diaphane
- Metaphysik und Einheitswissenschaft bei Berthold von Moosburg
- Im Schatten der Weisheit sitzend
- Weisheit und Philosophie in der Lehre des Maximus Confessor
- Doppelte Unwissenheit
- Pierre Ceffons on Divine Simplicity, Part I
- What is Cognition?
- Adam of Bocfeld or Roger Bacon?
- Geoffrey of Aspall on Nature
- Le credo d’Augustin en 388
- From Reconstruction to Reformation
- Richard Swineshead’s Liber calculationum in Italy
- Scotus’s Collatio Oxoniensis 17 and the Ontological Status of impossibilia
- The Next Best Thing to a Saint?
- Das Quodlibet des Wilhelm von Hothum O.P. (ca. 1235-1298)
- Reductio ad auctoritatem
- Newly Discovered Scholia from Philoponus’ Lost Commentary on De anima III
- Anthony of Parma’s Questio utrum primum principium sive Deus ipse sit potentie infinite
- Remigio, Auriol, Scotus, and the Myth of the Two-Year Sentences Lecture at Paris
- Physiognomy in Context
- Entirely Necessary, but not a Part
- From First to Second Averroism
- The Epistemology and Psychology of Faith in Robert Kilwardby and his Contemporaries
- Table des manuscrits
- Table des noms propres
- Kritische Studie
- Crathorn on Extension
- Le pouvoir fascinant de l’imagination
- Duns Scotus on God’s Essence and Attributes
- Thomas of York’s Comparatio sensibilium
- Der Dämon im Text
- ‘Gilbertus universalis’ Reevaluated and the Authorship of the Gloss on Genesis
- In memoriam Dom Guibert (Jacques) Michiels O.S.B.