- Correction to: Stopping rule and Bayesian confirmation theory
- The replication crisis is less of a “crisis” in Lakatos’ philosophy of science than it is in Popper’s
- Correction: Between theory and experiment: model use in dark matter detection
- Stopping rule and Bayesian confirmation theory
- What you can do for evolutionary developmental linguistics
- Between theory and experiment: model use in dark matter detection
- Guiding principles in physics
- Mapping the philosophy and neuroscience nexus through citation analysis
- Emerging into the rainforest: Emergence and special science ontology
- Recovering particle properties in revisionary ontologies
- Vigilant trust in scientific expertise
- Underdetermination in classic and modern tests of general relativity
- Research labs as distributed cognitive-cultural systems
- Separability and fundamentality
- Explaining AI through mechanistic interpretability
- GPS observables in Newtonian spacetime or why we do not need ‘physical’ coordinate systems
- Ravens and Strawberries: Remarks on Hempel’s and Ramsey’s Accounts of laws and scientific explanation
- Values in science: what are values, anyway?
- Inclusive editing: a collegial approach to academic knowledge making
- Feynman diagrams: visualization of phenomena and diagrammatic representation
- Defending the quantum reconstruction program
- Simpson’s paradox beyond confounding
- Research environments vis-à-vis biological environments: ontological parallels, epistemic parallax, and metaphilosophical parallelization
- Correction to: Tales of twin cities: what are climate analogues good for?
- Calibrating the theory of model mediated measurement: metrological extension, dimensional analysis, and high pressure physics
- Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives
- Quantum fictivism
- Highly idealized models of scientific inquiry as conceptual systems
- A functionalist mixed approach to the ontology of quantum field theories
- Philosophy without natural kinds: a reply to Reydon & Ereshefsky
- Two species of realism
- Tales of twin cities: what are climate analogues good for?
- Correction to: Exploring the socio-ecology of science: the case of coral reefs
- Scientific experimental articles are modernist stories
- Quantum ontology and intuitions
- How do different interpretations work together in a single scientific explanatory project? A case study of the Olami-Feder-Christensen model of earthquakes
- Exploring the socio-ecology of science: the case of coral reefs
- Local ontology: reconciling processualism and new mechanism
- Two construals of Hempel’s dilemma: a challenge to physicalism, not dualism
- The preservation of thickly detectable structure: a case study in gravity
- Collapsing strong emergence’s collapse problem
- On quantum computing for artificial superintelligence
- Overdetermination, underdetermination, and epistemic granularity in the historical sciences
- Group field theories: decoupling spacetime emergence from the ontology of non-spatiotemporal entities
- Coordination in social learning: expanding the narrative on the evolution of social norms
- Reconstructions of quantum theory: methodology and the role of axiomatization
- Anthropocene, planetary boundaries and tipping points: interdisciplinarity and values in Earth system science
- Cosmic topology, underdetermination, and spatial infinity
- Criteria of success for engineering accident investigations: a question-centered account
- Unexpected quantum indeterminacy
- Contrast classes and agreement in climate modeling
- The epistemic status of reproducibility in political fact-checking
- How interdisciplinary researchers see themselves: plurality of understandings of interdisciplinarity within a field and why it matters
- Quantum ontology without textbooks. Nor overlapping
- Physicists’ views on scientific realism
- Adding causality to the information-theoretic perspective on individuality
- Reactivity in the human sciences
- Ethnobiological kinds and material grounding: comments on Ludwig
- Science and values: a two-way direction
- Broken brakes and dreaming drivers: the heuristic value of causal models in the law
- Theorem proving in artificial neural networks: new frontiers in mathematical AI
- Metaphysical indeterminacy in Everettian quantum mechanics
- Toward a more natural historical attitude
- Inductive risk and epistemically detrimental dissent in policy-relevant science
- Averaged versus individualized: pragmatic N-of-1 design as a method to investigate individual treatment response
- Potentiality realism: a realistic and indeterministic physics based on propensities
- Epistemic possibilities in climate science: lessons from some recent research in the context of discovery
- On the consistency of relative facts
- Machine learning, misinformation, and citizen science
- Appearance and reality: Einstein and the early debate on the reality of length contraction
- On the condition of Setting Independence
- Testability and viability: is inflationary cosmology “Scientific”?
- Three arguments for wave function realism
- Efficiency and fairness trade-offs in two player bargaining games
- Sisyphean science: why value freedom is worth pursuing
- Respecting boundaries: theoretical equivalence and structure beyond dynamics
- Correction to: Science and policy in extremis: the UK’s initial response to COVID‑19
- Classicality and Bell’s theorem
- How do networks explain? A neo-hempelian approach to network explanations of the ecology of the microbiome
- Afactivism about understanding cognition
- Minimal model explanations of cognition
- Motivationalism vs. interpretationalism about symmetries: some options overlooked in the debate about the relationship between symmetries and physical equivalence
- Moralisation of medicines: The case of hydroxychloroquine
- Scientific experiments beyond surprise and beauty
- Lakatosian and Euclidean populations: a pluralist approach to conceptual change in mathematics
- Attention as a patchwork concept
- Pandemics and flexible lockdowns: In praise of agent-based modeling
- Distinguishing two (unsound) arguments for quantum social science
- Socially responsible science: Exploring the complexities
- Social kinds: historical and multi-functional
- Should social pragmatic communication disorder be included in DSM-5? On uncertainties, pragmatic considerations, and the psychiatric kind debate
- Mechanisms and the problem of abstract models
- Critique of pure Bayesian cognitive science: A view from the philosophy of science
- Epistemological scientism and the scientific meta-method
- Should physical symmetries guide metaphysics? Two reasons why they should maybe not
- Masking, extrinsicness, and the nature of dispositions: the role of niche signals in muscle stem cells
- The information-theoretic view of quantum mechanics and the measurement problem(s)
- Extrapolating from experiments, confidently
- What are side effects?
- Objectivity, value-free science, and inductive risk
- Patchworks and operations
- Predictivism and model selection
- Reactivity and good data in qualitative data collection
- Contextualist model evaluation: models in financial economics and index funds
- From naturalness to materiality: reimagining philosophy of scientific classification
- Pursuitworthiness in the scheme of futures
- Against methodological continuity and metaphysical knowledge
- Correction to: Model templates within and between disciplines: from magnets to gases – and socio-economic systems
- Generalized frameworks: Structuring searches for new physics
- The old evidence problem and the inference to the best explanation
- Irrational methods suggest indecomposability and emergence
- Determinism beyond time evolution
- Reactive natural kinds and varieties of dependence
- We should redefine scientific expertise: an extended virtue account
- Coherent causal control: a new distinction within causation
- Correction to: Why computer simulations are not inferences, and in what sense they are experiments
- Values in climate modelling: testing the practical applicability of the Moral Imagination ideal
- From phenomenological-hermeneutical approaches to realist perspectivism
- Classifying exploratory experimentation – three case studies of exploratory experimentation at the LHC
- Biodiversity vs. paleodiversity measurements: the incommensurability problem
- A mechanistic guide to reductive physicalism
- What should scientists do about (harmful) interactive effects?
- Progressive and degenerative journals: on the growth and appraisal of knowledge in scholarly publishing
- Geometry, mechanics, and experience: a historico-philosophical musing
- Modeling interventions in multi-level causal systems: supervenience, exclusion and underdetermination
- Looking beyond values: The legitimacy of social perspectives, opinions and interests in science
- The quantification of intelligence in nineteenth-century craniology: an epistemology of measurement perspective
- The predictive reframing of machine learning applications: good predictions and bad measurements
- Public engagement and argumentation in science
- Correction to: Nothing but coincidences: the point-coincidence and Einstein’s struggle with the meaning of coordinates in physics
- An Armstrongian defense of dispositional monist accounts of laws of nature
- Machine learning in scientific grant review: algorithmically predicting project efficiency in high energy physics
- Understanding metaphorical understanding (literally)
- A pragmatic approach to scientific change: transfer, alignment, influence
- Misconstrued arguments about cultural theory
- Tacking by conjunction, genuine confirmation and convergence to certainty
- Temporal becoming in a relativistic universe: causal diamonds and Gödel’s philosophy of time
- The problem with appealing to history in defining neural representations
- Unmoved movers: a very simple and novel form of indeterminism
- Understanding probability and irreversibility in the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator formalism
- Exploratory modeling and indeterminacy in the search for life
- Fictional mechanism explanations: clarifying explanatory holes in engineering science
- The Nothing from Infinity paradox versus Plenitudinous Indeterminism
- Radical artifactualism
- Non-epistemic values and scientific assessment: an adequacy-for-purpose view
- Cultural Theory’s contributions to climate science: reply to Hansson
- No, water (still) doesn’t have a microstructural essence (reply to Hoefer & Martí)
- Modelling the psychological structure of reasoning
- (In)effective realism?
- Correction to: Incommensurability and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: taking Kuhn seriously
- Powers and the hard problem of consciousness: conceivability, possibility and powers
- Applying the notion of epistemic risk to argumentation in philosophy of science
- Creativity and Yóu: the Zhuāngzǐ and scientific inquiry
- Incommensurability and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: taking Kuhn seriously
- From epistemology to policy: reorienting philosophy courses for science students
- Foregrounding and backgrounding: a new interpretation of “levels” in science
- Revisiting abstraction and idealization: how not to criticize mechanistic explanation in molecular biology
- Process epistemology in the COVID-19 era: rethinking the research process to avoid dangerous forms of reification
- Overcoming Frege’s curse: heuristic reasoning as the basis for teaching philosophy of science to scientists
- Is HPS a valuable component of a STEM education? An empirical study of student interest in HPS courses within an undergraduate science curriculum
- The emergence of the postgenomic gene
- Epistemological and educational issues in teaching practice-oriented scientific research: roles for philosophers of science
- The logic of explanation in molecular biology: historical-processual and logical-procedural aspects
- Proxy measurement in paleoclimatology
- Data quality, experimental artifacts, and the reactivity of the psychological subject matter
- Applied versus situated mathematics in ancient Egypt: bridging the gap between theory and practice
- The Humean pragmatic turn and the case for revisionary best systems accounts
- On entanglement as a relation
- Direct and converse applications: Two sides of the same coin?
- How to Incorporate Non-Epistemic Values into a Theory of Classification
- Knowledge transfer, templates, and the spillovers
- Analogy and Composition in Early Nineteenth-Century Chemistry The Case of Aluminium
- Evidence for interactive common causes. Resuming the Cartwright-Hausman-Woodward debate
- Purifying applied mathematics and applying pure mathematics: how a late Wittgensteinian perspective sheds light onto the dichotomy
- Infinity and continuum in the alternative set theory
- Correction to: Philosophy of sustainability experimentation _ experimental legacy, normativity and transfer of evidence
- Fitness: static or dynamic?
- Neo-Lorentzian relativity and the beginning of the universe
- Countability and self-identity
- Idealizations and Partitions: A Defense of Robustness Analysis
- Probing ‘operational coherence’ in Hasok Chang’s pragmatic realism
- The Hows and whys of philosophy of science teaching: a comparative analysis
- From measurement to classificatory practice: improving psychiatric classification independently of the opposition between symptom-based and causal approaches
- New functionalism and the social and behavioral sciences
- Integrating philosophy of science in civil engineering: an integrative course design strategy
- Values and inductive risk in machine learning modelling: the case of binary classification models
- What is a data model?
- Econophysics: making sense of a chimera
- Bipedal Gait Costs: a new case study of mathematical explanation in science
- Aligning the free-energy principle with Peirce’s logic of science and economy of research
- Objectivity for the research worker
- Semantic layering and the success of mathematical sciences
- Better learning through history: using archival resources to teach healthcare ethics to science students
- Science and policy in extremis: the UK’s initial response to COVID-19
- Self-reflexive cognitive bias
- Holism as the empirical significance of symmetries
- Correction to: Reply to Cartwright, Pemberton, Wieten: “mechanisms, laws and explanation”
- Understanding physics: ‘What?’, ‘Why?’, and ‘How?’
- The applicability of mathematics in computational systems biology and its experimental relations
- Philosophy of sustainability experimentation _ experimental legacy, normativity and transfer of evidence
- Close encounters with scientific analogies of the third kind
- Symmetry and partial belief geometry
- Structure-sensitive testimonial norms
- Down to Earth: History and philosophy of geoscience in practice for undergraduate education
- Representation in measurement
- Reactivity in measuring depression
- Inflating the social aspects of cognitive structural realism
- Varieties of dispositional essentialism about natural laws
- Applying mechanical philosophy to web science: The case of social machines
- Weintraub’s response to Williamson’s coin flip argument
- Unexplained cooperation
- Lost horizon? – modeling black holes in string theory
- Methodology for the metaphysics of pregnancy
- Second philosophy and testimonial reliability: Philosophy of science for STEM students
- Epistemic artifacts and the modal dimension of modeling
- On the mitigation of inductive risk
- Capturing the representational and the experimental in the modelling of artificial societies
- A dialogue on the ethics of science: Henri Poincaré and Pope Francis
- W.F.R. Weldon changes his mind
- Explanatory hierarchy of causal structures in molecular biology
- The freedom we mean: A causal independence account of creativity and academic freedom
- How (not) to measure replication
- A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning to students from application-oriented sciences
- How is cancer complex?
- Biological functions and natural selection: a reappraisal
- QBism and the limits of scientific realism
- The epistemic consequences of pragmatic value-laden scientific inference
- Three facets of time-reversal symmetry
- The inchworm episode: Reconstituting the phenomenon of kinesin motility
- Misconceptions, conceptual pluralism, and conceptual toolkits: bringing the philosophy of science to the teaching of evolution
- On the principal principle and imprecise subjective Bayesianism
- Incompatibility and the pessimistic induction: a challenge for selective realism
- Nothing but coincidences: the point-coincidence and Einstein’s struggle with the meaning of coordinates in physics
- Metaphors in arts and science
- Information and explanation: an inconsistent triad and solution
- Reactivity in social scientific experiments: what is it and how is it different (and worse) than a Placebo effect?
- Must hidden variables theories be contextual? Kochen & Specker meet von Neumann and Gleason
- Feyerabend, funding, and the freedom of science: the case of traditional Chinese medicine
- Epistemic issues in computational reproducibility: software as the elephant in the room
- Exploring biological possibility through synthetic biology
- Introduction to topical collection on perspectivism in science: metaphysical and epistemological reflections
- The Principal Principle, admissibility, and normal informal standards of what is reasonable
- Making our “meta-hypotheses” clear: heterogeneity and the role of direct replications in science
- Hidden figures: epistemic costs and benefits of detecting (invisible) diversity in science
- Quantum ontology without speculation
- Data models, representation and adequacy-for-purpose
- Cosmic Bayes. Datasets and priors in the hunt for dark energy
- Cosmic hylomorphism
- Creativity as potentially valuable improbable constructions
- The modal status of the laws of nature. Tahko’s hybrid view and the kinematical/dynamical distinction
- The role of replication in psychological science
- Making coherent senses of success in scientific modeling
- Constitutive elements through perspectival lenses
- Explication as a Three-Step Procedure: the case of the Church-Turing Thesis
- Natural kind terms again
- The mechanistic stance
- The dissipative approach to quantum field theory: conceptual foundations and ontological implications
- Rethinking creative intelligence: comparative psychology and the concept of creativity
- On the categoricity of quantum mechanics
- Creativity in science and the ‘anthropological turn’ in virtue theory
- Powers ontology and the quantum revolution
- Measurement perspective, process, and the pandemic
- Experimenter as automaton; experimenter as human: exploring the position of the researcher in scientific research
- IBE in engineering science – the case of malfunction explanation
- Perspectival pluralism for animal welfare
- Scientific Perspectivism and psychiatric diagnoses: respecting history and constraining relativism
- No laws and (thin) powers in, no (governing) laws out
- The power of meta-analysis: a challenge for evidence-based medicine
- Visibility, creativity, and collective working practices in art and science
- The self and its causal powers between metaphysics and science
- Local explanation in historiography of science
- Measuring creativity: an account of natural and artificial creativity
- Double trouble? The communication dimension of the reproducibility crisis in experimental psychology and neuroscience
- The strong emergence of molecular structure
- “Repeated sampling from the same population?” A critique of Neyman and Pearson’s responses to Fisher
- Reply to Cartwright, Pemberton, Wieten: “mechanisms, laws and explanation”
- Novel & worthy: creativity as a thick epistemic concept
- Perspectivism in current epigenetics
- Realism, reference & perspective
- Social constructionism and climate science denial
- Calling for explanation: the case of the thermodynamic past state
- Mechanistic explanations and components of social mechanisms
- A theory of contrastive causal explanation and its implications concerning the explanatoriness of deterministic and probabilistic hypotheses
- Giere’s instrumental Perspectivism
- Synchronic and diachronic identity for elementary particles
- Scientific perspectivism in the phenomenological tradition
- Reconstructing rational reconstructions: on Lakatos’s account on the relation between history and philosophy of science
- Modality and constitution in distinctively mathematical explanations
- On Shackel’s nothing from infinity paradox
- Mechanisms, laws and explanation
- Perspectivism and the epistemology of experimentation
- On metaphysically necessary laws from physics
- The Big Data razor
- Perspectival realism and norms of scientific representation
- The Evidence for the accelerating universe: endorsement and robust consistency
- Perspectival objectivity
- Putting multidisciplinarity (back) on the map
- String theory, loop quantum gravity and eternalism
- Old problems for neo-positivist naturalized metaphysics
- What is epistemically wrong with research affected by sponsorship bias? The evidential account
- Recharacterizing scientific phenomena
- Organisms, activity, and being: on the substance of process ontology
- Variety of evidence and the elimination of hypotheses
- Correction to: “The Battle is on”: Lakatos, Feyerabend, and the student protests
- The limits of replicability
- Interpretive analogies between quantum and statistical mechanics
- Model-groups as scientific research programmes
- Explaining temporal qualia
- Explanations and candidate explanations in physics
- Information vs. entropy vs. probability
- Construct validity in psychological tests – the case of implicit social cognition
- Dependence relations in general relativity
- The Principal Principle and subjective Bayesianism
- Causal closure of the physical, mental causation, and physics
- Towards a theory of emergence for the physical sciences
- The role of the environment in computational explanations
- Universality caused: the case of renormalization group explanation
- Action at a temporal distance in the best systems account
- Complexity and integration. A philosophical analysis of how cancer complexity can be faced in the era of precision medicine
- The principle of virtual work, counterfactuals, and the avoidance of physics
- Farmers’ experiments and scientific methodology
- “It might be this, it should be that…” uncertainty and doubt in day-to-day research practice
- From physics to biology: physicists in the search for systemic biological explanations
- Stopping rules as experimental design
- “The Battle is on”: Lakatos, Feyerabend, and the student protests
- Roads to the past: how to go and not to go backward in time in quantum theories
- Theory-choice, transient diversity and the efficiency of scientific inquiry
- On de Finetti’s instrumentalist philosophy of probability
- Relativistic spacetimes and definitions of determinism
- Stabilization of phenomenon and meaning
- An antidote for hawkmoths: on the prevalence of structural chaos in non-linear modeling
- What distinguishes data from models?
- On the interpretation of Feynman diagrams, or, did the LHC experiments observe H → γγ ?
- A refinement to the general mechanistic account
- Understanding does not depend on (causal) explanation
- Two challenges for a boolean approach to constitutive inference
- Epistemology for interdisciplinary research – shifting philosophical paradigms of science
- Multiple Realizability as a design heuristic in biological engineering
- In defense of Newtonian induction: Hume’s problem of induction and the universalization of primary qualities
- Why computer simulations are not inferences, and in what sense they are experiments
- Water has a microstructural essence after all
- Variation of information as a measure of one-to-one causal specificity
- The division of advisory labour: the case of ‘mitochondrial donation’
- Modeling creative abduction Bayesian style
- Symmetry arguments against regular probability: A reply to recent objections
- From ontic structural realism to metaphysical coherentism
- What we (should) talk about when we talk about fruitfulness
- Autopoiesis, biological autonomy and the process view of life
- Explaining the modal force of natural laws
- “So … who is your audience?”
- The division of cognitive labor: two missing dimensions of the debate
- EPSA17: Selected papers from the biannual conference in Exeter
- Correction to: “Dealing with the changeable and blurry edges of living things: a modified version of property-cluster kinds”
- ‘Physics is a kind of metaphysics’: Émile Meyerson and Einstein’s late rationalistic realism
- Scientific polarization
- Correction to: Multiple diversity concepts and their ethical-epistemic implications
- Methodological empiricism and the choice of measurement models in social sciences
- “Dealing with the changeable and blurry edges of living things: a modified version of property-cluster kinds”
- The in-principle inconclusiveness of causal evidence in macroeconomics
- Explanation and abstraction from a backward-error analytic perspective
- Multiple diversity concepts and their ethical-epistemic implications
- Interpreting theories without a spacetime
- The limits of Humeanism
- The Janus head of Bachelard’s phenomenotechnique: from purification to proliferation and back
- Definition in mathematics
- Integrative taxonomy and the operationalization of evolutionary independence
- The objectivity of Subjective Bayesianism
- Justifying the principle of indifference
- The wave-function as a multi-field
- Histories in quantum mechanics: distinguishing between formalism and interpretation
- The Infinity from Nothing paradox and the Immovable Object meets the Irresistible Force
- Physics’ silence on time
- Induction and knowledge-what
- Correction to John D. Norton “How to build an infinite lottery machine”
- The economy of nature: the structure of evolution in Linnaeus, Darwin, and the modern synthesis
- Explanatory integration
- Abstraction in ecology: reductionism and holism as complementary heuristics
- Euler’s Königsberg: the explanatory power of mathematics
- Token physicalism and functional individuation
- Stop making sense of Bell’s theorem and nonlocality?
- Editors’ letter
- A (Fatal) Trilemma for best theory realism
- The turn of the valve: representing with material models
- Frames and concepts in the philosophy of science
- Fine-tuning in the context of Bayesian theory testing
- Are computer simulations experiments? And if not, how are they related to each other?
- Simplified models: a different perspective on models as mediators
- Values and evidence: how models make a difference
- Against fields
- Erratum to: How to build an infinite lottery machine
- On the justification of deduction and induction
- Conceptual clarification and implicit-association tests: psychometric evidence for racist attitudes
- Synthetic biology and the search for alternative genetic systems: Taking how-possibly models seriously
- Michelangelo’s stone: an argument against platonism in mathematics
- Modeling the social organization of science
- Relationalism about mechanics based on a minimalist ontology of matter
- Does the counterfactual theory of explanation apply to non-causal explanations in metaphysics?
- Dutch Books and nonclassical probability spaces
- On the presumed superiority of analytical solutions over numerical methods
- Aporia of power: On the crises, science, and internal dynamics of the mental health field
- Variety-of-evidence reasoning about the distant past
- Epistemology of causal inference in pharmacology
- How to built an infinite lottery machine
- Surrealistic Bohmian trajectories appraised
- What’s so special about empirical adequacy?
- A condition for transitivity in high probability
- The philosophical significance of Stein’s paradox
- Robustness analysis and tractability in modeling
- Theoretical fertility McMullin-style
- Scientific explanation and understanding: unificationism reconsidered
- Conceptual fragmentation and the rise of eliminativism
- Presentism and black holes
- What can polysemy tell us about theories of explanation?
- Regularity and infinitely tossed coins
- Using conceptual spaces to exhibit conceptual continuity through scientific theory change
- Using science, making policy: what should we worry about?
- Reconstructing the upward path to structural realism
- Evo-devo: a science of dispositions
- Pattern as observation: Darwin’s ‘great facts’ of geographical distribution
- Malfunctions and teleology
- Inference to the best explanation as a theory for the quality of mechanistic evidence in medicine