- Why Is Good Death Important? The Possibility of Dialogue between Western Bioethics and Confucian Ethics
- On the Rationality of Ethical Governance of Eco-Environment: Analysis from the Perspective of Marxist Environmental Governance
- The Influence of Confucian Ethical Leadership on Employees’ Unethical ProOrganizational Behavior
- The Interplay of Autonomy and Vulnerability: A Bioethical Perspective
- The Narrative Dilemma of Contemporary Ecological Ethics and the Narrative of Humanity in Confucian Ecological Ethics
- The Opportunities and Challenges of Bioethics Research in the Era of Big Data
- Algorithmic Discrimination and Social Justice from the Perspective of Value Philosophy
- Ethical Reflection on Human-Machine Relationship in the Age of Intelligence
- Ethical Challenges and Risks Caused by the Intelligence Revolution
- Principle Ethics in Applied Ethics
- The Research Tradition and Future of Ethics in China
- Where the Heart Is “at Ease”: On the Foundation of Confucian Ethics of Emotion
- Pluralistic Framework of Traditional Chinese Moral Evaluation and Its Present-Day Relevance
- On the Virtue-Oriented Spirit of Chinese Culture and Its Present-Day Value
- Family-State Ethical Justice and the Civilizational Form of Guojia
- Mutual Interpretation and Orientation between Ethic and Morality
- Theory of the Unity of Body and Mind from the Perspective of Wang Yangming’s Philosophy of Mind
- New Philosophical Perspectives for Understanding Humans and the World: From “Viewing through Affairs” to “Intention Noumenon Theory”
- Body-Mind Monism and the Establishment of the Zoeontological Subject
- A Comparison between Wisdom (Zhi) and Deliberation (Gu), Mind (Xin) and Qi in the Mencius and the Zhuangzi from the Perspective of the Hermeneutic Circle
- A New Interpretation of Mozi’s Idea of “Identification with the Superior” from the Perspective of “Common Good”
- An Inquiry of the Confucian “Inner Sage and Outer King”
- “Home” and Philosophy: The Imagery and Metaphysical Significance of “Home” in Chinese Philosophy
- The Search for Universality and the Consciousness of Human Community in Chinese Philosophy
- Han Feizi on Human Nature
- Philosophical Essence of “Heart Nature” in Traditional Confucianism and Its Contemporary Transformation: A Review of Meng Peiyuan’s “Chinese Theory of Heart Nature”
- Reflection and Reconstruction of the Contemporary Yi-ology in China
- The Meta-Question, Components, and Basic Structure of Chinese Philosophy
- Exploring China’s National Governance Modernization from the Perspective of Ecological Ethics
- Constructing the Contemporary Concepts of Ecological Ethics in the Context of Laozi’s Philosophy
- Transformation from the Philosophy of Human Dominance over Nature to the Philosophy of Harmony Between Humanity and Nature: The Construction of Chinese Marxist Ecological Philosophy
- On “Ecological Confucianism” and Its Theoretical and Practical Significance
- Advancing Ecological Civilization in the New Era with Confucian Ecological Culture
- Politics of Eco-Civilization Construction: From the Perspective of Political Philosophy
- Book Discription
- Visualized Analysis of the Philosophical Study of Science and Technology in China in the Last Two Decades
- A Philosophical Reflection on the Historical Traces of Scientific and Technological Transition in China over the Past CenturyVisualized Analysis of the Philosophical Study of Science and Technology in China in the Last Two Decades
- Insights from Moralizing Technology on the Ethics of Contemporary Science and Technology
- Agents, Simulation, and Technology: A Philosophical Interpretation of AI Literary and Artistic Production
- Understanding of the Three Levels of Interactions Between Philosophy of AI and Philosophy for Children
- Several Issues on the Philosophy of AI
- The Rise of the Philosophy of Science and Technology in China and the Dialectics of Nature
- Academic News
- Academci News
- Book Excerpt
- History and Freedom: Two Corresponding Facets of Marxism and Confucianism
- A Reconstruction of Chinese Philosophy, from Ancient Philosophy to a “New Tradition”
- Comparison of Chinese and Western Philosophies and Contemporary Construction of Chinese Philosophy
- The Search for Subjectivity: Chinese Philosophical Studies in the Last Hundred Years and Its Contemporary Orientation
- Harmony Without Uniformity: A Way of Reconstructing the Shared Values of Humanity
- Worldwide Contention of Various Schools of Thought and the Future of Chinese Academics
- Book Description
- Capital Value in the Context of a Socialist Market Economy
- Transplantation and Grafting: Two Concepts of Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of the Times
- Accurately Understand and Use the Concept of Value in Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context
- Comprehensive and In-Depth Understanding of the Core Meaning and Ideological Essence of the “Two Adaptions”
- Centennial Course of the Communist Party of China and Adaption of Marxist Philosophy to the Chinese Context
- Academic Consciousness and Centennial Exploration of Adapting Marxist Philosophy to the Chinese Context
- The Shared Values of Humanity and Its Philosophical Implications: From the Perspective of Civilization
- The Thought of Building a Human Community with a Shared Future: Inheritance and Innovation to Marx’ s Thought of Community
- The Dialectic Relationship Between the Shared Values of Humanity and a Human Community with a Shared Future
- Shared Values of Humanity Are the Ethical Foundation for Building a Human Community with a Shared Future
- Human Community with a Shared Future, Shared Values of Humanity and New Model for Human Advancement
- Life-Ecology Integrated Security in Building a Global Community of Health for Human Beings
- Strategic Thinking on Advancing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics on All Fronts in the New Era—Studying the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
- Reflective, Critical, and Reconstructing Contemporary Chinese Ethics
- Construction of the Disciplinary, Academic, and Discourse Systems in the Contemporary Chinese Philosophy of Science and Technology: Retrospect and Prospect
- Relational Ethics of Globalization under the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Significance and Research Methods of Enhancing Studies on William James’s Philosophy
- Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy
- How Is an Analytic Approach to Chinese Philosophy Possible? — An Observation from Perspective of Methodology
- Historical and Philosophical Reflections on the Success of the Chinese Path
- Rainer Schulzer, Inoue Enryō: A Philosophical Portrait (reviewed by Dennis Prooi)
- Perception & Epistemic Entitlement
- Ming-Huei Lee, Confucianism: Its Roots and Global Significance (reviewed by Kirill O. Thompson)
- The Inverted Spectrum, Qualia, and Wittgenstein’s Grammatical Analysis
- Accidentally True Beliefs and the Williamsonian Mental State of Knowing
- Wittgenstein on Reading
- Truth and Nonsense: A Unified Reading of the Tractatus
- Construction of the World: Ontology in the Tractatus
- The Chinese Understanding of Wittgenstein’s Mysticism in the Tractatus
- Introduction to the Special Theme “Centennial of Publication of the Tractatus ”
- Hunter, Michael, and Martin Kern, eds. Confucius and the Analect Revisited: New Perspectives on Composition, Dating, and Authorship (reviewed by Rika Dunlap)
- Diachronic Emergence and Its Characteristics from the Viewpoint of Complexity Science
- Françoise Dastur. Figures du néant et de la négation entre Orient et Occident (reviewed by François Raffoul)
- Comparative Perspectives on Solutions for the Problem of Other Minds
- The Phenomenological Roots of Technological Intentionality: A Postphenomenological Perspective
- Developing Ethical Leadership in China: The Value of Confucian Virtue Ethics
- Wall, Gate and Self-Other Dynamics: A Confucian Ethics of Separation and Interconnection
- Some Philosophical Thinking about the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Inga Römer,Das Begehren der reinen praktsichen Vernunft: Kants Ethik in phänomenologischer Sicht (The Desire of Practical Reason: Kant’s Ethics in View of Phenomenology) (reviewed by CAI Wenjing)
- Husserl’s Intercultural Implication of Ethical Renewal and Theoretical Rationality: A Reappraisal from an East Asian Perspective
- Dan Zahavi, Husserl’s Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics and Transcendental Philosophy (reviewed by LUO Zhida)
- The Marginality of Phenomenology
- Discussion about the Triple Foundational Relationship between Intellect, Emotion, and Willing from the Perspective of the Phenomenology of Consciousness
- Analytic Phenomenology (or “What It Is Like”) vs. Husserlian Phenomenology
- Husserlian Phenomenology and Derridean Deconstruction: Their Fundamental Methodological Commitments
- Day and Night Overlap: Jan Patočka’s Phenomenological Interpretation of the Front-Line Experience
- Heidegger, Communal Being, and Politics
- Formalism and Heteronomy qua Logonomy—On Max Scheler’s Critique and Development of Kant’s Ethics
- Articulating Consciousness: Brentano and Husserl on Descriptive Analysis
- Introduction to the Special Issue “Phenomenological Studies in Multidimensional Views”
- Alan Rosenberg and Joseph Westfall (eds.), Foucault and Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter (reviewed by Joshua Avery Dawson)
- Bryan Van Norden, Taking back Philosophy: A Multicultural Manifesto (reviewed by Gail Presbey)
- Complete Virtue and the Definition of Happiness in Aristotle
- From Primary Goods to Capability
- To Anchor a Pure De Se
- Toward a Multi-Layered Chiasme-Focused Topology: A Reading of Merleau-Ponty’s Later Writings
- Structuring Reality: The Metaphysics of Harmony in Zhang Zai’s Zhengmeng Philosophical System
- Roles and Representations of Women in Early Chinese Philosophy: A Survey
- The Logical Style of Confucius’ Analects
- Wei ZHANG, What Is Enlightenment: Can China Answer Kant’s Question? (reviewed by Roberto Villsante)
- Joseph Adler, Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi’s Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi (reviewed by Kirill Ole Thompson)
- Tianming and the Other: Rethinking the Source of Responsibility in the Zhong Yong and Emmanuel Levinas
- Heidegger’s Conception of Being-with (Mitsein ) and His Simple Designation of Social and Political Reality in the Black Notebooks
- Reason and Besinnung: Heidegger’s Reflections on Science in Contributions to Philosophy