- Physical Possibility of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect
- Positive Modern Eugenics and the Issue of Correlation Between High Intelligence and Mental Illness
- On the Epistemic Roles of the Individualized Niche Concept in Ecology, Behavioral and Evolutionary Biology
- What is Epistemic Loneliness?
- A Proposal for a Metaphysics of Self-Subsisting Structures. II. Quantum Physics
- Reconstructing the Concepts of Physical Quantities and Physical Reality: From Classical Reality to Information-Theoretic `Reality’
- Scientific Progress During Peacetime: Current Epistemological Trends
- Embodied (4EA) Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
- Chemistry’s Metaphysics
- A primer on Carroll gravity
- Temporal Neutrality Implies Exponential Temporal Discounting
- Insights into Quantum Time Reversal from the Classical Schrödinger Equation
- Review of “Logic Meets Wigner’s Friend (and their Friends)”, by Alexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets
- Simplest Quantum Mechanics: Why It Is Better Than Bohmian, Everettian and Collapse Theories
- Degenerate States and the Problem of Quantum Measurement
- On the Time Orientation of Probabilistic Theories
- Questioning the ideal of value neutrality. A reply to Van den Berg and Jeong.
- Supersymmetry in the Seiberg-Witten Theory: A Window into Quantum Field Theory
- Quantizing Galilean spacetime: a reconstruction of Maxwell’s equations in empty space
- How Not to Talk about Chatbot Mistakes
- Machine Learning and Theory-Ladenness: A Phenomenological Account
- Demarcating value demarcation in ML
- Trait-centered vs. fitness-centered definitions of natural selection
- Vladimir Voevodsky on the concept of mathematical structure in his letter exchange with Andrei Rodin
- Does Identity Have Sense?
- Ethno-racial categorisations for biomedical studies: the fair selection of research participants and population stratification
- The Interplay of Data, Models, and Theories in Machine Learning
- Degrees of Value-Ladenness and Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- The Large-Scale Structure of Inductive Inference
- Explanation, Truth and Structural Realism
- Quantum panprotopsychism and the structure and subject-summing combination problem
- Computable Bayesian Epistemology
- Understanding Asymmetrical Opposition to Medical Assistance in Dying for Mental Illness
- Science as public service
- Examining Self-Described Policy-Relevant Evidence Base for Policymaking: An Evidence Map of COVID-19 Literature
- No-Lose Theorems and the Pursuitworthiness of Experiments
- Comment on the GHZ variant of Bell’s theorem without inequalities
- The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium
- Temporal Externalist Descriptivism on Natural Kind Terms: Beyond the Causal–Historical Analysis
- (Split-)Quaternion and (Split-)Octonion Dynamics in Discrete-Time Recurrent Frenet Frames
- Computable Qualitative Probability
- Industrial Distraction
- The Extended Hamiltonian Is Not Trivial
- The Relationship Between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics: The Irregular Case
- Do First-Class Constraints Generate Gauge Transformations? A Geometric Resolution
- The Philosophy of Science of Consciousness Science
- The Advanced Human Condition. Sketching an Interdisciplinary Anthropology
- Earth, Air, Fire and Water: A Charitable Reading of Ancient Greek Chemistry (With a Warning About Bad Translations
- Equivalence, reduction, and sophistication in teleparallel gravity
- Weyl’s Quantifiers
- Beyond transparency: computational reliabilism as an externalist epistemology of algorithms
- Who’s Afriad of the Base-Rate Fallacy?
- On the Evolution of Norms Aggregated in Homo Sapiens as Required by the Interdependence Hypothesis
- How to Recover Spacetime Structure from Privileged Coordinates
- On a Mental Viewpoint Concerning Aggregative Normativity
- Simpson’s Paradox Beyond Confounding
- Fringe Theories
- Cohen’s Convention, the Seriousness of Errors, and the Body of Knowledge in Behavioral Science
- 3D/4D Metaphysical Equivalence: Lessons from the species debate for the metaphysics of change and persistence
- Experimental philosophy of imagination and creativity
- Decision theory presupposes free will
- Chancy Covariance and the Mind Body Problem
- A dilemma for relational quantum mechanics
- The Traversal of the Infinite: Considering a Beginning for an Infinite Past
- Two kinds of drift?
- Different Kinds of Data: Samples and the Relational Framework
- Galileo’s Ship and the Relativity Principle
- Parachute Science in Paleontology as Distributive Epistemic Injustice
- A Model of Faulty and Faultless Disagreement for Post-Hoc Assessments of Knowledge Utilization in Evidence-Based Policymaking
- Valuaciones de complejidad: un marco semántico general para lenguajes proposicionales
- Phenomenology and independence II
- Engineering the concept of ELSI and RRI
- Frameworks in physics: Abstractness, generality, and the role of metaphysics
- The Propagation of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Virtues
- An Indeterminacy-based Ontology for Quantum Theory
- The evolution of reproductive characters: an organismal-relational approach
- Episodic Memory in Animals
- A Simple Derivation of the Landauer Bound
- Niches and Niche Construction in Biology and Scientific Practice
- When It Comes to the Future, Realism and Antirealism Do Make A Difference
- Wider than the Sky: An Alternative to “Mapping” the World onto the Brain
- On Privileged Coordinates and Kleinian Methods
- The Justification Gap Problem for Theory Reduction
- Einstein Against Singularities: Analysis versus Geometry
- Teaching and the origin of the normativity
- A new Indeterminacy-based Quantum Theory
- Pure shape dynamics, self-subsisting structures, and the nature of time
- Imposing vs finding unity
- Do the Laws of Nature Have Necessity? If Yes, Where Does It Come From?
- Every view is a view from somewhere: Pragmatist laws and possibility
- Guest editors’ Introduction
- Context Matters, an Introduction
- Philosophy of Spacetime Physics
- Wright’s path analysis: Causal inference in the early twentieth century
- Thought experiments in the Jefferson-Turing controversy: A Kuhnian perspective
- Deep conflicts and deep disagreements
- The many laws in the periodic table
- Computation in Context
- Through the Looking Glass and What Immanuel Found There
- A critical framing of data for development: Historicizing data relations and AI
- Getting Back in Shape: Persistence, Shape, and Relativity
- What Do Privileged Coordinates Tell Us About Structure?
- Objectivity of Measurement in Political Science
- Understanding Branching in the Many-worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- Just Pluralism: Thinking About Concepts of Mental Disorder in Global Context
- Kuhn on Scientific Discovery
- Does the Conscious Mind Obey the Laws of Physics?
- On relativistic thermodynamics
- Anti-foundationalist Coherentism as an Ontology for Relational Quantum Mechanics
- Multilayer Networks and the Evolution of Risky Cooperation
- Measuring and Explaining Disagreement in Bird Taxonomy
- Teleofunction in the Service of Computational Individuation
- What Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics Says: In Defense of Bare Probabilism
- Precision Oncology, Signaling Pathways Reprogramming and Targeted Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
- Credentialed Fictions and the Sex Binary
- Functional Indeterminacy, Addiction, and the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis
- Open Systems and Autonomy
- Does Locality Imply Reality of the Wave Function? Hardy’s Theorem Revisited
- The Time in Thermal Time
- Metaphysics and Convention in Dimensional Analysis, 1914-1917
- Calibrating The Theory of Model Mediated Measurement: Metrological Extension, Dimensional Analysis, and High Pressure Physics
- The Bridgman-Tolman-Warburton Correspondence on Dimensional Analysis, 1934
- Journalism and Public Trust in Science
- On the growing universe of causal set theory – an order-type approach
- A Computable von Neumann-Morgenstern Representation Theorem
- Two Species of Realism
- The Possibility Space Concept in Neuroscience: Possibilities, Constraints, and Explanation
- Can Contemporary Cognitive Science Coherently Accommodate Itself?
- The Hole Argument and Putnam’s Paradox
- Princeton seminars on physics and philosophy
- Explanatory Norms and Interdisciplinary Research
- Influences on Kuhn and the Relationship between History and Philosophy of Science
- The Classical Stance: Dennett’s Criterion in Wallacian quantum mechanics
- Kuhn-Loss, Persuasion, and Incommensurability Again – Can Paradigm-Change be Rationally Justified?
- Identification of numbers with operators to construct cardinals
- Philosophy of Psychology and Psychiatry
- Sex Traits and Individual Differences: Stabilising and Destabilising Binary Categories in Biological Practice
- The truth about assertion and retraction: A review of the empirical literature
- Quantum Ontology and Intuitions
- A Triviality Worry for the Internal Model Principle
- The Controversy about Interference of Photons
- Conventional Quantum Theory Does Not Support A Coherent Relational Account
- Improving postgraduate researchers’ inferences with a philosophical workshop
- Quantum ontology de-naturalized: What we can’t learn from quantum mechanics
- Conditionally inaccessible decisions
- A frame-bundle formulation of quantum reference frames: from superposition of perspectives to superposition of geometries
- AI Safety Collides with the Overattribution Bias
- Is the Scaling Hypothesis Falsifiable?
- The Classical Limit of Teleparallel Gravity
- On the Relative Nature of Quantum Individuals
- Dimensions of the Methodological Individualism/Holism Debate
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Reconsidering Neanderthal Aesthetic Capacity
- The Metaphysics of Mechanisms: An Ontic Structural Realist Perspective
- Conjunctive Explanations: When Are Two Explanations Better than One?
- On Functionalism’s Context-Dependent Explanations of Mental States
- Kuhnian lessons for the social epistemology of science
- Are General Relativity and Teleparallel Gravity Theoretically Equivalent?
- Why √-1? The Role of Complex Structure in Quantum Physics
- Scientific Experimental Articles are Modernist Stories
- Organoid Sentience
- Classical Concepts and the Bohrian Epistemological Thesis
- Relational Quantum Mechanics, Causal Composition, and Molecular Structure
- Hawking Radiation A Special Case of Probabilistic Transitions of Propensiton Quantum Theory
- Quantum Systems Other Than the Universe
- The collective responsibilities of science: towards a normative framework
- Framing the Predictive Mind: Why we should think again about Dreyfus
- The Role of Idealizations in Context-Dependent Mapping
- Exploring the Transition: Biology, Technology, and Epistemic Activities
- Another philosophical look at twistor theory
- Proportionality, Determinate Intervention Effects, and High-Level Causation
- Sets and classes in plural logic
- The Value-Free Ideal, the Autonomy Thesis, and Cognitive Diversity
- Persistent evidential discordance
- Predictivism and avoidance of ad hoc-ness: an empirical study
- Beyond footnotes: Lakatos’s meta-philosophy and the history of science
- Explanatory Stabilization in Situations of Evidential Uncertainty
- Normal Science: not uncritical or dogmatic
- The breakdown of effective field theory in particle physics: Lessons for understanding intertheoretic relations
- On different ways of being equal
- Is Peirce’s reduction thesis gerrymandered?
- Logical reduction of relations: from relational databases to Peirce’s reduction thesis
- The Symbolic Approach to the Omega Rule
- Convergence on the Kuhnian view of theory choice
- When Will Scientific Disagreement Bear Fruit?: A Case Study About Angiosperm Origins
- Maps, simulations, spaces and dynamics: on distinguishing types of structural representations
- Expanding the Causal Menu: An Interventionist Perspective on Explaining Human Behavioral Evolution
- Schrodinger’s Cat: Qbit or Cbit?
- Space and time correlations in quantum histories
- Concerning Multiple Context-Dependence, Uncertainty, and Understanding
- Rethinking Geographic Diversity in Value-laden Ideals of Science
- Thought Experiment without Single Reconstruction
- Towards an Account of Complementarities and Context-Dependence
- A History of Metaethics and Values in Science
- A Historical Perspective on Value Judgments, Value-Neutrality, and Values in Science
- Dejustifying Scientific Progress
- Absolute representations and modern physics
- Conservation laws in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
- Materializing values
- Life–Mind Continuity: Untangling Categorical, Extensional, and Systematic Aspects
- The collapse of a quantum state as a joint probability construction
- Symmetries and Measurements
- Remote possibilities in branching time structures
- Proportionality and the Effect-of-Cause Question
- Anchoring as a Structural Bias of Deliberation
- The Ambiguous Legacy of Kuhn’s Structure for Normative Philosophy of Science
- Feyerabend’s Realism and Expansion of Pluralism in the 1970s
- How an Agential Account of Biological Individuality Can Come Apart from Concepts of the Organism
- Physical Explanation and the Autonomy of Biology
- Aims, Domains, and Models in Science
- We should not align quantitative measurements with stakeholder values
- Intervening is Conditioning
- The Philosopher’s Error: Levels, Causation, and Constraints
- When Should Absence of Evidence Be Evidence of Absence?: A Case Study from Paleogeology
- Stability in Climate Change Attribution
- Deep Learning as Method-Learning: Pragmatic Understanding, Epistemic Strategies and Design-Rules
- Inferring to the Best Explanation from Uncertain Evidence
- Y-chromosome degeneration due to speciation and founder effect
- Alternative Models of Research Funding
- Epistemic Circularity: Worry, Illusion, and Determination
- What is Fundamental in Fundamental Physics?
- Does it Harm Science to Suppress Dissenting Evidence?
- Navigating the ‘Moral Hazard’ Argument in Synthetic Biology’s Application
- John Herschel’s Methodology in the Scientific Community
- Values in Public Health: An Argument from Trust
- Are Generics and Negativity about Social Groups Common on Social Media? – A Comparative Analysis of Twitter (X) Data
- Two Kinds of Biological Normativity
- Theoretical virtues of cognitive extension
- Science and Imagination
- Janina Hosiasson and the Value of Evidence
- On the probabilistic character of irreducible mental causation
- A Fundamental Duality in the Exact Sciences: The Application to Quantum Mechanics
- Present Records of the Past Hypothesis
- The Decoherent Arrow of Time and the Entanglement Past Hypothesis
- Cooperation, Cognition, and the Elusive Role of Joint Agency
- Correspondence: Science-policy research collaborations need philosophers
- A New Approach to Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Illustrated Using a Pedagogical Model over ℤ2
- An indeterminacy-based ontology for quantum theory
- What is Lacking in Sora and V-JEPA’s World Models? -A Philosophical Analysis of Video AIs Through the Theory of Productive Imagination
- On Informational Injustice and Epistemic Exclusions
- Collapsing Strong Emergence’s Collapse Problem
- Interventional Philosophy in Medicine: Formulating Hypotheses
- Neurodiversity, Liberal Capitalism, and Self-Understanding: A Review of Robert Chapman’s Empire of Normality: Neurodiversity and Capitalism
- Drew Leder, The Healing Body: Creative Responses to Illness, Aging, and Affliction (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2024)
- Teleosemantics, Structural Resemblance and Predictive Processing
- Explaining Transitions in Human Behavioural Evolution: An Interventionist Perspective
- Qualitative analysis of the reflection of the mathematical dimension of gambling in gaming online content – Technical report no. 1
- Phenomenology and independence
- Bohr and von Neumann on the Universality of Quantum Mechanics: Materials for the History of the Quantum Measurement Process
- Past Materials, Past Minds: The Philosophy of Cognitive Paleoanthropology
- Cognitive Archaeology Meets Cultural Evolutionary Psychology
- An appraisal of comparative probability
- Explanatory Power and Explanatory Justice
- Does science evolve?
- Gadgets Meet Artefacts: Aligning Heyes’s Cultural Evolutionary Account With the Archaeological Record
- Mixed-Effects Modeling and Non-Reductive Explanation
- Design Principles as Minimal Models
- Holistic Modeling—An Objection to Weisberg’s Weighted Feature-Matching Account
- Everything is Entangled in Quantum Mechanics: Are the Orthodox Measures Physically Meaningful?
- The Case for Multiple Realization in Biology
- Multilevel Modeling and the Explanatory Autonomy of Psychology
- The Transmission of Cumulative Cultural Knowledge — Towards a Social Epistemology of Non-Testimonial Cultural Learning
- Getting from Here to There: The Contingency of Historical Evidence and the Value of Speculation
- “Hidden Variables and Bell’s Theorem: Local or Not?”
- “Relativistic Pilot-Wave Theories as the Rational Completion of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity.”
- A Puzzle About General Covariance and Gauge
- Qualia and the Formal Structure of Meaning
- Atemporality and the Origins of the Eternal Cosmos: Debates on Timeless Simultaneity within Platonic Cosmogonies
- Time and Atemporality of Time in Hegel’s Naturphilosophie
- A Meinongian solution ofMcTaggart’s paradox
- Representationalism and Rationality: Why Mental Representation is Real
- The Mitonuclear Compatibility Species Concept, Intrinsic Essentialism, and Natural Kinds
- Sins and Risks in Underreporting Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions
- To Hedge or Not to Hedge: Scientific Claims and Public Justification
- Density Matrix Realism
- Indexicality, Bayesian Background and Self-Location in Fine-Tuning Arguments for the Multiverse
- Conditions of Knowability of Organic Life
- Cantor’s Illusion
- Dressing vs. Fixing: On How to Extract and Interpret Gauge-Invariant Content
- Biological Theories in the Domain of Physiology
- The de Broglie wave as an undulatory distortion induced in the moving particle by the failure of simultaneity
- Conditions of Knowability of Organic Life – an Epistemological Basis for Empirical Vitalism
- On the Meaning of Local Symmetries: Epistemic-Ontological Dialectics
- SIDEs: Separating Idealization from Deceptive ‘Explanations’ in xAI
- Emergence-Free Duality: Phonons and Vibrating Atoms in Crystalline Solids
- The Historical Challenge to Realism and Essential Deployment
- Gauge Invariance Through Gauge Fixing
- Equivalence Relations in Quantum Theory: An Objective Account of Bases and Factorizations.
- Against Self-Location
- How (Not) to Define Inertial Frames
- Reintroducing Dynamics into Static Causal Models
- Interpersonal independence of knowledge and belief
- Empirical Access to Life’s Teleological Forces via an Active and Co-Constitutive Relation between Subject and Object
- Coordination in Social Learning: Expanding the Narrative on the Evolution of Social Norms
- Nothingness and Paraconsistent Logic
- How to serve two epistemic masters
- Golden spikes, scientific types, and the ma(r)king of deep time
- The quantum gravity seeds for laws of nature
- Finite frequentism explains quantum probability
- Real Patterns in Physics and Beyond
- The Hole Argument and Determinism(s)
- Non-Spatial Matters: On the Possibility of Non-Spatial Material Objects
- The emergence of spacetime: what role for functionalism?
- Impacts, symmetries and decisions: the quest for habitable worlds
- On the Philosophical Foundation of Graph Ecology
- Implications of computer science theory for the simulation hypothesis
- The Black Hole Idealization Paradox
- On Coordinates and Spacetime Structure
- Physical Theory and Physical Possibility
- Quantization and the Preservation of Structure across Theory Change
- Heraclitus-Maximal Worlds
- Knowing who occupies an office; purely contingent, necessary and impossible offices
- Creative and geometric times in physics, mathematics, logic, and philosophy
- A New Approach to Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Illustrated Using a Pedagogical Model over Z2
- Reconstructions of Quantum Theory: Methodology and the Role of Axiomatization
- Memoro Ergo Sum
- Empowerment as Causal Learning, Causal Learning as Empowerment: A bridge between Bayesian causal hypothesis testing and reinforcement learning.
- Modeling Action: Recasting the Causal Theory
- Some remarks on recent approaches to torsionful non-relativistic gravity
- What is a trait? Lessons from the human chin
- Developmental Channeling and Evolutionary Dappling
- The Qualitative Study of Scientific Imagination
- Rational representations of uncertainty: a pluralistic approach to bounded rationality
- The easy difference: Sex in behavioural ecology
- Machine Learning and the Ethics of Induction
- Mobility, Change, and A Shared History: The Ottoman Jewish Printing Press in Istanbul Alongside Turkish-Muslim Print
- Medicine, epistemology and constructional paradoxes
- Scrutinizing the foundations: could large Language Models be solipsistic?
- Explicating quantum indeterminacy
- The Indeterminate Present
- Criteria of Success for Engineering Accident Investigations: A Question-Centered Account
- Feature Dependence: A Method for Reconstructing Actual Causes in Engineering Failure Investigations
- Review of “Quantum Uncertainty as an Intrinsic Clock”, by Etera K. Livine
- Is There a ‘Best’ Way for Patients to Participate in Pharmacovigilance?
- Examining Part–Part Interactions toward Improving Mechanistic Explanations in Cell Biology
- Nominalism, Contingency, and Natural Structure
- Probabilistically coherent credences despite opacity
- What is the value in an intrinsic formalism?
- Emergent Spatial Ontologies in the Early Modern Period
- Learning to Represent: Mathematics-first accounts of representation and their relation to natural language
- Explanation in Biology
- Many worlds or one: reply to Steeger
- On some examples from first-order logic as motivation for categorical equivalence of KPMs
- Explanation Hacking: The perils of algorithmic recourse
- Machine Learning in Public Health and the Prediction-Intervention Gap
- Values, Bias and Replicability
- Who ought to look towards the horizon? A qualitative study on the collective social responsibility of scientific research
- Learning How to Learn by Self-Tuning Reinforcement
- The gatekeeper’s dilemma: expert testimony, scientific knowledge and judicial reasoning
- Machine Learning in Public Health and the Prediction Intervention Gap
- The Negative Energy Sea
- Bridgman and the Normative Independence of Science: An Individual Physicist in the Shadow of the Bomb
- Laws of nature as results of a trade-off — Rethinking the Humean trade-off conception
- The fifth Solvay Congress really over or still open Between Physics and Philosophy
- Machine Learning models as Mathematics: interpreting explainable AI in non-causal terms
- Black Hole Paradoxes: A Unified Framework for Information Loss
- GR as a classical spin-2 theory?
- Cantor, Choice, and Paradox
- Revaluing the behaviorist ghost in enactivism and embodied cognition
- Characterizing the Value-Free Ideal: From a Dichotomy to a Multiplicity
- From S-matrix theory to strings: Scattering data and the commitment to non-arbitrariness
- Niches and Niche Models
- Unexpected Quantum Indeterminacy
- Do arbitrary constants exist? A logical objection
- Physical Necessitism
- Promising Stabs in the Dark: Theory Virtues and Pursuit-Worthiness in the Dark Energy Problem
- Hard Problems, Interpretive Concepts, and Humean Laws
- Not Even Ideal. Kant on Absolute Time and Gödel’s Rotating Universes.
- Discrimination Through the Lens of Philosophy of Science
- Historiography, Teleology, and Kuhn’s Last Writings
- Social Emergence and Unpredictability
- The local validity of special relativity from a scale-relative perspective
- From Explanations to Interpretability and Back
- Captivated by life: the life sciences in the heretical tradition of Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Ruyet
- The Unruh Effect and Theory Interpretation in an Effective Framework
- Cultural Bias in Explainable AI Research: A Systematic Analysis
- The Unruh Effect and Theory Intepretation in an Effective Framework
- The physicists philosophy of physics
- Moving Targets and Models of Nothing: A New Sense of Abstraction for Philosophy of Science
- New Prospects for a Causally Local Formulation of Quantum Theory
- The inferentialist guide to quantum mechanics
- Symmetries and Representation
- Stating Maths-First Realism, or: How to Say Things with Models
- Metrics in Biodiversity Conservation and the Value-Free Ideal
- The Thermodynamic Origins and Dynamical Foundations of Quantum Discontinuity
- A New Logic, a New Information Measure, and a New Information-Based Approach to Interpreting Quantum Mechanics
- Kant’s Transition Project and its debt to Émilie Du Châtelet
- Indexicals and Communicative Affordances
- Conflicting results and statistical malleability: embracing pluralism of empirical results
- Creative Contingencies: Predictive Processing, 4E Cognition and the Case of the Novel
- Kant’s Transition Project and its debt to Emilie Du Châtelet
- Gain of Function Research and Model Organisms in Biology
- The Notorious Man-in-the-Street: Hermann Weyl and the Problem of Knowledge
- Identification is Pointless: Quantum Reference Frames, Localisation of Events, and the Quantum Hole Argument
- Mach on Analogy in Science
- Your Cosmos Needs You! From Nothingness to Quantum Existentialism
- How PC Can Discover “Constitution”
- Bayesian “No Miracle Argument” and the Priors of Truth
- Believing in the objects: the shift to faith
- Rethinking Neuroscientific Methodology: Lived Experience in Behavioral Studies
- Cosmic Topology, Underdetermination, and Spatial Infinity
- In Defense of a Constructive Truth Concept
- The measurement in classical and quantum theory
- Can the Schro ̈dinger dynamics explain measurement?
- Schro ̈dinger dynamics of a two-state system under measurement
- Making Sense of Gravitational Thermodynamics
- The Precision Oncology Approach to Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Targeting Oncogenic Signaling Pathways is a Means to an End
- From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics
- Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution
- Science and Moral Imagination: A New Ideal for Values in Science
- Does nature learn? Information integration and rare events in systems of increasing complexity
- Emergent Will
- Why the wavefunction already is an object on space
- Independent Evidence in Multi-messenger Astrophysics
- Reliabilist Epistemology Meets Bounded Rationality
- Flipping Arrows
- The Chances of Choices
- Sleeping Beauty: Why Everyone Should Be a Thirder
- Everettian Branching in the World and of the World
- The Continuum Hypothesis: schisms and other isms
- Structuralism in differential equations
- Beyond Classification and Prediction: The Promise of Physics-Informed Machine Learning in Astronomy and Cosmology
- On the reality of the quantum state once again: A no-go theorem for psi-ontic models?
- Non-separability, locality and criteria of reality: a reply to Waegell and McQueen
- Philosophy Moves
- Conflict of Interest and the Principle of Total Evidence
- Quantum panprotopsychism and the combination problem
- Bohmian mechanics as Cartesian science
- Wittgenstein on decisions and the mathematical practice
- A new theory of quasi-sets without atoms: a reply to Adonai Sant’Anna
- Quantizing Galilean spacetime – A reconstruction of Maxwell’s equations in empty space
- What to make of intransitive preferences?
- Diseases as Social Problems
- Preface: Virtual entities in science
- The eye stays in the picture: Virtual images in early modern and modern optics
- Understanding, virtually: How does the synthetic cell matter?
- The ghost in the machine: Metaphors of the ‘virtual’ and the ‘artificial’ in post-WW2 computer science
- Virtuality in modern physics in the 1920s and 1930s: Meaning(s) of an emerging notion
- Real virtuality and actual transitions: Historical reflections on virtual entities before Quantum Field Theory
- How to study virtual entities historically? A proposal
- How to conceive virtual entities: Peirce’s proposal
- The Property Theory of Space and Non-Spacetime Quantum Gravity Theories
- On the Prospects of an Effective Metaphysics
- A Historical Shift in Philosophy of Science
- Protocol Sentences in Logical Positivism
- Imagination and Creativity in the Scientific Realm
- Counterparts, Determinism, and the Hole Argument
- Outline for an externalist psychiatry (3): social aetiology and the tension between constraints and the possibilities of construction
- Outline for an externalist psychiatry (2): an anthropological detour
- Outline for an externalist psychiatry (1): or, how to realise the biopsychosocial model
- Why the global phase is not real
- On the Ramifications of Theory Choice in Causal Assessment: Indicators of Causation and Their Conceptual Relationships
- Bayesian Confirmation from Analog Models
- Lorentz invariance and quantum mechanics
- Understanding in Science and Philosophy
- Existential Quantifiers and Contemporary Logic
- The Role of Imagination in Making Water from Moon Rocks: How Scientists Use Imagination to Break Constraints on Imagination
- The inferentialist guide to scientific realism
- A new indeterminacy-based quantum theory
- Conservation Principles in AQUAL
- On Otavio Bueno on identity and quantification (v.2)
- In Defence of Dimensions
- On Ot’avio Bueno on identity and quantification
- The Place of Explanation in Scientific Inquiry: Inference to the Best Explanation vs Inference to the Only Explanation.
- Robustness and the Event Horizon Telescope: the case of the first image of M87*
- Smartphones: Parts of Our Minds? Or Parasites?
- From the Right to Science as an epistemic-cultural human right to the Right to Expertise
- A new theory of causation based on probability distribution determinism
- On Ota ́vio Bueno on identity and quantification
- On Dieks against the Received View
- A Hyperintensional Two-Dimensionalist Solution to the Access Problem
- Hazy Spots on Photographic Plates: On the Measurement of the Velocity-Dependency of the Electron’s Mass
- Scientific Revolutions, Abductive Reasoning, and Autism
- Bad Social Norms rather than Bad Believers — Examining the Role of Social Norms in Bad Beliefs.
- Science, Society and Virtue: Scientific Neutrality and Social Engagement in 21st century
- En Route to Reduction: Lorentzian Manifolds and Causal Sets
- Citation Metrics: A Philosophy of Science Perspective.
- Polygene risk scores and randomized experiments
- New Probabilistic Account of Counterfactuals
- Medicine, healthcare and the environment: from the salutogenic approach towards the salutogenic environments.
- “To Measure by a Known Measure”: Kepler’s Geometrical Epistemology in the Harmonices Mundi Libri V
- Explaining the Aharonov-Bohm Effect
- On coordinate-based and coordinate-free approaches to Newtonian gravitation on Maxwellian spacetime
- Reliability and Interpretability in Science and Deep Learning
- No Grounds for Effective Theories
- The impossibility of non-manipulable probability aggregation
- The Great Loop: From Conformal Cyclic Cosmology to Aeon Monism
- Reflections on Some Strategies for Causal Inference in Psychiatry
- Physicists’ Views on Scientific Realism
- What Is Foraging?
- Why does statistics matter to philosophy?
- Scientific Explanation as a Guide to Ground
- Science and Values: A Two-way Direction
- Equilibrium in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics
- Non-relativistic twistor theory: Newtonian limits and gravitational collapse
- Cell Fate: What’s Evolution Got to Do With It?
- Type I Error Rates are Not Usually Inflated
- A defence of Isaacson’s thesis, or how to make sense of the boundaries of finite mathematics
- Unraveling the philosophy of existential Quantifier
- Rational Factionalization for Agents with Probabilistically Related Beliefs
- Neutral and Niche Theory in Community Ecology: A Framework for Comparing Model Realism
- Is There an Idea of Laws of Nature in Chinese Classical Texts?
- On Cognitive Modeling and Other Minds
- Challenges for ‘Community’ in Science and Values: Cases from Robotics Research
- Is spacetime curved? Assessing the underdetermination of general relativity and teleparallel gravity
- Consilience and Hypothesis in the Nineteenth Century
- Integrating multicelular systems: Physiological control and degrees of biological individuality.
- The Replication Crisis is Less of a “Crisis” in Lakatos’ Philosophy of Science
- Causal Constraints in the Life and Social Sciences
- How research programs come apart: The example of supersymmetry and the disunity of physics
- A Framework for Inductive Reasoning in Model-Based Science
- How to Not Secure Public Trust in Science: Representative Values v. Polarization and Marginalization
- The hidden use of new axioms
- Phase transitions and the birth of early universe particle physics
- Averaged versus Individualized: Pragmatic N-of-1 Design as a Method to Investigate Individual Treatment Response
- What really lives in the swamp? Kinds and the illustration of scientific reasoning
- Aristotle and the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics
- Better Foundations for Subjective Probability
- Affective artificial agents as sui generis affective artifacts
- Convergence strategies for theory assessment
- What evidence for a cholera vaccine? Jaime Ferrán’s submissions to the Prix Bréant
- Theories Without Models: Uncontrolled Idealizations in Particle Physics
- On the reality of the quantum state once again: A no-go theorem for ψ-ontic models
- The DSM and Its Sociomedical Discontents
- The Allure of Simplicity: On Interpretable Machine Learning Models in Healthcare
- On the Relationship between Asymptomatic Infections and Diseases
- Heterodox underdetermination: metaphysical options for discernibility and (non-)entanglement
- Organisms Need Mechanisms; Mechanisms Need Organisms
- The Promise of Supersymmetry
- Proximal and Distal Causes in Medicine
- Why Should Identity Be Harmonious?
- Was Wittgenstein a radical conventionalist?
- Hyperintensional Ω-Logic
- The Discovery of the Expanding Universe: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions
- Broken Brakes and Dreaming Drivers: The Heuristic Value of Causal Models in the Law
- The Return of Realism in the Logos Approach to Quantum Mechanics (Reply to Arroyo and Arenhart)
- Making mind matter with irruption theory: Bridging end-directedness and entropy production by satisfying the participation criterion
- Whence Nonlocality? Removing spooky action at a distance from the de Broglie Bohm pilot-wave theory using a time-symmetric version of de Broglie double solution
- A comprehensive survey of Schwarzschild’s original papers: Schwarzschild’s trick and Einstein’s s(h)tick
- The Promise of Supersmmetry
- Autism and the Pseudoscience of Mind
- Semanticizing the brain: Reiteration as a key concept in understanding representation and behavior
- Resolution of the Miller-Popper paradox
- The Importance of Realism about Gender Kinds: Lessons from Beauvoir
- How to Teach General Relativity
- Are All Events Created At-Once in Relational Quantum Mechanics?
- Type I error rates are not usually inflated
- On Symmetries and Springs
- Perturbative Expansions and the Foundations of Quantum Field Theory
- Using deep neural networks and similarity metrics to predict and control brain responses
- Causal reasoning from almost first principles
- Quantum Darwinism: Redundant Records of Emergence
- A Non-Idealised Account of Records
- Why Coherence Matters
- Against methodological gambling
- The Hole Argument without the notion of isomorphism
- Epistemological Pitfalls in the Proxy Theory of Race: The Case of Genomics-Based Medicine
- Effective Ontic Structural Realism
- (Dis)confirming theories of consciousness and their predictions
- Is mathematics a game?
- Entropic taming of the Look Elsewhere Effect
- Stepping down from mere appearance: Modelling the ‘actuality’ of time
- We have no satisfactory social epistemology of AI-based science
- Simulation and self-location
- The Selfish Machine? On the Power and Limitation of Natural Selection to Understand the Development of Advanced AI
- The Conceptual Foundation of the Propensity Interpretation of Fitness
- Potentiality realism: A realistic and indeterministic physics based on propensities
- Abnormal light propagation and the underdetermination of theory by evidence in astrophysics
- Causal scientific explanations from Machine Learning
- The Epistemic Impossibility of Economic Calculation
- Between quantity and quality: competing views on the role of Big Data for causal inference
- On playing gods: The fallacy of the many-worlds interpretation
- Local causality in the works of Einstein, Bohm and Bell
- Was Einstein a Lone Genius?
- Broken Wills and Ill Beliefs: Szaszianism, Expressivism, and the Doubly Value-Laden Nature of Mental Disorder
- Pregeometry, Formal Language and Constructivist Foundations of Physics
- Large Language Models and the Patterns of Human Language Use: An Alternative View of the Relation of AI to Understanding and Sentience
- Explaining AI Through Mechanistic Interpretability
- Edgeworth’s Mathematization of Social Well-Being
- Norms for Academic Writing in the Era of Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- Symbiosis, not alignment, as the goal for liberal democracies in the transition to artificial general intelligence
- The future of intelligence in the Universe: a call for humility
- Note on episodes in the history of modeling measurements in local spacetime regions using QFT
- About the nature of the wave function and its dimensionality: the case of quantum chemistry
- On functional freedom and Penrose’s critiques of string theory
- Against Defending Science: Asking Better Questions About Indigenous Knowledge and Science
- The Sure-Thing Principle
- Ordinal Utility Differences
- Machine learning, justification, and computational reliabilism
- On the Prospects of a de Broglie-Bohm-Barbour-Bertotti Theory
- Touching Reality
- The EPR-Bohm Paradox and Kent’s One-World Solution
- Revisiting Stance Voluntarism: In Defense of an Active Stance Pluralism
- Reactivity in Chemistry: The Propensity View
- Can Humeans be Scientific Realists?
- Metaphysical Indeterminacy in Everettian Quantum Mechanics
- A Challenge for Humean Everettians
- Model anarchism
- The nature of the physical and the meaning of physicalism
- Present’s actualizing and future’s becoming possible
- Desire satisfaction and its discontents
- Desire-as-belief and evidence sensitivity
- The normative role of logic for reasoning
- Quiet Causation and its Many Uses in Science
- Informative Models: Idealization and Abstraction
- The prince and the pauper. A quantum paradox of Hilbert-space fundamentalism
- Thought experiments, sentience, and animalism
- Philosophical Issues in Early Universe Cosmology
- Networks, Dynamics and Explanation
- The Ontology of Causation: A Carnapian-Pragmatist Approach
- The problem of opportunity
- The importance of involving experts-by-experience with different psychiatric diagnoses when revising diagnostic criteria
- Rules and Meaning in Quantum Mechanics
- Electronegativity as a New Case for Emergence and a New Problem for Reductionism
- The Role of Social Reinforcement in Norm Transmission and Cultural Evolution
- Growth from uncertainty: understanding the replication ‘crisis’ in infant psychology
- Review of Jeff Sebo’s Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and other Catastrophes
- Entity Realism and Natural kinds
- The Risks of Biological Races
- Next Best Thing—What Can Quantum Mechanics Tell Us About the Fundamental Ontology of the World?
- Collapse Models: A Theoretical, Experimental and Philosophical Review
- Finding Time for Wheeler-DeWitt Cosmology
- What is a Theory of Neural Representation For?
- Animal Welfare Science, Performance Metrics, and Proxy Failure: A Commentary on John et al.
- Meritocracy in Science – A Necessary Myth
- Natural Kinds of Sleep Experience
- Model Organisms as Scientific Representations
- Origin’s Chapter IX and X: From Old Objections to Novel Explanations: Darwin on the Fossil Record
- Mathematizing Metaphysics: The Case of the Principle of Least Action
- Preview of A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness
- Interior operators and their relationship to autocatalytic networks
- Hubble and Huxley: Patriot and Pacifist, Hollywood Stars, Seers of Nebulae
- Beyond the Wigner’s friend dilemma: A new indeterminacy-based quantum theory
- The coevolution of descriptive and evaluative beliefs in Aldo Leopold’s thinking
- What would imaginary ancestors do?
- The Arrow of Time is Alive and Well but Forbidden Under the Received View of Physics
- The value-free ideal in codes of conduct for research integrity
- Do ML models represent their targets?
- On Penrose’s Analogy between Curved Spacetime Regions and Optical Lenses
- The Measurement Problem Is a Feature, Not a Bug–Schematising the Observer and the Concept of an Open System on an Informational, or (Neo-)Bohrian, Approach
- Navigating the Conjectural Labyrinth of the Black Hole Information Paradox
- Straightening the ‘Value-Laden Turn’: Minimising the Influence of Extra-Scientific Values in Science
- Where do we stand on maximal entropy?
- Mendel and Lederberg: The first steps towards classical and molecular genetics
- Deep convolutional neural networks are not mechanistic explanations of object recognition
- Spacetime Structuralism or Spacetime Functionalism?
- Functionalism Fit for Physics
- Structural microaggressions for explaining outcome gaps
- Pure Process Realism: The Unification of Realism and Empiricism
- Explaining Individual Differences
- What is the Replication Crisis a Crisis Of?
- Implicit bias as unintentional discrimination
- The local quantum vacuum as the Past Hypothesis
- Does the anti-essentialist consensus about species rest on a mistake?
- Navigating Dissent by Managing Value Judgments: The Case of Lyme Disease
- Does the Best System Need the Past Hypothesis?
- Goal directedness and the field concept
- A scale problem with the ecosystem services argument for protecting biodiversity
- Efficiency and Fairness Trade-offs in Two Player Bargaining Games
- The Meskhidze-Weatherall theory in context
- The Virtues of Pursuit-Worthy Speculation: The Promises of Cosmic Inflation
- The case of early Copernicanism: Epistemic luck vs. predictivist vindication
- A quadrilemma for theories of consciousness
- Some remarks on recent formalist responses to the Hole Argument
- On algebraic object naturalism and metaphysical indeterminacy in quantum mechanics
- Dynamical Substantivalism
- Spacetime functionalists should be inferentialists
- Robustness and Dark-Matter Observation
- Putting Ambiguity to Work: Biodiversity and Rules of Engagement for Vagueness in Science
- Chance Combinatorics: The Theory that History Forgot
- Normative validity: the case of poverty measures
- The Metaphysics of Causation: An Empiricist Critique
- Mathematical determinacy and internal categoricity
- How bad is the postulation of a low entropy initial state of the universe?
- Igniting Realism- Where There’s Signature, There’s Phenomenon
- Transdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: Meeting the Challenge of Indigenous Expertise
- How clocks define physical time
- Is superluminal signaling possible in collapse theories of quantum mechanics?
- The epistemological significance of exploratory experimentation: Why practices matter, philosophically
- Structuring Institutions for Responsible and Accountable Science
- Reframing the Event Horizon: The Harlow-Hayden Computational Approach to the Firewall Paradox
- Dimensions of Explanation
- Why adoption of causal modeling methods requires some metaphysics
- Every View is a View From Somewhere: Pragmatist Laws and Possibility
- Demarcating Descartes’s Geometry with Clarity and Distinctness
- On the Relativity of Magnitudes: Delboeuf’s forgotten contribution to the 19th Century problem of space
- Mach’s Principle and Mach’s Hypotheses
- On the (lack of) usefulness of professional philosophy of science
- An Emerging Dilemma for Reciprocal Causation
- Evidence and the Epistemic Betterness
- Hasty Generalizations Are Pervasive in Experimental Philosophy: A Systematic Analysis
- Pluralist Ethnobiology: Between Philosophical Reflection and Transdisciplinary Action
- The Formats of Cognitive Representation: A Computational Account
- Beauty in Experiment: A qualitative analysis of aesthetic experiences in scientific practice
- Methods for identifying emergent concepts in deep neural networks
- On the geometric trinity of gravity, non-relativistic limits, and Maxwell gravitation
- Dialetheism and Distributed Sorites
- The model of thin shell in General Relativity
- Is the metric signature really electromagnetic in origin?
- Towards a Grand Unified Threat Model of Biotechnology
- Are Models Our Tools Not Our Masters?
- Using neurons to maintain autonomy: Learning from C. elegans
- Some Philosophical Problems of Music Theory (and some Music-Theoretic Problems of Philosophy)
- Data Synthesis for Big Questions: From Animal Tracks to Ecological Models
- Questionable and Unquestionable in Quantum Mechanics
- Review of Slobodan Perović’s From Data to Quanta — Niels Bohr’s Vision of Physics
- What is the Nature of Stem Cells? A Unified Dispositional Framework
- Rational Aversion to Information
- Popper, Lakatos, NMF, and the Replication Crisis
- Laws of Physics
- Review of “Teleparallel Newton-Cartan Gravity”, by Philip K. Schwartz
- Boundary objects, trading zones, and stigmergy: the social and the cognitive in science
- Decoherence, the measurement problem and realism
- The Stochastic-Quantum Theorem
- Entropy cost of “Erasure” in Physically Irreversible Processes
- Fake News!
- The Evolution of Multispecies Populations: A Multilevel Selection Perspective
- Infinite Scale Scepticism: Probing the Epistemology of the Limit of Infinite Degrees of Freedom and Hilbert Space Non-Uniqueness
- Cassirer and Energetics: An Investigation of Cassirer’s Early Philosophy of Physics
- Variability and Substantiality. Kurd Lasswitz, the Marburg School and the Neo-Kantian Historiography of Science
- Relativity Theory as a Theory of Principles. A Reading of Cassirer’s Zur Einstein’schen Relativitätstheorie
- Coordination, Geometrization, Unification. An Overview of the Reichenbach-Einstein Debate on the Unified Field Theory Program
- Appearance and Reality: Einstein and the Early Debate on the Reality of Length Contraction
- Justifying Nature-based Solutions
- On Norton’s “…Shook…” and Myrvold’s “Shakin’ …”
- Cosmological Inflation and Meta-Empirical Theory Assessment
- Wait, Why Gauge?
- An oak is an oak, or not? Understanding and dealing with confusion and disagreement in biological classification
- The Measurement Problem Is a Feature, Not a Bug – Schematising the Observer as a Postulate and the Quantum-Mechanical Concept of an Open System on an Informational, or (neo-)Bohrian, Approach
- Merely Means Paternalist? Prospect Theory and ‘Debiased’ Welfare Analysis
- The elimination of metaphysics through the epistemological analysis: lessons (un)learned from metaphysical underdetermination
- Making a Murderer –- How risk assessment tools may produce rather than predict criminal behavior
- The replication crisis is less of a “crisis” in the Lakatosian approach than it is in the Popperian and naïve methodological falsificationism approaches.
- Rubin (2023) – Questionable Metascience Practices
- What type of Type I error? Contrasting the Neyman–Pearson and Fisherian approaches in the context of exact and direct replications
- Ruliology: Linking Computation, Observers and Physical Law.
- Machine learning and the quest for objectivity in climate model parameterization
- Controlling the Invisible: Experimental Strategies and Hypotheses in Discovering the Cause of Brownian Movement
- Epistemology of ignorance: the contribution of philosophy to the science-policy interface of marine biosecurity
- Perspectives on Scientific Error
- Asking physics about physicalism, zombies, and consciousness
- Conceptual engineering of medical concepts
- Mechanistic Explanation in Systems Biology: Cellular Networks
- The Rise of Cryptographic Metaphors in Boyle and Their Use for the Mechanical Philosophy
- Is Data Science Transforming Biomedical Research? Evidence, Expertise and Experiments in COVID-19 Science
- Causal Concepts Guiding Model Specification in Systems Biology
- Empirical Techniques and the Accuracy of Scientific Representations
- Autonoesis and the Galilean science of memory: Explanation, idealization, and the role of crucial data
- Mapping Explanatory Language in Neuroscience
- Uniform probability in cosmology
- Newton’s “Law-First” Epistemology and “Matter-First” Metaphysics
- Conditionals, Insignificant Relevance, and Inferentialism
- Newtonian Gravitation in Maxwell Spacetime
- The underlying logic is mandatory also in discussing the philosophy of quantum physics
- Against Prohibition (Or, When Using Ordinal Scales to Compare Groups Is OK)
- Intervening is Imaging is Conditioning
- Big STEM collaborations should include humanities and social science
- How do networks explain? A neo-Hempelian approach to network explanations of the ecology of the microbiome
- The Model View Meets Quantum Ontology
- Chemical Reactivity: The Propensity View
- Rethinking the Conceptual Space for Science in Society after the VFI
- Are Maxwell gravitation and Newton-Cartan theory theoretically equivalent?
- The Psychologist’s Green Thumb
- Chemical Reduction and Quantum Interpretation: A Case for Thomistic Emergence
- Causal selection in context: explaining gene centrism
- Absolute velocities are measurable: Response to Jacobs
- Pluralism and Complexity Without Integration? A Critical Appraisal of Mitchell’s Integrative Pluralism
- The Non-Relativistic Geometric Trinity of Gravity
- Minimal Model Explanations of Cognition
- Is the Deutsch-Wallace theorem redundant?
- Maxwell gravitation without reference to equivalence classes of derivative operators
- A Part-Dependent Account of Biological Individuality for Multispecies Consortia
- What is a Theory of Neural Representation For? [Blinded]
- The philosophy of causal set theory
- Revisiting Nancy Cartwright’s Notion of Reliability: Addressing Quantum Devices’ Noise
- The Structure of Space and Time, and the Indeterminacy of Classical Physics
- Causal Agnosticism about Race
- A Scientometric Approach to the Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Entrenched Biomedical Standardisation and Citation-Exemplar
- “Tortured Phrases” in Covid-19 Literature: Can They Serve as Epistemic Markers to Assess the Integrity of Biomedical Information?
- Equal Access to Parenthood and the Imperfect Duty to Benefit
- Medical Disorder Is Not a Black Box Essentialist Concept: Review of “Defining Mental Disorder: Jerome Wakefield and His Critics,” edited by Luc Faucher and Denis Forest
- Branching with a Humean face
- Southern Ontologies. Reorienting Agendas in Social Ontology
- Gravitational redshift revisited: inertia, geometry, and charge
- Machine Learning, Misinformation, and Citizen Science
- On efforts to decouple early universe cosmology and quantum gravity phenomenology
- Debating the Reliability and Robustness of the Learned Hamiltonian in the Traversable Wormhole Experiment
- The predicate of the current mathematical knowledge substantially increases the constructive mathematics what is impossible for any empirical science
- Quantum mechanics refutes solipsism: A proof of the existence of an external world
- Observations, Experiments, and Arguments for Epistemic Superiority in Scientific Methodology
- Are all laws of nature created equal? Meta-laws versus more necessary laws
- Neither Human Normativity nor Human Groupness Are in Humanity’s Genes: A Commentary on Cecilia Heyes’s “Rethinking Norm Psychology.”
- On Epistemically Useful Physical Computation
- Causality, Counterfactuals, and Belief. More Means-End Philosophy
- Straightening the ‘Value-Laden Turn’: Minimising the Influence of Values in Science
- Incorporating (variational) free energy models into mechanisms: the case of predictive processing under the free energy principle
- Integration without Integrated Models or Theories
- A Contextual Accuracy Dominance Argument for Probabilism
- A minimalist account of agency in physics
- The predicate of the current mathematical knowledge substantially increases the constructive mathematics what is impossible for the empirical sciences
- Don’t Fear the Bogeyman: On Why There is No Prediction-Understanding Trade-Off for Deep Learning in Neuroscience
- Why the Book of Nature is Written in the Language of Mathematics
- Weismann’s Barrier and Crick’s Barrier Still Preclude Two Kinds of Lamarckism
- Did Dawkins recant his selfish gene argument against group selection?
- On metaphysical explanations of psychological asymmetries
- On moving past the ABCs
- The ‘Aristotle Experience’ Revisited: Thomas Kuhn Meets Ludwik Fleck on the Road to Structure
- Decoherence, Branching, and the Born Rule in a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse
- Existential Quantifiers in the contemporary philosophy
- Thought Insertion without Thought
- The roads to non-individuals (and how not to read their maps)
- Quantum Mechanical Reality: Entanglement and Decoherence
- The predicate of the current mathematical knowledge increases the scope of mathematics what distinguishes mathematics from other fields of study
- Causation and the conservation of energy in general relativity
- Underdetermination in Classic and Modern Tests of General Relativity
- The History of Moral Certainty as the Pre-History of Typicality
- Eliminating the ‘impossible’: Recent progress on local measurement theory for quantum field theory
- Kolmogorov’s Calculus of Problems and Its Legacy
- What is a reference frame in General Relativity?
- Commentary: Investigating the concept of representation in the neural and psychological sciences
- Scientific Experiments Beyond Surprise and Beauty
- Moralisation of medicines: The case of Hydroxychloroquine
- Are observers reducible to structures?
- Orthodox or Dissident? The Evolution of Bohm’s Ontological Reflections in the 1950s
- Medical AI, Inductive Risk, and the Communication of Uncertainty: The Case of Disorders of Consciousness
- Pandemics and Flexible Lockdowns: In Praise of Agent-based Modeling
- Against the “nightmare of a mechanically determined universe”: Why Bohm was never a Bohmian
- Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research
- Unveiling the Connection: ER bridges and EPR in Einstein’s Research
- The first-personal argument against physicalism
- Scientific exploration of causation in biomedical research: The case of gene targeting on mouse embryonic stem cells
- A Note on Landauer’s Principle
- Sloppy Models, Renormalization Group Realism, and the Success of Science
- Polygene Risk Scores: A Philosophical Exploration
- Does thermodynamics have a reversibility problem?
- Why Bohm was never a determinist
- On the Role of Erotetic Constraints in Non-causal Explanations
- Calibrating Statistical Tools: Improving the Measure of Humanity’s Influence on the Climate
- The Prodigy That Time Forgot: The Incredible and Untold Story of John von Newton
- Why the ontology of Bohmian mechanics cannot include only particles or particles and the wave function
- Thermodynamics with and without irreversibility
- On relativistic temperature
- The Principle of Least Action and Teleological Explanation in Physics
- Statistical Learning Theory and Occam’s Razor: The Argument from Empirical Risk Minimization
- Edenic Orgulity
- Extragalactic Reality Revisited: Astrophysics and Entity Realism
- Laws of Nature and their Supporting Casts
- Homeostasis and the Faithless Foundations of Causal Inference
- “That’s Your Bloody GDP, Not Ours.” On Citizen Engagement, Values, and the Case for Citizen Economics
- Medical Epistemology Meets Economics: How (Not) To GRADE Universal Basic Income Research
- Finite-size scaling theory: Quantitative and qualitative approaches to critical phenomena
- Back by popular demand, ontology Productive tensions between anthropological and philosophical approaches to ontology
- The costs of too much cooperation
- The Relation between Wavefunction and 3D Space Implies Many Worlds with Local Beables and Probabilities
- Bohr’s Anti-Realist Realism in Contemporary (Quantum) Physics and Philosophy
- Mapping ethics, imagination, and practice: A comparative study of brain organoids in Germany and the USA
- Another thing in this universe that cannot be an illusion
- Methodological Reflections on the MOND/Dark Matter Debate
- Does a computer think if no one is around to see it?
- Theoretical lattices and formal concept analysis, tools for metatheoretic structuralism
- After the difference between argument and explanation
- Assertive commitments
- Referees for THEORIA (2021-2022)
- Delusional Beliefs, Two-Factor Theories, and Bizarreness
- Continuing commentary: challenges or misunderstandings? A defence of the two-factor theory against the challenges to its logic
- A previously unknown journey by Gregor Mendel to Leipzig in September 1865 and his likely participation in the Botanical Congress in Erfurt
- Which Integration for Health? Comparing Integrative Approaches for Epidemiology
- Mental expression and inner speech
- A hub-and-spoke model of geometric concepts
- Social Kinds: Historical and Multi-functional
- To Be Scientific Is To Be Communist
- Taking Social Science Seriously: Grit Psychology as a Test Case for Theories of Causation, Explanation, and Counterfactuals
- Cluster Decomposition and Two Senses of Isolability
- Intuition and Observation
- Implementation-as: From Art & Science to Computing
- Hamiltonian Privilege
- Measuring up to the Measurement Problem: Decoherence and Bohr’s ideas through the lens of the measurement problem and quantum erasers
- Unprincipled
- Causation Beyond Manipulation
- Equivalent Axiomatizations of Euclidean Geometry
- Non-local Building Blocks of Spacetime
- General Relativity, MOND, and the problem of unconceived alternatives
- Does Schizophrenia Exist? A Deflationary Perspective
- Methods of Inference and Shaken Baby Syndrome
- When, How, and Why Did “Pain” Become Subjective? Beecher, Operationalization, and Its Problems
- From Evidence-Based Corona Medicine to Organismic Systems Corona Medicine
- Review of Jonathan Y. Tsou’s Philosophy of Psychiatry
- Epistemic Injustice Should Matter to Psychiatrists
- Philosophers of Medicine Should Write More Letters for Medical Journals
- “Conducted properly, published incorrectly”: the evolving status of gel electrophoresis images along instrumental transformations in times of reproducibility crisis
- Poincaré on clocks in motion
- The Devil in the Data: Machine Learning & the Theory-Free Ideal
- Existential quantifiers in the contemporary philosophy
- Reconsidering Conventionalism: An Invitation to a Sophisticated Philosophy for Modern (Space-)Times
- The Three-Times Problem
- Does Evaluative Language Provide Reasons to Act? An Empirical Study of the Action-Guiding Potential of Evaluative Concepts
- Can the ontology of Bohmian mechanics include only particles?
- A new perspective on No Miracle Argument
- Evaluating the Symmetry to Reality Inference: Not All Symmetry Signals Redundancy
- Sampling error: The fundamental flaw of the severity measure of evidence
- The Medical Model of “Obesity” and the Values Behind the Guise of Health
- Explanatory Abstraction and the Goldilocks Problem: Interventionism Gets Things Just Right
- Stability, Breadth and Guidance
- Best-System Laws, Explanation, and Unification
- Sequential measurements and the Kochen-Specker arguments
- Genetically caused trait is an interactive kind
- Classicality and Bell’s Theorem
- The Evolution of the Bell Notion of Beable: from Bohr to Primitive Ontology
- The Temporal Asymmetry of Influence is not Statistical
- The conventionality of real valued quantities
- Fermat’s last theorem proved in Hilbert arithmetic. II. Its proof in Hilbert arithmetic by the Kochen-Specker theorem with or without induction
- Rules, Reproducibility, and the Brief Frenzy of Animal Magnetism: Epistemological Foundations of Trust in French Enlightenment Medicine
- Disappearing Without a Trace: The Arrows of Time in Kent’s Solution to the Lorentzian Quantum Reality Problem
- Comparative success and empirical progress without approximate truth
- Symmetries, Indexicality and the Perspectivist Stance
- The Worldly Infrastructure of Causation
- Matrix Mechanics Mis-Prized: Max Born’s Belated Nobelization
- The Neverending Story of the Eternal Wormhole and the Noisy Sycamore
- Realism and the Value of Explanation
- What Analytic Metaphysics Can Do For Scientific Metaphysics
- The Status of Bohr’s Complementarity Today: A study of the nature of knowing and being
- Neural Representations Unobserved – or: a dilemma for the cognitive neuroscience revolution
- Interpreting Ordinary Uses of Psychological and Moral Terms in the AI Domain
- As Revealing in the Breach as in the Observance: von Neumann’s Uniqueness Theorem
- Contrast Classes and Agreement in Climate Modeling
- Pain Judgments and T-tests
- Decoherence, appearance, and reality in agential realism
- Abnormal light signals and the underdetermination of theory by evidence in astrophysics
- The local validity of special relativity from an EFT-inspired perspective
- Holding Large Language Models to Account
- Reconsidering the Second Argument on the Veridicality Thesis, “Semantic Argument”
- A Proof of Specker’s Principle
- Towards a Unified Theory of Implementation
- The Varieties of Darwinism: Explanation, Logic, and Worldview
- A Rawlsian Solution to the New Demarcation Problem
- Teaching philosophy of science that matters
- Do gravitational waves confirm Hawking’s area law?
- Maxwell’s demon and impossibility statements: Einstein on perpetuum mobile of the second kind
- Demons in Black Hole Thermodynamics: Bekenstein and Hawking
- Fermat’s last theorem proved in Hilbert arithmetic. I. From the proof by induction to the viewpoint of Hilbert arithmetic
- Experience, Ordinary and Philosophical
- Haag as a How-To Theorem
- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Mandersian Relationism: Space, Modality and Equivalence
- Between a Stone and a Hausdorff Space
- Generalizations for Cell Biological Explanations: Distinguishing between Principles and Laws
- Scientific understanding through big data: From ignorance to insights to understanding
- The local validity of special relativity: the standard story articulated and defended
- The homeomorphism of Minkowski space and the separable complex Hilbert space: the physical, mathematical and philosophical interpretations
- The role of information in evolutionary biology
- Does the Curvature Structure of Spacetime Determine Its Topology?
- Beyond relationalism in quantum theory: a new indeterminacy-based approach to quantum theory
- Taking model pursuit seriously
- The Open Systems View and the Everett Interpretation
- Soundness Analysis: Justifying Deductive Reasoning in Model-Based Sciences
- On the analogies between gravitational and electromagnetic radiative energy
- Six Measurement Problems of Quantum Mechanics
- Better than Best: Epistemic Landscapes and Diversity of Practice in Science
- Can the universe be in a mixed state? or did God have a choice in creating the universe?
- Hilbert mathematics versus Gödel mathematics III. Hilbert mathematics by itself, and Gödel mathematics versus the physical world within it: both as its particular cases
- Dark Energy or Modified Gravity?
- Scientific disagreements and the diagnosticity of evidence: how too much data may lead to polarization
- Effective and Selective Realisms
- The ontological burden of mathematics and scientific realism
- Robustness analysis
- A Presupposition of Bell’s Theorem
- The Language of Proofs: A Philosophical Corpus Linguistics Study of Instructions and Imperatives in Mathematical Texts
- Torsion in the Classical Spacetime Context
- Crossing the Threshold: An Epigenetic Alternative to Dimensional Accounts of Mental Disorders
- Do retinal neurons also represent somatosensory inputs? On why neuronal responses are not sufficient to determine what neurons do
- Social Dynamics and the Evolution of Disciplines
- Confirmation, or Pursuit-worthiness? Lessons from J. J. Sakurai’s 1960 Theory of the Strong Force for the Debate on Non-Empirical Physics.
- Non-informative priors vs. Fermi Paradox and Artificial General Intelligence
- Where memory resides: Is there a rivalry between molecular and synaptic models of memory?
- The Puzzling Resilience of Multiple Realization
- The 2022 Nobel Prize in physics for entanglement and quantum information: the new revolution in quantum mechanics and science
- Carnap on Quantum Mechanics
- An Alleged Tension between Quantum Logic and Applied Classical Mathematics
- Quantum logic and meaning
- Energy nonconservation in collapse theories enables superluminal signaling
- Black Hole Coalescence: Observation and Model Validation
- Philosophy of Open Science
- Science is more than knowing
- What the Tortoise Said to Achilles: Lewis Carroll’s paradox in terms of Hilbert arithmetic
- Against AI Understanding and Sentience: Large Language Models, Meaning, and the Patterns of Human Language Use
- Duality and Categorical Equivalence: A Look at Gauge/Gravity
- Models on Trial: Antitrust Experts Face Daubert Challenges
- The pragmatics, embodiment, and efficacy of lived experience: Assessing the core tenets of Varela’s neurophenomenology
- Sometimes You Ride the Pegasus, Sometimes You Take the Road: Mitchell on Laws in Biology
- Emergent Semiotics in Genetic Programming and the Self-Adaptive Semantic Crossover
- Verstehen (causal/interpretative understanding), Erklären (law-governed description/prediction), and Empirical Legal Studies
- Beyond relationalism in quantum theory
- The Self The Soul and The World: Affect Reason and Complexity
- Scope of the action principle