- Mapping in Loneliness Research in the Ten Psychology‐Related Web of Science Categories in the Social Science Citation Index
- Stag Hunt in the Digital Wilds: Legitimizing Global AI Governance Amidst Diverse Terrains
- Geography of Digital Creative Industries in China: Insights from County-Level Enterprise Data
- Role of ICT in Achieving Pakistan Sustainable Development Goals
- A Decade of Empirical Research into the Careers of Visual Artists: Mapping Thematic Trends Through Social Network Analysis
- A Modern Cynic’s Parrhêsia and Enlightened False Consciousness in Diderot’s Philosophical Dialogue Rameau’s Nephew
- Choosing Among PCA, FA, LCA, LPA, and LDA
- Exploring the Key Aspects of Psychology on Social Networking Sites: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Does the Composition of Growth Matter for Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa?
- Preservation of Identity through Ethnic Place-Making: A Study on the Chinese Community of Kolkata, India
- Stabilism and Its Critique
- The Dynamics of Debt Bondage in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences
- Political Meritocracy Based on Public Reason
- Interreligious Testimonial Dialogue in the Immanent Frame of a Secular Age
- Positive Affect, Positive Evaluation, or Positive Functioning? Bringing Positive Psychology into the Dialog of Effectuation
- On the Relationship Between Factor Loadings and Component Loadings When Latent Traits and Specificities are Treated as Latent Factors
- The Constitution of Hierarchy
- Comparison of the K1 Rule, Parallel Analysis, and the Bass-Ackward Method on Identifying the Number of Factors in Factor Analysis
- A Hybrid Method: Resolving the Impact of Variable Ordering in Bayesian Network Structure Learning
- Sustainability Assessment in Mining: A CSR-Based Analysis Model for Social and Environmental Impact
- Natural Resources Rent and Finance in the Presence of Corruption Control: An Asymmetric Approach
- Polygonal Types of Lift Fuzzy Real Numbers
- Longitudinal Sentiment Analysis with Conversation Textual Data
- “Radicalism” and “Conservatism”: The Philosophical Argument of Human Enhancement Technologies (HET) and Its Resolution
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- How Does Prior Distribution Affect Model Fit Indices of Bayesian Structural Equation Model?
- Chinese Investment in Africa: Exploring Economic Growth Through Export Diversification
- Integrating HPWS and Organisational Memory for Enhanced Employee Performance
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Data Asset Monetization in Maritime Enterprises
- Legitimacy Through Diversity: China’s Leadership in the BRICS + Expansion for Global Balance
- Contested Narratives: The Poetics of Home in Susan Muaddi Darraj’s The Inheritance of Exile and Angela Tehaan Leon’s Swimming Toward the Light
- Acceptable Hierarchies: Epistemic Democracy in Europe and the Middle East
- Hierarchies and the Complementarity of Authority and Equality
- Librealism’s Boundaries in Addressing the Climate Crisis: Insights from Domenico Losurdo and Posthumanism
- A Mixture Modeling Approach to Detect Different Behavioral Patterns for Process Data
- Hard Paternalism and Confucian Familism
- Domenico Losurdo on Stalin: A Dialectical and Comparative Perspective on a Controversial Legacy
- Today’s Political Puzzle: Hierarchy, Equality and Legitimacy
- US Imperialism and its Legacies in East Asia: Thucydides Trap or Thrasymachus Paradox?
- Social Meritocracy and Unjust Social Hierarchies: Three Proposals to Limit Meritocracy’s Erosion of Social Cooperation
- Populism as a Crisis of Democratic Legitimacy: With Some References to France and the United States
- Public Perception on the Role of Urban Green Infrastructure Development and Land Use Management in Rapidly Urbanized Countries: The Case of Hawassa City, Ethiopia
- Are Informal and Semi-formal Hierarchical Lists Justified?
- Everything is Primitive Accumulation?
- Volatility and Dynamic Herding in Energy Sector of Developed Markets During COVID-19: A Markov Regime-Switching Approach
- Role of Social Capital in Determining Happiness and Life Satisfaction: Mediation of Self-reported Health Using Path Analysis
- Lead or Follow: Cases of Internationalization of Chinese Technical Standards
- Defamiliarizing Reality for Mental and Physical Subjection: Rereading Harold Pinter’s The Room and The Dumb Waiter as Political Comedies
- The Chinese Reception of Western Marxism: From Wary Onlookers to Confident Participants on the World Stage
- Understanding the Roles of Genius and Taste in the Production of Beauty: A Kantian Approach to Artistic Intention
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Community Engagement: Dual Mediating Role of Brand and Community Identifications in the Chinese Decor Industry
- Securitization and State Sponsorship of Non-State Actors: Analyzing the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry
- Cross-Linguistic Influence in Hong Kong ESL Learners’ Acquisition of Conjunctions
- Eco-pesantren: Islamic Education in Forest Conservation Landscapes
- From Defensive Realism to Hegemonic Stability: Explaining the Interactions Between the Imperial China and the Surrounding Regimes
- What Can AI Learn from Psychology and When Can AI Neglect it?
- The Implications of the Russia–Ukraine War on Sustainable Development Goals in Africa
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- The Transition of Belt and Road Initiative from 1.0 to 2.0: Challenges and Implications of Green Development
- Poverty Volatility and Tax Revenue Instability in Developing Countries
- Exploring the Social Impact of the Short-Stay Market (SSM) in Regional Areas: An Empirical Study
- Towards Positivity: A Large-Scale Diachronic Sentiment Analysis of the Humanities and Social Sciences in China
- Diplomatic Discourse Analysis: Translating and Reconstructing “Zhengqueyiliguan” in China-Africa Relations
- A Case for Communitarian Meritocracy: A Critical Engagement with Michael Sandel
- Examining the Views and Opinions of Itinerary Traders on Adherence to COVID-19 Lockdown in Enugu State, Nigeria
- A Variationist Analysis of /ð/ in Ammani Arabic
- On the Derivation of Subject wh-Words and Theory of Cartography
- Learning Effectiveness of Semester and Year-Long Study Abroad Programmes: Perspectives of International Students in a UK and China Context
- Social System Historical Modeling of Western Economies and its Implications for Eastern Economies
- The End of Western Marxism? On the Unravelling of an Ideological Structure
- Controversies on Cornell Realism
- The Catastrophe of Corruption in the Sustainability of Foreign aid: A Prediction of Artificial Neural Network Method in Indonesia
- A Truncated Marxism: On the Ideological Structure of Western Marxism
- Does External Debt Promote Human Longevity in Developing Countries? Evidence from West African Countries
- Correction to: Attitude Toward Lobola in Remarriage Following Divorce in African Communities
- State, Society and Environmental Security in International Relations Theory
- Embodied Faith and the Limits of Female Agency in Randa Abdel-Fattah’s Does My Head Look Big in This?
- Identifying and Prioritizing Service Compensation Factors Influencing Nurses’ Motivation: Application of Hybrid Fuzzy DEMATEL-BWM Method
- “Decadent” Aesthetics, Irony and Parody: Eileen Chang and Qian Zhongshu’s Fiction in Occupied Shanghai (1937–1945)
- Attitude Toward Lobola in Remarriage Following Divorce in African Communities
- Sovereignty: Emphases, Traditions, and Transformations During a Time of Qualitative Change—A Review
- Correction to: Magnitude and Determinants of Mortalities Related to COVID-19: Evidence from 94 Countries Using Regression Techniques
- Critical Review on the Trajectory of Educational Policymaking and How Migrant Children Have Been Affected in China
- The Emerging Dimensions of China–Pakistan Economic Cooperation and CPEC: Significance and Challenges
- Magnitude and Determinants of Mortalities Related to COVID-19: Evidence from 94 Countries Using Regression Techniques
- Divine or Cursed: Understanding the Conflict Syndrome in Royal Myths of Pre-modern Northeast India
- Social Meanings of Attempted Suicide of Men in Bangladesh
- Cultural Variables Within Prosecution of Chinese Corporate Espionage: The Case of USA Versus Yanjun Xu
- The Semantic Equivalence Between the Good and the Right: Its Support for and Challenge to Consequentialism
- Recalibrating Impact of Regional Actors on Security of China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
- "God" and "Logos" in Context: Paradox of Ricoeur’s Linguistic Hospitality and Chinese Bible Translation
- "God" and "Logos" in Context: Paradox of Ricoeur’s Linguistic Hospitality and Chinese Bible Translation
- Double Consciousness of Chinese Modernity: in the Cosmopolitan Ruins of Shanghai
- A Bibliometric Analysis of Wicked Problems: From Single Discipline to Transdisciplinarity
- Alternative Order Without Alternative Norms?
- Legal Coordination of Conflicts of Interests among Stakeholders in the Processing of Personal Data
- China as a Responsible Power Amid the COVID-19 Crisis: Perceptions of Partners and Adversaries on Twitter
- A Genealogical Study of Facemasks in China: From Hygienic Modernity to Care
- Marxism, U.S. Democracy, and Lenin’s Commune Against Capitalism
- Self-Discovery and a Sense of Wholeness in the Transgressive Auto/biogrAfrical Discourses of African American Women Writers
- Atomism, Communitarianism, and Confucian Familism
- Global Justice and the Motivation to Give
- Exploring the Technical Assessment Standards for “Ordinary Purposes” in the CISG
- How Could a Global Ethic Be Grounded on a Religious Foundation?
- The Coronavirus Pandemic: The Growing Relevance of Moral Cosmopolitan Justice?
- Changes in International Student Mobility amid the COVID-19 Pandemic and Response in the China Context
- Calling for a Hero: The Displacement of the Nezha Archetypal Image from Chinese Animated Film Nezha Naohai (1979) to New Gods: Nezha Reborn (2021)
- Determinants of Tax Evasion Intention using the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Mediation role of Taxpayer Egoism
- Indonesia’s Cheap Wages Regime: The Political Economy of Minimum Wages Policy under Jokowi Presidency
- Legal and Political Practices in China’s Central–Local Dynamics
- Allocating Personal Data Rights: Toward Resolving Conflicts of Interest over Personal Data
- A Splendid and Timely Analysis of Chinese Marxism and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
- Neoproceduralism and Its Discontents in China
- The Developmental Sources of South Korean Neoliberalism
- Online Teaching Experience during the COVID-19 in Pakistan: Pedagogy–Technology Balance and Student Engagement
- Developing Audiences Through Outreach and Education in the Major Performing Arts Institutions of Hong Kong: Towards a Conceptual Framework
- Identity and Nation in Shamsie’s Kartography and Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia
- Translating Culture-Bound Elements: A Case Study of Traditional Chinese Theatre in the Socio-Cultural Context of Hong Kong
- The Approach to the Chinese Diplomatic Discourse
- A Comparison of Elementary Foreign Language Programs in China and the USA
- The Influence of Hedonistic Culture to Minangkabau Juveniles’ Social Behaviors in the Twenty-first Century
- Chinese Grand Strategies in Central Asia: The Role of Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Belt and Road Initiative
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- Shifting the Focus to East and Southeast Asia: A Critical Review of Regional Game Research
- Is the Trade-led Growth Hypothesis Valid for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Evidence from an ARDL Approach
- Solitary Bodies and Emotions: Contemporary Plastic Art in the Context of Individualization Society
- Security Governance in East Asia and China’s Response to COVID-19
- Novel Coronavirus and Emerging Mental Health Issues—A Timely Analysis of Potential Consequences and Legal Policies Perspective
- “He Doesn’t Think He’s Lying”: The Moral Significance of Donald J. Trump’s Linguistic Practices
- The Social Group Distinction of Nationalists and Globalists amid COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chinese Social History Studies: Development, Problems, and Solutions
- Backlash Against Globalisation and the Shadow of Phobos
- States, Nations, and Civilizations
- A Critique of Nigerian Federalism and Need for Restructuring Towards Achieving Vision 2030
- The Anti-corruption Discourse of China: Cracking down on “Tigers”
- ‘All Solid Things Vanish Into Thin Air.’ The Space in Modern and Late Modern Plastic Art
- Multinational Companies’ Hedging Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Risk: A Quantitative Comparison Study
- Keats, Higginson, and Snakes: Yang Mu’s Transcultural “Courtship” of Emily Dickinson
- US–China Relations: Nationalism, the Trade War, and COVID-19
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- Influence of an Intercultural Factor on the Formation of Sociocultural Capital of a Polyethnic City
- The Viewpoint of Righteousness and Benefit in China’s Diplomacy: Learning from the Traditional and Building the Contemporary
- Correction to: Conceptualizing and Measuring Global Justice: Theories, Concepts, Principles and Indicators
- Campaigning by Human Branding: Associating with American Presidents
- Phil Mullan, Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents
- Emily Dickinson and Her Metonymical Way of Knowing Nature
- Nationalism and Its Effects on Attitudes About Trade, Cooperation, and Immigration
- China–Pakistan Economic Cooperation: The Case of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
- Athens and Delphi in the Classical Period: Exploring a Religious Relationship
- Evanescence: Time in Modern Plastic Art
- Literary Visions and Categorical Thinking
- Bednets or Biotechnology: To Rescue Current Persons or Research for the Future?
- Understanding European Economic History: Knowledge, Institutions, and Growth
- The Relationship Between the Good and the Right in the Context of Chinese Philosophy
- A Tale of Two Equations Ludi Vitae or Motus Vita ?
- China’s Party Training Programs in South Africa: A Quest for Political Alignment
- Interrogating Naturalness of National Identity
- What’s the Deal? Trump, Fichte’s Closed Commercial State , and the Perverse Dialectic of Neoliberal Risk
- Framing Shaping Outcomes: Issues Related to Mitigation in the UNFCCC Negotiations
- Responsibility for Increasing Mitigation Ambition in Light of the Right to Sustainable Development
- Measuring (Transnational) Organized Crime as an Indicator of Global Justice
- Fighting Financial Crime: Who Designs Global Governance and Who Does The Work?
- The Normative Basis of Global Governance
- Male Homosexuality and Foxes in Ji Yun’s Zhiguai Collection Tales of the Thatched Cottage
- Rethinking UN Peacekeeping Burden-Sharing in a Time of Global Disorder
- The Cornerstone of Economic Nationalism: National Self-image
- T’oegye’s Arguments on the Four Beginnings and Seven Feelings: A Phenomenological Inquiry
- Emerging Powers and Leadership Norms
- The Engaged Spectator: Reading BL Novels in Contemporary China
- Security Governance and ASEAN’s Political Security Community: Fragmented but Inclusive Security Communities?
- State-Fueled Energy: Quantitative Comparison of State-Led Overseas Energy Financing in China and Japan
- Conceptualizing and Measuring Global Justice: Theories, Concepts, Principles and Indicators
- There are no Justified True Beliefs in Gettier Cases
- After Liberal Global Democracy: New Methodology for New Praxis
- People’s Justice: Socialist Law and Equity in China, 1921–1945
- Globalizing Global Governance: Peripheral Thoughts from Latin America
- On the Evolution of Baojuan Performances in Shanghai: A Development of Traditional Literature in the Modern City (1875–1915)
- Equal Rights Versus Equal Needs: Global Justice or Global Virtues?
- An Indian Quasi-Fregean Theory of Number
- Nationalism, Egalitarianism and Global Justice
- Intellectual Humility and Owning One’s Limitations
- Rising Powers and the Reform of Global Economic Governance: The BRICS and the Normative Challenge Ahead
- American Roth
- A Loaded Label: Intricacies of Being a Fan in Henrik and Sara Linden’s Fans and Fan Cultures
- Freedom of Indifference: Its Metaphysical Credentials According to Crusius
- International Economic Statistics: Biased Arbiters in Global Affairs?
- Does China’s Belt and Road Initiative Challenge the Liberal, Rules-Based Order?
- Rethinking Global Health Governance in a Changing World Order for Achieving Sustainable Development: The Role and Potential of the ‘Rising Powers’
- Singular Terms for Numbers?
- Global Justice, Luck, and Human Needs: Reflections on Gu and Liu
- Aligning National Interests and Global Climate Justice: The Role of Human Rights in Enhancing the Ambition of Nationally Determined Contributions to Combat Climate Change
- The National Interest and Global Justice: Contradictory Terms, Incomparable and Non-commensurable Goods, Yet Compatible?
- Does it Make Sense to Try Reconciling the National Interest and Global Justice Agendas?
- What is ‘Global’ About Global Justice?
- The Introversive Political Meritocracy: A Political Possibility Beyond “The End of History”
- Fifty Years of Global Justice: Five Theses
- The Rise of Posthumanism: Challenge to and Prospect for Mankind
- The Public Role of the Social and Human Sciences After the Crisis of Modernity
- Institutions for a World of Climate Injustice
- Li, Quan: The Idea of Governance and the Spirit of Chinese Neoliberalism
- Consumerism and Surveillance in Leighton Evans and Michael Saker’s Location-Based Social Media: Space, Time, and Identity
- Everyday Modernity in China: From Danwei to the “World Factory”
- Defining, Explaining and, then, Exploiting the Elusive Concept of “Governance”
- Populism and Political Party Institutionalisation in the Three Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
- The Public Sphere in Modern China: Forms, Functions and Self-Understandings—A Case Study of Shanghai
- Populism, Sovereigntism, and the Unlikely Re-Emergence of the Territorial Nation-State
- The Overpaid and Underpaid: A Comparison of Labor Costs in Nonprofit and For-Profit Service Organizations
- Migrants Spilling over Borders: The Long View
- Too Much Information and the KWIC
- Corporate Board Structure and Corporate Performance: Empirical Analysis of Listed Companies in China
- Correction to: Land Reclamation in the Rhine and Yangzi Deltas: An Explorative Comparison, 1600–1800
- Neoliberal Multiculturalism and Western Exceptionalism: The Cultural Politics of the West
- Law, Ethics and Gender: China’s Quest for a Modern Selfhood as Reflected in its Adaptations of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
- Social Media Techno-Discursive Design, Affective Communication and Contemporary Politics
- Land Reclamation in the Rhine and Yangzi Deltas: An Explorative Comparison, 1600–1800
- The Use of the Past to Shape the Present: Shifting Depictions of the Ancient World in Twentieth-Century American Cinema
- River Cultures in World History—Rescuing a Neglected Resource
- Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression
- Upscaling Illiberalism: Class, Contradiction, and the Rise and Rise of the Populist Right in Post-socialist Central Europe
- Transacting Memory in the Digital Age: Modernity, Fluidity and Immateriality
- Cultural Diversity and the Digital Humanities
- Cross-Border Migration and Human Trafficking in Ethiopia: Contributing Factors, Policy Responses and the Way Forward
- Criminal Law and the Moral Education of Men
- On the Influencing Factors and Strategies of Employee Loyalty
- Ulises Ali Mejias: Off the Network: Disrupting the Digital World
- Attributing Strategic Intention and Global Reach Within a Cross-Cultural Understanding of the Chinese “Belt and Road Initiative”
- Meditative Practices in the Context of Constructing and Understanding the Spatial World
- Is There Such Thing as ‘Populist Constitutionalism’? The Case of Hungary
- Mediating National History and Personal Catastrophe: Televising Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration
- The Rise of China in Central Asia: The New Silk Road Diplomacy
- Zhao Yingcheng from Fact to Fiction: The Story of “The Great Advisor”
- ‘Do I Really Need It?’ Professional Development in Pragmatics in Asian EFL
- Donald Trump, Globalization, and Modernity
- Searching for an Alternative Global Order: The Qing Tributary System and the Mechanism of Guanxi
- Household Environmental Factors and Childhood Morbidity in South-Western Nigeria
- Introduction to the Special Topic on “Subjects and Subjectivity in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization”
- Strangers and Migrants in the Making of African Societies: A Conceptual and Historical Review
- The Sweatshop Workers of Nicaragua: Subjectivity, Labor, and Domination
- The Imago of Revolution Psychoanalysis and Class Consciousness
- David Lloyd George and the Balfour Declaration: Assessing the Role of Individuals in Historic Policy Making
- Industrial Policy and China’s Economic Development: From the Perspective of New Structural Economics
- Managing Subjectivity: Neoliberalism, Human Capital and Empowerment
- Governance and Good Governance: A New Framework for Political Analysis
- Structural Adjustment Approaches and Policy Design of the Chinese Economy: A Comparison Between New and Old Structural Economics
- The Clash of Solidarities in the European Union
- Beyond Character: Werner Sombart, Max Weber and the Question of the Subjective Roots of Participation in Capitalism
- After the Internet: New Technologies, Social Issues, and Public Policies
- How Did Land Reform and Collectivization Reshape China’s Rural–Urban Relations
- Economic or Geopolitical? Explaining the Motives and Expectations of the Eurasian Economic Union’s Member States
- Social Life in Social Media
- The Special Features of Managing Media Firms
- Defying the Court: A Spatial Analysis of the Central–Local Government Relationship During the Boxer Uprising (1900–1901)
- How to Innovate in Knowledge Management
- City as a Playable Unit
- Wittgenstein, Phenomenology and Cognitive Linguistics
- Praxis and Theory Combined: Introduction to “New Perspectives on New Media”
- A Theoretical Framework for Demystifying the Causes of Dysfunction and Disorder in the Chinese Market Economy: A Weberian Perspective
- On Tiantai Zhiyi’s Theory of the Three Categories of Dharma
- A Case Study of an Iranian EFL Student Teacher’s Professional Preparation and Development from the Perspective of Social Constructivist Approach
- China–Pakistan Economic Corridor: Will It Sustain Itself?
- Metaphysical Violent Hermeneutic Misreading of Confucian Literary Theory
- Chinese Economic Development Policies as an Example for Mexico: The One-Belt-One-Road Program
- Health and Economic Growth in Ghana: An Empirical Investigation
- Remembering, Forgetting and Self-Constitution: A Comparison of The Last Gentleman and Lanterns on the Levee
- Cosmopolitan Temporalities: A Sociological Analysis on Climate Imageries in Brazil and China
- Towards a Sociology of Adaptation to Rainfall Variability in Rural Zimbabwe: The Case of Charewa in Mutoko
- From the Dachunniu to the Piñata: Tracing the Alleged Chinese Origin of a Mexican Tradition
- Can the United States and the DPRK Achieve Normalization in the Case of Trump Phenomenon?
- Ethnography and the Internet: Taking Account of Emerging Technological Landscapes
- Contemporary Notes on the Changing Language Landscape
- Designed in China: A Legal Frontier
- ‘OBOR’ and South Asia: Can India and China Cope with the Emerging ‘New Normal’ in the Region?
- New Blind Spot in Communication Studies: Return to Labor—Empirical Evidence from Chinese Publishing Industry
- Two Translations of Ji Yun’s Close Scrutiny : the Translator, the Reader and the Settings of Translation
- The Bloomsbury Short Story
- Deism and Daoism in Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”
- Cognitive Dissonance and “The Will to Believe”
- Ways of Dealing with Adultery: A Study of Munro’s Adultery Stories
- An Existentialist Will into This World
- Rethinking Art Education: Perception, Comprehension and Communication of Beauty
- Introduction: Several Aspects of Current Short Story Criticism – Influence, Gender and Genre
- The Villainous Moor: Eleazar in Dekker’s Lust’s Dominion (1600)
- Carter’s Feminist Revision of Fairytale: The Narrative Strategies of “The Company of Wolves”
- Enactments of Identity in the New Zealand Short Story
- Some Theories and Concepts of Intergroup and Conflict Relations in the Western Niger Delta of Nigeria
- Beyond the Political Economy Versus Cultural Studies Debate? Toward a New Integration
- Justice as the Virtue of “No Unacceptable Harm to the Human”
- The Troubled Russia–China Partnership as a Challenge to the East Asian Peace
- World Governance and Leadership Designs for the Future