- Were Huxley’s social views constituted by his biological work, and vice versa? Progress, perfection, & social values in Julian Huxley’s biological worldview
- Peter Adkins (ed.), Virginia Woolf and the Anthropocene, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024
- Hawks, Doves, and Perissodus microlepis. Undermining the selected effects theory of function
- Does randomization assert the balance across trial arms? Revisiting Worrall’s criticism
- Listening to placebos: the contested lessons of antidepressants debates
- Can science help discover the nature of well-being?
- Crystallizing techniques: sample preparations, technical knowledge, and the characterization of blood crystals, 1840–1909
- Correction: Diversification or sensory unification? Controversies around the senses in fin de siècle culture
- Obesogenic vs. fatphobic: an examination of environment in relation to fatness
- Pavlovian theory and the development of traditional Chinese medicine, 1949–1961
- Historicizing the liberal antiracism of Cultural Evolution
- Jeffry L. Ramsey, Sustainability and the Philosophy of Science, New York: Routledge, 2024
- Two scientific perspectives on nerve signal propagation: how incompatible approaches jointly promote progress in explanatory understanding
- From the ports to the hinterland. Plague, bacteriology, and politics in Argentina (1899–1940)
- A strategy to what end? “The strategy of model building in population biology” in its programmatic context
- Inventing with bacteriology: controversy over anti-cholera therapeutic serum and tensions between transnational science and local practice in Tokyo and Berlin (1890–1902)
- The modern synthesis and “Progress” in evolution: a view from the journal literature
- Normative implications of postgenomic deterministic narratives: the case study of epigenetic harm
- Matteo Vagelli, Reconsidering historical epistemology: French and anglophone styles in history and philosophy of science, 2024. Springer
- Seeking the first phylogenetic method–Edvard A. Vainio (1853–1929) and his troubled endeavour towards a natural lichen classification in the late nineteenth century Finland
- The historical transformation of individual concepts into populational ones: an explanatory shift in the gestation of the modern synthesis
- Snait B. Gissis, Lamarckism and the emergence of ‘scientific’ social sciences in nineteenth-century Britain and France, Springer, 2024
- Postgenomic understandings of fatness and metabolism
- The evolution of ACEs: From coping behaviors to epigenetics as explanatory frameworks for the biology of adverse childhood experiences
- Of rats and children: plague, malaria, and the early history of disease reservoirs (1898–1930)
- Controlling systems and controlling legacies: Barbara McClintock’s 1961 conversation with two bacterial geneticists
- Constraint-based reasoning in cell biology: on the explanatory role of context
- A history of childhood schizophrenia and lessons for autism
- The life sciences and the history of analytic philosophy
- States of Resistance: nosocomial and environmental approaches to antimicrobial resistance in Lebanon
- Malin Ah-King, The female turn. How evolutionary science shifted perceptions about females, Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022
- William Bechtel & Linus Ta-Lun Huang, Philosophy of neuroscience, 2022. Cambridge University Press
- Bernd Rosslenbroich, Properties of life. Toward a theory of organismic biology. Vienna series in theoretical biology, 2023, The MIT Press, 326 Pages, ISBN 9780262546201 (Paperback)
- Sara Green, Animal models of human disease, 2024, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Narratives in exposomics: A reversed heuristic determinism?
- On the relationship between scientific theory and ontology in everything flows
- Mario Ageno and the status of biophysics
- Jeannie N. Shinozuka, Biotic borders: Transpacific plant and insect migration and the rise of anti-Asian racism in America, 1890–1950, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2022
- “Naked life”: the vital meaning of nutrition in Claude Bernard’s physiology
- Race and indigeneity in human microbiome science: microbiomisation and the historiality of otherness
- The discovery of archaea: from observed anomaly to consequential restructuring of the phylogenetic tree
- Diversification or sensory unification? Controversies around the senses in fin de siècle culture
- Forgetting how we ate: personalised nutrition and the strategic uses of history
- Embodied cognition and the imaging of bio-pathologies: the question of experiential primacy in detecting diagnostic phenomena
- Scrutinizing microbiome determinism: why deterministic hypotheses about the microbiome are conceptually ungrounded
- A work in progress: William Bateson’s vibratory theory of repetition of parts
- After the trans brain: a critique of the neurobiological accounts of embodied trans* identities
- Reappraising Claude Bernard’s legacy: an introduction
- From the harmony to the tension: Helmuth Plessner and Kurt Goldstein’s readings of Jakob von Uexküll
- Jacob Stegenga, Care & Cure. An introduction to philosophy of medicine, Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 2018, 288 pp.
- When remediating one artifact results in another: control, confounders, and correction
- How should we distinguish between selectable and circumstantial traits?
- How is who: evidence as clues for action in participatory sustainability science and public health research
- On the nature of evolutionary explanations: a critical appraisal of Walter Bock’s approach with a new revised proposal
- Resilience and the shift of paradigm in ecology: a new name for an old concept or a different explanatory tool?
- Refusing epigenetics: indigeneity and the colonial politics of trauma
- A fetus in the world: Physiology, epidemiology, and the making of fetal origins of adult disease
- Between the genotype and the phenotype lies the microbiome: symbiosis and the making of ‘postgenomic’ knowledge
- Croizat’s form-making, RNA networks, and biogeography
- Collecting human remains in nineteenth-century Paris: the case of the Société Anatomique de Paris and the Musée Dupuytren
- Mathias Grote, Membranes to molecular machines: active matter and the remaking of life, The University of Chicago Press, 2019
- Kersten T. Hall, Insulin—the crooked timber: a history from thick brown muck to wall street gold, Oxford: Oxford university press, 2021
- Andrew S. Reynolds, The third lens: metaphor and the creation of modern cell biology, Chicago: the Chicago University Press, 2018
- Minding the gap: discovering the phenomenon of chemical transmission in the nervous system
- Finding value-ladenness in evolutionary psychology: Examining Nelson’s arguments
- Kōzai Toyoko . Shutō to iu "eisei": Kinsei Nihon ni okeru yobō sesshu no rekishi [The Road to Immunization: A History of Smallpox in Early Modern Japan]. Tokyo: Tōkyō daigaku shuppankai, 2019
- The machine-organism relation revisited
- Cropping synonymy: varietal standardization in the United States, 1900–1970
- Maya J. Goldenberg, Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise, and the War on Science, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021
- Claude Bernard’s non reception of Darwinism
- Georg Striedter, Model Systems in Biology: History, Philosophy, and Practical Concerns, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2022
- Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall, The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018
- Ben Bradley, Darwin’s psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020
- Historiographical approaches to biogeography: a critical review
- Correction to: From technique to normativity: the influence of Kant on Georges Canguilhem’s philosophy of life
- Hodgkin’s and Huxley’s own assessments of their “quantitative description” of nerve membrane current
- Sorting sex, controlling sex: Masui Kiyoshi’s chicken research and experimental system, 1915–1950
- The concepts and origins of cell mortality
- Technology in scientific practice: how H. J. Muller used the fruit fly to investigate the X-ray machine
- A controversy about chance and the origins of life: thermodynamicist Ilya Prigogine replies to molecular biologist Jacques Monod
- On diversity of human-nature relationships in environmental sciences and its implications for the management of ecological crisis
- History, philosophy, and science education: reflections on genetics 20 years after the human genome project
- Correction: Heredity as a problem. On Claude Bernard’s failed attempts at resolution
- Timeless spaces: Field experiments in the physiological study of circadian rhythms, 1938–1963
- From technique to normativity: the influence of Kant on Georges Canguilhem’s philosophy of life
- Paris or Berlin? Claude Bernard’s rivalry with Emil du Bois-Reymond
- Overlooked contributions of Ayurveda literature to the history of physiology of digestion and metabolism
- Thinking in 3 dimensions: philosophies of the microenvironment in organoids and organs-on-chip
- The essentialism of early modern psychiatric nosology
- Claude Bernard and life in the laboratory
- Heredity as a problem. On Claude Bernard’s failed attempts at resolution
- Circulating bodies: human-animal movements in science and medicine
- Evolution within the body: the rise and fall of somatic Darwinism in the late nineteenth century
- Anneli Jefferson, Are Mental Disorders Brain Disorders?, London: Routledge, 2022
- Epistemological discipline in animal behavior studies: Konrad Lorenz and Daniel Lehrman on intuition and empathy
- Correction to: Editorial introduction: Biomedicine and life sciences as a challenge to human temporality
- Post-Darwinian fish classifications: theories and methodologies of Günther, Cope, and Gill
- Editorial introduction: Biomedicine and life sciences as a challenge to human temporality
- The legal relevance of a minor patient’s wish to die: a temporality-related exploration of end-of-life decisions in pediatric care
- Human genetics in post-WWII Italy: blood, genes and platforms
- Mandatory vaccinations, the segregation of citizens, and the promotion of inequality in the modern democracy of Greece and other democratic countries in the era of COVID-19
- Sterelny, Kim. The Pleistocene Social Contract. New York: Oxford University Press. 2021. xi + 200 pp.
- From exceptional to common presence: Italian women in twentieth-century life sciences
- Planer R. J. & Sterelny K., From Signal to Symbol: the Evolution of Language, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2021, xx + 276 pp
- Parachutes, randomized controlled trials, and all-cause mortality
- Do heritable immune responses extend physiological individuality?
- Homeorhesis: envisaging the logic of life trajectories in molecular research on trauma and its effects
- Humanising and dehumanising pigs in genomic and transplantation research
- Octavio Ocampo, Mexican painter: a metamorphic look at the discourse between the local and the global
- Attention: a descriptive taxonomy
- Challenges of anticipation of future decisions in dementia and dementia research
- Georges Canguilhem on sex determination and the normativity of life
- Evaluating the validity of animal models of mental disorder: from modeling syndromes to modeling endophenotypes
- Who is the biological patient? A new gradational and dynamic model for one health medicine
- Correction to: Organisms as subjects: Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf Portmann on the autonomy of living beings and anthropological difference
- Humboldt, Darwin, and theory of evolution
- Organic form and evolution: the morphological problem in twentieth-century italian biology
- Games and genes: human diversity meets cytogenetics—Mexico 1968
- Technics and signs: anthropogenesis in Vygotsky, Leroi-Gourhan, and Stiegler
- Bruce S. Grant, Observing Evolution: Peppered Moths and the Discovery of Parallel Melanism. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021
- Locating hygienic medicine within the intellectual history of hygiene: cases of E. W. Lane and T. R. Allinson
- “Waking up” the sleeping metaphor of normality in connection to intersex or DSD: a scoping review of medical literature
- “Batesonian Mendelism” and “Pearsonian biometry”: shedding new light on the controversy between William Bateson and Karl Pearson
- The failure of drug repurposing for COVID-19 as an effect of excessive hypothesis testing and weak mechanistic evidence
- Phenotype-first hypotheses, spandrels and early metazoan evolution
- Kant, intoxicated: the aesthetics of drunkenness, between moral duty and “active play”
- Is nationalizing universalizing and/or vice-versa?
- Kostas Kampourakis & Tobias Uller (eds.), Philosophy of Science for Biologists, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020
- Arnon Levy & Peter Godfrey-Smith (eds.), The Scientific Imagination: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020
- Five common misconceptions regarding flattening-the-curve of COVID-19
- Toward a comparative history of medical genetics as a medical specialty in North America
- Naomi Oreskes, Why trust science?, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019
- Introduction: biomedical knowledge in a time of COVID-19
- Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account
- Death in Advance? A critique of the “Zombification” of people with dementia
- Organisms as subjects: Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf Portmann on the autonomy of living beings and anthropological difference
- A tale of two cities: emotion and reason in the formation of moral judgement and possible metaethical implications
- A hapless mathematical contribution to biology
- Change in the graphics of journal articles in the life sciences field: analysis of figures and tables in the journal “Cell”
- Health as temporally extended: theoretical foundations and implications
- Correction to: Temporal sociomedical approaches to intersex* bodies
- Laboratory animal strain mobilities: handling with care for animal sentience and biosecurity
- Medical technologies, time, and the good life
- Temporal sociomedical approaches to intersex* bodies
- Ross L. Jones, Anatomists of Empire: race, evolution and the Discovery of Human Biology in the British World, North Melbourne: australian Scholarly Publishing, 2020
- Francesca Michelini & Kristian Köchy (eds.), Jakob von Uexküll and philosophy: life, environments, anthropology, Abingdon: Routledge, 2020
- The foucauldian approach to conservation: pitfalls and genuine promises
- David Sepkoski, Catastrophic thinking: extinction and the value of diversity from Darwin to the Anthropocene, Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 2020
- The evolution of moral belief: support for the debunker’s causal premise
- Values in evolutionary biology: a comparison between the contemporary debate on organic progress and Canguilhem’s biological philosophy
- The ‘good’ of extending fertility: ontology and moral reasoning in a biotemporal regime of reproduction
- Figuring out what is happening: the discovery of two electrophysiological phenomena
- The emergence of temporality in attitudes towards cryo-fertility: a case study comparing German and Israeli social egg freezing users
- Metaphors we Lie by: our ‘War’ against COVID-19
- The ‘Is’ and the ‘Ought’ of the Animal Organism: Hegel’s Account of Biological Normativity
- Re-situations of scientific knowledge: a case study of a skirmish over clusters vs clines in human population genomics
- Matthew’s (1915) climate and evolution, the “New York School of Biogeography”, and the rise and fall of “Holarcticism”
- Making kangaroos grievable; making grievability non-human
- Natural selection according to Darwin: cause or effect?
- Question-driven stepwise experimental discoveries in biochemistry: two case studies
- Mechanisms of macromolecular reactions
- The Kantian account of mechanical explanation of natural ends in eighteenth and nineteenth century biology
- Sherrie L. Lyons, From Cells to Organisms: Re-envisioning Cell Theory, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020
- Biological constraints as norms in evolution
- kerry lynn macintosh, Enhanced beings: human germline modification and the law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018
- Jimena Canales, Bedeviled: a shadow history of demons in science, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020
- Michel Morange: The Black Box of Biology: A History of the Molecular Revolution, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020
- Philipp Fischer, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Christoph Hoffmann, Hans Hofmann, Hans-Jorg Rheinberger, Hannes Rickli, Natures of Data: A Discussion Between Biology, History and Philosophy of Science and Art, Zurich: Diaphanes, 2020
- Practicing virology: making and knowing a mid-twentieth century experiment with Tobacco mosaic virus
- Kraepelin’s psychiatry in the pragmatic age
- Evolution and ethics viewed from within two metaphors: machine and organism
- “Havens of mercy”: health, medical research, and the governance of the movement of dogs in twentieth-century America
- The enactive naturalization of normativity: from self-maintenance to situated interactions
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: a visionary in controversy
- Medawar and Hamilton on the selective forces in the evolution of ageing
- The hatching of consciousness
- The red-beard evolutionary explanation of human sociality
- Von Baer, the intensification of uniqueness, and historical explanation
- Contrasting Narratives of Race and Fatness in Covid-19
- Philia: the biological foundations of Aristotle’s ethics
- The pre-Darwinian history of the comparative method, 1555–1855
- Open science, data sharing and solidarity: who benefits?
- The great leveller? COVID-19’s dynamic interaction with social inequalities in the UK
- To lock or not to lock? Mexico case
- Theistic evolution and evolutionary ethics: Henry Fairfield Osborn and Huxley’s legacy
- Rethinking the history of peptic ulcer disease and its relevance for network epistemology
- The genetic informational network: how DNA conveys semantic information
- Can populations be healthy? Perspectives from Georges Canguilhem and Geoffrey Rose
- Genuine versus bogus scientific controversies: the case of statins
- The DSM-5 introduction of the Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder as a new mental disorder: a philosophical review
- Correction to: “Organismic” positions in early German-speaking ecology and its (almost) forgotten dissidents
- Descriptive understanding and prediction in COVID-19 modelling
- A box, a trough and marbles: How the Reed-Frost epidemic theory shaped epidemiological reasoning in the 20th century
- Empirical assumptions behind the violation of expectation experiments in human and non-human animals
- Epidemiological models and COVID-19: a comparative view
- Reevaluating the grandmother hypothesis
- Correction to: Darwin’s “horrid” doubt, in context
- Metaphors as models: Towards a typology of metaphor in ancient science
- Ethnobotanical profiles of wild edible plants recorded from Mongolia by Yunatov during 1940–1951
- The holobiont self: understanding immunity in context
- Rethinking ageing: introduction
- Pierre M. Durand, The Evolutionary Origins of Life and Death, Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 2021
- Henry Cowles, The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020
- Bert Theunissen, Beauty or Statistics: Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900–2000, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020
- Aging 4.0? Rethinking the ethical framing of technology-assisted eldercare
- Modeling mothering: the development of an experimental system in neurobiology
- Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: science and epistemic humility should go together
- Ageism in the COVID-19 pandemic: age-based discrimination in triage decisions and beyond
- Cycles and circulation: a theme in the history of biology and medicine
- Beyond the limit: carrying capacity (K) and the holism/reductionism debate
- Science communication: challenges and dilemmas in the age of COVID-19
- What’s in a name? From “fluctuation fit” to “conformational selection”: rediscovery of a concept
- COVID-19 and inequalities: the need for inclusive policy response
- Seeing the value of experiential knowledge through COVID-19
- Covid-19 and ageing: four alternative conceptual frameworks
- Seeing clearly through COVID-19: current and future questions for the history and philosophy of the life sciences
- Correction to: The road from evidence to policies and the erosion of the standards of democratic scrutiny in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Imagination and remembrance: what role should historical epidemiology play in a world bewitched by mathematical modelling of COVID-19 and other epidemics?
- Correction to: Darwin’s perception of nature and the question of disenchantment: a semantic analysis across the six editions of On the Origin of Species
- Croizat’s dangerous ideas: practices, prejudices, and politics in contemporary biogeography
- Taxon names and varieties of reference
- Credibility and evidence in the handling of SARS-CoV-2
- Animal research unbound: The messiness of the moral and the ethnographer’s dilemma
- A. S. Barwich, Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2020
- Cristian Saborido, Filosofía de la Medicina, Madrid: Tecnos, 2020
- Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, When Maps become the World, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020
- COVID-19 and the selection problem in national cause-of-death statistics
- Neither vitalist nor mechanist, neither dualist nor idealist: Plessner’s third way
- Arche-writing and data-production in theory-oriented scientific practice: the case of free-viewing as experimental system to test the temporal correlation hypothesis
- Under the spell of SARS-CoV-2: A closer look at the sociopolitical dynamics
- Science, misinformation and digital technology during the Covid-19 pandemic
- The plasticity of ageing and the rediscovery of ground-state prevention
- The past and present of pandemic management: health diplomacy, international epidemiological surveillance, and COVID-19
- On shaping expectations of “new normals” for living in a post-COVID-19 world
- The road from evidence to policies and the erosion of the standards of democratic scrutiny in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Non-epistemic values in shaping the parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of candidate vaccines: the case of an Ebola vaccine trial
- Counting the dead and making the dead count: configuring data and accountability
- Historical reflection on Taijin-kyōfushō during COVID-19: a global phenomenon of social anxiety?
- On evidence fiascos and judgments in COVID-19 policy
- Correction to: John N. Prebble, searching for a mechanism. A history of cell bioenergetics
- COVID-19 heralds a new epistemology of science for the public good
- Making policy decisions under plural uncertainty: responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Darwin’s perception of nature and the question of disenchantment: a semantic analysis across the six editions of On the Origin of Species
- “I would sooner die than give up”: Huxley and Darwin’s deep disagreement
- How political philosophies can help to discuss and differentiate theories in community ecology
- Life’s organization between matter and form: Neo-Aristotelian approaches and biosemiotics
- COVID-19 and the problem of clinical knowledge
- Conceiving reproduction in German Naturphilosophie . Introduction
- Hamster numbers: biopolitics and animal agency in the dutch fields, circa 1870-present
- How disinformation kills: philosophical challenges in the post-Covid society
- Before translational medicine: laboratory-clinic relations
- What are the COVID-19 models modeling (philosophically speaking)?
- Masks, mechanisms and Covid-19: the limitations of randomized trials in pandemic policymaking
- Can aging research generate a theory of health?
- COVID-19 and the reenactment of mass masking in South Korea
- COVID-19, a critical juncture in China’s wildlife protection?
- Covid-19 and the need for more history and philosophy of RNA
- Between hoping to die and longing to live longer
- Janina Wellmann, The Form of Becoming: Embryology and the Epistemology of Rhythm, 1760–1830 (translated by Kate Sturge). New York: Zone Books, 2017, 432 pp. ISBN: 978–1-935,408–76-5
- Daniel R. Brooks, Eric P. Hoberg, Walter A. Boeger, The Stockholm Paradigm: Climate Change and Emerging Disease . Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 2019, 400 pp., $40.00 (paper)/$120.00 (cloth)/$10.00–$40.00 (e-book)
- Ageing and the goal of evolution
- What’s my age again? Age categories as interactive kinds
- Justin Garson, What Biological Functions Are and Why They Matter , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019
- JN. P ohn rebble , searching for a mechanism. A history of cell bioenergetics
- Robert E. Kohler, Inside Science: Stories from the Field in Human and Animal Science , Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 264 pp., $35.00
- “ Un -Promethean” science and the future of humanity: Heidegger’s warning
- Ateleological propagation in Goethe’s Metamorphosis of plants
- The legacy of the fieldwork of E. W. Nelson and E. A. Goldman in Mexico (1892–1906) for research on poorly known mammals
- Mouse avatars of human cancers: the temporality of translation in precision oncology
- Aging biomarkers and the measurement of health and risk
- Blood and plasma donors during the COVID-19 pandemic: arguments against financial stimulation
- Small RNA research and the scientific repertoire: a tale about biochemistry and genetics, crops and worms, development and disease
- Immunitarianism: defence and sacrifice in the politics of Covid-19
- Does anybody really know what time it is?
- Demented patients and the quandaries of identity: setting the problem, advancing a proposal
- Darwin’s “horrid” doubt, in context
- The time of one’s life: views of aging and age group justice
- Is Wilson’s religion Durkheim’s, or Hobbes’s Leviathan?
- Flattening the curve is flattening the complexity of covid-19
- COVID-19, immunoprivilege and structural inequalities
- Who’s afraid of epigenetics? Habits, instincts, and Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory
- Stability by degrees: conceptions of constancy from the history of perceptual psychology
- The molecular vista: current perspectives on molecules and life in the twentieth century
- Medical toolkit organisms and Covid-19
- Contested Numbers: The failed negotiation of objective statistics in a methodological review of Kinsey et al.’s sex research
- Loneliness and negative effects on mental health as trade-offs of the policy response to COVID-19
- Beyond politics: additional factors underlying skepticism of a COVID-19 vaccine
- Covid-19 and the power of rules
- Assessing the quality of evidence from epidemiological agent-based models for the COVID-19 pandemic
- The genealogy of dwarfs: reproduction and romantic mythology in Goethe’s New Melusine
- Bats, objectivity, and viral spillover risk
- COVID-19, uncertainty, and moral experiments
- How urban ‘informality’ can inform response to COVID-19: a research agenda for the future
- Coronavirus biopolitics: the paradox of France’s Foucauldian heritage
- The meaning of Freedom after Covid-19
- COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death: disentangling facts and values
- COVID-19: Rethinking the nature of viruses
- Christian Reiß , Der Axolotl: Ein Labortier im Heimaquarium, 1864–1914 , Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2020, 299 pp., € 29.90
- The COVID-19 pandemic: a case for epistemic pluralism in public health policy
- Seeing beyond COVID-19: understanding the impact of the pandemic on oncology, and the importance of preparedness
- Gary Tomlinson , Culture and the Course of Human Evolution , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018, 202 pp
- Software engineering standards for epidemiological models
- M irko D. G rmek . Pathological realities. essays on disease, experiments, and history . edited, translated, and with an introduction by Pierre-Olivier Méthot. foreword by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. New York: Fordham University Press, 2019
- How can science be well-ordered in times of crisis? Learning from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- Reproduction without polarity in the work of Johann Wilhelm Ritter
- Emergence of scientific understanding in real-time ecological research practice
- Making the anaesthetised animal into a boundary object: an analysis of the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection
- Identity, politics, and the pandemic: Why is COVID-19 a disaster for feminism(s)?
- Alan C. Love & William C. Wimsatt (eds.), Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution , Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 22, Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, 2019, xxxii + 510 pp.
- M ichael T omasello , Becoming human: a theory of ontogeny , Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019, xi + 379 pp, $35.00/£28.95/€31.50
- R oman G öbel , G erhard M üller , & C laudia T aszus (eds.), Ernst Haeckel: Ausgewählte Briefwechsel . Band 2: Familienkorrespondenz August 1854 – März 1857 , Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019, lvi + 654 pp., €139,00
- COVID-19, other zoonotic diseases and wildlife conservation
- “Organismic” positions in early German-speaking ecology and its (almost) forgotten dissidents
- Of elephants and errors: naming and identity in Linnaean taxonomy
- Ecological laws for agroecological design: the need for more organized collaboration in producing, evaluating and updating ecological generalizations
- Ineluctably us: early hominid discoveries, mass media, and the reification of human ancestors
- The history and philosophy of taxonomy as an information science
- Sexual division and the new mythology: Goethe and Schelling
- D avid C eccarelli & G iulia F rezza (eds.), Predictability and the unpredictable. Life, evolution and behaviour , Roma: CNR Edizioni, 2018, 288 pp
- Explanatory goals and explanatory means in multilevel selection theory
- Theoretical virtues in eighteenth-century debates on animal cognition
- Not only laboratory to clinic: the translational work of William S. C. Copeman in rheumatology
- Why translational medicine is, in fact, “new,” why this matters, and the limits of a predominantly epistemic historiography
- Neanderthals as familiar strangers and the human spark: How the ‘golden years’ of Neanderthal research reopen the question of human uniqueness
- What’s all the fuss about? The inheritance of acquired traits is compatible with the Central Dogma
- Reproduction versus metamorphosis: Hegel and the evolutionary thinking of his time
- The aesthetic dimension of scientific discovery: finding the inter-maxillary bone in humans
- Biological taxon names are descriptive names
- Introduction: microbes, networks, knowledge—disease ecology and emerging infectious diseases in time of COVID-19
- Soviet genetics and the communist party: was it all bad and wrong, or none at all?
- The art of growing old: environmental manipulation, physiological rhythms, and the advent of Microcebus murinus as a primate model of aging
- Thomas Heams, Infravies – Le vivant sans frontières , Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2019, 192 pp, 20.00 €
- Fish and fishpond . An ecological reading of G.W. Leibniz’s Monadology §§ 63–70
- The myth of Frederic Clements’s mutualistic organicism, or: on the necessity to distinguish different concepts of organicism
- Neither superorganisms nor mere species aggregates: Charles Elton’s sociological analogies and his moderate holism about ecological communities
- Human domestication and the roles of human agency in human evolution
- J an B aedke , Above the Gene, Beyond Biology: Towards a Philosophy of Epigenetics, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, 313 pages
- R ichard O. P rum , The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin’s Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World — and Us , New York: Doubleday, 2017, 448 pp., $30.00 hardback
- Making sense of nature conservation after the end of nature
- Manipulative evidence and medical interventions: some qualifications
- Skin color and phlogiston Immanuel Kant’s racism in context
- Ontologically simple theories do not indicate the true nature of complex biological systems: three test cases
- S tephanie E lizabeth M ohr , First in fly. Drosophila research and biological discovery, Cambridge/London: Harvard University Press, 2018, 272 pp., £28.95
- C ecilia H eyes , Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking , Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2018, ix + 292 pp., $31.50/£25.95/€28.50
- oren harman and michael r. dietrich (eds). Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 336 pp.
- The stability of traits conception of the hologenome: An evolutionary account of holobiont individuality
- Introduction: blood/food/climate—physiology/nation/race
- T hierry H oquet , Revisiting the Origin of Species: The Other Darwins . Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2018, xi + 240 pp., $140 ($49.55 paperback)
- Coordinating dissent as an alternative to consensus classification: insights from systematics for bio-ontologies
- E ugene E arshaw -W hyte, Modelling Evolution: A New Dynamic Account , New York: Routledge, 2018, 145 pp, £105.00 (hardback)
- S amir O kasha , Agents and Goals in Evolution . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 254 pp., $40.00
- Biological accuracy in large-scale brain simulations
- Otávio Bueno, Ruey-Lin Chen, & Melinda Bonnie Fagan (eds.), Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practice, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018, x + 308 pp
- Assumptions of authority: the story of Sue the T – rex and controversy over access to fossils
- Jörg Pittelkow , Innovation und Tradition. Herbert Bachs Beitrag zur Anthropologie und Humangenetik, ed. by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie (Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology, vol. 20), Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2018, 370 pp., 29,00 €.
- Correction to: Special issue—before translational medicine: laboratory clinic relations lost in translation? Cortisone and the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Britain, 1950–1960
- Q uentin H iernaux & B enoît T immermans (eds.), Philosophie du Végétal , Paris: Vrin, 2018, 182 pp., €18
- The multiple meanings of translational research in (bio)medical research
- Drift as constitutive: conclusions from a formal reconstruction of population genetics
- Special issue—before translational medicine: laboratory clinic relations lost in translation? Cortisone and the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Britain, 1950–1960
- F rançois D uchesneau : Organisme et Corps Organique de Leibniz à Kant . Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, coll. “Mathesis,” 2018, 522 p. ISBN 978-2-7116-2818-6
- B eate K rickel , The Mechanical World: The Metaphysical Commitments of the New Mechanistic Approach , Springer 2018
- Racial mixture, blood and nation in medical publications on sickle cell disease in 1950s Brazil
- Genetics without genes? The centrality of genetic markers in livestock genetics and genomics
- Series of forms, visual techniques, and quantitative devices: ordering the world between the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
- M artin B öhnert , K ristian K öchy and M atthias W unsch (eds.), Philosophie der Tierforschung. Band 1: Methoden und Programme , Freiburg München:Verlag Karl Alber, 2016, 376 pp., € 29.99. K ristian K öchy , M atthias W unsch and M artin B öhnert (eds.), Philosophie der Tierforschung. Band 2: Maximen und Konsequenzen , Freiburg München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2016, 256 pp., € 29.99. M atthias W unsch , K ristian K öchy and M artin B öhnert (eds.), Philosophie der Tierforschung. Band 3: Milieus und Akteure , Freiburg München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2018, 472 pp., € 39.99.
- Food, nerves, and fertility. Variations on the moral economy of the body, 1700–1920
- Networked names: synonyms in eighteenth-century botany
- A ngela P otochnik , Idealization and the aims of science , Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017, 252 pp., $45.00, ISBN 9780226507057
- ANYA PLUTYNSKI, Explaining cancer. Finding order in disorder , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 280pp., £47.99.
- Viruses as a survival strategy in the armory of life
- D aniel J. N icholson and J ohn D upré , eds., Everything flows: toward a processual philosophy of biology , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, xv + 386
- Citizen science beyond invited participation: nineteenth century amateur naturalists, epistemic autonomy, and big data approaches avant la lettre
- Taxa hold little information about organisms: Some inferential problems in biological systematics
- How assumptions shape the paleosciences
- C harles W olfe , La philosophie de la biologie avant la biologie. Une histoire du vitalisme , Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019, 514 pp., €56 (paperback)/€93 (hardback)
- A lban F rei , Sichtbare Netzwerke. Forschungspolitik und Life – Sciences zwischen 1990 und 2016 in der Schweiz. Eine Fallstudie zu SystemsX.ch , Zürich: Chronos Verlag, 2018, 272 pp., CHF 38.00/EUR 38.00
- A listair S ponsel , Darwin’s Evolving Identity: Adventure, Ambition, and the Sin of Speculation , Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, x + 358 pp., $50.00.
- The commercialization of the biomedical sciences: (mis)understanding bias
- C hristopher J. A ustin , Essence in the age of evolution: a new theory of natural kinds , New York and Oxon: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2019, 144 pp., £115.00
- Time to elaborate on some of Scholander’s ideas: Does even a rudimentary form of the response of diving mammals exist in humans?
- R ussell B onduriansky & T roy D ay , Extended heredity : a new understanding of inheritance and evolution , Princeton University Press, 2018, 288 pp, ISBN 9780691157672
- The galaxy of the non-Linnaean nomenclature
- How to produce ‘marketable and profitable results for the company’: from viral interference to Roferon A
- R ussell W inslow , Organism and environment: inheritance and subjectivity in the life sciences . Lexington: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, 246 pp., $95.00
- Intellectual directions for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences , 2019–2023
- From parts to mechanisms: research heuristics for addressing heterogeneity in cancer genetics
- S tuart G lennan , The New Mechanical Philosophy, New York: Oxford University Press, 2017, 266 pp., $40.00.
- Blood, race and indigenous peoples in twentieth century extreme physiology
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- L ucas M c G ranahan , Darwinism and Pragmatism: William James on Evolution and Self – Transformation , 2017, Routledge, 200 pp., $160.00
- Physiology studies and scientific exchange in the Anthropology Laboratory of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (1910s–1920s)
- The plurality of assumptions about fossils and time
- R. P aul T hompson & R oss E.G. U pshur , Philosophy of Medicine: An Introduction , Oxon: Routledge, 2018, 194 pp
- K ärin N ickelsen , Explaining Photosynthesis: Models of Biochemical Mechanisms, 1840 – 1960 , Springer, Dordrecht, 2015
- All things bleak and bare beneath a brazen sky: practice and place in the analysis of Australopithecus
- A drian C urrie , Rock, Bone, and Ruin: An Optimist’s Guide to the Historical Sciences , Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2018, 376 pp., $35
- D avid L ivingstone S mith (ed.), How Biology Shapes Philosophy: New Foundations for Naturalism , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, xiv + 351 pp., £78.99 (£21.99 paperback, 2019)
- Taxonomy and conservation science: interdependent and value-laden
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- Evolutionary causes as mechanisms: a critical analysis
- The impacts of assumptions on theories of tooth development and evolution at the turn of the nineteenth century
- Between biology and chemistry in the Enlightenment: how nutrition shapes vital organization. Buffon, Bonnet, C.F. Wolff
- Simplicity, one-shot hypotheses and paleobiological explanation
- S ara G reen (ed.), Philosophy of Systems Biology: Perspectives from Scientists and Philosophers , Springer International Publishing, 2017, 265 pp, ISBN 978-3-319-47000-9
- H anna H odacs , K enneth N yberg and S téphane V an D amme (eds.), Linnaeus, Natural History and the Circulation of Knowledge (Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment), Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2018, xv + 274 pp., £75.00
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- Roman Göbel, Gerhard Müller, and Claudia Taszus (eds.), Ernst Haeckel: Ausgewählte Briefwechsel . Band 1: Familienkorrespondenz Februar 1839 – April 1854
- Realization in biology?
- Evaluating evidential pluralism in epidemiology: mechanistic evidence in exposome research
- J onathan B irch , The Philosophy of Social Evolution , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, x + 268 pp., hardcover
- ‘Birth, life, and death of infectious diseases’: Charles Nicolle (1866–1936) and the invention of medical ecology in France
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- J oel F aflak (ed.), Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution
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- S cott L idgard and L ynn K. N yhart (eds.), Biological individuality: integrating scientific, philosophical and historical perspectives
- Revisiting the Pouchet–Pasteur controversy over spontaneous generation: understanding experimental method
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- G iovanni B oniolo & M arco J. N athan (eds.), Philosophy of Molecular Medicine. Foundational Issues in Research and Practice , New York and London: Routledge, 2017, 287 pp., £115
- Introduction: sketches of a conceptual history of epigenesis
- Theoricity and homology: a reply to Roffe, Ginnobili, and Blanco
- Human progress by human effort: neo-Darwinism, social heredity, and the professionalization of the American social sciences, 1889–1925
- Waddington’s epigenetics or the pictorial meetings of development and genetics
- J essica R iskin , The Restless Clock: A History of the Centuries – Long Argument Over What Makes Living Things Tick . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016, pp. 544, ISBN 978-0-226- 30292-8. $40.00 (hardback), https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007087417000371
- Model and movement: studying cell movement in early morphogenesis, 1900 to the present
- P eter G odfrey -S mith , Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life , London: William Collins, 2017, x + 255 pp., £20.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0-00-822627-5
- S abina L eonelli , Data – centric biology: a philosophical study , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016, 275 pp., $35/24.5
- Philosophy of nature and organism’s autonomy: on Hegel, Plessner and Jonas’ theories of living beings
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- S ophia R oosth , Synthetic: How Life Got Made , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2017, 256 pp, $35
- D enis N oble , Dance to the Tune of Life — Biological Relativity , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, December 2016, 302 pp., £ 17.99
- G rant R amsey and C harles H. P ence (eds.), Chance in Evolution , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016, 384 pp., $45
- A non-metaphysical evaluation of vitalism in the early twentieth century
- Lynn Hankinson Nelson , Biology and Feminism: A Philosophical Introduction , New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017, x + 251 pp., $30.86/£21.99 (paperback)
- FERNANDO VIDAL and FRANCISCO ORTEGA , Being Brains: Making the Cerebral Subject, New York, Fordham University Press, 2017, 320 pp., $60 Hardcover ($59.99 eBook)/£46.00
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- M arc J. R atcliff , Genèse d’une Découverte: La Division des Infusoires (1765 – 1766) , Paris: Publication scientifiques du Museum national d’histoire naturelle, 2016, 751 pp., 45 €
- The instability of field experiments: building an experimental research tradition on the rocky seashores (1950–1985)
- “Other minds than ours”: a controversial discussion on the limits and possibilities of comparative psychology in the light of C. Lloyd Morgan’s work
- Correction to: Theoricity, observation and homology: a response to Pearson
- Theoricity, observation and homology: a response to Pearson
- On the historical significance of Beijerinck and his contagium vivum fluidum for modern virology
- The search of “canonical” explanations for the cerebral cortex
- M ichael F ry , Landmark experiments in molecular biology
- Retraction Note to: Diverging views of epigenesis: the Wolff–Blumenbach debate
- L uis A. C ampos , Radium and the secret of life
- A lfred I. T auber , Immunity: the Evolution of an Idea , Oxford University Press, 2017, xx + 303 pp., $72.21
- G ottfried B rem (ed.), 150 Jahre Mendelsche Regeln: Vom Erbsenzählen zum Gen-Editieren (Nova Acta Leopoldina 413)
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- S nait B. G issis , E hud L amm , and A yelet S havit (eds.): Landscapes of collectivity in the life sciences
- D erek M. J ones, The biological foundations of action
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- Predictive hypotheses are ineffectual in resolving complex biochemical systems
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- S teeves D emazeux and P atrick S ingy (eds.), The DSM – 5 in Perspective: Philosophical Reflections on the Psychiatric Babel , Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2015, Series: History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, Vol. 10, 238 pp, £90
- Robot life: simulation and participation in the study of evolution and social behavior
- N atalia G. S ukhova & E rki T ammiksaar , Aleksandr Fedorovich Middendorf: K dvukhsotletiyu so dnia rozhdeniya [Alexander Theodor von Middendorff: On the Bicentenary of His Birthday] , 2nd edition, revised and expanded , St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2015, 380 pp., price 300 roubles (hardback) [In Russian]
- Epigenesis by experience: Romantic empiricism and non-Kantian biology
- Correction to: Informing materials: drugs as tools for exploring cancer mechanisms and pathways
- Petri dish versus Winogradsky column: a longue durée perspective on purity and diversity in microbiology, 1880s–1980s
- From lighthouse to hothouse: hospital hygiene, antibiotics and the evolution of infectious disease, 1950–1990
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- S tephen H ilgartner , Reordering Life: Knowledge and Control in the Genomics Revolution , Cambridge Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 2017, xiv + 343 pp., May 2017, $35.00/£27.95
- Semiotic systems with duality of patterning and the issue of cultural replicators
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- M arta B ertolaso , Philosophy of Cancer: A Dynamic and Relational View, Dordrecht: Springer, 2016, xv + 190 pp., £66.99
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- The network remains
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- Homage to Eric Davidson
- Introduction: Eric Davidson and the molecular biology of evolution and development
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- C atherine L arrère , R aphaël L arrère , Penser et agir avec la nature: Une enquête philosophique , éditions La Découverte, coll. Sciences humaines, France, 2015, 374 pp., €14.99
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- The beauty of sensory ecology
- ‘So far like the present period’: a reply to ‘C.H. Waddington’s differences with the creators of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis: a Tale of Two Genes’
- C.H. Waddington’s differences with the creators of the modern evolutionary synthesis: a tale of two genes
- Erratum to: René Dubos, tuberculosis, and the “ecological facets of virulence”
- How mechanisms explain interfield cooperation: biological–chemical study of plant growth hormones in Utrecht and Pasadena, 1930–1938
- René Dubos, tuberculosis, and the “ecological facets of virulence”
- M arco S olinas , from Aristotle’s teleology to Darwin’s genealogy: the stamp of inutility, Palgrave MacMillan: Basingstoke, 2015, 200 pp., $95,00 (Hardcover)
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- Sarah S. Richardson , Sex Itself. The Search for Male and Female in the Human Genome
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- Kant’s epigenesis: specificity and developmental constraints
- The organism as reality or as fiction: Buffon and beyond
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- William D. Hamilton’s Brazilian lectures and his unpublished model regarding Wynne-Edwards’s idea of natural selection. With a note on ‘pluralism’ and different philosophical approaches to evolution
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- Some conceptual issues in the transition from chemistry to biology
- T im L ewens , Cultural Evolution: Conceptual Challenges , Oxford University Press, x + 205. p. 2015. $45.00
- Theorizing epigenesis in a time of preexistence: From the end of the seventeenth century to the 1720s
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- A history of chorological categories
- Active matter, then and now