- Complex Causation, Reason, Freedom: Rethinking the Politics in Hobbes
- Reanimating Hobbes’s Materialism: Afterthoughts on Samantha Frost’s Lessons from a Materialist Thinker
- Hobbes is Not Who We Think He Is
- New Aspects of Hobbes – Matter and Energy: Remarks on Samantha Frost’s Lessons from a Materialist Thinker
- Hobbes Reimagined: New Materialism, Ethics and Political Theory
- Introduction to a Symposium on Samantha Frost’s Lessons from a Materialist Thinker: Hobbesian Reflections on Ethics and Politics (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008)
- The Covenant with Moses and the Kingdom of God: Thomas Hobbes and the Theology of the Old Covenant in Early Modern England, written by Martin, Andrew J.
- A Companion to Hobbes, edited by Adams, Marcus P.
- Anticlerical legacies: The deistic reception of Thomas Hobbes, c. 1670–1740, written by Carmel, Elad
- Archibald Campbell, Critic of Hobbes
- Sovereignty as a Vocation in Hobbes’s Leviathan: New Foundations, Statecraft, and Virtue, written by Hoye, J. Matthew
- Transubstantiation, Absurdity, and the Religious Imagination: Hobbes and Rational Christianity
- The Multitude, the People, and Popular Sovereignty
- Hobbes, Locke, and the Christian Commonwealth
- Hobbes and Locke: Meaning, Method, Modernity
- Materialism from Hobbes to Locke, written by Duncan, Stewart
- Current Scholarship and Future Directions in Hobbes Studies
- Thomas Hobbes’ Invisible Things
- A Hobbesian Method for Establishing the Absurdity of Injustice Without Reliance on Hobbes’s Temporal Arguments
- Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle: Acteurs et réseaux du savoir, written by Foisneau, Luc, et al.
- Plague and the Leviathan
- The Long Arc of Legality: Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart, written by Dyzenhaus, David
- Civilization and Its Others: American Imaginaries, State of Nature, and Civility in Hobbes
- Hobbes on the Cause of Action: How to Rethink Practical Reasoning
- The Intersections of Knowledge: Hobbes, Mersenne, Descartes
- Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary, written by Holman, Christopher
- Hobbes Among the Savages: Politics, War, and Enmity in the So-called State of Nature
- Thomas Hobbes in Racist Context
- Hobbes and Race: Summary of the Special Issue
- Hobbesian Diffidence, Second-Order Discrimination, and Racial Profiling
- Is the Hobbesian State of Nature Racialized?
- Hobbes and Leibniz on the Nature and Grounds of Slavery
- Hobbes on Public Ministers
- A.P. Martinich, Hobbes’s Political Philosophy: Interpretation and Interpretations
- Johnston, David, ed., Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. Second Norton Critical Edition Johnston, David, ed., Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. Introduction by Kinch Hoekstra and David Johnston. Norton Library edition
- Yahyaoui Krivenko, Ekaterina. Space and Fates of International Law: Between Leibniz and Hobbes
- Slomp, Gabriella. Hobbes Against Friendship: The Modern Marginalisation of an Ancient Political Concept
- Hobbes’s Lesser Evil Argument for Political Authority
- Hobbes and the Indirect Workings of Political Consent
- A Commonwealth for Galileo
- The Elements of Law and Hobbes’s Purpose
- Hobbes Reenvisions Hebraic and Christian History
- Hobbes’s Theory of Responsibility as Support for Sommerville’s Argument Against Hobbes’s Approval of Independency
- Catanzaro, Andrea. Politics through the Iliad and the Odyssey: Hobbes Writes Homer
- The Elements of Law: Manuscripts and the Short Parliament
- Hackenbracht, Ryan. National Reckonings: The Last Judgment and Literature in Milton’s England
- Ideological Context and the Study of Political Theory
- ‘The History of Political Thought Above All’
- How does Spinoza’s “Democracy” differ from that of Hobbes?
- Baldin, Gregorio. Hobbes and Galileo: Method, Matter and the Science of Motion
- Psychology and Obligation in Hobbes: The Case of “Ought Implies Can”
- Thomas Hobbes on Civility, Magnanimity, and Scientific Discourse
- Douglass, Robin, and Johan Olsthoorn, eds., Hobbes’s On the Citizen: A Critical Guide
- Thomas Hobbes, Diodorus Siculus, and Early Humanity
- “A Factious, Seditious and Unruly Multitude”
- Lechner, Silviya. Hobbesian Internationalism: Anarchy, Authority and the Fate of Political Philosophy
- Fleming, Sean. Leviathan on a Leash: A Theory of State Responsibility
- Introduction to Research Symposium on Political Economy
- Progress Report on the Clarendon Edition of “De corpore” and Related Manuscripts
- Hobbes on Property: Between Legal Certainty and Sovereign Discretion
- Hobbes on Wealth, Poverty, and Economic Inequality
- Stauffer, Devin. Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy
- Progress Report on Editing Hobbes’s Elements of Law for the Clarendon series
- Progress Report on an English Translation of De Homine
- The Sovereign and the Prophets: Spinoza on Grotian and Hobbesian Biblical Argumentation, written by Fukuoka, Atsuko
- Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times, written by McQueen, Alison
- Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Thomas Hobbes, written by Raylor, Timothy
- Hobbesian Applied Ethics and Public Policy, edited by Courtland, Shane D.
- In the Shadow of Leviathan: John Locke and the Politics of Conscience, written by Collins, Jeffrey
- The Sleeping Subject: On the Use and Abuse of Imagination in Hobbes’s Leviathan
- Hobbes’s Strategy of Convergence
- From Humanism to Hobbes: Studies in Rhetoric and Politics, written by Skinner, Quentin
- Margaret Cavendish: Essential Writings, edited by Cunning, David
- Interpreting Hobbes’s Political Philosophy, edited by Lloyd, S.A.
- Patriarcha, written by Filmer, Robert
- Hobbes on Sexual Morality
- How Far Can a “Radical” Philosopher Go? Thomas Hobbes’s Paradox of Gender Relations, and One Possible Solution
- By Force or Wiles: Women in the Hobbesian Hunt for Allies and Authority
- Feminist Perspectives on Hobbes
- Hobbes’s Practical Politics: Political, Sociological and Economistic Ways of Avoiding a State of Nature
- Volume Contents
- Hobbes on Politics and Religion, edited by Van Apeldoorn, Laurens and Robin Douglass
- Hobbes and the Two Faces of Ethics, written by Abizadeh, Arash
- Hobbes’s Reply to the Fool and the Prudence of Self-Binding
- Hobbesian Sovereignty and the Rights of Subjects
- Natural Justice, Law, and Virtue in Hobbes’s Leviathan
- Hobbes on the Signification of Evaluative Language
- Hobbes, the “Natural Seeds” of Religion and French Libertine Discourse
- De cive / Vom Bürger, written by Thomas Hobbes
- The Problem of Sovereignty: Reading Hobbes through the Eyes of Hannah Arendt
- Recent Trends in German Hobbes Scholarship
- Hobbes, Kant, and the Universal ‘right to all things’, or Why We Have to Leave the State of Nature
- The Reception of Hobbes in Germany and the Holy Roman Empire
- Subject and Subjectivity in Hobbes and Leibniz
- Introduction by the Guest Editors
- Note from the Editor
- , Paul Sagar
- In Memoriam: Glen Newey (1961–2017)
- , Theodore Christov
- , Christopher Scott McClure
- The European Hobbes Society
- , Deborah Baumgold
- The International Hobbes Association
- Hobbes on the Artificiality of (His Own) Authority
- “Philosophy, Therefore, Is within Yourself”
- ‘A State of Lesser Hope’
- Against Scarecrows and Half-Baked Christians
- The Opinion of Mankind: Sociability and the Theory of the State from Hobbes to Smith, written by Paul Sagar
- Before Anarchy: Hobbes and His Critics in Modern International Thought, written by Theodore Christov
- Hobbes and the Artifice of Eternity, written by Christopher Scott McClure
- Three-Text Edition of Thomas Hobbes’s Political Theory, edited by Deborah Baumgold
- , S.A. Lloyd
- RE-Imagi(n)ing Leviathan
- The Essential Leviathan: A Modernized Edition; Nancy A. Stanlick, editor; Daniel P. Collette, Associate Editor; Hackett Publishing Company; 320 pages; Paper: $14.00 £11.99; Cloth: $42.00 £34.99.
- What is the Leviathan?
- Representation and the Person of the State
- Authorisation and Representation before
- Revisiting Hobbes on Representation
- Hobbes and the Hardwick Digests
- The Books of Tho. Hobbes
- “That Giant Monster Call’d a Multitude”
- Duty Without Obligation
- The Problem of the Unity of the Representative Assembly in Hobbes’s
- Conditioned to Believe: Hobbes on Religion, Education, and Social Context
- ‘I Professed to Write Not All to All’
- List of Contributors
- , Ted H. Miller
- , Winfried Schroeder
- Natural Philosophy, Deduction, and Geometry in the Hobbes-Boyle Debate
- Hobbes on the Ratios of Motions and Magnitudes
- Hobbes’s on Modalities and Its Contemporary Critiques
- An Early European Critic of Hobbes’s
- De Corpore