- Exploring the Hermeneutic Dialogue in the Patient-Physician Relationship
- Autonomy and Vulnerability: Elements of a Phenomenology of Reflection and Reason
- Taxonomy of Mediated Sociality: A Phenomenological Approach
- Limits of Empathy, Limits of Alterity ? The Challenges and Shortcomings of Empathy with respect to Children and in Child Abuse Situations
- Seeing butô Performances: Synesthetic Vision
- Reconsidering Alterity of Ihde’s Garden: A Conceptual Critique
- Managing Coherence in Conversational Storytelling
- Unveiling Human Nature or how Conceptual Analysis can Help Anthropology
- How Researchers Know
- Mental Illness as an (Un)Limited Experience of Intersubjectivity
- It’s (not) Me: Dynamic Nature of Immersive Experiences in Video Game Play
- Farewell Ceremonies: How Older People Practice Death and Bereavement
- Ethnomethodology’s Broken Promise
- Sara Keel (Ed.): Medical and Healthcare Interactions: Members’ Competence and Socialization
- The Limit-Experience of the Stranger. A Critical Perspective on the “Us/Them” Divide
- Drew Leder: The Healing Body: Creative Responses to Illness, Aging, and Affliction
- A Formal-Indicative Response to the Question of the Alien
- Life-World, World of Science, and Vaccine Hesitancy: A Phenomenological Approach
- Sense-Bestowal and Sense-Withdrawal
- Gestures as Archives: Truth, Loss, and Resistance
- Assessing Organizations as Responsible Entities Adequately. A Practice-Based Approach to Organizational Agency
- How to Deal with Time without Temporal Agency
- Decent Policing: Police Professionalism Beyond the Legalism-Autonomy-Axis
- Unconscious Emotions and the Limits of Phenomenology: Husserl, Lipps and Freud
- Violence and the Limits of Experience
- Is Violence a Limit Phenomenon? A Critical Approach from the Perspective of Transcendental Phenomenology and Public Health Studies
- Provincializing Nature: A Phenomenological Account of Descola’s Relative Universalism
- Disorientation as an Emotional Experience: An Introduction from an Interactionist Perspective
- Postphenomenology Unchained: Rethinking Human-Technology-World Relations as Enroulement
- Debating the Vulnerability Zeitgeist: Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Trialogue
- Lived-through Experience, Multi-perspective Methodology, Contentious Polysemy: Challenges in the Study of Vulnerability
- A Critical Phenomenology of Vulnerability: Toward a Paradigm Shift? A Contribution to an Interdisciplinary Trialogue on Vulnerability
- Vulnerability and Social Control at the Margins: A Contribution to an Interdisciplinary Trialogue on Vulnerability
- The Limits to Owning One’s Behavior: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Involuntary Action
- Michael Lynch (Ed): Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences
- Against Common Sense: On the Utopian Aspect of Concepts
- Husserl’s Phenomenology of Wishing
- Affective Discernment as a Boundary Experience
- “The Union of the Soul and the Body”: Merleau-Ponty on Being in the World
- ‘Teleological Mechanics of the Mind’: Herbart and Lipps on Tendency
- The Question of Adequacy, from Hermeneutics to Writing Strategies
- Max Weber’s Verstehende Soziologie and Florian Znaniecki’s Cultural Sociology: A Discussion of Two Distinct but Related Notions
- Husserlian Phenomenology of Limit-Problems: a “‘Geometry’ of Lived Experience”?
- Discriminatory Types and Homogenising Relevances: A Schutzian Perspective on Oppression
- Anxiety, Hope and Meaning in Times of Ecological Crisis: An Existential-Phenomenological Perspective on Environmental Emotions
- Toward a Pluralist Approach to Vulnerability: A Contribution to an Interdisciplinary Trialogue on Vulnerability
- Lawrence Berger: The Politics of Attention and the Promise of Mindfulness
- Striving, Willing, and Acting in Pfänder and Husserl
- Is Shame a Global Emotion?
- Correction to: Eros In-between and All-around
- Affectivity in its Relation to Personal Identity
- There is no "I" in Postphenomenology
- Eros In-between and All-around
- The Unconscious in Husserl’s Phenomenology
- Introduction: Affect, Tendency, Drive—Perspectives on the Basic Structures of Intentionality
- Heidegger and Arendt on Conformity and Conformism
- Why Disability Is Technologically Mediated?
- Autochthony: Abandoning Social Mythologies of Rationality
- The “Spirit” of New Atheism and Religious Activism in the Post-9/11 God Debate
- Tendency, Repetition, and the Activity of the Mind in Traumatic Experiences
- Intentionality, pointing, and early symbolic cognition
- Affect Disorders: An Husserlian Interpretation of Alexytimia, BPD and Narcissistic Traits
- (Multi-)Stabilities in the Public Sphere: Why Arendt Needs Postphenomenology
- Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer und Emanuele Caminada: Handbuch Phänomenologie
- Meaning-Adequacy and Social Critique: Toward a Phenomenological Critical Theory
- Expression of Affect and Illocution
- Drafting A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation
- Helmuth Plessner’s Schellingian Reconciliation of Idealism and Realism About the Psyche
- Levinas on Empathy, Desire, and the Caress
- ‘Blind but Oriented’: Intentionality as Tendency
- From Tendencies and Drives to Affectivity and Ethics: Husserl and Scheler on the Mother–Child Relationship
- Using Spielraum for a Normative Definition of Politics: Obama’s Play Politics and Trump’s Asceticism
- Touch and Closeness in Naturally Organized Activities
- Thrown into the World, Attached to Love: On the Forms of World-Sharing and Mourning in Heidegger
- Correction: Facing the Lively Unity of Difference: Heidegger’s Thoughts on Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Eternal Return and the Self-Overcoming Power of Thinking
- Intentionality as Tendency and Intentionality as Consciousness-of
- Consciousness of Emotion and Emotive Consciousness in Geiger and Husserl
- Two Types of Demonstration Through Guided Touch with Cane: Instruction Sequences in Orientation and Mobility Training for a Person with Visual Impairments
- Desiring to Know: Curiosity as a Tendency toward Discovery
- On Husserl’s Theory of Alien Experience in the Logical Investigations
- A Syntax for the Martial Intercorporeality: The Case of Aikido and Kenpo
- Embodiment and Disorientation: A Phenomenological Analysis of Work from Home During COVID-19
- Adam Buben: Existentialism and the Desirability of Immortality
- Why Overcoming Heideggerian Intellectualism Should Precede Overcoming Metaphysics
- Methodological Implications of the Schutzian Postulate of Adequacy for Economic Research
- Correction to: The Causality of Freedom: Max Weber and the Practical Activation of Schutz’s Postulate of Adequacy
- Turning the Natural World into a Moral World: Michel Henry on the Vocation of Life
- Privacy in Early Childhood Education and Care: The Management of Family Information in Parent–Teacher Conferences
- Introduction: Chinese and Japanese Postphenomenology
- Destiny, Love and Rational Faith in Husserl’s Post World War I Ethics
- The Causality of Freedom: Max Weber and the Practical Activation of Schutz’s Postulate of Adequacy
- Sketch for a Phenomenology of Nostalgia
- Heidegger’s Worldview – Freedom, Control and Affectivity
- From Relational Freedom to Autonomy: An Expansion of Verbeek’s Postphenomenology
- The Sense of Someone Appearing There: A Philosophical Investigation into Other Minds, Deceased People, and Animated Persona
- Touching and Being Touched During Physiotherapy Exercise Instruction
- The Eidetics of the Unimaginable. What a Phenomenologist can Learn from Ethnomethodology
- Distance, Closeness and Touch in and as an Improvised Duet Dance: How to “Move a Bit Further Away” with a Partner
- Geometrical Touch: Drawing an Occasioned Map on the Hand
- Editorial: Social Interaction and the Theater Rehearsal
- Displaying Inner Experience Through Language and Body in Community Theater Rehearsals
- Interactional Contingencies in Rehearsing a Theater Scene: The Consequentiality of Body Arrangements as Action Unfolds
- Heidegger and Patočka on the Primacy of Practices and Phenomenological Pragmatism
- Cueing in Theatre: Timing and Temporal Variance in Rehearsals of Scene Transitions
- Overcoming Blanking: Verbal and Visual Features of Prompting in Theatre Rehearsals
- Hans Pedersen, Agency, Freedom, and Responsibility in the Early Heidegger
- The Victim
- Knowledge Accumulation in Theatre Rehearsals: The Emergence of a Gesture as a Solution for Embodying a Certain Aesthetic Concept
- Interspecies Haptic Sociality: The Interactional Constitution of the Horse’s Esthesiologic Body in Equestrian Activities
- “For Example” Formulations and the Interactional Work of Exemplification
- A Phenomenological Actus Essendi? Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein on Finite Existence
- The Intelligibility of Haptic Perception in Instructional Sequences: When Visually Impaired People Achieve Object Understanding
- On the Emergence of Routines: An Interactional Micro-history of Rehearsing a Scene
- Mediation and Transcendence: Balancing Postphenomenological Theory of Technological Mediation with Karl Jaspers’s Metaphysics of Ciphers
- Silence, Attention, Body
- The World and Its Nightmare (Levinas on Sense and Nonsense)
- The Motivational Power of Ideas in Institutions and Collective Action
- An Exercise in “Primitive Natural Science” of Naturally Occurring Types of ‘Ownership’
- Katarzyna Kremplewska: George Santayana’s Political Hermeneutics
- Reading What is Not There: Ethnomethodological Analysis of the Membership Category, Action, and Reason in Novels and Short Stories
- Intercorporeal Construction of We-Ness in Classroom Interaction
- Feeling in Values: Axiological and Emotional Intentionality as Living Structure of Ethical Life, Regarding Max Scheler’s Phenomenology
- Face-to-Face with the Doctor Online: Phenomenological Analysis of Patient Experience of Teleconsultation
- Migrations of Trust: Reasonable Trust and Epistemic Transgressions
- Invoking Rules in Everyday Family Interactions: A Method for Appealing to Practical Reason
- Misfitting, Breakdowns, and the Normal in Merleau-Ponty
- Toward a Culture-Analytical and Praxeological Perspective on Decision-Making
- Self-Interpretive Event or Responsive Failure? Reading Foucault’s Confessions via Bernhard Waldenfels
- The Horizons of Chronic Shame
- Dream and Worldliness
- The Modifier Within: Bruno Latour’s Actant and Martin Heidegger’s Thing Theory
- The Role of Relevance in Stereotyping: a Schutzian Approach to Social Categorisation
- How to Start a Fight: A Qualitative Video Analysis of the Trajectories Toward Violence Based on Phone-Camera Recorded Fights
- Thomas J. Millay: Kierkegaard and the New Nationalism: A Contemporary Reinterpretation of the Attack upon Christendom
- Reverent Awe and the Field of Consciousness
- Social Position and Social Status: An Institutional and Relational Sociological Conception
- Communicative Action, Objectifications, and the Triad of Violence
- “The Temporal ‘Succession’ of Here and Now Situations”: Schütz and Garfinkel on Sequentiality in Interaction
- Holding It All Together: on the Value of Compromise and the Virtues of Compromising
- The Visual and Conversational Order of Membership Categories in Fictional Films
- What Does a Phenomenological Theory of Social Objects Mean?
- Digital Intimacy in China and Japan
- Human–Computer Interaction Research Needs a Theory of Social Structure: The Dark Side of Digital Technology Systems Hidden in User Experience
- Correction to: Socialism Order of Worth and Analytical Adequacy Axiom
- Socialism Order of Worth and Analytical Adequacy Axiom
- Fields of Recognition: A Dialogue Between Pierre Bourdieu and Axel Honneth
- Economic Consciousness
- Ontology and Politics: Interdependence and Radical Contingency in Merleau-Ponty’s Political Interworld
- Eric S. Nelson: Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other
- Living in the Flesh: Technologically Mediated Chiasmic Relationships (in Times of a Pandemic)
- The Search for Discharge Facilities in Japanese Rehabilitation Team Interaction
- The Tragedy of Scientific Culture: Husserl on Inauthentic Habits, Technisation and Mechanisation
- Correction to: Transdisciplinarity Without Method: On Being Interdisciplinary in a Technoscientific World
- Ian H. Angus: Groundwork of Phenomenological Marxism: Crisis, Body, World
- Passing Time: Bruno Latour’s Challenge to Philosophy
- Facing the Lively Unity of Difference: Heidegger’s Thoughts on Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Eternal Return and the Self-Overcoming Power of Thinking
- Transdisciplinarity Without Method: On Being Interdisciplinary in a Technoscientific World
- Hili Razinsky: Ambivalence: A Philosophical Exploration
- Technological Mediation Theory and the Moral Suspension Problem
- Some Suggestions to Improve Postphenomenology
- Hannah Arendt’s Hidden Phenomenology of the Body
- Beyond Contagion of Violence: Passionate Love and Empathy in the Thought of René Girard and Max Scheler
- Understanding Co-authorship: Phenomenological Investigation of Faculty Members’ Experience in Iran Universities
- The Duty of Violence
- Richard Polt: Time and Trauma: Thinking Through Heidegger in the Thirties
- From Johann to Maurice: Science and Expression in the Philosophical Praxis of Medicine
- Remembering as Necessary for Forgiving
- “Maybe this is Speculative Now” Negotiating and Valuing Interpretations in Qualitative Research
- Heidegger and Latour on the Danger Hiding in Actuality
- The Husserlian Will to Power: ‘I Can Do Whatever I Want’
- Rules at Play: Correcting Projectable Violations of Who Plays Next
- Correction to: How Do Social Structures Become Taken for Granted? Social Reproduction in Calm and Crisis
- The Secret Smiles of Things: Sartre’s Realism Reconsidered
- Postphenomenological Method and Technological Things Themselves
- ‘Adequacy’ as a Goal in Social Research Practice: Classical Formulations and Contemporary Issues
- Personal Uniqueness and Events
- The Process of Pregnancy: Paradoxical Temporalities of Prenatal Entities
- “You are Not Qualified—Leave it to us”: Obstetric Violence as Testimonial Injustice
- Sleeper Agents: The Sense of Agency Over the Dream Body
- Mobilizing the Sense of “Fat”: A Phenomenological Materialist Approach
- Antony Aumann: Art and Selfhood: A Kierkegaardian Account
- William McNeill, The Fate of Phenomenology: Heidegger’s Legacy
- From the Thou to the We: Rediscovering Martin Buber’s Account of Communal Experiences
- Uncovering the Political and Moral Dimensions of Technology: A Dialectic Between Classicism and Phenomenology
- The Duty of Memory Revisited: Ricoeur’s Contribution to a Crisis in French Historiography
- How Do Social Structures Become Taken for Granted? Social Reproduction in Calm and Crisis
- The Trio of Time: On Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Time
- Merleau-Ponty, Trans Philosophy, and the Ambiguous Body
- The Equivocity of Being: Heidegger, Multiplicity, and Fundamental Ontology
- Actions in Slow Motion: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections on Temporality in Actions and Intersubjective Understanding
- “It Happens, But I’m Not There”: On the Phenomenology of Childbirth
- The Givenness of Other People: On Singularity and Empathy in Husserl
- Demonstration of Understanding Through the Deployment of Japanese Enactment
- A Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Social Distance
- Freedom, Normativity and Finitude: Between Heidegger and Levinas
- Thomas Luckmann on the Relation Between Phenomenology and Sociology: A Constructive Critical Assessment
- Ethos and Eidos as Field Level Concepts for the Sociology of Morality and the Anthropology of Ethics: Towards a Social Theory of Applied Ethics
- Introduction to Harold Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodological "Misreading" of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field
- Ethnomethodological Misreading of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field
- Adapting Bodies to Infrastructures
- Depth as Nemesis: Merleau-Ponty’s Concept of Depth in Phenomenology of Perception, Art and Politics
- Religious Zeal, Affective Fragility, and the Tragedy of Human Existence
- African-American Humor and Trust
- “Alexa, who am I?”: Voice Assistants and Hermeneutic Lemniscate as the Technologically Mediated Sense-Making
- Transcendental Co-originariness of Subjectivity, Intersubjectivity, and the World: Another Way of Reading Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology
- A Dramatic Approach to the Self-Concept: Intelligibility and the Second Person
- Working the Self: Truth-Telling in the Practice of Alcoholics Anonymous
- The Declaration of Interdependence! Feminism, Grounding and Enactivism
- The Explorative Nature of Heideggerian Logic
- Presence in Digital Spaces. A Phenomenological Concept of Presence in Mediatized Communication
- The Significance of Mobility in Alfred Schutz’s Theory of Action
- Hans Ruin: Being with the Dead—Burial, ancestral politics, and the roots of historical consciousness
- Human Dignity as an Existentiale ? On Paul Ricoeur’s Phenomenology of Human Dignity
- The Mundane Dialectic of Enlightenment: Typification as Everyday Identity Thinking
- Apodictic Evidence in Phenomenology: A Correlative Approach
- Being-in-the-Apple-store: a genetic phenomenological sociology of space
- Historicity and Religiosity in Heidegger’s Interpretation of the Reality: With an Outlook to Adolf Reinach’s Contribution to Heidegger’s Phenomenological Conception
- Personal Memories and Constellations with Regard to Human Studies
- Special section in memory of George Psathas
- Interaction Analysis as an Embodied and Interactive Process: Multimodal, Co-operative, and Intercorporeal Ways of Seeing Video Data as Complementary Professional Visions
- Body Boundary Work: Praxeological Thoughts on Personal Corporality
- Book Review: When the World Collapses
- Coming to Terms with Technoscience: The Heideggerian Way
- Phenomenology and Ideology: Tuckett’s “Phenomenological” Founding of “Social Science Proper”
- Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence
- Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence
- “Multiple Realities” Revisited: James and Schutz
- Phenomenology of Online Spaces: Interpreting Late Modern Spatialities
- Michela Beatrice Ferri (ed.): The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America
- Whence Heidegger’s Phenomenology?
- When Body Image Takes over the Body Schema: The Case of Frantz Fanon
- The Incommensurable and the Visible: Gaetano Chiurazzi’s Ontology of Incommensurability and Merleau-Ponty’s Theory of Perception
- George Psathas and His Contributions to a “Phenomenological Sociology” Movement
- Turning Points on the Path to a Phenomenological Sociology
- Moods and Meteors: A Reconstruction of Heidegger’s Atmospherology
- Ethnomethodology as an Experimentation with the Natural Attitude: George Psathas on Phenomenological Sociology
- George Psathas: Phenomenology and Ethnomethdology
- Husserl on Personal Level Explanation
- Correction to: The Intensity of Lived-Experience in Martin Heidegger’s Basic Problems of Phenomenology (WS 1919/1920): A Comparison to Being and Time
- On the Politicization of Violence Within Reductive and Non-reductive Accounts of Violence
- Postmodern Thought and the Self: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Being-in-the-World Reconsidered: Thinking Beyond Absorbed Coping and Detached Rationality
- Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia
- Understanding the Protester’s Opposition: From Bodily Presence to the Linguistic Dimension—Violence and Non-violence
- “The Separation That is Not a Separation But a Form of Union”: Merleau-Ponty and Feminist Object Relations Theory in Dialogue
- Modern Violence: Heavenly or Worldly—Or Else?
- Iconoclasm and Imagination: Gaston Bachelard’s Philosophy of Technoscience
- The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy
- Methods of Entering Where Access is Restricted
- Freud and Heidegger on the ‘Origins’ of Sexuality
- Heidegger and Husserl on the Technological-Scientific Worldview
- From Documentary Meaning to Documentary Method: A Preliminary Comment on the Third Chapter of Harold Garfinkel’s Studies in Ethnomethodology
- Tracing the Seminal Notion of Accountability Across the Garfinkelian Œuvre
- Interview with Harold Garfinkel
- Tensions in Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodological Studies of Work Programme Discussed Through Livingston’s Studies of Mathematics
- Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics
- The Intensity of Lived-Experience in Martin Heidegger’s Basic Problems of Phenomenology (WS 1919/2020): A Comparison to Being and Time
- Saving Face and Atrocities: Sequence Expansions and Indirectness in Television Interviews
- Harold Garfinkel’s Legacy
- Experimental Philosophy, Ethnomethodology, and Intentional Action: A Textual Analysis of the Knobe Effect
- Ethnomethodology’s Culture
- Andrew J. Mitchell and Peter Trawny (Eds): Heidegger’s Black Notebooks: Responses to Anti-semitism
- Garfinkel, Sacks and Formal Structures: Collaborative Origins, Divergences and the History of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
- Serene Khader: Decolonizing Universalism: A Transnational Feminist Ethic
- “It’s Over There. Sit Down.” Indexicality, The Mundane, The Ordinary and The Everyday, and Much, Much More
- Seeing Through the Fumes: Technology and Asymmetry in the Anthropocene
- Violence and Affectivity
- “Hearability” Versus “Hearership”: Comparing Garfinkel’s and Schegloff’s Accounts of the Summoning Phone
- Seeing the Other’s Mind: McDowell and Husserl on Bodily Expressivity and the Problem of Other Minds
- The a Priori Critique of the Possibility of a Phenomenology of Religion: A Response to the Special Issue on “Schutz and Religion”
- Self-Stigma, Bad Faith and the Experiential Self
- The Social Undecidedness Relation
- Machina Sapiens: Digital Posthumanism from the Perspective of Plessner’s Logic of Levels
- Being Together, Worlds Apart: A Virtual-Worldly Phenomenology
- Common Understandings of and Consensus About Collective Action: The Transformation of Specifically Vague Proposals as a Collective Achievement
- Alfred Schutz’s Fragments on Social Roles as a Phenomenological Alternate to Mainstream Sociology
- From Garfinkel’s ‘Experiments in Miniature’ to the Ethnomethodological Analysis of Interaction
- Kelly Oliver: Carceral Humanitarianism: Logics of Refugee Detention
- “Torture is Putting it Too Strongly, Boredom is Putting it Too Mildly”: The Courage to Tell the Truth in the Late Lectures of Michel Foucault
- Beyond Postphenomenolgy: Ihde’s Heidegger and the Problem of Authenticity
- Heideggerian Phenomenology, Practical Ontologies and the Link Between Experience and Practices
- Morality in Scientific Practice: The Relevance and Risks of Situated Scientific Knowledge in Application-Oriented Social Research
- George Psathas (February 22, 1929–November 15, 2018)
- Eccentric Positionality: On Kant, Plessner, and Human Dignity. An Interview with J. M. Bernstein
- The Emergence of Practical Self-Understanding
- Cogitor Ergo Sum: The Origin of Self-awareness in Dyadic Interaction
- Living with Death in Rehabilitation: A Phenomenological Account
- A Theory of Affective Communication: On the Phenomenological Foundations of Perspective Taking
- Translating Plessner’s Levels
- Reduction and the Question of Beginnings in Husserl, Fink and Patočka
- Calvinist Predestination and the Spirit of Capitalism: The Religious Argument of the Weber Thesis Reexamined
- The Modern Faces of Postmodernism
- Heinrich Popitz and the Power of Violence and Technical Action in the Revolutionary and Information Ages
- Andrew Fiala: The Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy
- On Thick Records and Complex Artworks: A Study of Record-Keeping Practices at the Museum
- How Does Corporeality Inform Theorizing? Revisiting Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil
- Two Kinds of Awareness: Foucault, the Will, and Freedom in Somatic Practice
- Language and the As-Structure of Experience
- Categorial Differences: Plessner’s Philosophy Far from Reductive Naturalism and from Idealistic Culturalism
- What is Original in Merleau-Ponty’s View of the Phenomenological Reduction?
- Popitz’s Imaginative Variation on Power as Model for Critical Phenomenology
- The Institution of Life in Gehlen and Merleau-Ponty: Searching for the Common Ground for the Anthropological Difference
- Humans, Materiality and Society: The Contemporary Sociological Relevance of Helmuth Plessner
- Animal Experience: A Formal-Indicative Approach to Martin Heidegger’s Account of Animality
- The Philosophical Anthropology of Heinrich Popitz
- Power, Discourse, and Ethics
- Shame, Belonging, and Biopolitics: Agamben Among the Phenomenologists
- The Knowledge of People Disappeared During Argentina’s Military Rule
- To Learn the World Again: Examining the Impact of Elective Breast Surgery on Body Schema
- Spirituality and Intersubjective Consensus: A Response to Ciocan and Ferencz-Flatz
- Human Mirrors: Metaphors of Intersubjectivity
- Toward a General Theory of Understanding. Schutzian Theory as Proto-hermeneutics
- Anders Odenstedt: Gadamer on Tradition: Historical Context and the Limits of Reflection
- Don’t Talk About the Elephant: Silence and Ethnic Boundaries in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Phenomenology and Ontology of Language and Expression: Merleau-Ponty on Speaking and Spoken Speech
- Virtualization of the life-world
- Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Technology: Tool Use, Forms of Life, Technique, and a Transcendental Argument
- Gestalt Psychology as a Missing Link in Ernst Cassirer’s Mythical Symbolic Form
- The Mediated Breast: Technology, Agency, and Breast Cancer
- The Field of Consciousness and Extended Cognition
- Religion and Violence. Paradoxes of Religious Communication
- Life-World, Sub-Worlds, After-Worlds: The Various ‘Realnesses’ of Multiple Realities
- A Schutzian Analysis of Prayer with Perspectives from Linguistic Philosophy
- Resistance to Pragmatic Tendencies in the World of Working in the Religious Finite Province of Meaning
- Anthony J. Steinbock: Phenomenology & Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience
- Michael Reder: Religion in säkularer Gesellschaft. Über die neue Aufmerksamkeit für Religion in der politischen Philosophie
- Alfred Schutz and Phenomenology of Religion: Explorations into Ambiguous Territory
- The Ethnomethods of Ethnography: A Trans-situational Approach to the Epistemology of Qualitative Research
- Three Difficulties in Phenomenological Discourse: Husserlian Problems and a Heideggerian Solution
- Phenomenology, Pokémon Go , and Other Augmented Reality Games
- The Documentary Method of [Video] Interpretation: A Paradoxical Verdict in a Police-Involved Shooting and Its Consequences for Understanding Crime on Camera
- Time and Matter: Historicity, Facticity and the Question of Phenomenological Realism
- Bearers of Transience: Simmel and Heidegger on Death and Immortality
- Truth and Consciousness
- The Influence of Heidegger’s Thought on the Development of Philosophy in Ex-Yugoslav Countries
- Ethnomethodological Indifference: Just a Passing Phase?
- Viewing Spontaneity Ethnomethodologically
- When Rules Go Awry: A Single Case Analysis of Cycle Rage
- Embodied Harm: A Phenomenological Engagement with Stereotype Threat
- Susi Ferrarello: Husserl’s Ethics and Practical Intentionality
- Environmental Knowledge, Technology, and Values: Reconstructing Max Scheler’s Phenomenological Environmental Sociology
- Being Seen: An Exploration of a Core Phenomenon of Human Existence and Its Normative Dimensions
- Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: Transhumanismus – ‘die gefährlichste Idee der Welt!?’
- Jason Read: The Politics of Transindividuality
- P. M. Locke, and R. McCann (eds.): Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture
- Gender (In)Difference in Gender (Un)Equal Couples. Intimate Dyads Between Gender Nostalgia and Post Genderism
- Help-Search Practices in Rehabilitation Team Meetings: A Sacksian Analysis
- Otherwise than Being-with: Levinas on Heidegger and Community
- Shame, Vulnerability and Belonging: Reconsidering Sartre’s Account of Shame
- Explicating the Key Notions of Copresence and Verification in Relation to Husserl’s Use of the Term Direct to Describe Empathy
- How is the Human Life-Form of Mind Really Possible in Nature? Parallels Between John Dewey and Helmuth Plessner
- Beyond Rational Order: Shifting the Meaning of Trust in Organizational Research
- Facing a Disruptive Face: Embodiment in the Everyday Experiences of “Disfigured” Individuals
- Patočka’s Care of the Soul Reconsidered: Performing the Soul Through Movement
- Considering the Public Private-Dichotomy: Hannah Arendt, Václav Havel and Victor Klemperer on the Importance of the Private
- Merleau-Ponty’s Immanent Critique of Gestalt Theory
- Humanizing the Animal, Animalizing the Human: Husserl on Pets
- Marx and Paci on the Question of Appearances (Or, Reading Capital as a Phenomenology)
- Analysing Gaze in Terms of Subjective and Objective Interpretation: Sartre and Lacan
- Dasein’s Shadow and the Moment of its Disappearance
- ‘You Gotta See Both at the Same Time’: Visually Analyzing Player Performances in Basketball Coaching
- The Stranger to Time: What a Collector Stands for in a Hurried Society
- Johanna Oksala: Feminist Experiences: Foucauldian and Phenomenological Investigations
- Petr Kouba: The Phenomenon of Mental Disorder: Perspectives of Heidegger’s Thought in Psychopathology
- Lester E. Embree (January 9, 1938–January 19, 2017)
- What Can the Human Sciences Contribute to Phenomenology?
- Yoga in Penitentiary Settings: Transcendence, Spirituality, and Self-Improvement
- Husserl’s Phenomenology of Animality and the Paradoxes of Normality
- Towards a Theory of Toys and Toy-Play
- The (Im)Possible Grasp of Networked Realities: Disclosing Gregory Bateson’s Work for the Study of Technology
- Sociology as a Naïve Science: Alfred Schütz and the Phenomenological Theory of Attitudes
- Present Contemporaries and Absent Consociates: Rethinking Schütz’s “We Relation” Beyond Copresence
- Thomas Luckmann (October 14, 1927–May 10, 2016)
- Carlos Alberto Sánchez: Contingency and Commitment: Mexican Existentialism and the Place of Philosophy