- Necro-Ecology in Günderrode’s “The Idea of the Earth” – Life, Death, and Naturphilosophie Beyond Schelling
- Bowne on Self and Substance
- On the Historiography of Philosophy and the Formation of the Canon
- Circumventing the Metaphysical Deduction – Kant’s Table of Categories as “The Form of Understanding in Relation to Space and Time”
- Mary C. Rawlinson. The Betrayal of Substance: Death, Literature, and Sexual Difference in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- H. B. Nisbet. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: His Life, Works, & Thought
- Hegel’s Estimation of Evolution – An Emergentist Perspective
- Kant and Hegel on Individuating Organisms
- Understanding Things by Knowing How to Use Them – Hegel’s Manipulationist Account of Causality
- A Naturalist Taming of Supernatural Subjectivity? The Kantian and Fichtean Origins of Hegel’s Idealist Account of Cognition
- Hegel on the Relation Between Logos and the Science of Logic
- Consciousness and the Self, No Self Disagreement
- Extensive Clarity in Baumgarten’s Poetics and Aesthetics
- Herder’s Transformative Account of the Linguistic Being
- Schelling, Freedom, and the Immanent Made Transcendent: From Philosophy of Nature to Environmental Ethics, by Daniele Fulvi
- Spirit Tactics, Exorcising Dances – Certeau’s Foxlike Chorines and Mage
- Arendt’s Kantian Existentialism and the Political Significance of Jesus of Nazareth
- The Hegelian Heritage of Bradley’s Degrees of Truth and Reality
- Hegel’s Return to Leibniz? The Fate of Rationalist Ontology after Kant
- Timothy L. Brownlee. Recognition and the Self in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- Biko Mandela Gray and Ryan J. Johnson. Phenomenology of Black Spirit
- On the Purpose of Purposiveness – Reading Ido Geiger’s Kant and the Claims of the Empirical World
- Fichte’s Contribution to German Aesthetics
- Madness, Habit and the Genius – On Hegel’s Theory of Embodiment
- The Fear of Relativism – Dilthey’s Theory of Worldviews between Historicism and Ahistoricity
- Does Truth Have Degrees? Bradley’s Doctrine of Degrees of Truth
- Schelling and the Priority of Philosophy to Art
- Rancière’s American Heritage – Transitory Concepts and Gestural Pragmatism
- Plato and Descartes in Levinas’s Totality and Infinity – Teaching the Good and the Infinite
- The Shadow of God: Kant, Hegel, and the Passage from Heaven to History, by Michael Rosen
- Schiller’s Dancing Vanguard – From Grace and Dignity to Utopian Freedom
- Kant, Schelling, and Hegel on How to Conceive Matter from a Metaphysical Point of View
- Two and One-Half Arguments for Idealism
- Positive Aesthetic Pleasure in Early Schopenhauer: Two Kantian Accounts
- Hegel on International Recognition
- Stephen Houlgate. Hegel on Being Volume One: Quality and the Birth of Quantity in Hegel’s ‘Science of Logic’ and Hegel on Being Volume Two: Quantity and Measure in Hegel’s ‘Science of Logic’
- Bernardo Kastrup: Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics: The Key to Understanding How It Solves the Hard Problem of Consciousness and the Paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics
- A Dark Nature – Schelling on the World and Freedom in the Years 1806–1810
- Fichte’s Turn from Absolute I to Absolute Knowledge
- Martin Heidegger’s Transcendental Ontology – The Necessity of a Factical Transcendental Subject
- George di Giovanni. Hegel and the Challenge of Spinoza: A Study in German Idealism, 1801–1831
- Pregnant Materialist Natural Law: Bloch and Spartacus’s Priestess of Dionysus
- From Cosmogenesis to Naturphilosophie – Tracing a Path between Kant’s Allgemeine Naturgeschichte and Schelling’s Erster Entwurf
- Alternativelessness: On the Beginning Problem of Hegel’s Logic
- Typical Subjectivity – Transcendental Phenomenology and the Possibility of Intersubjectivity
- Which Comes First—Acting or Judging? – F. H. Jacobi’s and Hegel’s Foundations of a Metaphysical Pragmatism of Freedom
- Schelling Responds to Kant – The Bruno Critique of One-Sided Idealism
- Alexandre Matheron. Politics, Ontology and Knowledge in Spinoza
- Jacobis Philosophie. Über den Widerspruch zwischen System und Freiheit, by Birgit Sandkaulen; David Hume über den Glauben oder Idealismus und Realismus, by Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi
- C. A. Campbell and the Reprise of Cartesian Subjectivity
- Justifying the Self-Evident – The Law of Identity and the Beginning of Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre
- Elements of Völkerpsychologie in Hermann Cohen’s Mature Ethical Idealism
- How to Appropriate a Text – Paul Ricoeur on Narrative Unity
- Anton Wilhelm Amo’s Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body, by S. Menn and J. E. H. Smith
- Notes of a Wayward Son – Hegel, Baldwin, and Antiracist Idealism
- Du Bois and Hegelian Idealism
- Hegelian Heritage and Anti-Racist Horizons – Exegesis and Rewritings of Dialectical Thought
- Non-Constitutive Cosmopsychism – Countering the Decombination Problem
- The Self as Activity – Beyond Reductionist and Non-Reductionist Theories of Selfhood
- Nature at the Core of Idealism – The Birth of Two Strands of Post-Kantian Philosophy
- Affectivity in Moral Epistemology – Edith Stein and Dietrich von Hildebrand
- Karen Ng, Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic
- Bradley and Moore on Common Sense
- Predication, Intentionality and Relative Essentialism
- From Autonomy to Heautonomy – Reinhold and Schiller on Practical Self-Determination
- Kant on Concepts, Intuitions, and the Continuity of Space
- Knowledge of the Whole in Friedrich Hölderlin’s “Being Judgement Possibility” – Dieter Henrich and Manfred Frank’s Interpretations
- Marcus Willaschek, Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics: The Dialectic of Pure Reason
- Experimenting on the Margins of Philosophy – Kant, Copernicus and the Unsettled Analogy
- History as the Organon of Philosophy – A Link Between the Critical Method and the Philosophy of History
- On the Ethical Significance of Fichte’s Theology
- Die Legitimität der Aufklärung: Selbstbestimmung der Vernunft bei Immanuel Kant und Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, by Stefan Schick
- Unification or Differentiation? – Merleau-Ponty and Intertwining
- Merleau-Ponty’s Account of Appearance
- The Ontological Nature of Intuition in Schelling
- The Voyage of Human Reason in and beyond Kant’s The Critique of Pure Reason
- Metaphysics’ Accountability Gap – Hegel and Schelling on Reason’s Authority
- Experience and the Absolute in the Light of Idealism
- Higher Necessity – Schelling’s Volitional Compatibilism
- Boredom and Wonder in the Work of Arthur Schopenhauer
- Saitya Brata Das, The Political Theology of Schelling
- Organic Harmony and Ernst Cassirer’s Pluralism
- The Individual as System – British Hegelianism and the Theory of Concrete Universality
- Adorno on Kierkegaard on Love for the Dead – Mourning and Melancholia
- Krause, Spanish Krausism, and Philosophy of Action
- Are the Frühromantiker Platonists?
- Hegel’s Logic as Presuppositionless Science
- The Natural Complexes of Encounters
- The Coincidence of the Finite and the Infinite in Spinoza and Hegel
- Wittgenstein, Peirce, and Death
- The Reality of Modes in Spinoza’s Philosophy
- Frames, World-Pictures and Representations – Heidegger’s Critique of the Picture
- Immaterial Mechanism in the Mature Leibniz
- Kant’s Reformulation of the Concept of Ius Naturae
- Political Ramifications of Formal Ugliness in Kant’s Aesthetics
- Wes Furlotte, The Problem of Nature in Hegel’s Final System
- A Place for Kant’s Schematism in Glauben und Wissen
- Schelling’s Metaphysics of Love
- Why Is There a Doctrine of Method in Critique of Pure Reason?
- Freedom and Culture – The Cassirerian and Confucian Account of Symbolic Formation
- Parallelism and the Idea of God in Spinoza’s System
- Phenomenology’s Constitutive Paradox – Meillassoux on Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on Schelling
- Systematic Needs of the Doctrine of Elements in Critique of Pure Reason
- The Later Schelling on Philosophical Religion and Christianity
- Angelica Nuzzo, Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Molière, Beckett
- Kant on Scholarship and the Public Use of Reason
- Systematicity in Kant’s Third Critique
- Volume 47 Index
- Quantum Monadology
- Kant’s Argument for the Formula of the End in Itself – A Logical Pluralism Interpretation
- Hegel on Truth and Absolute Spirit
- The Family Right from the Background of the Fichtean Natural Right
- Making Sense of “Needs” in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
- Pierre Klossowski’s Hamann – The Transition from Epistemology to Speech in Twentieth-Century French Philosophy
- Mendelssohn’s Aesthetics of Critical Tolerance – Against Unity and Political Theology
- Thinking Beyond Identity – Numbers and the Identity of Indiscernibles in Plato and Proclus
- The Ethical Significance of Kant’s Sensus Communis – From Aesthetic to Ethical Community
- Oswald Spengler and Martin Heidegger on Modern Science, Metaphysics, and Mathematics
- Being and the Body – Embodiment in J. G. Fichte’s Transcendental Analysis of Consciousness
- The Place of Truth – With Heidegger and Schelling Toward a Poetics of Truth
- Volume 46 Index
- Playing with Others – A Gadamerian Ethics of Non-Differentiation
- Death and the Transcendental Subject
- Reconciling the Phenomenology and Metaphysics of Value
- The Aesthetics of Agency in Kant and Schiller
- Education as “Absolute Transition” in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
- Hegel’s Bathetic Sublime
- The Idealistic Metaphysics of Abstract Objects
- The Phenomenological Function of Humor
- A Gestalt-Model of Zettel 608
- Aristotle and Heidegger – Potentiality in Excess of Actuality
- Mathematical Conception of Husserl’s Phenomenology
- McDowell and Hegel – A Comparison
- Moral Theory and Moral Motivation in Dilthey’s Critique of Historical Reason
- On Kinds of Things and Cognitive Idealism
- Hegel and Arendt on a Key Term of Modernity – The Creativity and Destructiveness of Labor
- Describing The Rationality of Human Experience – The Anthropological Task of Hegel’s Logic
- The Self as a Becoming Work of Art in Early Romantic Thought
- Experiments in Ethics? – Kant on Chemistry and Practical Philosophy
- Volume 45 Index
- A Kantian Account of the Knowledge of Life and the Life Sciences
- Nicholas of Cusa’s Maximum as a Renaissance Precursor to Hegel’s True Infinity
- On the Fundamental Dissimilarity of Aristotelian and Kantian Time Concepts
- German Idealism as Post-Kantianism
- The Synthetic Unity of Apperception in Hegel’s Logic of the Concept
- Hegel on Sovereignty and Monarchy
- Berkeley’s Unseen Horse and Coach
- Varieties of Transcendental Idealism – Kant and Heidegger Thinking beyond Life
- Self-Consciousness and Moral Responsibility
- Spinoza’s Imagination – Rethinking Passivity
- Kant’s Critique of Baumgarten’s Aesthetics
- Kant, Hegel, and the Moral Imagination
- Initiation, Extraction, and Transformation – What It Takes to Answer Socrates’s Question
- The Spinozistic Path to Skepticism – Maimon, Novalis, and the Demands of Reason