- Book reviews
- Publications received in chronicle order
- Articles by author’s name in alphabetical/chronological order
- Publications received [65]
- Publishers’ note
- The story of Dharmaruci
- Meditating on the king’s feet? Some remarks on the expression pādānudhyāta
- Schmitt, Rüdiger, Pseudo-altpersische Inschriften: Inschriftenfälschungen und moderne Nachbildungen in altpersischer Keilschrift
- Yasuhiro Sueki: Bibliographical Sources for Buddhist Studies: from the Viewpoint of Buddhist Philology
- Mathur, Asutosh Dayal, Medieval Hindu Law. Historical Evolution and Enlightened Rebellion
- Proferes, Theodore N., Vedic Ideals of Sovereignty and the Poetics of Power
- Michel Hulin: Comment la philosophie indienne s’est-elle développée ? La querelle brahmanes-bouddhistes
- Vincent Eltschinger: Penser l’autorité des Écritures. La polémique de Dharmakīrti contre la notion brahmanique orthodoxe d’un Veda sans auteur. Autour de Pramāṇavārttika I.213-268 et Svavṛtti
- Göhler, Lars [Hg.], Indische Kultur im Kontext. Rituale, Texte und Ideen aus Indien und der Welt. Festschrift für Klaus Mylius
- The case of the nun Mettiyā reexamined: on the expulsion of a pregnant bhikṣuṇī in the Vinaya of the Mahāsāṅghikas and other Indian Buddhist monastic law codes
- Publications received [64]
- Bowles, Adam, Dharma, Disorder and the Political in Ancient India. The Āpaddharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata .
- Tubb, Gary A.; Emery B. Boose, Scholastic Sanskrit. A Manual for Students
- Alston, A.J., The Śaṇkara Source Book . Vol. I: Śaṇkara on the Absolute , pp. IX, 282; Vol. II: Śaṇkara on the Creation , pp. IX, 298; Vol. III: Śaṇkara on the Soul , pp. IX, 238; Vol. IV: Śaṇkara on Rival Views , pp. IX, 418; Vol. V: Śaṇkara on Discipleship , pp. VIII, 406; Vol. VI: Śaṇkara on Enlightenment , pp. IX, 444
- Mémorial Ojihara Yutaka. Studia Indologica édité par T. Yagi et M. Hara [Toyo Bunko Research Library 9].
- Lefèvre, Vincent, Commanditaires & artistes en Inde du Sud. Des Pallava aux Nāyak (VI e – XVIII e siècle) .