- The Realization and Limitations of “Filial Piety Ethics” in Robotic Caregiving
- The Ethics of Astrobiology and the Cosmic Bet Argument
- “Fridays Are Racist”: Evaluating Social Media Engagement From a Virtue Ethics Framework
- Various Vulnerabilities in Highway Hierarchies: Applying the UK Highway Code’s Hierarchy of Road Users to Autonomous Vehicle Decision-Making
- Intentional and Responsible: Incorporating Social Values Into the Design Process
- Which Democratic Way to Go?: Using Democracy Theories in Social Media Design
- Exploring Totalitarian Elements of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education With Hannah Arendt
- The State of Ethical AI in Practice: A Multiple Case Study of Estonian Public Service Organizations
- Redefining the Internet: An Overview of the Principles Shaping Its Evolution
- Review of Sorgner’s Philosophy of Posthuman Art
- Is Concern With Overpopulation a Good Argument Against Radical Life Extension?
- The Legitimacy of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Decision Making: Chinese Experience
- The Fairness Impact Assessment: Conceptualizing Problems of Fairness in Technological Design
- Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Hate Speech
- Epistemic Democracy and Technopolitics: Four Models of Deliberation
- Analysis of Production Line Project Based on Value Sensitive Design
- Operationalizing the Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles: An Engineering Perspective
- The Cultural Influence of Control Sharing in Autonomous Driving
- Improving the Ethical Dimension in the Innovation Process: Proposal for an Ethical Engineering Design Method
- Technology Assessments and Effective Risk Management: A Plea for More Reflection and Rationality
- Reviewing the Ethics and Philosophy Behind Social Media’s Crowdsourced Panopticon
- Zooming Through a Crisis
- A Method for Rapid Ethical Deliberation in Research and Innovation Projects
- Designed to Seduce: Epistemically Retrograde Ideation and YouTube’s Recommender System
- George the Chemist: A Dilemma About Sabotage, Disaster Prevention, and Justification of Duplicity
- Blurred Engineering Identities in Megascience: Overcoming Epistemic Injustice
- Phenomenology and Sex Robots: A Phenomenological Analysis of Sex Robots, Threesomes, and Love Relationships
- Value-Sensitive Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems: Using Action Research to Bridge the Theory-Practice Gap
- Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap: Design-Experts on Capability Sensitive Design
- Confounding Complexity of Machine Action: A Hobbesian Account of Machine Responsibility
- Public Policy Issues and Technoethics in Marketing Research in the Digital Age
- Development and Psychometric Analysis of Cyber Ethics Instrument (CEI)
- Increasing Transparency When Assessing the Impact of Technology on Human Well-Being: A Capability Approach Perspective
- AI4People: Ethical Guidelines for the Automotive Sector – Fundamental Requirements and Practical Recommendations
- A Theodicy for Artificial Universes: Moral Considerations on Simulation Hypotheses
- The Case for a Technology Solution to the Ethics Crisis in Academic Publishing
- Digital Literacy: A Review of Literature
- Web Analytics and Online Retail: Ethical Perspective
- Climate Change and Violence in Post-Conflict Colombia
- The Keyboard Knows About You: Revealing User Characteristics via Keystroke Dynamics
- Information Privacy and Emerging Technologies in the UAE: Current State and Research Directions
- Ethical Computing for Data Protection
- The New Digital Wave of Rationalization: A Loss of Autonomy
- A Framework for Ethical Mobile Marketing
- Cybernetics Orchestration Between States and Corporations Without Rule of Law
- Social and Existential Threats to Personal Security in Virtual Communities: “Groups of Death” and “Columbine Communities”
- Social Media to Social Media Analytics: Ethical Challenges
- The Research Ethics Policy for the Effective Utilization of Research Equipment
- Support for Cyberbullying Victims and Actors: A Content Analysis of Facebook Groups Fighting Against Cyberbullying
- Moral Disengagement and Cyber Bullying, A Mediator Role of Emphatic Tendency
- Atomically Precise Manufacturing and Responsible Innovation: A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Explorative Nanophilosophy
- Aristotle, Montaigne, Kant and the Others: How Friendship Came to be Conceived as it is Conceived in the Western Tradition
- Ballet Education for the Web 2.0 Generation: A Case for Using YouTube to Teach Elementary-School-Aged Ballet Students
- The Problem of Time’s Passage: Using Historical Arguments to Inform the Debate
- Ghosts in the Machine?: On the Limits of Narrative Identity in Cyberspace
- Philosophy, Past and Present: John Macmurray and Our Future
- Environmental Ethics in the Military: Between Warfare and Ecosystem Protection
- Toward an Environmental Law of Essential Goods: A Philosophical and Legal Justification For ‘Ecological Contract’
- De-Marginalizing Technophilosophy and Ethical Inquiry for an Evolving Technological Society
- Obtaining Support for Eradication Programs Using a Common Ethical Language
- Environmental Public Goods Not Securable by Markets or Networks: A Partial Response to Scruton and Iannone
- Eventuality of an Apartheid State of Things: An Ethical Perspective on the Internet of Things
- Toward an Environmental Law of Essential Goods: A Philosophical and Legal Justification For ‘Ecological Contract’
- A Study on the Prevention of Cyberbullying in Workplaces
- Privacy Awareness and the Networking Generation
- The Diffusion of Ignorance in On-Line Communities
- Use and Misuse of Technology in Marketing: Cases from India
- Sexbots: Sex Slaves, Vulnerable Others or Perfect Partners?
- Cyberbullying and Traditional Bullying: The Experiences of Poly-Victimization Among Diverse Youth
- Animal Rights and Robot Ethics
- “Revenge Porn”: An Analysis of Legislative and Policy Responses
- Pressured Sexting and Revenge Porn in a Sample of Massachusetts Adolescents
- The Social Networks of Cyberbullying on Twitter
- Gendered Violence and Victim-Blaming: The Law’s Troubling Response to Cyber-Harassment and Revenge Pornography
- Counsellors’ Phenomenological Experiences of Working with Children or Young People who have been Cyberbullied: Using Thematic Analysis of Semi Structured Interviews
- UK-Based Police Officers’ Perceptions of, and Role in Investigating, Cyber-Harassment as a Crime
- Revenge Pornography: Are Australian Laws up to the Challenge?
- Cyberbullying Bystanders: Gender, Grade, and Actions among Primary and Secondary School Students in Australia
- The Malevolent Side of Revenge Porn Proclivity: Dark Personality Traits and Sexist Ideology
- “Nothing Crueler than High School Students”: The Cyberbully in Film and Television
- Ethics, Decision-Making, and Risk Communication in the Era of Terroredia: The Case of ISIL
- Machine (Technology) Ethics: The Theoretical and Philosophical Paradigms
- War 2.0: Drones, Distance and Death
- Ethical Dimensions of Cosmetic Surgery
- The Technoethical Ethos of Technic Self-Determination
- A New Printing Revolution? 3D Printing as an Agent of Socio-Political Change
- Algorithms Versus Hive Minds: A Premonition of Democracy’s Future
- Technoethical Inquiry into Ethical Hacking at a Canadian University
- Virtual Communication: Strengthening of Real Relationships or Simulation?
- Mitigating Information Trust: Taking the Edge off Health Websites
- NBIC-Convergence and Technoethics: Common Ethical Perspective
- Corporate Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Reinforcing Consumers Bonding: An Empirical Study in Controversial Industry
- From High Frequency Trading to Self-Organizing Moral Machines
- Viral Art Matters: Using Internet-Based Artwork to Fortify Academic Efforts
- Radioactive Waste Disposal and Protection of the Future Public
- The Politicization of Science and the Use and Abuse of Technology
- Globalization and Global Health
- Drone Warfare: Ethical and Psychological Issues
- Structural Exclusion and Just Development
- Thinking About Development: The Lived Reality of Globalization
- Societal Implications of Current and Emerging “Smart” Technologies
- The Power and Appeal of Manipulation
- Cyber-Bullies as Cyborg-Bullies
- A Design Model for Cognitive Engineering
- The Ethics of Neuroenhancement: Smart Drugs, Competition and Society
- Citizen Perspectives on the Customization/Privacy Paradox Related to Smart Meter Implementation
- Sport Enhancement: From Natural Doping to Brain Stimulation
- The Leadership Role of the Ethicist: Balancing between the Authoritative and the Passive
- Privacy Concerns and Networks of Communication among Classmates
- The Ethical Implications of Personal Health Monitoring
- Online and Offline Content Piracy Activities: Characteristics and Ethical Perceptions
- The Case Against Weapons Research
- New Challenges for Humans in the Context of E-Culture
- Are Persuasive Technologies Really Able to Communicate?: Some Remarks to the Application of Discourse Ethics
- Non-Lethal Weapons: Striking Experiences in a Non-Cooperative Environment
- Military Robots and the Question of Responsibility
- Preventing Online Bullying: What Companies and Others Can Do
- A Moral Analysis of Effective Prediction Markets on Terrorism
- The Porn Drift: Pornography, Technology and Masturbation
- The Bioethics of Digital Dystopias
- Robotic Technologies and Fundamental Rights: Robotics Challenging the European Constitutional Framework
- Technoethics and Public Reason
- Deliberative Democracy and Nanotechnologies in Health
- Ordinary Technoethics
- Robots and the Ethics of Care
- A Paradox Between Technological Autonomy and Ethical Heteronomy of Philosophy of Technology: Social Control System
- Towards a Socially Responsible Research (SRR) Charter in Engineering Sciences at CNRS level
- In Defense of the ‘Human Prejudice’
- Appropriate Use of Information Systems: A Policy Training Approach
- The ‘Cloud’ of Unknowing – What a Government Cloud May and May Not Offer: A Practitioner Perspective
- Succulent Sins, Personalized Politics, and Mainstream Media’s Tabloidization Temptation
- Value Lexicality and Human Enhancement
- Human Extinction and Farsighted Universal Surveillance
- A Triad of Crisis Communication in the United States: Social Networks for Social Change in the Obama Era
- Lack of Ethics for eLearning: Two Sides of the Ethical Coin
- The Use and Abuse of Digital Democracy: Case Study of Mybarackobama.com
- Systems of Ethical Reasoning and Media Communications
- Anthropogenesis and Dynamics of Values Under Conditions of Information Technology Development
- Legal Issues of the French Law on Creation and Internet (Hadopi 1 and 2)
- Artificial Ethics: A Common Way for Human and Artificial Moral Agents and an Emergent Technoethical Field
- Presence, Reciprocity and Robotic Mediations: The Case of Autonomous Social Robots
- Personal Liability and Human Free Will in the Background of Emerging Neuroethical Issues: Some Remarks Arising From Recent Case Law
- Robotics, Ethics, and the Environment
- The Humanity of the Human Body: Is Homo Cybersapien a New Species?
- How Can It Be Wrong (When It Feels So Right)?: Ethical Decision Making and New Technology
- The Perpetration and Prevention of Cyber Crime: An Analysis of Cyber Terrorism in India
- Analyzing Software Piracy from Supply and Demand Factors The Competing Roles of Corruption and Economic Wealth
- Technoethics: The Dilemma of Doing the Right Moral Thing in Technology Applications
- Technology Innovation and the Policy Vacuum: A Call for Ethics, Norms, and Laws to Fill the Void
- Fairness and Regulation of Violence in Technological Design
- Unintended Affordances as Violent Mediators: Maladaptive Effects of Technologically Enriched Human Niches
- Structural and Technology-Mediated Violence: Profiling and the Urgent Need of New Tutelary Technoknowledge
- Infosphere to Ethosphere: Moral Mediators in the Nonviolent Transformation of Self and World
- On Biometrics and Profiling: A Challenge for Privacy and Democracy?
- Facebook Has It: The Irresistible Violence of Social Cognition in the Age of Social Networking
- Laboring in Cyberspace: A Lockean Theory of Property in Virtual Worlds
- Without Informed Consent
- Boys with Toys and Fearful Parents?: The Pedagogical Dimensions of the Discourse in Technology Ethics
- College Students, Piracy, and Ethics: Is there a Teachable Moment?
- Chicken Killers or Bandwidth Patriots?: A Case Study of Ethics in Virtual Reality
- The Impact of Context on Employee Perceptions of Acceptable Non-Work Related Computing
- Perverting Activism: Cyberactivism and Its Potential Failures In Enhancing Democratic Institutions
- The Middle Ground for Nuclear Waste Management: Social and Ethical Aspects of Shallow Storage
- Socio-Technical Influences of Cyber Espionage: A Case Study of the GhostNet System
- Internet History
- Biometrics: An Overview on New Technologies and Ethic Problems
- Technoethics and the State of Science and Technology Studies (STS) in Canada
- Cellular Telephones and Social Interactions: Evidence of Interpersonal Surveillance
- On the Moral Equality of Artificial Agents
- Virtue and Virtuality: Technoethics, IT and the Masters of the Future
- An Exploratory Study of the Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking Experiences and Factors Related to Victimization of Students at a Public Liberal Arts College
- The Functional Morality of Robots
- Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing: Psychological Reactance and the Theory of Planned Behaviour
- Human Implants: A Suggested Framework to Set Priorities
- Identifying the Ethics of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies: An Essay on Issues, Concepts and Method
- Cyber-Terrorism and Ethical Journalism: A Need for Rationalism
- The Ethics of Outsourcing Online Survey Research
- Ubiquitous Computing: Any Ethical Implications?
- Transhumanism and Its Critics: Five Arguments against a Posthuman Future
- The Regulation of Gaze and Capture: New Media and the Image Economy
- Cyberbullying: A Sociological Approach
- Amateur Versus Professionals Politics, Citizenship and Science
- Not Just Software: Free Software and the (Techno) Political Action
- Technology Traps Who Is Responsible?
- How Can the Problems of An Ethical Judgment on Science and Technology Be Correctly Approached?
- The Significance of the Ethics of Respect
- The Issues Related To Student Authentication in Distance Education
- Reclaiming the Green Continent: Ecology, Globalization, and Policy and Decision in Latin America
- Shaping the Ethics of an Emergent Field: Scientists’ and Policymakers’ Representations of Nanotechnologies
- The Ethics of Cyberweapons in Warfare
- Material Cultures and Moral Mediators in Human Hybridization