- Clinicians criteria for fetal moral status: viability and relationality, not sentience
- Navigating cultural diversity: harnessing AI for mental health diagnosis despite value-laden judgements
- Large language models in medical ethics: useful but not expert
- Ethical issues in Nipah virus control and research: addressing a neglected disease
- Staffing crisis capacity: a different approach to healthcare resource allocation for a different type of scarce resource
- If it walks like a duck…: Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Experimental Interventions (MEURI) is research
- How do US orthopaedic surgeons view placebo-controlled surgical trials? A pilot online survey study
- Designing AI for mental health diagnosis: challenges from sub-Saharan African value-laden judgements on mental health disorders
- Machine learning for mental health diagnosis: tackling contributory injustice and epistemic oppression
- Negotiating cultural sensitivity in medical AI
- Patient autonomy in an East-Asian cultural milieu: a critique of the individualism-collectivism model
- Old wine in new bottles? What is new with AI for mental health diagnosis?
- Ectogenesis rescue case: a reply to Hendricks
- Designing AI for mental health diagnosis: responding to critics
- Does the Duty of Rescue support a moral obligation to vaccinate? Seasonal influenza and the Institutional Duty of Rescue
- Update on the ethical, legal and technical challenges of translating xenotransplantation
- Taking a moral holiday? Physicians practical identities at the margins of professional ethics
- Research involving the recently deceased: ethics questions that must be answered
- Equity in global bioethics scholarship and practice: walking the talk, together
- Medical student attitudes to patient involvement in healthcare decision-making and research
- Stimulating professional collective responsibility from the outset in mainstreaming genomics
- Environmental sustainability and the paradox of prevention
- Subhumans, human flourishing and abortion: a reply to Räsänen
- Response to commentaries: ethical preparedness in genomic medicine–how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues
- Should institutions fund the feedback of individual findings in genomic research?
- Ethical preparedness in genomic medicine: how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues
- Ethics education: a commentary on ‘Ethical preparedness in genomic medicine: how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues
- Dealing with ethical issues in genomic medicine requires achieving a higher level of consensus and ethical preparedness is not easy to achieve
- Ethical implications of the widespread use of informal mHealth methods in Ghana
- Concept of ethical preparedness: benefits for clinical laboratory scientists
- A role for kindness and curiosity in healthcare
- Ethical preparedness in the clinical genomics laboratory: the value of embedded ethics expertise
- Human flourishing, the goals of medicine and integration of palliative care considerations into intensive care decision-making
- Blowing the whistle on mixed gender hospital rooms in Australia and New Zealand: a human rights issue
- Using coercion in mental disorders or risking the patients death? An analysis of the protocols of a clinical ethics committee and a derived decision algorithm
- Trust criteria for artificial intelligence in health: normative and epistemic considerations
- The disciplined imagination of medical ethics
- Harmonising green informed consent with autonomous clinical decision-making: a reply to Resnik and Pugh
- Please wear a mask: a systematic case for mask wearing mandates
- No consent for brain death testing
- Courts, rights and the critically brain-injured patient
- Reducing the risk of NHS disasters
- Green bioethics, patient autonomy and informed consent in healthcare
- Questioning our presumptions about the presumption of capacity
- The ethics of coercion in mental healthcare: the role of structural racism
- Ethical issues arising from the government allocation of physicians to rural areas: a case study from Japan
- Revisiting the ought implies can dictum in light of disruptive medical innovation
- Can the courts be viewed as an appropriate vehicle to settle clinical unease?
- Exemplarist medical ethics
- Consent to testing for brain death
- Clinicians and AI use: where is the professional guidance?
- Ethical implications of disparities in translation genomic medicine: from research to practice
- Is ageing undesirable? An ethical analysis
- A physicians identity can never be reconfigured to put climate protection on par with an individual patients best interests
- Sabr and Shukr: doing justice to medical futility
- Constructing appropriate bioprinting regulations: the ethical importance of recognising a liminal technology
- On Ageing and Maturing
- Mourning the frozen: considering the relational implications of cryonics
- When biological ageing is desirable? A reply to Garcia-Barranquero et al
- Beneficence cannot justify voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
- Medically assisted dying in Canada and unjust social conditions: a response to Wiebe and Mullin
- Physicians duty to climate protection as an expression of their professional identity: a defence from Korsgaards neo-Kantian moral framework
- Navigating climate responsibility: a critical examination of healthcare professionals moral duties
- Autonomy is not a sufficient basis for analysing the choice for medical assistance in dying in unjust conditions: in favour of a dignity-based approach
- Focusing attention on physicians climate-related duties may risk missing the bigger picture: towards a systems approach to health and climate
- The micro-level of climate protection in healthcare and physicians professional ethos: a reply to the commentaries
- Is ageing still undesirable? A reply to Räsänen
- Towards an environmentally sensitive healthcare ethics: ten tasks and one model
- Ethical analysis of the first porcine cardiac xenotransplantation
- Compulsory vaccination protects autonomy
- Choosing death in unjust conditions: hope, autonomy and harm reduction
- Comparative ethical evaluation of epigenome editing and genome editing in medicine: first steps and future directions
- Anticipatory regulation, anticipatory ethics: preparing for the future
- Impairing the impairment argument
- Artificial placentas, pregnancy loss and loss-sensitive care
- Against tiebreaking arguments in priority setting
- Medical AI: is trust really the issue?
- AAPT, pregnancy loss and planning ahead
- The Pregnancy Rescue Case: a reply to Hendricks
- Addressing or reinforcing injustice? Artificial amnion and placenta technology, loss-sensitive care and racial inequities in preterm birth
- Defending the impairment argument
- Discussion of off-target and tentative genomic findings may sometimes be necessary to allow evaluation of their clinical significance
- Overcoming (false) dichotomies to address ethical issues of artificial placentas
- Four problems for the pregnancy rescue case
- Pregnancy loss care should not be biased in favour of human gestation
- Procreative loss without pregnancy loss: the limitations of fetal-centric conceptions of pregnancy
- On the importance of consistency: a response to Giubilini et al
- Pregnancy loss in the context of AAPT: speculation over substance?
- Lowering the age limit of access to the identity of the gamete donor by donor offspring: the argument against
- Conscientious commitment, professional obligations and abortion provision after the reversal of Roe v Wade
- The Pregnancy Rescue Case: why abortion is immoral
- Rights and duties of genetic counsellors in Germany related to relatives at risk: comparative thoughts on the German Genetic Diagnostics Act
- The ethical is political: Israels production of health scarcity in Gaza
- Research ethics and public trust in vaccines: the case of COVID-19 challenge trials
- The name of the game: a Wittgensteinian view of ‘invasiveness
- Understanding genetic justice in the post-enhanced world: a reply to Sinead Prince
- Blaming the unvaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of political ideology and risk perceptions in the USA
- Vaccine mandates for prospective versus existing employees: reply to Smith
- What makes a medical intervention invasive?
- Rethinking medical invasiveness in the clinical encounter
- Navigating the ambiguity of invasiveness: is it warranted? A response to De Marco et al
- Redefining mental invasiveness in psychiatric treatments: insights from schizophrenia and depression therapies
- The ethics of firing unvaccinated employees
- What makes a medical intervention invasive? A reply to commentaries
- Incision or insertion makes a medical intervention invasive. Commentary on ‘What makes a medical intervention invasive?
- Enhancing social value considerations in prioritising publicly funded biomedical research: the vital role of peer review
- Reassessing the VaxTax
- A human right to pleasure? Sexuality, autonomy and egalitarian strategies
- Ethical considerations for psychedelic-assisted therapy in military clinical settings
- Gene-environment interaction: why genetic enhancement might never be distributed fairly
- Medical ethics, equity and social justice
- Gain-of-function research and model organisms in biology
- The revised International Code of Medical Ethics: an exercise in international professional ethical self-regulation
- Igwebuike: an African concept for an inclusive medical ethics
- The revised International Code of Medical Ethics: responses to some important questions
- Human equality and the impermissibility of abortion: a response to Bozzo
- Can medical ethics truly be independent of law?
- Abortion and the basis of equality: a reply to Miller
- UK doctors strikes 2023: not only justified but, arguably, supererogatory
- Gillick competence: an inadequate guide to the ethics of involving adolescents in decision-making
- ICoME and the moral significance of telemedicine
- Addressing bias in artificial intelligence for public health surveillance
- Complication for a greener medical ethics code: assisted reproduction
- Dear WMA, please better engage LMICs and say more about environmental sustainability
- ICoME and the legitimacy of professional self-regulation
- The wrong word for the job? The ethics of collecting data on ‘race in academic publishing
- First among equals? Adaptive preferences and the limits of autonomy in medical ethics
- Abortion restrictions: the case for conscientious non-compliance on the part of providers
- ‘False hope in assisted reproduction: the normative significance of the external outlook and moral negotiation
- Undermining autonomy and consent: the transformative experience of disease
- Terminalism and assisted suicide
- Assessing the performance of ChatGPT in bioethics: a large language models moral compass in medicine
- Examining right to try practices
- Ethics of college vaccine mandates, using reasonable comparisons
- Terminalism and how dying patients are conditioned as docile bodies
- Beyond algorithmic trust: interpersonal aspects on consent delegation to LLMs
- Open AI meets open notes: surveillance capitalism, patient privacy and online record access
- Exploring the potential utility of AI large language models for medical ethics: an expert panel evaluation of GPT-4
- Discrimination against the dying
- COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities
- Unconditional access to non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for adult-onset conditions: a defence
- University-age vaccine mandates: reply to Lam and Nichols
- Assisted dying programmes are not discriminatory against the dying
- But I accepted these disadvantages! Can you be discriminated against by holding a right?
- Consent-GPT: is it ethical to delegate procedural consent to conversational AI?
- Giving the terminally ill access to euthanasia is not discriminatory: a response to Reed
- Is medical aid in dying discriminatory?
- Generative AI and medical ethics: the state of play
- Is humanitys survival really that important?
- Wrongful discrimination against non-pregnant people?
- Supervaluation of pregnant women is reductive of women
- A Nietzschean critique of liberal eugenics
- Justice for women/gestators: superior personhood or plain old feminism?
- Misunderstanding moral status: a reply to Robinson
- Constructing a South Asian cardiovascular disease: a qualitative analysis on how researchers study cardiovascular disease in South Asians
- Correction: Guest editorial: Care not criminalisation; reform of British abortion law is long overdue
- In critique of moral resilience: UK healthcare professionals experiences working with asylum applicants housed in contingency accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Defending superior moral status in pregnancy: a response to commentaries
- Ethics of ‘Counting Me In: framing the implications of direct-to-patient genomics research
- Ethics of antibiotic allergy
- Webinar report: stakeholder perspectives on informed consent for the use of genomic data by commercial entities
- Single womens access to egg freezing in mainland China: an ethicolegal analysis
- Being ethical in difficult times
- Pregnancy and superior moral status: a proposal for two thresholds of personhood
- Why the nuclear option? Supporting pregnant women without new categories of moral status
- Responsibility and decision-making authority in using clinical decision support systems: an empirical-ethical exploration of German prospective professionals preferences and concerns
- Abortion policies at the bedside: incorporating an ethical framework in the analysis and development of abortion legislation
- Abortion policies at the bedside: a response
- Moral obligation to actively reinterpret VUS and the constraint of NGS technologies
- Reconsidering reinterpretation: response to commentaries
- Opt-out paradigms for deceased organ donation are ethically incoherent
- Teenager and the transplant: how the case of William Verden highlights action is needed to optimise equitable access to organs for patients with impaired decision-making
- Is there a duty to routinely reinterpret genomic variant classifications?
- Downgrades: a potential source of moral tension
- Primary duty is to communicate moment-in-time nature of genetic variant interpretation
- Mapping out the arguments for and against patient non-attendance fees in healthcare: an analysis of public consultation documents
- Professionalism or prejudice? Modelling roles, risking microaggressions
- Promoting diagnostic equity: specifying genetic similarity rather than race or ethnicity
- With great power comes great vulnerability: an ethical analysis of psychedelics therapeutic mechanisms proposed by the REBUS hypothesis
- Revisiting the comparison between healthcare strikes and just war
- Machine learning models, trusted research environments and UK health data: ensuring a safe and beneficial future for AI development in healthcare
- Harnessing legal structures of virtue for planetary health
- Whose models? Which representations? A response to Wagner
- Equity needs to be (even) more central under the WHO Pandemic Agreement
- Rationality of irrationality: preference catering or shaping?
- Involving parents in paediatric clinical ethics committee deliberations: a current controversy
- Varsity Medical Ethics Debate 2019: is authoritarian government the route to good health outcomes?
- Deference to patients risk attitudes is contingent on medical norms
- Deception in medicine: acupuncturist cases
- Higher-order desires, risk attitudes and respect for autonomy
- Should authorship on scientific publications be treated as a right?
- What about the reasonableness of patients risk attitudes? A challenge to Makins antipaternalistic account
- Alleviating the burden of malaria with gene drive technologies? A biocentric analysis of the moral permissibility of modifying malaria mosquitoes
- Autonomy requires more curiosity less deference to risk
- Defending deference: authors response to commentaries
- Patients, doctors and risk attitudes
- Risk aversion and rational choice theory do not adequately capture complexities of medical decision-making
- Reconsidering risk attitudes: why higher-order attitudes hinder medical decision-making
- Emotions and affects: the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle of understanding risk attitudes in medical decision-making
- Deference, beneficence and the good life
- Fetal reduction, moral permissibility and the all or nothing problem
- On the elusiveness of higher-order risk attitudes
- Digital bioethics: introducing new methods for the study of bioethical issues
- Why there is no dilemma for the birth strategy: a response to Bobier and Omelianchuk
- When uncertainty is a symptom: intolerance of uncertainty in OCD and ‘irrational preferences
- Epistemic problems with mental health legislation in the doctor-patient relationship
- Should medicine be colour blind?
- Non-clinical uses of antipsychotics in resource-constrained long-term care facilities: ethically justifiable as lesser of two evils?
- Professional virtue of civility and the responsibilities of medical educators and academic leaders
- Amanitvam: a concept from the Bhagavad Gita applicable in medical ethics
- Physicians as citizens and the indispensability of civic virtues for professional practice
- Global health and global governance of emerging biomedical technologies
- Democratising civility: Commentary on ‘McCullough LB et al: Professional virtue of civility and the responsibilities of medical educators and academic leaders
- Against abandoning the dead donor rule: reply to Smith
- Boundaries of civility promotion in education and leadership
- Abandoning the Dead Donor Rule
- Trust and the Goldacre Review: why trusted research environments are not about trust
- Give incivility a chance
- Withering Minds: towards a unified embodied mind theory of personal identity for understanding dementia
- Incentivising civility in clinical environments
- Civility and scientific excellence: two dimensions of medical professionalism
- Egalitarianism, moral status and abortion: a reply to Miller
- How can junior doctors spontaneously pursue the professional virtues of civility? The direct role of academic leaders
- Replication crisis and placebo studies: rebooting the bioethical debate
- Professional virtue of civility: responding to commentaries
- There is no ‘I in team, but there are two in civil
- Decommodifying the most important determinant of health
- Setting a human rights and legal framework around ‘the ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies
- The ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies
- TREs are still not about trust
- Extending the ethics of episiotomy to vaginal examination: no place for opt-out consent
- Loneliness at the age of COVID-19
- Birth, trust and consent: reasonable mistrust and trauma-informed remedies
- Expanding health justice to consider the environment: how can bioethics avoid reinforcing epistemic injustice?
- Paediatric surgeons current knowledge and practices of obtaining assent from adolescents for elective reconstructive procedures
- We want to help: ethical challenges of medical migration and brain waste during a pandemic
- Capacity assessment during labour and the role of opt-out consent
- Herd immunity, vaccination and moral obligation
- Consent and the problem of epistemic injustice in obstetric care
- Trusted research environments are definitely about trust
- Episiotomies and the ethics of consent during labour and birth: thinking beyond the existing consent framework
- Safeguards for procedural consent in obstetric care
- ‘How is it possible that at times we can be physicians and at times assistants in suicide? Attitudes and experiences of palliative care physicians in respect of the current legal situation of suicide assistance in Switzerland
- Consent and episiotomies: do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good
- Informed decision-making in labour: action required
- Medical necessity and consent for intimate procedures
- Evidence, ethics and the promise of artificial intelligence in psychiatry
- ‘Can I trust my patient? Machine Learning support for predicting patient behaviour
- Analysis of the institutional landscape and proliferation of proposals for global vaccine equity for COVID-19: too many cooks or too many recipes?
- PDMP causes more than just testimonial injustice
- Response to commentaries: ‘autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor
- Intimate relationships in residential aged care: what factors influence staff decisions to intervene?
- Using meconium to establish prenatal alcohol exposure in the UK: ethical, legal and social considerations
- Testimonial injustice in medical machine learning
- Testimonial injustice in medical machine learning: a perspective from psychiatry
- Dirty work: well-intentioned mental health workers cannot ameliorate harms in offshore detention
- Epistemic virtues of harnessing rigorous machine learning systems in ethically sensitive domains
- Ubuntu as a complementary perspective for addressing epistemic (in)justice in medical machine learning
- Further remarks on testimonial injustice in medical machine learning: a response to commentaries
- Ethics of speculation
- Ethical problems with kindness in healthcare
- Externalist argument against medical assistance in dying for psychiatric illness
- Human equality arguments against abortion
- Care not criminalisation: reform of British abortion law is long overdue
- Leveling (down) the playing field: performance diminishments and fairness in sport
- Preserving womens reproductive autonomy while promoting the rights of people with disabilities?: the case of Heidi Crowter and Maire Lea-Wilson in the light of NIPT debates in England, France and Germany
- Data for sale: trust, confidence and sharing health data with commercial companies
- Vulnerable person investigation plan (VIP) to optimise inclusion in clinical trials
- Deception, intention and clinical practice
- Assent: going beyond acknowledgement for fair inclusion
- Pretending to care
- The age limit for euthanasia requests in the Netherlands: a Delphi study among paediatric experts
- Equipoise, standard of care and consent: responding to the authorisation of new COVID-19 treatments in randomised controlled trials
- Call for moral recognition as part of paediatric assent
- Assent and reification: a response to the commentators
- Reification and assent in research involving those who lack capacity
- Assent and vulnerability in patients who lack capacity
- Assent to research by the formerly competent: necessary and sufficient?
- Watching the watchmen: changing tides in the oversight of medical assistance in dying
- Unintentional deception still deceives
- Understanding the autonomy of adults with impaired capacity through dialogue
- What should recognition entail? Responding to the reification of autonomy and vulnerability in medical research
- An autonomy-based approach to assisted suicide: a way to avoid the expressivist objection against assisted dying laws
- Can identity-relative paternalism shift the focus from the principle of autonomy?
- Regulating abortion after ectogestation
- Ethical analysis examining the prioritisation of living donor transplantation in times of healthcare rationing
- Identity-relative paternalism fails to achieve its apparent goal
- Ethical theories as multiple models
- Identity-relative paternalism and allowing harm to others
- Proposal to support making decisions about the organ donation process
- Paternalism, with and without identity
- Reimagining research ethics to include environmental sustainability: a principled approach, including a case study of data-driven health research
- Engagement without entanglement: a framework for non-sexual patient-physician boundaries
- The harm principle, personal identity and identity-relative paternalism
- Making psychiatry moral again: the role of psychiatry in patient moral development
- Identity-relative paternalism is internally incoherent
- Medical choices and changing selves
- Reasoning and reversibility in capacity law
- Does identity-relative paternalism prohibit (future) self-sacrifice? A reply to Wilkinson
- Prescribing safe supply: ethical considerations for clinicians
- Chronicity: a key concept to deliver ethically driven chronic care
- Implications of identity-relative paternalism
- On Wilkinson: unpacking Parfit, paternalism and the primacy of autonomy in contemporary bioethics
- Bringing context into ethical discussion: what, when and who?
- Health disparities from pandemic policies: reply to critics
- UK Research Ethics Committees review of the global first SARS-CoV-2 human infection challenge studies
- Towards a new model of global health justice: the case of COVID-19 vaccines
- What type of inclusion does epistemic injustice require?
- Parent-initiated posthumous-assisted reproduction revisited in light of the interest in genetic origins
- Intercultural global bioethics
- Beyond regulatory approaches to ethics: making space for ethical preparedness in healthcare research
- Ethics of non-therapeutic research on imminently dying patients in the intensive care unit
- Heritable human genome editing is ‘currently not permitted, but it is no longer ‘prohibited: so says the ISSCR
- Some barriers to knowledge from the global south: commentary to Pratt and de Vries
- How useful is the category of ‘assisted gestative technologies?
- Where is knowledge from the global South? An account of epistemic justice for a global bioethics
- Repairing moral injury takes a team: what clinicians can learn from combat veterans
- Knowledge from the global South is in the global South
- Root causes of epistemic (in)justice for the global south in health ethics and bioethics
- Lessons learned from the Last Gift study: ethical and practical challenges faced while conducting HIV cure-related research at the end of life
- Epistemic justice in bioethics: interculturality and the possibility of reparations
- Epistemic justice and feminist bioethics in global health
- Global health justice: epistemic theory and pandemic practice
- Epistemic injustice, children and mental illness: reply to comments
- Expanded terminal sedation: dangerous waters
- Expanded terminal sedation: too removed from real-world practice
- Different approach to medical decision-making in difficult circumstances: Kittays Ethics of Care
- Surgery should be routinely videoed
- Call to action: empowering patients and families to initiate clinical ethics consultations
- Translating Cultural Safety to the UK
- Expanded terminal sedation in end-of-life care
- Pandemic justice: fairness, social inequality and COVID-19 healthcare priority-setting
- Implications of extended terminal sedation
- Suffering, existential distress and temporality in the provision of terminal sedation
- Expanding choice at the end of life
- Clinical law: what do clinicians want to know? The demography of clinical law
- Ethical uncertainty and COVID-19: exploring the lived experiences of senior physicians at a major medical centre
- Imagination and idealism in the medical sciences of an ageing world
- Against visitor bans: freedom of association, COVID-19 and the hospital ward
- Humility
- Diversity in clinical research: public health and social justice imperatives
- For the sake of multifacetedness. Why artificial intelligence patient preference prediction systems shouldnt be for next of kin
- Endosex
- AI knows best? Avoiding the traps of paternalism and other pitfalls of AI-based patient preference prediction
- The Patient preference predictor and the objection from higher-order preferences
- Artificial intelligence paternalism
- Vaccine mandates for healthcare workers beyond COVID-19
- ‘VaxTax: a follow-up proposal for a global vaccine pandemic response fund
- Ethics of the algorithmic prediction of goal of care preferences: from theory to practice
- Artificial Intelligence algorithms cannot recommend a best interests decision but could help by improving prognostication
- ‘Climate change mitigation is a hot topic, but not when it comes to hospitals: a qualitative study on hospital stakeholders perception and sense of responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions
- What you believe you want, may not be what the algorithm knows
- Verification and trust in healthcare
- Fracking our humanity
- The scope of patient, healthcare professional and healthcare systems responsibilities to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers: a response to commentaries
- Patient portal access for caregivers of adult and geriatric patients: reframing the ethics of digital patient communication
- Surrogacy: beyond the commercial/altruistic distinction
- Conscientious objection and the referral requirement as morally permissible moral mistakes
- Broadening the debate: the future of JME feature articles
- Orphans cannot be after-birth aborted: a response to Bobier
- Green inhaler prescribing and the ethical obligations of physicians
- Clinical challenges to the concept of ectogestation
- Why the wrongness of intentionally impairing children in utero does not imply the wrongness of abortion
- Youth should decide: the principle of subsidiarity in paediatric transgender healthcare
- My body, still my choice: an objection to Hendricks on abortion
- Research in the USA on COVID-19s long-term effects: measures needed to ensure black, indigenous and Latinx communities are not left behind
- Barriers to green inhaler prescribing: ethical issues in environmentally sustainable clinical practice
- Dual duties to patient and planet: time to revisit the ethical foundations of healthcare?
- Do doctors have a responsibility to help patients import medicines from abroad?
- ‘Green bioethics widens the scope of eligible values and overrides patient demand: comment on Parker
- Reconsenting paediatric research participants for use of identifying data
- Green prescribing is good, but patients do not have a duty to accept it
- Strategic and principled approach to the ethical challenges of epilepsy monitoring unit triage
- Critical role of pathology and laboratory medicine in the conversation surrounding access to healthcare
- Commitment devices: beyond the medical ethics of nudges
- Navigating our way through a hospital ransomware attack: ethical considerations in delivering acute orthopaedic care
- Evaluating interventions to improve ethical decision making in clinical practice: a review of the literature and reflections on the challenges posed
- Ethics of generative AI
- Spanish regulation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
- Open notes and broader parallels in digital health: a commentary on C. Bleases ‘Sharing online clinical notes with patients
- Emergency department patients attitudes towards the use of data in their clinical record for research without their consent
- Response to commentaries on sharing online clinical notes with patients: implications for nocebo effects and health equity
- To be, or not to be? The role of the unconscious in transgender transitioning: identity, autonomy and well-being
- Nocebo effects: a price worth paying for full transparency?
- Differences between sperm sharing and egg sharing are morally relevant
- Public justification and expert disagreement over non-pharmaceutical interventions for the COVID-19 pandemic
- Sharing online clinical notes with patients: implications for nocebo effects and health equity
- Using open notes to advance nocebo research: challenges and opportunities
- Training to proficiency in surgery using simulation: is there a moral obligation?
- Nocebo effects from clinical notes: reason for action, not opposition for clinicians of patients with medically unexplained symptoms
- Non-accommodationism and conscientious objection in healthcare: a response to Robinson
- Open notes: Unintended consequences and teachable moments
- Informed consent in pragmatic trials: results from a survey of trials published 2014-2019
- COVID-19 and the orthopaedic surgeon: who gets redeployed?
- Where the ethical action is
- How not to count the health benefits of family planning
- The unconscious and the nuances of autonomy
- The devil is in the details: an analysis of patient rights in Swiss cancer registries
- Watson, autonomy and value flexibility: revisiting the debate
- Tale of two countries: attitudes towards older persons in Italy and Israel during the COVID-19 pandemic as seen through the looking-glass of the media
- Dementia and Nussbaums capabilities approach to dignity: a response to the commentators
- Ethical impact of suboptimal referrals on delivery of care in radiology department
- CESS process and outcome: expanding the theoretical understanding of CESS and its impact on QI
- The draw of the few: the challenge of crisis guidelines for extremely scarce resources
- Its still about ethics, isnt it?
- Culture, normativity and morisprudence: a response to the commentaries
- Accessing unproven interventions in the COVID-19 pandemic: discussion on the ethics of ‘compassionate therapies in times of catastrophic pandemics
- Capacity and decision making
- Relevance of a normative framework for evaluating the impact of clinical ethics support services in healthcare
- Facial recognition law in China
- Towards organisational quality in ethics through patterns and process
- Initiating technology dependence to sustain a childs life: a systematic review of reasons
- Materialising and fostering organisational morisprudence through ethics support tools
- Supplementing the capabilities approach
- Flourishing is not a conception of dignity
- The ethics of semantics in medicine
- Vaccine passports and health disparities: a perilous journey
- Neurofeedback as placebo: a case of unintentional deception?
- How low can you go? Justified hesitancy and the ethics of childhood vaccination against COVID-19
- Protecting privacy in mandatory reporting of infectious diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from a developing country
- Fertility preservation for transgender children and young people in paediatric healthcare: a systematic review of ethical considerations
- Public attitudes about equitable COVID-19 vaccine allocation: a randomised experiment of race-based versus novel place-based frames
- Relational autonomy, vulnerability and embodied dignity as normative foundations of dignified dementia care
- Care for well-being or respect for dignity? A commentary on Soofis ‘what moral work can Nussbaums account of human dignity do in the context of dementia care?
- What moral work can Nussbaums account of human dignity do in the context of dementia care?
- Medical ethics and the climate change emergency
- Does overruling Roe discriminate against women (of colour)?
- Does the General Medical Councils 2020 guidance on consent advance on its 2008 guidance?
- How is COVID-19 changing the ways doctors make end-of-life decisions?
- Risk-relativity is still a nonsense
- Dignity in dementia care: a capability approach
- Reproductive carrier screening: responding to the eugenics critique
- Dignity and exclusion
- COP27 climate change conference: urgent action needed for Africa and the world
- Arguments for ‘ocular donation as standardised terminology to reduce the ‘ick factor of ‘eye donation
- Proportionality, wrongs and equipoise for natural immunity exemptions: response to commentators
- Wabi-sabi: a virtue of imperfection
- Measuring the impact of clinical ethics support services: further points for consideration
- Making a case for the inclusion of refractory and severe mental illness as a sole criterion for Canadians requesting medical assistance in dying (MAiD): a review
- Morisprudence: a theoretical framework for studying the relationship linking moral case deliberation, organisational learning and quality improvement
- Fallacy of the last bed dilemma
- Moral motivation regarding dementia risk testing among affected persons in Germany and Israel
- Randomised controlled trials in medical AI: ethical considerations
- Placement of long-acting reversible contraception for minors who are mothers should not require parental consent
- Response to: Correspondence on ‘Organisational failure: rethinking whistleblowing for tomorrows doctors by Taylor and Goodwin
- Before and beyond trust: reliance in medical AI
- Bioethics to the rescue! A response to Emmerich
- Family experiences with non-therapeutic research on dying patients in the intensive care unit
- Broad concepts and messy realities: optimising the application of mental capacity criteria
- Borderline personality disorder, therapeutic privilege, integrated care: is it ethical to withhold a psychiatric diagnosis?
- Genetic exceptionalism, revisionism, pluralism and convergence in the ethics of insurance: response to commentators
- Time and time again: the reincarnations of coerced sterilisation
- Directed and conditional uterus donation
- The values and rules of capacity assessments
- Non-static framework for understanding adaptive designs: an ethical justification in paediatric trials
- Compulsory treatment of physical illness under MHA 1983
- Where the ethical action also is: a response to Hardman and Hutchinson
- Integrity and rights to gender-affirming healthcare
- Risk-related standards of competence are a nonsense
- Disability: leaning away from the curve
- Can we learn from hidden mistakes? Self-fulfilling prophecy and responsible neuroprognostic innovation
- Euthanasia in persons with advanced dementia: a dignity-enhancing care approach
- Pragmatic argument for an acceptance-refusal asymmetry in competence requirements
- Should coronavirus policies remain in place to prevent future paediatric influenza deaths?
- Principlist approach to multiple heart valve replacements for patients with intravenous drug use-induced endocarditis
- Voluntarily chosen roles and conscientious objection in health care
- Patients, clinicians and open notes: information blocking as a case of epistemic injustice
- Investigation of post-trial access views among study participants and stakeholders using photovoice and semistructured interviews
- COVID-19 vaccination status should not be used in triage tie-breaking
- Doctors have an ethical obligation to ask patients about food insecurity: what is stopping us?
- Reflections of methodological and ethical challenges in conducting research during COVID-19 involving resettled refugee youth in Canada
- Why we should stop using animal-derived products on patients without their consent
- Physician perspectives on placebo ethics
- Clinical ethics support services during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cross-sectional survey
- Physician moral injury in the context of moral, ethical and legal codes
- Ethics of genomic passports: should the genetically resistant be exempted from lockdowns and quarantines?
- Ethics of split liver transplantation: should a large liver always be split if medically safe?
- Intimacy for older adults in long-term care: a need, a right, a privilege–or a kind of care?
- Privacy, autonomy and direct-to-consumer genetic testing: a response to Vayena
- Whistleblowing in the NHS: the need for a new generation to learn the lessons
- The ‘haves and ‘have-nots of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic: the ethics of emerging inequalities amongst healthcare workers
- A vaccine tax: ensuring a more equitable global vaccine distribution
- Three for me and none for you? An ethical argument for delaying COVID-19 boosters
- COVID-19 vaccines: a look at the ethics of the clinical research involving children
- Root causes of organisational failure: look up, not down
- Organisational failure: rethinking whistleblowing for tomorrows doctors
- To what extent can tomorrows doctors prevent organisational failure by speaking up?
- Manufacturing safer medics
- A note on psychological continuity theories of identity and neurointerventions
- Research abuses against people of colour and other vulnerable groups in early psychedelic research
- Defining the undefinable: the black box problem in healthcare artificial intelligence
- ‘First Do No Harm: physician discretion, racial disparities and opioid treatment agreements
- Lord Sumption and the values of life, liberty and security: before and since the COVID-19 outbreak
- Dr Daly’s principlist defence of multiple heart valve replacements for continuing opiate users: the importance of Aristotles formal principle of justice
- Rare diseases in healthcare priority setting: should rarity matter?
- Do coronavirus vaccine challenge trials have a distinctive generalisability problem?
- Costa, cancer and coronavirus: contractualism as a guide to the ethics of lockdown
- Two dilemmas for medical ethics in the treatment of gender dysphoria in youth
- Defending two dilemmas
- Embryo research: destiny is what counts
- Flawed reasoning on two dilemmas: a commentary on Baron and Dierckxsens (2021)
- Ethics of digital twins: four challenges
- Machine learning in medicine: should the pursuit of enhanced interpretability be abandoned?
- Future persons, future attributes and potential persons: commentary on Savulescu and colleagues
- Survey of German medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic: attitudes toward volunteering versus compulsory service and associated factors
- Two kinds of embryo research: four case examples
- Values for victims and vectors of disease
- Risk stratification: an important tool in the special review of research using oocytes and embryos
- Civil commitment for opioid misuse: do short-term benefits outweigh long-term harms?
- Concise argument: impact and pandemic reasonableness
- Medical ethics when moving towards non-anonymous gamete donation: the views of donors and recipients
- Ethics of digital contact tracing wearables
- Correction: Medically assisted gender affirmation: when children and parents disagree
- A world away and here at home: a prioritisation framework for US international patient programmes
- COVID-19 conscience tracing: mapping the moral distances of coronavirus
- Why we should not ‘just use age for COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation
- Open notes in patient care: confining deceptive placebos to the past?
- Priority vaccination for mental illness, developmental or intellectual disability
- Can routine screening for alcohol consumption in pregnancy be ethically and legally justified?
- Junior doctors and conscientious objection to voluntary assisted dying: ethical complexity in practice
- Healthcare students support opt-out organ donation for practical and moral reasons
- #warriors: sick children, social media and the right to an open future
- Ethical decision making during a healthcare crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool
- COVID-19 vaccination and the right to take risks
- Are conscientious objectors morally obligated to refer?
- The Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court regarding assisted suicide: a template for pluralistic states?
- Appropriately framing maternal request caesarean section
- In defence of newborns: a response to Kingma
- Knowing who to trust: women and public health
- Euthanasia and organ donation still firmly connected: reply to Bollen et al
- Who should have access to assisted gestative technologies?
- US adults preferences for race-based and place-based prioritisation for COVID-19 vaccines
- The inconsistency argument: why apparent pro-life inconsistency undermines opposition to induced abortion
- Design publicity of black box algorithms: a support to the epistemic and ethical justifications of medical AI systems
- My body, not my choice: against legalised abortion
- Why appeals to the moral significance of birth are saddled with a dilemma
- WHOs allocation framework for COVAX: is it fair?
- Assisted gestative technologies
- Commentary on Romanis Assisted Gestative Technologies
- Fraud and retraction in perioperative medicine publications: what we learned and what can be implemented to prevent future recurrence
- Framing gestation: assistance, delegation, and beyond
- Delegating gestation or ‘assisted reproduction?
- Assisted gestative technologies, or on treating unlike cases alike
- If it ducks like a quack: balancing physician freedom of expression and the public interest
- Physician outreach during a pandemic: shared or collective responsibility?
- What is common and what is different: recommendations from European scientific societies for triage in the first outbreak of COVID-19
- Challenges to biobanking in LMICs during COVID-19: time to reconceptualise research ethics guidance for pandemics and public health emergencies?
- Inconsistency arguments still do not matter
- Looking back and looking forward
- Moral status of the fetus and the permissibility of abortion: a contractarian response to Thomsons violinist thought experiment
- The unnaturalistic fallacy: COVID-19 vaccine mandates should not discriminate against natural immunity
- Beyond individualisation: towards a more contextualised understanding of womens social egg freezing experiences
- In defence of our model for just healthcare systems: why an explicit philosophy is needed in addition to the law, and how Scanlon helps derive just policies
- Vaccine mandates need a clear rationale to identify which exemptions are appropriate
- Rawlsian justice in healthcare: a response to Cox and Fritz
- What money cant buy: an argument against paying people to get vaccinated
- Is the international regulation of medical complicity with torture largely window dressing? The case of Israel and the lessons of a 12-year medical ethical appeal
- No right answer: officials need discretion on whether to allow natural immunity exemptions
- Abortion and the veil of ignorance: a response to Minehan
- Wrong question and the wrong standard of proof
- Value assessment frameworks: who is valuing the care in healthcare?
- Who commits the unnaturalistic fallacy?
- Developing a competency framework for health research ethics education and training
- Trial by Triad: substituted judgment, mental illness and the right to die
- Framework for evaluation research on clinical ethical case interventions: the role of ethics consultants
- Should healthcare workers be prioritised during the COVID-19 pandemic? A view from Madrid and New York
- Legitimising values
- Sense and sensitivity: can an inaccurate test be better than no test at all?
- Surrogate uncertainty: who decides?
- Autonomy, identity and health: defining quality of life in older age
- Autonomy, shared agency and prediction
- Moral obligations in conducting stem cell-based therapy trials for autism spectrum disorder
- Sovereignty, authenticity and the patient preference predictor
- Self-reported physician attitudes and behaviours towards incarcerated patients
- Commentary to ‘surrogate decision making in crisis
- Nursing commentary to “Surrogate decision-making in crisis”
- Animal researchers shoulder a psychological burden that animal ethics committees ought to address
- Environmental sustainability and the carbon emissions of pharmaceuticals
- Surrogate decision making in crisis
- Why the term ‘persistent therapy is not worse than the term ‘medical futility
- Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor
- Commentary on ‘Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor
- What can data trusts for health research learn from participatory governance in biobanks?
- Genomic privacy, identity and dignity
- Meta-surrogate decision making and artificial intelligence
- Age–not sex or gender–makes the case of Ellie Anderson Complex
- Agree to disagree: the symmetry of burden of proof in human-AI collaboration
- Taking the burden off: a study of the quality of ethics consultation in the time of COVID-19
- Philosophical evaluation of the conceptualisation of trust in the NHS Code of Conduct for artificial intelligence-driven technology
- Ethics of vaccine refusal
- Balancing rules in postmortem sperm donation
- The complex case of Ellie Anderson
- Responsibility, second opinions and peer-disagreement: ethical and epistemological challenges of using AI in clinical diagnostic contexts
- Are physicians requesting a second opinion really engaging in a reason-giving dialectic? Normative questions on the standards for second opinions and AI
- Canadian perspective on ageism and selective lockdown: a response to Savulescu and Cameron
- AI decision-support: a dystopian future of machine paternalism?
- Ethical issues in computational pathology
- Pandemic prioritarianism
- Vaccine confidence, public understanding and probity: time for a shift in focus?
- Personal perspectives: having the time to observe the patient
- ‘Who is going to put their life on the line for a dollar? Thats crazy: community perspectives of financial compensation in clinical research
- Hospital chaplains as ethical consultants in making difficult medical decisions
- When the frameworks dont work: data protection, trust and artificial intelligence
- Can we know if donor trust expires? About trust relationships and time in the context of open consent for future data use
- AI support for ethical decision-making around resuscitation: proceed with care
- Understanding Japans response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Zero COVID and health inequities: lessons from Singapore
- The ethics of disease-modifying drugs targeting Alzheimer disease: response to our commentators
- From proband to provider: is there an obligation to inform genetic relatives of actionable risks discovered through direct-to-consumer genetic testing?
- The capacity to designate a surrogate is distinct from decisional capacity: normative and empirical considerations
- Dividing line between organ donation and euthanasia in a combined procedure
- Does birth matter?
- LGBT testimony and the limits of trust
- High ideals: the misappropriation and reappropriation of the heroic label in the midst of a global pandemic
- Expanding insurance coverage for in vitro fertilisation with preimplantation genetic testing: putting the cart before the horse
- Future of global regulation of human genome editing: a South African perspective on the WHO Draft Governance Framework on Human Genome Editing
- Does Zero-COVID neglect health disparities?
- ‘Value, values and valued: a tripod for organisational ethics
- Trust and medical ethics
- Duty of candour and communication during an infection control incident in a paediatric ward of a Scottish hospital: how can we do better?
- Sequential organ failure assessment, ventilator rationing and evolving triage guidance: new evidence underlines the need to recognise and revise, unjust allocation frameworks
- Challenges of economic evaluation in rare diseases
- Ethics briefing – December 2021
- Transitions in decision-making authority at the end of life: a problem of law, ethics and practice in deceased donation
- Ethics of fetal reduction: a reply to my critics
- Case for persuasion in parental informed consent to promote rational vaccine choices
- Twin pregnancy reduction is not an ‘all or nothing problem: a response to Räsänen
- CRISPR immunity: a case study for justified somatic genetic modification?
- Should rare diseases get special treatment?
- Rare and common diseases should be treated equally and why the article by de Magalhaes somewhat misses its mark
- Unweighted lotteries and compounding injustice: reply to Schmidt et al
- Prioritisation for therapies based on a disorders severity: ethics and practicality
- Twin pregnancy, fetal reduction and the ‘all or nothing problem
- Double bad luck: Should rare diseases get special treatment?
- Informed consent and compulsory medical device registries: ethics and opportunities
- Practising what we preach: clinical ethicists professional perspectives and personal use of advance directives
- Rationing, racism and justice: advancing the debate around ‘colourblind COVID-19 ventilator allocation
- Does NICE apply the rule of rescue in its approach to highly specialised technologies?
- Promoting equity with a multi-principle framework to allocate scarce ICU resources
- Centring race, deprivation, and disease severity in healthcare priority setting
- High court should not restrict access to puberty blockers for minors
- Ethics of telepsychiatry versus face-to-face treatment: let the patients make their autonomous choice
- Mind the gap please: ethical considerations in the transition of virtual consultations from crisis to usual care
- Avoiding hypersensitive reluctance to address parental responsibility in childhood obesity
- Operating room time as a limited resource: ethical considerations for allocation
- Withholding conflicts of interest: the many flaws of the new ICMJE disclosure form
- ‘Can you hear me?: communication, relationship and ethics in video-based telepsychiatric consultations
- In the room when it happens
- ‘Yes we hear you. Do you hear us?. A sociopolitical approach to video-based telepsychiatric consultations
- Value of choice
- Patients and public views and attitudes towards the sharing of health data for research: a narrative review of the empirical evidence
- Sustainable healthcare resource allocation, grounding theories and operational principles: response to our commentators
- Priority setting and personal health responsibility: an analysis of Norwegian key policy documents
- Voluntary sterilisation of young childless women: not so fast
- Withholding or withdrawing life support in long-term neurointensive care patients: a single-centre, prospective, observational pilot study
- Deidentification of facial photographs: a survey of editorial policies and practices
- The concise argument – choice, choices and the choice agenda
- Problems and development strategies for research ethics committees in Chinas higher education institutions
- Conflict before the courtroom: challenging cognitive biases in critical decision-making
- Is this person with dementia (currently) competent to request euthanasia? A complicated and underexplored question
- SARS-CoV-2 challenge studies: ethics and risk minimisation
- In vitro fertilisation with preimplantation genetic testing: the need for expanded insurance coverage
- Compulsory medical intervention versus external constraint in pandemic control
- Challenges faced by patients, relatives and clinicians in end-stage dementia decision-making: a qualitative study of swallowing problems
- The good, the bad and the ugly: pandemic priority decisions and triage
- Assessment of patient decision-making capacity in the context of voluntary euthanasia for psychic suffering caused by psychiatric disorders: a qualitative study of approaches among Belgian physicians
- Social egg freezing and donation: waste not, want not
- Moral distress and moral residue experienced by transplant coordinators
- Examining the ethical underpinnings of universal basic income as a public health policy: prophylaxis, social engineering and ‘good lives
- Epistemic injustice in psychiatric practice: epistemic duties and the phenomenological approach
- Constructing authentic decisions: proxy decision making for research involving adults who lack capacity to consent
- Control, trust and the sharing of health information: the limits of trust
- Research guidelines for embryoids
- Open data, trials and new ethics of using others’ work
- Character failings in the surgeon fallen from grace: a thematic analysis of disciplinary hearings against surgeons 2016-2020
- Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship of academic conferences: ethics of conflict of interest
- Mitigating ethical conflict and moral distress in the care of patients on ECMO: impact of an automatic ethics consultation protocol
- Why unethical papers should be retracted
- Conflicts of interest in clinical ethics consults
- Valid consent to medical treatment
- Covert medication and patient identity: placing the ethical analysis in a worldwide context
- More than just filler: an empirically informed ethical analysis of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in body dysmorphic disorder
- A new kind of paternalism in surrogate decision-making? The case of Barnsley Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v MSP
- Without a trace: Why did corona apps fail?
- Risk, double effect and the social benefit requirement
- Investigative genetic genealogy: can collective privacy and solidarity help?
- Conventional revolution: the ethical implications of the natural progress of neonatal intensive care to artificial wombs
- Strengthened impairment argument: restating Marquis?
- Gestaticide: killing the subject of the artificial womb
- At the limits of patient autonomy: an ethical re-evaluation of coroners postmortems
- US direct-to-consumer medical service advertisements fail to provide adequate information on quality and cost of care
- Suffering and the moral orientation of presence: lessons from Nazi medicine for the contemporary medical trainee
- Ethics of pursuing targets in public health: the case of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV-prevention programs in Kenya
- Are my religious beliefs anyones business? A framework for declarations in health and biomedicine
- Consent and living organ donation
- Is there room for privacy in medical crowdfunding?
- Against the strengthened impairment argument: never-born fetuses have no FLO to deprive
- Compensation and hazard pay for key workers during an epidemic: an argument from analogy
- Do private German health insurers invest their capital reserves of {euro}353 billion according to environmental, social and governance criteria?
- Consenting to consent
- Hope and therapeutic privilege: time for shared prognosis communication
- Three models for the regulation of polygenic scores in reproduction
- Prevention in the age of personal responsibility: epigenetic risk-predictive screening for female cancers as a case study
- Justifying risk-related standards of capacity via autonomy alone
- How to reach trustworthy decisions for caesarean sections on maternal request: a call for beneficial power
- Ethical conflicts during the process of deciding about ICU admission: an empirically driven ethical analysis
- A stakeholder meeting exploring the ethical perspectives of immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery
- Congenitally decorticate childrens potential and rights
- Prize, not price: reframing rewards for kidney donors
- Ethically incentivising healthy behaviours: views of parents and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
- Applying futility in psychiatry: a concept whose time has come
- Creating an ethical culture to support recovery from substance use disorders
- Ethical climate in contemporary paediatric intensive care
- Ethics and ego dissolution: the case of psilocybin
- Recognising our ‘invisible infants: there is no internationally agreed definition of live birth–is this ethically acceptable?
- Male or female genital cutting: why ‘health benefits are morally irrelevant
- Healthcare professionals responsibility for informing relatives at risk of hereditary disease
- How can we decide a fair allocation of healthcare resources during a pandemic?
- Conscientious participants and the ethical dimensions of physician support for legalised voluntary assisted dying
- How to fairly incentivise digital contact tracing
- Equity in access to facial transplantation
- Ethical examination of deep brain stimulations ‘last resort status
- Views of disability rights organisations on assisted dying legislation in England, Wales and Scotland: an analysis of position statements
- Need for patient-developed concepts of empowerment to rectify epistemic injustice and advance person-centred care
- Primer on an ethics of AI-based decision support systems in the clinic
- Ethics of resuscitation for extremely premature infants: a systematic review of argument-based literature
- Is informed consent required for the diagnosis of brain death regardless of consent for organ donation?
- More than consent for ethical open-label placebo research
- Mental capacity assessment: a descriptive, cross-sectional study of what doctors think, know and do
- How individual ethical frameworks shape physician trainees experiences providing end-of-life care: a qualitative study
- Demonstrating ‘respect for persons in clinical research: findings from qualitative interviews with diverse genomics research participants
- SARS-CoV-2 safer infection sites: moral entitlement, pragmatic harm reduction strategy or ethical outrage?
- Dilemma for appeals to the moral significance of birth
- Allocating scarce life-saving resources: the proper role of age
- Commercial DNA tests and police investigations: a broad bioethical perspective
- Correction: Ethical considerations for epidemic vaccine trials
- Prolife hypocrisy: why inconsistency arguments do not matter
- ‘There is a lot of good in knowing, but there is also a lot of downs: public views on ethical considerations in population genomic screening
- Neurointerventions and informed consent
- Strengthened impairment argument does not restate Marquis
- The need for empathetic healthcare systems
- Reviewing the womb
- Trust, trustworthiness and sharing patient data for research
- Audio and panoramic video recording in the operating room: legal and ethical perspectives
- Prepared for practice? UK Foundation doctors confidence in dealing with ethical issues in the workplace
- Disclosure of non-recent (historic) childhood sexual abuse: What should researchers do?
- Ethical aspects of time in intensive care decision making
- ‘The ethics approval took 20 months on a trial which was meant to help terminally ill cancer patients. In the end we had to send the funding back: a survey of views on human research ethics reviews
- Assessing data protection and governance in health information systems: a novel methodology of Privacy and Ethics Impact and Performance Assessment (PEIPA)
- Three pitfalls of accountable healthcare rationing
- Reconsidering scarce drug rationing: implications for clinical research
- Implementation of the EU clinical trial regulation transforms the ethics committee systems and endangers ethical standards
- Capturing and promoting the autonomy of capacitous vulnerable adults
- ‘Advice, not orders? The evolving legal status of clinical guidelines
- Love thy neighbour? Allocating vaccines in a world of competing obligations
- The right to know: ethical implications of antibody testing for healthcare workers and overlooked societal implications
- Frauds in scientific research and how to possibly overcome them
- Association of medical futility with do-not-resuscitate (DNR) code status in hospitalised patients
- Ethicists, doctors and triage decisions: who should decide? And on what basis?
- The time has come to extend the 14-day limit
- To test or not to test: genetic cancer predisposition testing in paediatric patients with cancer
- Indigenous perspectives on breaking bad news: ethical considerations for healthcare providers
- Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity and protect health
- Phantom premise and a shape-shifting ism: reply to Hassoun
- ‘Witness in White medical ethics learning tours on medicine during the Nazi era
- Against vaccine nationalism
- Cancer Research UKS obesity campaign in 2018 and 2019: effective health promotion or perpetuating the stigmatisation of obesity?
- Insurance-based inequities in emergency interhospital transfers: an argument for the prioritisation of patient care
- Moving through capacity space: mapping disability and enhancement
- Public health nudges: weighing individual liberty and population health benefits
- Allocation of scarce biospecimens for use in research
- Testimonial injustice: discounting womens voices in health care priority setting
- Look for injustice and youll probably find it: a commentary on Harcourts ‘epistemic injustice, children and mental illness
- Testimonial injustice: considering caregivers in paediatric behavioural healthcare
- Epistemic injustice, children and mental illness
- Shadow of HIV exceptionalism 40 years later
- Is withdrawing treatment really more problematic than withholding treatment?
- Pre-diabetes in the elderly and the see-saw model of paternalism
- Mature minors and gender dysphoria: a matter for clinicians not courts
- Persuasion, not coercion or incentivisation, is the best means of promoting COVID-19 vaccination
- Prescribing meaning: hedonistic perspectives on the therapeutic use of psychedelic-assisted meaning enhancement
- Ethics briefing – August 2021
- Physician unionisation in the USA: ethical and empirical considerations and the free-rider problem
- Why we should not extend the 14-day rule
- Procedural safeguards cannot disentangle MAiD from organ donation decisions
- Taking the long view on slippery slope objections
- Trust and consent: a prospective study on parents perspective during a neonatal trial
- Meaningful futility: requests for resuscitation against medical recommendation
- Experiment on identical siblings separated at birth: ethical implications for researchers, universities, and archives today
- Social determinants of health and slippery slopes in assisted dying debates: lessons from Canada
- MAIDs slippery slope: a commentary on Downie and Schuklenk
- Eligibility for assisted dying: not protection for vulnerable people, but protection for people when they are vulnerable
- Eligibility and access to voluntary assisted dying: a view from Victoria, Australia
- Family members, ambulance clinicians and attempting CPR in the community: the ethical and legal imperative to reach collaborative consensus at speed
- Should higher-income countries pay their citizens to move to foreign care homes?
- Taking it to the bank: the ethical management of individual findings arising in secondary research
- Futility: a perennial issue for medical ethics
- Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the consensus statement restructured and refined for the next decade
- Military metaphors and pandemic propaganda: unmasking the betrayal of ‘Healthcare Heroes
- Red herrings, circuit-breakers and ageism in the COVID-19 debate
- Emotional support animals are not like prosthetics: a response to Sara Kolmes
- Fine-tuning the impairment argument
- Justice in COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation: rethinking the approach
- Are emotional support animals prosthetics or pets? Body-like rights to emotional support animals
- Commentary to ‘Novel drug candidates targeting Alzheimers disease: ethical challenges with identifying the relevant patient population
- Join the Lone Kidney Club: incentivising live organ donation
- Novel drug candidates targeting Alzheimers disease: ethical challenges with identifying the relevant patient population
- Selecting the target population for new Alzheimer drugs: challenges and expectations
- Limits of remote working: the ethical challenges in conducting Mental Health Act assessments during COVID-19
- Who will receive the last ventilator: why COVID-19 policies should not prioritise healthcare workers
- Whats yours is ours: waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines
- Unethical informed consent caused by overlooking poorly measured nocebo effects
- Words
- Payment of COVID-19 challenge trials: underpayment is a bigger worry than overpayment
- The perils of a broad approach to public interest in health data research: a response to Ballantyne and Schaefer
- In defence of a broad approach to public interest in health data research
- Lessons from Frankenstein 200 years on: brain organoids, chimaeras and other ‘monsters
- Do we really know how many clinical trials are conducted ethically? Why research ethics committee review practices need to be strengthened and initial steps we could take to strengthen them
- Justifiable discrimination? on Cameron et als proportionality test
- A focused protection vaccination strategy: why we should not target children with COVID-19 vaccination policies
- Challenging misconceptions about clinical ethics support during COVID-19 and beyond: a legal update and future considerations
- Ethics of selective restriction of liberty in a pandemic
- Money is not everything: experimental evidence that payments do not increase willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19
- Voluntary COVID-19 vaccination of children: a social responsibility
- COVID-19 controlled human infection studies: worries about local community impact and demands for local engagement
- Institutional conflict of interest: attempting to crack the deferiprone mystery
- Science, politics, ethics and the pandemic
- Accessing medical biobanks to solve crimes: ethical considerations
- How to obtain informed consent for psychotherapy: a reply to criticism
- Ethical considerations for universal newborn hearing screening in the Pacific Islands: a Samoan case study
- Genetic discrimination in life insurance: a human rights issue
- MIP does not save the impairment argument against abortion: a reply to Blackshaw and Hendricks
- Genetic information, social justice, and risk-sharing institutions
- Response to our reviewers
- Genetic information, discrimination, philosophical pluralism and politics
- Non-maleficence and the ethics of consent to cancer screening
- Psychotherapy is still failing patients: revisiting informed consent–a response to Garson Leder
- Allocation of COVID-19 vaccination: when public prioritisation preferences differ from official regulations
- Communities of practice: acknowledging vulnerability to improve resilience in healthcare teams
- Human rights and COVID-19 triage: a comment on the Bath protocol
- Development of a structured process for fair allocation of critical care resources in the setting of insufficient capacity: a discussion paper
- Genetic information, insurance and a pluralistic approach to justice
- Spoonful of honey or a gallon of vinegar? A conditional COVID-19 vaccination policy for front-line healthcare workers
- Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions
- Strengthening the impairment argument against abortion
- Social insurance, mutualistic insurance and genetic information
- Psychotherapy, placebos, and informed consent
- Value promotion as a goal of medicine
- Open therapy and its enemies
- Potential for epistemic injustice in evidence-based healthcare policy and guidance
- Towards collective moral resilience: the potential of communities of practice during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
- Language matters: the ‘digital twin metaphor in health and medicine
- Trust does not need to be human: it is possible to trust medical AI
- Digital twins running amok? Open questions for the ethics of an emerging medical technology
- Aligning patient and physician views on educational pelvic examinations under anaesthesia: the medical student perspective
- Near-term ethical challenges of digital twins
- Instruments of health and harm: how the procurement of healthcare goods contributes to global health inequality
- WHO guidance on ethics in outbreaks and the COVID-19 pandemic: a critical appraisal
- Levels of stress in medical students due to COVID-19
- ‘Represent me: please! Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine: Commentary
- Represent me: please! Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine
- Covert administration of medication in food: a worthwhile moral gamble?
- Simulating (some) individuals in a connected world
- Should a medical digital twin be viewed as an extension of the patient’s body?
- Orphans and the relational significance of birth: a response to Singh
- Ethical considerations of recruiting migrant workers for clinical trials
- Perspectives on digital twins and the (im)possibilities of control
- COVID-19 pandemic, the scarcity of medical resources, community-centred medicine and discrimination against persons with disabilities
- Balancing professional obligations and risks to providers in learning healthcare systems
- Present and future
- Imperfect by design: the problematic ethics of surgical training
- Gender dysphoria in adolescents: can adolescents or parents give valid consent to puberty blockers?
- Ethical considerations for protecting the options of subjects in primary epidemic vaccine trials
- Concerning a seemingly intractable feature of the accountability gap
- Is one narrative enough? Analytical tools should match the problems they address
- Public health decisions in the COVID-19 pandemic require more than ‘follow the science
- National health system cuts and triage decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and Spain: ethical implications
- Vaccine ethics: an ethical framework for global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
- Balancing health worker well-being and duty to care: an ethical approach to staff safety in COVID-19 and beyond
- In defence of gestatelings: response to Colgrove
- Should age matter in COVID-19 triage? A deliberative study
- Who is afraid of black box algorithms? On the epistemological and ethical basis of trust in medical AI
- We might be afraid of black-box algorithms
- Trustworthy medical AI systems need to know when they dont know
- Process of risk assessment by research ethics committees: foundations, shortcomings and open questions
- Transparent AI: reliabilist and proud
- Triage, consent and trusting black boxes
- Medical assistance in dying for the psychiatrically ill reply to Buturovic
- Promoting racial equity in COVID-19 resource allocation
- Ethics briefing – February 2021
- Pros and cons of prosent as an alternative to traditional consent in medical research
- Old problems in need of new (narrative) approaches? A young physician-bioethicists search for ethical guidance in the practice of physician-assisted dying in the Netherlands
- Blockchain, consent and prosent for medical research
- Ethical issues raised by intergenerational monitoring in clinical trials of germline gene modification
- Impact of ectogenesis on the medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth
- Postmortem non-directed sperm donation: quality matters
- Forced caesareans: applying ordinary standards to an extraordinary case
- Non-directed postmortem sperm donation: some questions
- A surrogates secrets are(nt) safe with me: patient confidentiality in the care of a gestational surrogate
- Advance euthanasia directives and the Dutch prosecution
- Sleep softly: Schubert, ethics and the value of dying well
- Death and the neonate
- Art of accepting the ‘least bad death
- Dissonance and consonance about death
- Time and meaning in the void between hope and despair
- Ethics of placebo use in clinical practice: why we need to look beyond deontology
- Non-medical egg freezing and individualisation arguments: reply to Moen, Segers and Campo-Engelstein
- Ethics of research at the intersection of COVID-19 and black lives matter: a call to action
- Parental obligation and compelled caesarean section: careful analogies and reliable reasoning about individual cases
- Embracing slippery slope on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia could have significant unintended consequences
- Less nonsense upon stilts: the analysis of rights in medical ethics
- Insight is a useful construct in clinical assessments if used wisely
- Roles of genetics and blood type in clinical responses to COVID-19: ethical and policy concerns
- Triage and justice in an unjust pandemic: ethical allocation of scarce medical resources in the setting of racial and socioeconomic disparities
- Disentangling the individualisation argument against non-medical egg freezing from feminist critiques
- Delineating the role of penile transplantation when traditional male circumcisions go wrong in South Africa
- Discussing social hierarchies and the importance of genetic ties: a commentary on Petersen
- Defending the distinction between pregnancy and parenthood
- Ethical allocation of future COVID-19 vaccines
- Global equitable access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostics for COVID-19: The role of patents as private governance
- Can bioethics be an honest way of making a living? A reflection on normativity, governance and expertise
- Parental responsibilities and moral status
- A discussion on controversies and ethical dilemmas in prostate cancer screening
- Should mitochondrial replacement therapy be funded by the National Health Service?
- Arguments on thin ice: on non-medical egg freezing and individualisation arguments
- Individual solutions to social problems
- COVID-19 ventilator rationing protocols: why we need to know more about the views of those with most to lose
- A matter of time: grappling with everyday ethical tensions at the confluence between policy and practice in a psychiatric unit
- Pain versus suffering: a distinction currently without a difference
- Advancing technologies as both our saviour and our doom
- Sex robots for older adults with disabilities: reply to critics
- Good reasons to vaccinate: mandatory or payment for risk?
- How the past matters for the future: a luck egalitarian sustainability principle for healthcare resource allocation
- Withdrawing treatment from patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness: the presumption in favour of the maintenance of life is legally robust
- Dont stop thinking about tomorrow
- Using a biomarker acutely to identify babies at risk of serious adverse effects from antibiotics: where is the ‘Terrible Moral and Medical Dilemma?
- Ethical challenges for womens healthcare highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Mistrust and inconsistency during COVID-19: considerations for resource allocation guidelines that prioritise healthcare workers
- Sustainability principle for the ethics of healthcare resource allocation
- Terrible choices in the septic child: a response to the PALOH trial round table authors
- Moral flux in primary care : the effect of complexity
- What does solidarity do for bioethics?
- Grow the pie, or the resource shuffle? Commentary on Munthe, Fumagalli and Malmqvist
- Promoting the sustainability of healthcare resources with existing ethical principles: scarce COVID-19 medications, vaccines and principled parsimony
- Solidarity is for other people: identifying derelictions of solidarity in responses to COVID-19
- Reflective disequilibrium: a critical evaluation of the complete lives framework for healthcare rationing
- Sustainability, equal treatment, and temporal neutrality
- Solidarity, sustainability and medical ethics
- Becoming a medical assistance in dying (MAiD) provider: an exploration of the conditions that produce conscientious participation
- Redefining liberty: is natural inability a legitimate constraint of liberty?
- Experiences with counselling to people who wish to be able to self-determine the timing and manner of ones own end of life: a qualitative in-depth interview study
- How should the ‘privilege in therapeutic privilege be conceived when considering the decision-making process for patients with borderline capacity?
- Commentary on Jecker
- Considering sex robots for older adults with cognitive impairments
- Sex robot fantasies
- Are sex robots enough?
- Incoming ethical issues for deep brain stimulation: when long-term treatment leads to a ‘new form of the disease
- Nothing to be ashamed of: sex robots for older adults with disabilities
- Paramedic delivery of bad news: a novel dilemma during the COVID-19 crisis
- Doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic: what are their duties and what is owed to them?
- Fair and equitable subject selection in concurrent COVID-19 clinical trials
- Fair allocation of scarce medical resources in the time of COVID-19: what do people think?
- Robots and sexual ethics
- In the name of science: animal appellations and best practice
- Ethics Briefing
- Should practice and policy be revised to allow for risk-proportional payment to human challenge study participants?
- Fair go: pay research participants properly or not at all
- Payment in challenge studies from an economics perspective
- On measuring attitudes about payment for research
- Compensating for research risk: permissible but not obligatory
- Commentary on ‘Payment in challenge studies: ethics, attitudes and a new payment for risk model’
- Uncertainty, error and informed consent to challenge trials of COVID-19 vaccines: response to Steel et al
- Payment in challenge studies: ethics, attitudes and a new payment for risk model
- Why continuing uncertainties are no reason to postpone challenge trials for coronavirus vaccines
- The carnage of substandard research during the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for quality
- Integrating philosophy, policy and practice to create a just and fair health service
- Health justice in the Anthropocene: medical ethics and the Land Ethic
- Raising the profile of fairness and justice in medical practice and policy
- Why NIPT should be publicly funded
- Gender, gestation and ectogenesis: self-determination for pregnant people ahead of artificial wombs
- Impact of gender bias on women surgeons: a South African perspective
- Why public funding for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) might still be wrong: a response to Bunnik and colleagues
- Decision-making at the border of viability: determining the best interests of extremely preterm infants
- Three scenarios illustrating ethical concerns when considering bariatric surgery in obese adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome
- New way of being a person?
- Why lockdown of the elderly is not ageist and why levelling down equality is wrong
- Who is Phoenix?
- COVID-19 and beyond: the ethical challenges of resetting health services during and after public health emergencies
- How to overcome lockdown: selective isolation versus contact tracing
- Maternal request caesareans and COVID-19: the virus does not diminish the importance of choice in childbirth
- Ethics of sharing medical knowledge with the community: is the physician responsible for medical outreach during a pandemic?
- Are healthcare workers obligated to risk themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic according to Jewish law? A response to Solnica et al
- Forever young? The ethics of ongoing puberty suppression for non-binary adults
- Lockdown and levelling down: why Savulescu and Cameron are mistaken about selective isolation of the elderly
- Commentary on: ‘Forever young? The ethics of ongoing puberty suppression for non-binary adults
- ‘Harm threshold: capacity for decision-making may be reduced by long-term pubertal suppression
- Identity, well-being and autonomy in ongoing puberty suppression for non-binary adults: a response to the commentaries
- Uncovering social structures and informational prejudices to reduce inequity in delivery and uptake of new molecular technologies
- Protecting health privacy even when privacy is lost