- In defense of sporting supererogation: a reply to Borge
- How to be a fictionalist about sport: response to Archer and Wojtowicz
- Steve Prefontaine: artist on the track?
- Kinetic beauty: the philosophical aesthetics of sport
- The examined run: why good people make better runners
- Between active and passive: a phenomenological discovery of sports sensation experiences
- Marx’s repulsion and Serres’s turbulence: a Lucretian philosophy of movement
- ‘Life outside the diamond is a wrench’: on experiencing talent loss in sports
- On Esports and competitive cooking: once more on the nature of sport
- Fairness in handicap and championship sport
- The puzzle of sports fandom
- On the justification for World Rugby’s ban on trans women: assessing key arguments in the debate
- Why have North American sport philosophers ignored race?
- Sport humanism: contours of a humanist theory of sport
- The parental dilemma of talented children
- Spontaneous movement: an exploration of the concept
- Athletes as workers
- Ethical discourses for and against doping in sport philosophy
- Strength as phenomenon: a pure phenomenology of sport
- Embodied wisdom: philosophical reflections on boxing as a formative educational practice
- The wave commons: toward a (Rousseauvian) theory of entitlement and its rationalization
- The intelligibility and adequacy of late-stage utopian games
- Why player political protest should be part of U.S. professional sports
- Three paths to the summit: understanding mountaineering through game-playing, deep ecology and art
- Wonder and the sublime in surfing and nature sports
- Between adventure and delicacy: sailing as a powerful experience for women
- Cowboy professionalism: a cultural study of big-mountain tourism in the last frontier
- Why do birds have wings? A biosemiotic argument for the primacy of naturogenic sporting sites
- Two concepts of sporting excellence
- Gratuitous risk: danger and recklessness perception of adventure sports participants
- Scales of ignorance: an ethical normative framework to account for relative risk of harm in sport categorization
- The power of nature (sports)? From anthropocentrism to ecocentrism
- Nature sport’s ism problem
- Boredom, sport, and games
- On Boxing: Critical Interventions in the Bittersweet Science
- Mapping the terrain of sport: a core-periphery model
- World Athletics regulations unfairly affect female athletes with differences in sex development
- The philosophy of sport in Brazil: in search of the construction of a field of research
- Ultra sports as nature sports (proper)
- The shared innocence of cycling and mixed martial arts: a reply to Pho and White
- The family, the team, and special responsibilities1
- ‘The hand of God’: hierophany and transcendence through sport
- The role of risk in nature sports
- On not being alone in lonely places: preferences, goods, and aesthetic-ethical conflict in nature sports
- A defence of tanking in sports
- Freeride skiing – the values of freedom and creativity
- Non-ideal theory, cultural studies, and the transgender inclusion debate
- The paradox of the perfect game
- Is WADA creating and then prosecuting thought crimes?
- Inclusion as the value of eligibility rules in sport
- Foul-weather fandom
- Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport
- What do players do in a game? A Habermasian perspective
- Into the glidescape: an outline of gliding sports from the perspective of applied phenomenology
- Easy games are still games for Suits
- A Confucian mutualist theory of sport
- Is bodybuilding a sport?
- Surfing and the philosophy of sport
- Phenomenology and pedagogy in physical education
- Why privilege the Europeans? A discussion of FIFA’s rules for international transfers for under-18 players
- Husserl’s three-part model for intentionality: an examination of players, play acts, and playgrounds
- On the eighth day: a catholic theology of sport
- On the Eighth Day: A Catholic Theology of Sport
- Esports, real sports and the Olympic Virtual Series
- Risky rescues revisited
- Beyond the Fields
- Epistemological and cognitive aspects of the phenomenon of dance and corporeality
- Deleuze and sport: towards a general athleticism of thought
- The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts: Squaring the Octagons
- Return of the Grasshopper: Games, Leisure and the Good Life in the Third Millennium
- In defense of religion-sport separation in coaching
- Suffering and Schadenfreude in sport
- Sport and Moral Conflict
- A functional analysis of cheating and corruption in sports
- Why ‘Meaningful Competition’ is not fair competition
- MMA and the purist/partisan distinction
- How bad can good sport be?
- Somaesthetics and Sport
- High altitude, enhancement, and the ‘spirit of sport’
- A just organized youth sport
- Idleness would be preferred over game playing as an ideal in Suits’ Utopia
- Conflating and misgendering: why World Athletics (and other sports governing bodies) should jettison the competitive labels ‘Women’s’/‘Men’s’
- The business and culture of sports: society, politics, economy, environment
- Rocks, scorned facts, and diamonds: experience, recollection, and sport philosophy scholarship
- Trash talk and Kantian values
- Competing for the gods: agonistic rituals in the ancient world (Competiendo para los dioses: los rituals agonísticos en el mundo antíguo)
- The moral proximity of rooting
- The jurisprudence of sport: sports and games as legal systems
- Risky rescues – a reply to Patrick Findler
- The real ethical problems with strategic fouling in basketball
- Why we care about who athletes are: on the peculiar nature of athletic achievement
- Magnificent Utopian games
- Governing the society of competition: cycling, doping and the law
- Democracy, philosophy and sport: animating the agonistic spirit
- The Allure of Sports in Western Culture
- Suits and the phenomenology of games: a reply to Johnson and Hudecki
- In defense of medically supervised doping
- A critical note on a purported disanalogy between cycling and mixed martial arts
- Elements of excellence
- Beyond the finish line: images, evidence, and the history of the photo-finish, by
- Sex and gender in sport categorization: aiming for terminological clarity
- Trans women participation in sport: A feminist alternative to Pike’s position
- A comparative philosophy of sport and art
- It’s much more important than that: against fictionalist accounts of fandom
- A Husserlian contribution: concerning intentional movement and understanding in sporting activities
- The opacity of play: a reply to commentators
- Nguyen meets his critics—Games: Agency as Art in a philosophy of sport context
- Sport, games, and the fluidity of agency
- Feminist new materialisms, sport and fitness: a lively entanglement
- What money can buy: technology and breaking the two-hour ‘marathon’ record
- The burden of over-representation: race, sport, and philosophy
- Sport as part of a meaningful life
- Ants, grasshoppers, asshoppers, and crickets cohabit in Utopia: the anthropological foundations of Bernard Suits’ analyses of gameplay and good living
- ‘A vision of paradise lost’: coaching as a grasshopper rather than an ant
- Athletic imagery as an educational tool in Epictetus
- Phenomenal experience and the aesthetics of agency
- Beyond agency: games as the aesthetics of being
- Games and the fluidity of layered agency
- Art, aesthetics, and the medium: comments for Nguyen on the art-status of games
- Striving play and achievement play in Games: Agency as Art
- Misaligned education
- Games, motives, and virtue
- Game play, wholehearted engagement, and the good life
- Agential layering, the absurd and the grind in game-playing
- Fun and (striving) games: playfulness and agential fluidity
- Sport, meritocracy, and praise
- ‘Playing sport playfully’: on the playful attitude in sport
- A critical note on sporting supererogation
- A fair shake for the fair-weather fan
- The poetics of everyday movement: Human movement ecology and urban walking
- The poetics of everyday movement: human movement ecology and urban walking
- Spilled milk and burned toast: extrinsic pressure and sporting excellence
- Athletic skill and the value of close contests
- Setting the record straight: a defense of vacating wins in response to rules violations
- The influence of Daoism, Chan Buddhism, and Confucianism on the theory and practice of East Asian martial arts
- Sport and self-love: reflections on boxing and the construction of selfhood
- Climbing high and letting die
- Fairness, implicit bias testing and sports refereeing
- Carl schmitt, sportspersonship, and the Ius Publicum Ludis
- The moral responsibilities of Fandom
- Safety, fairness, and inclusion: transgender athletes and the essence of Rugby
- O Captain! My Captain!: Leadership, Virtue, and Sport
- In answer to Orwell: a defence of international sport
- The eternal present of sport: rethinking sport and religion
- The phenomenon of trivial offenses and why we should not just leave it to the referees
- Parkour: playing the modern, accelerated city
- Between physician and athlete: the idea of the trainer in epinician poetry
- Introduction: perspectives on the ancient philosophy of sport
- A stoic critique of contemporary sport
- On Princes and Carpenters Boxing in Homer
- Plato on women in sport
- Rethinking the unfair advantage argument
- From Plato to St. Paul: ancient sport as performative public discourse
- The ontology of team: a teleo-structural account
- Cheating and gaming the system in ancient athletics
- ‘Being fair to both sides’: an addendum to J.S. Russell’s and Mitchell Berman’s philosophies of officiating
- Skills, knowledge and expertise in sport
- Games, sports, and play: philosophical essays
- Between rounds: the aesthetics and ethics of sixty seconds
- Striving, entropy, and meaning
- Ambassadors of the game: do famous athletes have special obligations to act virtuously?
- Olympic philosophy: the ideas and ideals behind the ancient and modern olympic games
- Turning intercollegiate athletics into a performance major like music
- ‘Running’ up the score?: the application of the anti-blowout thesis in footraces
- Unisex sports: challenging the binary
- Gamesmanship as strategic excellence
- Somaesthetics and yoga
- Three kinds of competitive excellence
- Immunization and participation in amateur youth sports
- Does play constitute the good life? Suits and Aristotle on autotelicity and living well
- Defiance in sport
- Emotion in sports: philosophical perspectives
- Mountaineering, Myth and the Meaning of Life: Psychoanalysing Alpinism
- Better days: aging and athletic attitude
- The Philosophy of Football (Ethics and Sport Series)
- The I in team: sports fandom and the reproduction of identity
- Athletic virtue and aesthetic values in Aristotle’s ethics
- The ethics of the special ranking for pregnancy in tennis
- Football: the philosophy behind the game
- Pragmatic conventionalism and sport normativity in the face of intractable dilemmas
- On being part of a game
- A critique of Suits’s (alleged) counterexample to Wittgenstein’s position on the definability of ‘game’
- Philosophy and Nature Sports
- From ‘philosophy of sport’ to ‘philosophies of sports’? History, identity and diversification of sport philosophy
- Rights and consent in mixed martial arts
- Wushu: a culture of adversaries
- Ethics in youth sport: policy and pedagogical applications
- Rules in games and sports: why a solution to the problem of penalties leads to the rejection of formalism as a useful theory about the nature of sport
- Games and ideal playgrounds
- Sport, stories, and morality: a Rortyan approach to doping ethics
- ‘Equal play, equal pay’: moral grounds for equal pay in football
- The use of head-to-head records for breaking ties in round-robin soccer contests
- Not everything is a contest: sport, nature sport, and friluftsliv
- Suffering in sport: why people willingly embrace negative emotional experiences
- Talent development, existential philosophy and sport: on becoming an elite athlete
- Don’t stop make-believing
- Sport as a (mere) hobby: in defense of ‘the gentle pursuit of a modest competence’
- Do you really hate Tom Brady? Pretense and emotion in sport
- All caught up in the kayfabe: understanding and appreciating pro-wrestling
- Emotional sharing in football audiences
- Only a game? Player misery across game boundaries
- Ethics in sport
- Sport and the anxious mind
- Agent-regret and sporting glory
- The interplay between resentment, motivation, and performance
- Shame in sport
- Shame and the sports fan
- Cheating as wrongful competitive norm violating
- Action theory and the value of sport
- Phenomenology in the bleachers: Heidegger and the truth of sport
- Conventionalism defended: a reply to Moore
- Judging athletes’ moral actions: some critical reflections
- Being and feeling addicted to exercise: Reflections from a neophenomenological perspective
- What would a deep ecological sport look like? The example of Arne Naess
- The Cybathlon experience: beyond transhumanism to capability hybridization
- Should chess and other mind sports be regarded as sports?
- Why Roger Federer is a GOAT: an account of sporting genius
- Skill acquisition without representation
- The compatibility of zero-sum logic and mutualism in sport
- Knowing the score: how sport teaches us about philosophy (and philosophy about sport)
- Against deep conventionalism
- History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity
- History and philosophy of sport and physical activity
- Fundamentals of sports ethics
- ‘He didn’t want to let his team down’: the challenge of dual loyalty for team physicians
- Bubbles & Squat – did Dionysus just sneak into the fitness centre?
- Bubbles & Squat – did Dionysus just sneak into the fitness centre?
- A critique of mutualism’s combination of the Aristotelian and Kantian traditions
- The neutrality myth: why international sporting associations and politics cannot be separated
- Bernard Suits on capacities: games, perfectionism, and Utopia
- Embodied Rilkean sport-specific knowledge
- Defining sport: conceptions and borderlines
- Golf as meaningful play: a philosophical guide
- Performance-enhancing drugs as a collective action problem
- Therapeutic Use Exemptions and the Doctrine of Double Effect
- What counts as part of a game? Reconsidering skills
- Michael Novak’s alternate route: political realism in The Joy of Sports
- Gender Testing in Sport: Ethics, cases and controversies
- Bad call
- ‘Being in your body’ and ‘being in the moment’: the dancing body-subject and inhabited transcendence
- Competition, cooperation, and an adversarial model of sport
- Is it defensible for women to play fewer sets than men in grand slam tennis?
- What must I know to be brave?: revisiting the role of knowledge in the exercise of courage in sport
- Sporting supererogation and why it matters
- The Ethics of Sport: what everyone needs to know
- Playing games: an introduction to the philosophy of sport through dialogue
- Strategic fouls: a new defense
- Gender equality in the Olympic Movement: not a simple question, not a simple answer
- The paradoxes of Utopian game-playing
- Toward a shallow interpretivist model of sport
- Simulation, seduction, and bullshit: cooperative and destructive misleading
- Sport philosophy now: the culture of sports after the Lance Armstrong scandal
- Why Olympia matters for modern sport
- On the alleged intrinsic immorality of mixed martial arts
- A moral basis for prohibiting performance enhancing drug use in competitive sport
- Endless summer: What kinds of games will Suits’ utopians play?
- Transgender women in sport
- Sportsmanship. Multidisciplinary Perspectives
- Searle, Merleau-Ponty, Rizzolatti – three perspectives on Intentionality and action in sport
- Toward sport reform: hegemonic masculinity and reconceptualizing competition
- Ludonarrative dissonance and dominant narratives
- Sport as meaningful narratives
- Underdogs, upsets, and overachievers
- Purism and the category of ‘the aesthetic’: the drama argument
- Sport, fiction, and the stories they tell
- The philosophy of human movement
- Playing to win vs. playing for meaningful victories
- A Kantian view of Suits’ Utopia: ‘a kingdom of autotelically-motivated game players’
- Competition as cooperation
- David Foster Wallace on dumb jocks and athletic genius
- On game definitions
- Formalism and strategic fouls
- Philosophy of sport: key questions
- Mumford on aesthetic–moral interaction in sport