- Labor as an Overlooked Entry Point into the Modern Age in the Works of Arendt and Foucault
- Training the Philosopher King: Ancient Models of Political Action in Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault
- The Politics of Method: Arendt and Foucault on Hobbes
- Technology, Modernity, and the Possibility of Historical Understanding
- Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault on History, Tradition, and Modernity
- Politics, History, Freedom: Arendt, Foucault and the Politics of Genealogy
- Reason to Hope? Arendt, Foucault, and the Escape from Politics into History
- Introduction: the Challenge of Arendt and Foucault on History
- A Pragmatist Philosophy of History , written by Marnie Binder
- Realism, Postmodernism and/as Metanarrative
- The Reality Effect: On Adam Timmins’ Towards a Realist Philosophy of History
- Stories Are Still Not Lived but Told
- The Past in Question: History as Past and Present Problem-Spaces
- Note from the Forum Editors
- Curating the Past
- Response to Frank Ankersmit, Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen, and Paul Roth
- Speaking of Facts: or, Reality without Realism
- Being Realistic about Anti-realism
- Intuition Is Not Enough
- What Is Historical Anti-realism and How to Define It?
- Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives , edited by Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen
- Modern Historiography in the Making: The German Sense of the Past, 1700–1900 , written by Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen
- Idea or Concept?
- Experience versus Recollection: Reinhart Koselleck and Aleida Assmann on Collective Memory
- The One Big Idea: Koselleck’s Structures of Repetition and Their Historiographical Consequences
- Koselleck and the Problem of Historical Judgment
- Hont and Koselleck on the Crisis of Authority
- Introduction. On the Need for Theory in History
- Frege and the Logic of the Historical Proposition
- Memory, Folk Narratives, and Social Critique: Notes on Jane Addams and the “Devil Baby” Legend
- Frameworks in Historiography: Explanation, Scenarios, and Futures
- On Compatibility between Presentism and Anti-Presentism in History of Science
- On Plurality and Relativism in History
- Thinking about Past Minds: Cognitive Science as Philosophy of Historiography
- Pre-Narrativist Philosophy of History
- The Futures of the Philosophy of History: An Introduction
- Analysing Historical Narratives: On Academic, Popular and Educational Framings of the Past , edited by Stefan Berger, Nicola Brauch and Chris Lorenz
- On the Ambivalence of Control in Experimental Investigation of Historically Contingent Processes
- Of Records and Ruins: Metaphors about the Deep Past
- Wonderful Mind: Convergentism and the Crusade Against Evolutionary Progress
- George G. Simpson and Stephen J. Gould on Values: Shifting Normative Frameworks in Historical Context
- Narrative Explanation and Non-Epistemic Value
- Culture’s Impact on the Historical Sciences
- Counterfactual History: Three Worries and Replies
- Historical Contingency: A Special Issue on Epistemic & Non-Epistemic Values in Historical Sciences
- Figural Realism and the Politics of Literature: Hayden White and Jacques Rancière Read Erich Auerbach
- Rethinking Historical Aspects
- Semantic Externalism and the History of Ideas: A Critical Review
- The Primacy of Method in Historical Research: Philosophy of History and the Perspective of Meaning , written by Jonas Ahlskog
- Jerzy Topolski’s Restoration (ad Integrum) of Historics/Historyka
- A Naïve Realist Rumination on the Roth-and-Dewulf versus Currie-and-Swaim Exchange
- The Unconscious in History: Eduard von Hartmann among Schopenhauer, Schelling, and Hegel
- Situating the Enlightenment in Herder’s Philosophy of History
- Real True Facts: A Reply to Currie and Swaim
- Minimal Metaphysics vs. Maximal Semantics: A Response to Paul Roth and Fons Dewulf
- How Should Philosophers Approach the History of Philosophy?
- Editorial: It’s Time for Fresh Ideas
- Welcome Note from the Editor-in-Chief: The Task of Philosophy of History
- Empathy and History: Historical Understanding in Re-enactment, Hermeneutics and Education , written by Tyson Retz
- The Modern Concept of History and its Value: An Introduction, written by Chiel van den Akker
- Peirce on the Uses of History, written by Tullio Viola
- Empathy and the Historical Understanding of the Human Past , written by Thomas A. Kohut
- Perspective and the Past: Modeling Historical Representation from Camera Obscura to Virtual Reality
- Kittsteiner’s History Out of Joint
- Peter Munz and Historical Thought
- The Windowless Room of the Present: Rereading David Harlan
- One-Dimensional Man, One-Dimensional History: Re-reading Herbert Marcuse
- Jerzy Topolski’s Marxist Anthropocentrism
- What’s Forgotten About The Structure of Scientific Revolutions?
- The Spinning Silkworm: Benedetto Croce’s History as the Story of Liberty
- History and/as Science: Rereading Paul Lacombe
- Tolstoy’s War and Peace: Philosophy of History Defamiliarized
- Introduction: The Posterizing Impulse in Philosophy of History
- Historicism Now: Historiographic Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology Out of Bounds
- Past Facts and the Nature of History
- Editorial: How Many Worlds of History Are There?
- Editorial: Living and Editing in the Online World
- A Narrativist Revival?
- What is a Classic in History?
- Clio’s Laws. On History and Language, written by Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo
- Conflicts of Planetary Proportion – A Conversation
- Human Flourishing and History: A Religious Imaginary for the Anthropocene
- Museums in the Long Now: History in the Geological Age of Humans
- Ours Is the Earth: Science and Human History in the Anthropocene
- Unbinding from Humanity: Nandipha Mntambo’s Europa and the Limits of History and Identity
- Historical Thinking and the Human: Introduction
- Radical, Sceptical and Liberal Enlightenment
- Editorial: The Philosophy of Intellectual History and Conceptual Change
- Confrontation and Its Problems: Can the History of Science Provide Evidence for the Philosophy of Science?
- Meanings and Understandings in the History of Ideas
- History on the Move: Reimagining Historical Change and the (Im)possibility of Utopia in the 21st Century
- The End of Histories? Review Essay of Alexander Rosenberg’s How History Gets Things Wrong: the Neuroscience of Our Addiction to Stories
- Editorial: Too many books to read? Then read this.
- Scientific Concepts as Forward-Looking: How Taxonomic Structure Facilitates Conceptual Development
- R. G. Collingwood’s Overlapping Ideas of History
- Ortega’s Pragmatist Perspectivism: On the Problem of Relativism
- Appropriation, Dialogue, and Dispute: Towards a Theory of Philosophical Engagement with the Past
- “Caught in Its Movement”: Liberalism, Critique, and Dewey’s Implicit Philosophy of History
- John Dewey and James Baldwin on History, Tragedy, and the Forgetting of Race
- To Bear the Past as a Living Wound: William James and the Philosophy of History
- Pragmatism and Historicity
- Full History: On the Meaningfulness of Shared Action, written by Steven G. Smith
- History, Causation, and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- Temporal Layering in the Long Conceptual History of Sexual Medicine: Reading Koselleck with Foucault
- Narrative Explanations: The Case for Causality
- Rock, Bone, and Ruin: An Optimist’s Guide to the Historical Sciences, written by Adrian Currie
- Can Normic Laws Save Hempel’s Model of Historical Explanation? a Critique of Schurz’ Approach
- Postnarrativism, Historiographical Evaluation, and Truth
- The Ethos of History: Time and Responsibility, edited by Stefan Helgesson and Jayne Svenungsson
- Philosophy of Nature, written by Paul Feyerabend
- Edmund Husserl’s Internal Time Consciousness and Modern Times, a Socio-historical Interpretation
- Learning from History
- What We Have Time for: Historical Responsibility on the Largest Scale
- Ideas, Persons, and Objects in the History of Ideas
- Editorial: Learning Lessons from History – or Not?
- Progress and Meliorism: Making Progress in Thinking about Progress
- The Limits of the ‘Autumn of Historiography’: on Frank Ankersmit’s Postmodernist Moment
- On the Standards of Conceptual Change
- The Energy of Concepts: The Role of Concepts in Long-Term Intellectual History and Social Reality
- Rüsen’s Legacy of Synthetic Historicism
- Incomplete Secularization of History: Ethan Kleinberg and Hayden White
- Historical Experience as a Mode of Comprehension
- Objectivity and the First Law of History Writing
- Practical Necessity and the Fulfilment of the Plan of Nature in Kant’s Idea for a Universal History
- A Loosely Knit Network: Philosophy of History After Hayden White
- Editorial: What is This Field Called Philosophy of History?
- Acts, Events, and Stories. On the History of Danto’s Compatibilist Narrativism
- An Audience for History? Review Essay of Kalle Pihlainen’s The Work of History
- How History Works: The Reconstitution of a Human Science, written by Martin L. Davies
- Editorial: Can History be Used to Test Philosophy?
- Jeffrey Andrew Barash
- Review-Essay
- Reaction in Politics (Advance Article)
- Collective Memory and the Historical Past, written by Jeffrey Andrew Barash
- The History and Fulfilment of Western Rationality: Martin Jay’s The Eclipse of Reason
- Reaction in Politics
- Paul A. Roth and the Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History (Advance Article)
- Paul A. Roth and the Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History
- Leon J. Goldstein
- Conceptual Tension: Essays on Kinship, Politics, and Individualism, written by Leon J. Goldstein
- The Soul of Historiography
- Editorial: Plenitude is the Cost of Success
- Arthur Danto, the End of Art, and the Philosophical View of History
- Learning from History (Advance Article)
- Could Science be Interestingly Different?
- Explication Work for Science and Philosophy
- What We Have Time For: Historical Responsibility on the Largest Scale
- Paul Feyerabend
- Using History as Evidence in Philosophy of Science: A Methodological Critique
- Collingwood, Scientism and Historicism
- R. G. Collingwood and the Presence of the Past
- Why Re-enactment is not Empathy, Once and for All
- Farewell to the Readers of the
- Welcome Note from Editor-in-Chief
- Ideas, Persons, and Objects in the History of Ideas (Advance Article)
- The Problem of Rule-Choice Redux (Advance Article)
- Hyperfactuals
- Simone Weil’s Philosophy of History
- A Philosophical Reconstruction of the Sublime
- Narcissism or Facts? (Advance Article)
- Edmund Husserl’s Internal Time Consciousness and Modern Times, a Socio-historical Interpretation (Advance Article)
- Practical Necessity and the Fulfilment of the Plan of Nature in Kant’s (Advance Article)
- Possible Worlds of History (Advance Article)
- The Practical Turn (Advance Article)
- Historical Experience as a Mode of Comprehension (Advance Article)
- Objectivity and the First Law of History Writing (Advance Article)
- Intellectual History, Inferentialism, and the Weimar Origins of Political Theory (Advance Article)
- Was Emily Brown American Empress in Korea? (Advance Article)
- Vico, Collingwood, and the Materiality of the Past (Advance Article)
- “ ‘Signature Event Context’ . . . in, well, ” (Advance Article)
- Arendt and Benjamin: Tradition, Progress and Break with the Past
- Discontinuity Pragmatically Framed
- On Breaking Up Time, or, Perennialism as Philosophy of History (Advance Article)
- Leo Strauss, Political Science, and the Trouble with a “Great Books” Approach to the Study of Politics (Advance Article)
- The Crisis of Testimony in Historiography
- What Defines a Professional Historian?
- Contents Volume 3 (2009)
- Early Heidegger’s Concept of History in Light of the Neo-Kantians
- The Philosophy of Natural History and Historiography Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate
- Experience, Temporality and History