- An Analysis of the Colonialist Roots of William Rees’s Case for Human Population Decline
- bell hooks and Being a Southern Black Woman Intellectual
- Finding Sanctuary with bell hooks
- Theory of Friendship and Love in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Opinions: Egoism or Altruism, a False Dichotomy?
- Regarding bell
- The Idea of a Vital Principle in Yoga, Āyurveda and the Second Axiom of Thermodynamics
- Ghazālī’s Influence on Mullā Ṣadrā’s View of Causal Necessity and Freewill
- Opening Chinese Philosophy
- What Contradiction? [K]anthropodicy and the Role of World Philosophies
- What We Do Matters
- Becoming a Feminist
- Accidentality? Thinking Alongside Mexican Existentialists
- How to Decolonize
- W.E.B. Du Bois, Jean-Luc Nancy, and the Aesthetic Education offered by Music
- Buber’s Anti-Platonism
- The Self and it’s Time
- The Ethicized Ontology of Hòa Hảo Buddhism
- From Yogic Powers to Technological Powers
- Author-Meets-Readers
- Symposium: How Was Caribbean Ethics Made Under Enslavement?
- Teaching Philosophy at Ethiopian Universities
- The Dialectics of an Advaitin Gandhi and the Modern World
- Reflections on Victoria Harrison’s Eastern Philosophy of Religion
- Mabogo Percy More’s Concept of the Problem of the Oppressed-Oppressor and Intraracial Sexism
- Becoming a Knower Through Apory
- Godforsakenness
- What Dwells There?
- Enrique Dussel (1934-2023)
- A Poesis of Black Leipsis, Or A Theory of Blackalyspe
- Philosophical Practice and the Matter of Everyday Life
- A Lifetime of Difference
- Symposium: How Would Feminist Concerns Fare in the Debate between Confucian Role Ethics and Virtue Ethics?
- Kwasi Wiredu
- A Tribute to Nathan Sivin
- Vivekananda
- On Yoga and Yogācāra
- How Daoism Can Be for the World
- Another Look at Iqbal’s Reconstruction
- How Can a Philosophy of Inheritance be Framed Adequately?
- Prolegomena to a Life Lived in Two Worlds
- Chicanx Aesthetic Expressions of Resistance
- Ricardo Flores Magón and Post-Anarchism
- Living on the Edge of a Volcano
- Reconstructing Hindu-Buddhist Dialogue on the Self Through the Lens of Jaina Non-Absolutism
- A Novel Model of Mind in Bīdel’s Sinai of Enlightenment
- The Instrumentality of the Virtues
- D. P. Chattopadhyaya
- From the Periphery to the Center
- Praxis through Multiplicitous Agency
- Can Intellectual History be Done Otherwise?
- A Revival of Iranian Tradition
- Formulating Metaphysical Contexts in Mexican and Spanish Philosophy
- Pessimism and Assumptive Logics
- Rethinking World Philosophies from African Philosophy
- World Philosophies
- Pramāṇavāda and the Crisis of Skepticism in the Modern Public Sphere
- Would You Think What You Would Not Live?
- Robert Nichols in Conversation with Kelly Aguirre, Phil Henderson, Cressida J. Heyes, Alana Lentin, and Corey Snelgrove
- From Temporal Redemption to Spatial Liberation: Omar Rivera’s Delimitations of Latin American Philosophy
- A Journey to the Way of Gongfu: An Intellectual Autobiography
- Island Expansion: Créolization across Time and Space
- Antiethnocentrism: New Strategies Needed?
- Lessons in Nondualism from World Philosophies
- Marx and Haiti: Note on a Blank Space
- Hierarchies of Foreignness: The Writing of Man in the New World
- Liberation Philosophy, Anti-Fetishism, and Decolonization
- The Ability System and Decolonial Resistance: The Case of the Victorian Invalid
- Decolonizing a Universal Bhagavad-Gītā: Reexamining Peter Brook and Transnational Orientalism
- “To Be is To Inter-Be”: Thich Nhat Hanh on Interdependent Arising
- Buddhism as Pessimism
- What is Authority Made Of?
- Global Ethics or Universal Ethics?
- The Limits of ma
- Who Should Ascend the Throne?
- The Challenge of Working with Believable Instead of Historically Verifiable Claims
- The Term “avyapadeśyam” in Gautama’s Definition of Perception
- Decolonizing Sikh Studies
- Nietzsche and Ramose on Being and Becoming
- On Suffering
- Aguda Blues, from Salvador de Bahia to the Gulf of Benin
- A Review of The Art of Chinese Philosophy: Eight Classical Texts and How to Read Them
- Commenting on Commentaries
- Practical Spiritual Philosophy? Applying Aurobindo
- My Intellectual Journey Towards an Intercultural History of Philosophy
- From Aesthetics as Critique to Grammars of Listening
- Ben-Ami Scharfstein: A Philosophical Farewell
- A Brief Tribute to Eliot Deutsch (1931-2020)
- Re-Reading Kantian Cosmopolitanism Through Du Bois’ Transnationalism
- Is Confucianism Beneath or Beyond Ethics and Politics?
- Jewish Vegans between Scholarship and Activism
- A Thoughtful and Attentive Analysis of Tradition of Reform in Premodern Islam
- Disclosing Our Being-with-Others-in-the-Fūdo: A Review of Watsuji on Nature. Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger
- Jin Y. Park in Conversation with Erin McCarthy, Leah Kalmanson, Douglas L. Berger, and Mark A. Nathan
- Carving Out a Space for Critical Writing
- Creolizing the Canon: Philosophy and Decolonial Democratization?
- The Eight Virtues of Liangzhi: An Analysis of the Fundamental Characteristics of Wang Yangming’s Central Doctrine
- Politics of Interpretation: Two Instances from Vācaspatimiśra’s Commentaries on Sāṅkhya and Nyāya Texts
- Decolonizing Sikh Studies: A Feminist Manifesto
- “Moyo wangu, nini huzundukani?”: Self and Attention in Sayyid Abdallah bin Ali bin Nasir’s Al-Inkishafi
- The Ambiguous Path to Sacred Personhood: Revisiting Samba Diallo’s Initiatic Journey in Cheikh Hamidou Kane’s Ambiguous Adventure
- “Under Erasure”: Suppressed and Trans-Ethnic Māori Identities
- Caribbean Philosophy and Me: Autobiographical Reflections
- In Remembrance of Ueda Shizuteru
- A New Anthology of Writings by Post-WWII Japanese Philosophers
- Negotiating and Overturning the Othering of Indigenous Epistemologies
- Motivational Melancholia: Nathalie Etoke’s Rethinking of Subjective Agential Praxis
- Charles Mills on Deracializing Liberalism
- Engaging with the Japanese Philosophical Tradition of Engaged Knowing
- Resisting Ontologization: An Intercultural Comparison of Glissant, Moten, and Suh
- Authors Meets Readers: Martin Powers in Conversation with Sandra Field, Jeffrey Flynn, Stephen Macedo, and Longxi Zhang
- From Civil Rights to Nature’s Rights
- niwî-âtotên nikiskinwahamâkosiwin
- Symposium: Why Historicize the Canon?
- The Racism of Philosophy’s Fear of Cultural Relativism
- The Spacing of Decolonial Aesthetics
- Resistant Epistemologies from the Andes (A Contribution to Latin American Philosophy)
- The Descent of Thought and a Beginning of World Philosophies
- Decolonial Theories in Comparison
- Empowering Relations: An Indigenous Understanding of Allyship in North America
- As if a Stage: Towards an Ecological Concept of Thought in Indian Buddhist Philosophy
- My Image Beyond the Image of Louise Sundararajan’s Understanding Emotion in Chinese Culture
- Memoirs of a Black (Male) South African Philosopher
- The Philosopher of Language and Religion: Remembering Margaret Chatterjee (1925-2019)
- Inside Out: Pleasure in Chinese Intellectual Traditions
- What is Really Real? Jonathan Gold’s Paving the Great Way
- Political and Epistemological Theories in Pre-modern and Modern Shīʿī Thought
- Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad in Conversation with Bruce Janz, Jessica Locke, and Cynthia Willett
- Philosophy En Route to Reality: A Bumpy Ride
- Lived Experience, Practice, and the Academy
- Why Epistemic Decolonization?
- Betwixt and Between: Kwasi Wiredu’s Legacy in Postcolonial African Philosophy
- Rethinking African Analytic Philosophy: A Perspectival Approach
- On the Disadvantages of “Global South” for Latin American Studies
- Perceptual Judgment Exemplified: Diṅṅāga, Praśastapāda, and the Grammarians
- Buber on False Prophets and Nationalism
- Beyond Dualism: A Review of Mind and Body in Early China
- Generative Ruptures and Moments of Confluence
- The Postcolonial Condition and Its Possible Futures in Achille Mbembe, Tsenay Serequeberhan, and Lewis R. Gordon
- The Racism of Eric Voegelin
- Panentheism is Still Vague: A Reply to Lataster and Bilimoria
- A Reply to Lataster and Bilimoria’s “Panentheism(s): What It Is and Is Not”
- Toward a Re-Orientation of Comparative Studies
- How to Strawson a Buddhist-Buddhaghosa
- Philosophical Journey: Bridging the Gap
- From Plato to al-Fârâbî
- What Can Indigenous Feminist Knowledge and Practices Bring to “Indigenizing” the Academy?
- Subverting Institutions: Derrida and Zhuangzi on the Power of Institutions
- Zhan Ruoshui at his Dake Academy on Mount Xiqiao, 1517-1521: Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Philosophy
- Pilgrimage Journeying in Matsuo Bashō and Alexander von Humboldt
- What is the Future of Indian Philosophy?
- On the Liberatory Potential of the Past: The Case of Non-Feudal China
- Investments in Patriotism: A Case Study of the PRC in the Post-Deng Era
- Identity Through Necessary Change: Thinking About “Rāga-Bhāva,” Concepts and Characters
- Response to Steve Fuller, “‘China’ as the West’s Other in World Philosophy”
- Toward Respect: A Review of Brittney Cooper’s Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women
- Departing from and Returning to Nothingness
- Crossing Paths with Maraldo’s Nishida
- From Liberal Feminist to Buddhist Nun
- Looking Forward to Progress: On Amy Allen’s The End of Progress
- From World Philosophies to Existentialism—And Back
- Jewish Philosophy: A Personal Account
- What Kinds of Comparison Are Most Useful in the Study of World Philosophies?
- On the Screen of the Visible: Outlines for an Aesthetic Research across Different Cultures
- Panentheism(s): What It Is and Is Not
- Hard Theological Determinism and the Illusion of Free Will: Sri Ramakrishna Meets Lord Kames, Saul Smilansky, and Derk Pereboom
- The Tradition of Avicennan Metaphysics in Islam
- “China” as the West’s Other in World Philosophy
- Critique of Black Reason: Rethinking the Relation of the Particular and the Universal
- Unity Through Diversity: Inter-world, Family Resemblance, Intertextuality
- Perspectives on the Methods of Chinese Philosophy
- Intercultural Philosophical Wayfaring: An Autobiographical Account in Conversation with a Friend
- My Pursuits in Philosophy
- Are Art Criticism, Art Theory, Art Instruction, and the Novel Global Phenomena?
- How Do Cross-Cultural Studies Impact Upon the Conventional Definition of Art?
- Making the Case for Jaina Contributions to Critical Thinking Education
- A Process Metaphysics and Lived Experience Analysis of Chicanxs, Spanglish, Mexicans and Mexicanidad
- Can Words Carve a Jointless Reality? Parmenides and Śaṅkara
- Speculation as Transformation in Chinese Philosophy: On Speculative Realism, “New” Materialism, and the Study of Li (理) and Qi (氣)
- Tidescapes: Notes on a shi (勢)-inflected Social Science
- Jaina Scriptures and Philosophy: An Essential Contribution to the History of Philosophy in Jainism
- Moral Geography and Exploration of the Moral Possibility Space
- Value Pluralism and the Challenge of Normativity in the Zhuangzi
- In Memoriam: Henry Rosemont, Jr. (1934–2017)
- Navigating the Berber Culture/Islamic Feminism Intersection
- Reason and Dialogue: My Road to Intercultural Studies
- Symposium: Are Certain Knowledge Frameworks More Congenial to the Aims of Cross-Cultural Philosophy?
- Author Meets Readers
- The Social Structure of Islamicate Science
- Legitimizing Blacks in Philosophy
- Translation of Tanabe Hajime’s “The Limit of Logicism in Epistemology: A Critique of the Marburg and Freiburg Schools”
- Global Solidarity as a Response to Our Common Humanity
- Sanya Osha and the Triple Discourse: Postcoloniality, Subjectivity, and Democratic Consensus
- A Fair Critique of European Philosophy?
- Beyond Emptiness: A Critical Review
- Response to: Brief Comments on “Siddhis and Psi Research: An Interdisciplinary Analysis”
- Response to Commentators: ‘Does Comparative Philosophy Have a Fusion Future?’
- What Does Comparative Philosophy Mean to the Social Existence of a Female Chinese Scholar?
- Responses to James Tully’s “Deparochializing Political Theory and Beyond”
- The Excitement of Crossing Boundaries
- Symposium: Does Cross-Cultural Philosophy Stand in Need of a Hermeneutic Expansion?
- Does Asymmetric Signification Rely on Conventional Rules? Two Answers from Ancient Indian and Greek Sources
- Internalization of Speech: Pronunciation and Perception of the Word
- Understanding Prescriptive Texts: Rules and Logic as Elaborated by the Mīmāṃsā School
- Metonymy and Metaphor as Verbal Postulation: The Epistemic Status of Non-Literal Speech in Indian Philosophy
- Is Western Marxism Western? The Cases of Gramsci and Tosaka
- How Do We Gather Knowledge Through Language?
- The Problem of Being in Latin America: Approaching the Latin American Ontological sentipensar
- The ‘Hau’ of Research: Mauss Meets Kaupapa Māori